Wrestlemania 27's Star-Strucked Match


Dark Match Winner
I have been giving thought to this idea for quite sometime now. In the last 2 years, though we had big main event matches for the titles (WWEC, WHC), HBK and Taker as stole the spot light. I mean people have, and I do believe, have watched Wrestlemania just for this feud. Heck, I was actually watching Wrestlemania because of this epic match. Plus, we've seen other matches in the past few Wrestlemanias that has awe struck people instead of the titles matches (HBK and Angle at 21, HBK and McMahon at 22, McMahon vs Trump at 23, HBK and Flair at 24). So what got me thinking is, who would steal the Showcase of the Immortals this year?
There has been some specs about Cena vs. Taker or Lesner vs Taker at WM 27.

So again, what are your ideas? It can be a celebrity, former WWE star, return of a WWE star. Let your ideas go wild :undertaker2:
I wanna see Goldberg return in some capacity, if Sting is a possibility that would be great, but I think he is still contracted to TNA. If Vince gets desperate for "star" presence they can try to bring back DX. HBK, Xpac, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn are all out there.
well, its a little to early to say whos going feud going into WM, but wouldnt a CM punk vs Daniel Bryan be nice? Undertaker Vs John Cena sounds real good, John Morrison winning the MITB might be nice too, Sheamus vs Undertaker, HBK is gone so there some people who can actually steal the spotlight.
I can see Sheamus vs HHH to determine who is the real "King of Kings"

Aside from that I'd love Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole in a street fight just to see Cole get his butt whooped...
goldberg vs austin...dream match what can i say. a heel cena vs taker would be good too. and hhh vs hbk, i was hoping for this match instead of hbk vs taker last year. sting vs taker would be good as wel
I will be attending Wrestlemania 27, got my tickets for Christmas this year! So excited as it will be the first Wrestlemania I have been too.

If The Undertaker is able to wrestle at WM27 I most likely think it is going to be against Kane because of the ongoing feud that have been having this year. Not exactly what I want to see but it is the most likely match up for Taker I think.

If not Kane I would like to see John Cena vs Undertaker in a title unification match. Also I would like to see Cena end Takers streak at WM27, I think it would be much like Andre passing the torch to Hogan at WM3.

I would love for Stone Cold Steve Austin to comeback for one more match but I really don't know who I would want to see him go against, certainly not Goldberg. I don't care if I ever see him in the ring again ever.

My personal Dream Match to be able to see in person though would be John Cena going agains the Great One! Thats right One on One with The Rock! It would be epic!
Edge vs. Christian for the WHC.
This fued needs to happen and can start with Christian returning and winning the Royal Rumble. Edge being Champion or winning at RR or EC. These 2 can steal the show they both are exellent in the ring so there match can be great and the build can be great too as both are excellent on the mic aswell. Thee match on Raw that week was good just think if they were given more time.
I've been looking forward to Sheamus getting a shot at Undertaker. I know the last few years Taker's matches at Mania have been getting bigger and bigger, but Taker's role over the last few years has mostly been teaching up and coming stars respect. So with Taker nowhere near his full capacity anymore I don't want to see him outshine the rest of the product this year. Sheamus can lose cleanly and it won't hurt him in the long run.

Orton/Punk and Cena/Miz also look like promising matches. Edge can defend the title for SmackDown! against whoever WWE feels is ready to for an undercard World title match at Mania.
What I would like to see is a REAL title unification match, completely getting rid of one of the world championships. They've already done it with the Tag titles, and I honestly don't care who its between. To me, dropping it down to one world heavyweight title will finally bring some prestige back to the championship and make it more sought after. One thing i can say for certain, is if that match does happen, I'd rather not see it between Miz and Kane. That would be the wackest wrestlemania main event of all time.
I'd love to see Miz drop the title to John Cena and Kane drop the title to the Undertaker, Cena challenging the Undertaker to Unify the titles and end the streak....(i just got chills.)
Now, due to the whole royal rumble stipulations of the winner getting the title shot at wrestlemania, I know that won't happen, but seriously, THAT would be the biggest wrestlemania main event in a LOOOOONNNGGG time.
I think something that could really stand out would be Taker vs Cena, Goldberg, Sting, or Brock. I am being biased, but at the same time those matches would draw a good number of pay per view buys. Another thing that I see people buying Mania for would be for a John Cena vs Rock match or a return from Austin in a one time only return match. Like you, I also think the titles have not really played much of a role lately as far as making people buy the pay per view. I don't think most people this year bought Mania just to see Jericho vs Edge. Cena vs Batista maybe, but not as much as Taker vs Michaels.
With so many big names leaving the company, The Streak match is the only thing WWE could use to make a sold out crowd. If they don't capitalize it by booking Cena vs Taker, then they're screwed. Some people go to Mania just for the spectacle and to say you've been there, but really? The next Wrestlemania may well be the worst purely because a lot of talent is out and there is doubt surrounding the whole event. I wouldn't pay out to see Mania next year because I would have to travel far and the cost of that wouldn't be worth it yet. I wouldn't see some of my favourite superstars, potentially. That's the main problem that WWE have. They're missing people and people don't wanna risk paying out to see something without at least something being advertised. Mania is the type of event you hype up over months not make a surprise card like 2 weeks before.

