Wrestlemania 31 - Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins


As of last night's Raw, Orton vs. Rollins is now official for this year's WrestleMania.

In general terms, this has the potential to be a great match. However, as with most of Rollins' matches these days, it has the potential to be an overbooked clusterfuck with tons of outside interference from The Authority as a means to deliver a screwy ending. Depending upon where this match and the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal takes place, Kane & Big Show's involvement may not be a given as tensions between them are almost certain to boil over in that match, leaving J&J Security to watch Rollins' back.

If Orton goes over, I don't think Rollins will make an attempt to cash in, rather, I think he'll save it for the post WrestleMania Raw. If Rollins goes over, it's anybody's guess. I'm thinking it's more likely that Orton goes over since their first & only singles bout against each other 4 months back ended with Rollins scoring the clean pinfall victory with Orton tying things up.
I should be more excited about this than I actually am. Two good workers, months worth of build, yet it isn't capturing my imagination. Maybe it's because Orton is beyond stale, maybe it's because Rollins matches always end the same, I'm not sure.

The conclusion of Raw showed me two things. Firstly, WWE could do worse than changing their Maia plans and have Triple H and Rollins team up to face Orton and Sting. Secondly, Sting should wrestle at Extreme Rules against Rollins.
On paper it should be a good match, they are pretty well matched in skills and ability. I just don't know though. With the outside interference that JH mentioned all Rollins matches usually end up the same, which is a shame for him. He's a much better wrestler than he's made out to be. We saw that with the Shield.

I know it's his gimmick to be the chickenshit heel, and need all the help he can get, but in reality we all know he doesn't need it. I think it takes away from him. Once he gets going in the ring, not many can match his athleticism.

Do have a feeling though we'll see another Phoenix Splash and an RKO out of nowhere that will get the crowd going big time. I do disagree though about the cash in. Depending on how the main event goes, and if it starts to unravel on them Vince just might send him out to save it. I can see Rollins in a holding pattern all night just waiting for the call.
Their has been already two brutal beatdowns. If this is just a normal wrestling match than Vince and creative are clueless. This needs to be a violent match, no holds barred or a cage match.
I should be more excited about this than I actually am. Two good workers, months worth of build, yet it isn't capturing my imagination.

It isn't, is it?

Needs to be that special attraction no holds barred match. Weapons for Orton, high things to jump off of for Rollins. Otherwise itll just be another thing we could seen (probably have seen?) a thousand times before on RAW/SD.
This match really has me thinking, and in my opinion is probably the most open on who should walk out victorious. I was going to make a separate thread on this but it probably belongs here anyway. But who really should win this match? What should go down?

On one hand, we have Rollins. The new up-and-coming star. Probably the best developed star out of the Shield at this moment (Ambrose could be up there if it wasn't for how they've been ending his matches, but that's for another time). One would say that, being one of the best new guys on the card, with the best developed characters, of course he should win! Losing to an older Orton wouldn't do him any good. However, he is a cowardly heel, whom has been always running from Orton & winning his matches via J&J (love them), or Big & Red (eh). By rights, shouldn't this be the pay off for Orton & the fans? Finally seeing Seth get what he deserves? Hard to say.

This brings me to the other competitor, Orton. At this point, a loss for him could be more detrimental than a loss for Seth. He was kind of meandering about on the card for a while now, not being interesting. However, as of late, he has been absolutely on fire. More so than he has been in years now. Aside form the I.C Championship stuff, he has been the best part of RAW in my opinion. Having him constantly chase Rollins, whom constantly gets away (except for that night he got a whoopin' to close the show), would make one think that he has to finally get his revenge at WM, kicking the absolute hell out of Rollins. If he were to lose cleanly, all his momentum would be stopped dead, and that would be quite the shame. He would look like an absolute chump.

So that is why I feel this is the most open-ended match on the card. Does Rollins win clean, looking so good in the process that he starts a slow burn to becoming face by having such good matches? Does Randy win clean, keeping his fire burning hot, whilst potentially snuffing out Rollins a bit (I don't think the loss would hurt Rollins as much as Orton)? Or are there some type of shenanigans that are going to take place, resulting in a shifty finish? It's really hard to say, if you ask me.
I feel as though the outcome to this match is completely dependent on the status of Brock Lesnar as a WWE wrestler after Wrestlemania.