That's why the one match that has to happen is definitely Undertaker vs Cena. They are two top superstars at the peak of their popularity, something that people like Goldberg, Sting, Stone Cold, The Rock, or Brock Lesnar no longer possess.

Let's face it, using the current roster in WWE, what singles match has the possibility to draw more than 93,173 attendance? IMO, it's only Taker vs Cena at WM 27 if Taker can defeat HBK and Cena can defeat Batista this year. Being held in Georgia Dome with Cena (as we knew it) booked as an irresistible force ever since his run as an icon against Taker who is booked as an immovable object at Wrestlemania for nearly 2 decades in the second largest domed structure in this world?

The attention this match could garner is unimaginable, and the hype would be out of this planet. WWE would be an idiot to avoid booking this match again if Taker goes 18-0 and Cena defeats Batista this year. Let's face it, no other matches come close. Not Taker vs Sheamus or Taker vs Jericho. And of course not another Cena vs Orton or Cena vs HHH for the millionth time. Even IWC virgins & WWE No Balls Board Directors have to admit Cena is the biggest draw and threat for The Streak, more so than Jericho, Punk, Sheamus, or Ted DiBiase Jr all combined.

Facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania today means u have to be able to follow his matches with Batista, Edge, and Shawn Michaels (twice) respectively. Gone are the days when lower mid-carders like A-Train and Mark Henry could have a shot at The Streak purely because of their size.

Not only Alberto, but if WWE wishes for people like Sheamus or Barrett to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, they have to be sure the match could follow The Undertaker's last 4 Wrestlemania matches. Otherwise, it would be a huge upset.

The only two men that could garner the attention to follow the said four matches with The Undertaker are John Cena (for mere hype and atmosphere alone) and Jericho (for pure quality only). The rest of the roster just would not cut it cause it has been done before (Kane, Big Show, Triple H, Edge, and Randy Orton comes to mind) or not big enough status (Del Rio and the rest of WWE roster).

The Undertaker vs John Cena at Wrestlemania XXVII IS the match that needs to happen in order to capitalize this era, regardless who wins. Taker vs Triple H CANNOT capitalize this era, but Taker vs Cena CAN. Sure, there are big man wrestlers type mid-carders (i.e: Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Ezekiel Jackson, and Vance Archer) in WWE currently. But let's face it, The Undertaker could never carry giants into a legendary match at Wrestlemania. Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, Big Show, A-Train, and Mark Henry proved that.

Sure, Masked Kane, Diesel, Sid, and Batista proved otherwise. But look at the record, 4 out of 10 giants? Less than half right? Why would throw another 50:50 chance with a no name? You want to witness another bad match for The Streak after five failures?

So yes, a match against Undertaker can not hurt his rep any more then it currently is. Also Cena being booked would actually have people on edge because people know the WWE might book him to win, more surprising then Henry vs Taker anyway

If Undertaker can hang around for one more year, it is highly possible the match will happen. who else is their to face? Sure, Jericho is a good choice, but he has faced Taker at least five times.

Believe me, Undertaker vs Sheamus or Undertaker vs Goldberg (which won't happen) alone can never draw even half of 93,173 attendance. But with Undertaker vs Cena next year, it's a different story. Atalanta was WCW's base, and since this year's crowd was a funeral one WWE would be killed without booking the match of a lifetime.

Besides, Taker vs HHH won't be able to top their match at WM 17. I noticed Taker vs HHH at WM X-7 was a classic cause it was during the swansong of The Attitude Era, so the match was brutal (much like a street fight than a normal match) which saw both men brawling throughout the arena using weapons. The match turned out great because both men were brawlers and Attitude Era, whether you like it or not, bring the best out of the brawlers like Stone Cold, Triple H, and Undertaker.

Now, in PG, everything has been watered down. They couldn't use weapons anymore, they couldn't brawl inside the crowd anymore. Undertaker is injured as we knew it. HHH isn't a technical masterpiece so the match wouldn't be a technical classic like Edge vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXIV. And not taking anything from him, but Hunter is nowhere near Shawn Michaels or Undertaker in terms of in ring psychology. So, if the match happens it will surely not touch Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXV & XXVI which witnessed the crowds greatly contributed to the match. Long story short, Undertaker vs Triple H at WM X-7 was the best the two could provide when they were paired. Their latter matches together in King Of The Ring 2002, Insurextion 2002, Smackdown!, and Elimination Chamber didn't even come close to their Wrestlemania X-7 performance.

That's why I can't understand why people fancy this possible match-up. And the way I see it, this possible rematch, career vs streak or not, is futile. Not to mention HHH can't possibly give new name or new credibility for The Streak. His name is already written on it. New face like John Cena is more welcomed and would give fresher match for The Streak next year.

There's still a possible storyline for Cena vs Taker, of course. Cena is gonna be rehired, but that doesn't mean he's bout with Nexus is done. No way, Jose. There's still a way. I think there's a big chance then when this Cena/Nexus storyline is about to end, Cena is going to face the entire Nexus with even severe stipulation than just being fired, like he can't come anywhere near Nexus, etc. But if he can defeat Nexus with the help of ONE partner of his choosing, Nexus can never touch him or his partner again. And the partner is revealed to be Undertaker because they have the same goal to eliminate Nexus. Cena/Taker won, and to show his gratitude, Cena challenges Taker for a match at WM 27, kinda the same of what HBK did to Taker at 2009 leading to their WM 25 match after Taker confronted him backstage in Royal Rumble. If WWE decide to go with this match then no one will care about the rest of the card, they will pay just for this match.

And what do u mean by making WM 27 trash? WM 25 & 26 were both garbage PPVs also. The only match worthy of being watched on both events was Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels. I'm sure Vince doesn't want Wrestlemania 27 suffers yet another no sold out crowd for three years in a row after Wrestlemania 25 & 26 experienced the same. Or having WWE give yet another 10,000 free tickets at Wrestlemania 27 just like they did at Wrestlemania 26 due to no sold out crowd yet 10,000 seats were left empty...and they couldn't afford that. Or having Wrestlemania's 27 PPV buyrate turns out worse then Wrestlemania 26's, which was worse than Wrestlemania 25's, which was also worse than Wrestlemania 24.

Just so u know, this is the current report of WM 27 ticket sales:


This has by no means been a normal sellout in terms of early ticket sales like it has been in the past for WrestleMania.

Whether WWE likes it or not, Taker vs Cena is the only saving grace for Wrestlemania 27 to not suffer no sold out crowd and declining buyrate for 3 Wrestlemanias in a row.
Pretty sure that the Miz can sell out the arena vs Cena for the WWE Title. The only heels on the level of the Miz in the last 10 years were JBL and Jericho. Watch it build...
Weve seen them perform so many times together at Wrestlemania together, I think its time to see Christian and Edge face off at the Big One against one another.

It doesnt have to be about titles. But both Edge and Christian are as polished as they've ever been in the ring, and could surely deliver a quality match that goes 15-20 minutes. There are infinite possibilities in terms of storyline ideas. Christian could play the jealous heel whose never won the World Championship, while Edge has won 9. They could go back to the focus of their showdown on SD when Edge was drafted to Raw, and thats Christian knows Edge better then anyone, and can tell when he's lying, and build a storyline over that. Or even go with something back to them growing up together.

Any way the feud is built, this is honestly the match that has the most appeal to me for Wrestlemania 27. Edge isn't going to be wrestling much longer, and an Edge/Christian Wrestlemania match NEEDS to happen before Edge retires. If both are healthy, this should be the year.
Well, there could be 2 WM stealers.

1: Edge v Christian - This fued needs to happen now. Its been years since they split and they didn't have a proper fued in the past 5-6 years. They also spoiled a fued when Edge was drafted to RAW earlier this year. This match could be epic if done right.

2: Undertaker v John Cena - Match of the century I must say. It can easily be better than Taker-Shawn. Both the Taker-Shawns. Then again, I don't see this happening because Vinnie is trying to bring in Lesnar and/or Goldberg to face Taker and if they can't, I guess Taker will face Kane because of their unended fued this year.
it wont be the main even in this years mania, but in about 3-5 years they will do a rematch of the classic they put on this year,The 2 young gentlemen im talking about is
THE AMERICAN DRAGON DANIEL BRYAN VS THE STR8 EDGED SUPERSTAR CM PUNK. Vince would be a fool not 2 let these 2 fued at this years MANIA, it will be a classic and itwill probably be match of the year,.,., as far as money match i dont think it could get better than Undertaker vs Sting 1night only.have sting say he used his connections with big show to take care of kane so he could have kane out the way and he could have takers full attention for the 1 match wcw or tna could never give him,STING VS TAKER FOR THE STREAK.
Doesn't it just amaze you? How can it be so obvious to so many people, yet the WWE just doesn't do it.

Everyone and their mother knows the biggest draw for a WM is right in front of their face with Cena vs. Taker. It just simply doesn't get bigger than that. That is on the same scale as Rock/Austin. Taker has two WMs left in him to get to 20-0. It's got to be one of these two WMs that we see this match that is big enough for only WM.

I also can't believe Edge vs. Christian in a TLC match never happened. The match they put on the map should be the way these two guys do it on the biggest stage of them all. Edge vs. Christian in a grudge TLC match. The card would be so huge.

Just a brief rundown of the card-

Cena vs. Taker
Miz vs. Orton (WWE title)
Edge vs. Christian (TLC WHC Match)
Sheamus vs. HHH (based on king of kings storyline)
Danielson vs. Punk (US Title)
Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio (IC Title)
MITB Ladder Match (Wade Barrett, Evan Bourne, Cody Rhodes, Kofi, Morrison, Big Show, Kaval, Gabriel)

Fill out the rest of the card as you please. To me, that looks solid. Find a place for Swagger, Ziggler, and whomever else I'm missing.

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