If Brock signs with the WWE, then this is a throw away feud, you turn Brock face, and you have Rollins beat Orton clean, cash in the case, take the belt, and start a Rollins/Brock program.

If Brock leaves the WWE, then you have Orton win this match to maintain face credibility, you have Rollins cash in the case, leading to a Rollins v. Reigns feud with Rollins holding the belt.

I'd like to see Orton get the win, but he really doesn't NEED the win like Rollins does. My vote has to be Rollins wins.
Here's the potential match of the night. It's a good slowly built feud, with two guys that simply can go. Seth Rollins has had a heck of a year since, and Orton simply delivers in big matches.

How does this match go, I don't know. I say that Rollins should win, simply because he's about to reach #1 heel status in the company if Brock goes face. That being said, the WWE loves making their MitB winner look like complete chicken shits that get their ass beat in one on one situations.

Winner: Rollins?
I feel as though the outcome to this match is completely dependent on the status of Brock Lesnar as a WWE wrestler after Wrestlemania.

If Brock signs with the WWE, then this is a throw away feud, you turn Brock face, and you have Rollins beat Orton clean, cash in the case, take the belt, and start a Rollins/Brock program.

If Brock leaves the WWE, then you have Orton win this match to maintain face credibility, you have Rollins cash in the case, leading to a Rollins v. Reigns feud with Rollins holding the belt.

I'd like to see Orton get the win, but he really doesn't NEED the win like Rollins does. My vote has to be Rollins wins.

This, and with Brock re-signing, it seems likely that;
a) Seth cashes in on a Babyface Brock and wins the title.
b) Seth keeps the briefcase for a longer whilse as per the Authority just because they are the Authority and they do what they think is,"Best for Business".

As laodaron pointed out above, Orton doesn't really need the win as much as Rollins. Rollins should go over, whilst Orton can move onto something else... like say, Bray Wyatt(the Viper Follows the Buzzards, anyone?)

I could see this one going on earlier in the evening. After all, gotta make sure Seth's had a chance to rest before his cash-in if he plans on cashing in on the winner of the World Heavyweight Championship match.... I've got mixed feelings about the match. Randy Orton and Seth Rollins both have the necessary skills to provide a great match here, but I'm really not sure how I feel about this one as far as match predicting the quality. Orton's done pretty much everything he can at this point so he doesn't need the win. Seth does. Seth wins his first of possibly two victories at this year's Wrestlemania in a decent match that goes on 2nd or so.

Seth Rollins will defeat Randy Orton.
I'd love to see Randy Orton outwit the whole Authority and win the match, yet I'm afraid it's going to be the same damn thing again.....Seth Rollins relies on outside help to cheat his way to victory.

I believe Kane, Big Show, J & J Security and Stephanie McMahon will all be at ringside. Most likely, Triple H won't be since he has a major match coming up......yes, Show and Kane do too, but their time in uniform won't require the same effort as what Trips is up against.

It's all getting old. I still enjoy what Seth is doing but feel it's time for him to start fighting his own battles.....yet I fear if he cashes in MITB and wins the world title, the "attack by committee" stuff will get even worse, not better.

If things go the way they usually do with Seth's entourage, he wins. If Randy can someone overcome the interference, he takes the duke......but remember, he has no real allies to help him even the odds.....and Sting won't be there for him this time.
Seth Rollins ends up winning this match with him going over Orton tomorrow night at Mania setting up Rollins' eventual cash in because I see Rollins having 2 matches in 1 night the first being against Orton and the second being his cash in when he cashes in his Money in the Bank briefcase on either Reigns or on Lesnar
For me, like a lot of others around here and beyond, I think this is the sleeper match that possibly steals the show. I was never too impressed with Seth Rollins during the Shield and often thought that he was going to be the guy who never really amounted to anything after it was done. I didn't think he had the look or the skill quite frankly. But at Royal Rumble, he really did the impossible and persuaded me into thinking that he was really the strong one the entire time. With Reigns in the World Championship bout, you could be forgiven for thinking that Rollins had been put on the back-burner. But, truth be told, he is the future of the WWE. I see that now at least.

And the awesome thing about this match is that he is in the ring against a really solid worker in Randy Orton; a guy will be the perfect opponent for Seth Rollins. Both are really athletic guys who will give us a 20 minute classic, there is no doubt about it. I really hope that Randy puts Seth over but logically, the booking tends to suggest that Randy will exact his revenge and get the better of Seth at Mania.

Honestly, I'm not entirely fussed if Rollins loses as long as he is made to look like a star. And honestly, I'm sure that is the goal of the WWE in the first place. Randy has made a lot of people look like stars and we all know what he is capable of inside of the ring. He's not Super Cena or Triple H. He can have a classic match with someone without making it look like he is the star of the show. And as far as a result goes, there is no telling how this one might go. It's one of the matches on the card that is actually hard to pick a winner for a number of reasons. All that I am hoping for is that this match gets a good bit of time and delivers what all know it can be; an instant classic.

Dave's Prediction: Randy Orton picks up the W.
Usually, I'm not one to pull the "WWE is insulting our intelligence" card, but I have to wonder why WWE wasted so much time with Orton temporarily rejoining The Authority. After all the bad blood, the jealously, and the animosity between the two, did WWE really expect everyone to buy into Randy and Seth burying the hatchet? Did they expect to deliver a legit surprise, when Orton finally turned on him? After, all we're talking about the same man, who tried to "end" Orton's career.

I believe this feud will continue past Wrestlemania, so I'll go with Rollins for the win. It'll be a hard fought and competitive match, but Rollins will find some way to pull out the win with some help from the MITB briefcase or J&J Security to set up the rematch at Extreme Rules.
Orton got this. It should be a great match. I look forward to seeing this match. It doesn't really help Orton to get a win. It's not like he's going to be in the title picture any time soon. Rollins on the other hand would benefit greatly.
If this were any other PPV besides W.M I'd side with Rollins winning, however Orton just came back via intense attack at hands of Rollins so I see him getting his payback here.

If he loses it's because of the boring run-in shenagains, leading to a handicapped no DQ match @ Payback/Extreme rules where Orton gets his hands on weapons and goes ballistic.

Maybe that's just me wishing they'd end the Authority angle bc the promos and run ins are taking my interest in the show away.
This was a great athletic showing from both Orton and Rollins but I don't think anyone expected it to be anything else really. With the booking of this match over the last few weeks, it was pretty obvious to me that Randy Orton was going over to avenge the damage that Rollins had did to his career all those months ago. And by putting it second on the card, it got the crowd fully behind the card going forward; something that didn't change until Roman Reigns appeared in the main event. This match had some really cool spots and was arguably a better spot fest than the match that came before it. And I guess that is a testament to Randy Orton and Seth Rollins. It started out quickly and kept that once throughout. I don't think anyone will forget the spot for the final pin from Orton; popping out of the Curb Stomp to land a devastating RKO that sends the crowd into a frenzy and puts Seth down for the 3 count.

This was a great match that I enjoyed immensely. As I said, the spots were awesome and it was a fast paced match throughout. The card placement made sense in the grand scheme of things but I would still have liked to have seen this match get a little more time. For what it was, it was a good match. What's more, the result was right. Orton looks good as the man who pinned the WWE Champion and Rollins would go onto be become the WWE Champion. I have no real complaints about this match and actually would go so far as to say it was amongst the best on a very strong card.

Rating: 8/10
Match of the Night here. Rollins is well on his way to being "The Guy" for the next 10 years, and Orton brought his best Wrestlemania match in years. Orton simply goes into the under rated category for me. He's frustrating at times, but man when he's on, he's incredible.

Such a great match, and the RKO at the end ranks right up there with best RKO's ever. The crowd absolutely ate this thing up, and rightfully so.

Orton going back to his old trunks was a nice little touch. It fit the past/present/future angle with these two. I thought this was a terrific match. It was probably my favorite of the night.

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