Wrestlemania 27: Another booking.


Getting Noticed By Management
Wrestlemania 27 will go down in history as being one of the worst Manias of all time, especially with that main event of Miz vs Cena for the WWE title. Personally, the Miz didn't cut it for me. He was gathering boos, but he was just not WWE championship material. But I digress...

In Punk's DVD, Punk refers to this moment as being one of the most frustrating things in his life, as "some guy" stole HIS spot to main event. Basically, he says that WM should be all about the biggest good guy vs the biggest bad guy for the biggest title for the main event and he is right. At that time, Punk was far the biggest heel with his Straight Edge Society gimmick, since it was gathering boos everywhere.

Let's assume that Punk somehow was inserted in the WWE title picture and main event mania, champion or not. Also, let's leave the Miz to the side for a while. Punk could have won that MitB contract instead or something and become the champion, a la Miz. This would mean that we would get Punk vs Cena main eventing WM27.

How would Punk's future be after that, though? I mean, temporarily, WM27 would have been a lot better, since the match would probably be better and Punk is better than the Miz overall anyway. But, seeing what happened 3 months later, with the pipebomb thing, was this a blessing in disguise?

I firmly believe that the reason Punk got over so huge with the fans is because of the pipebomb thing. If he was still the champ after WM27, he probably would have renewed a contract, all this pipebomb thing wouldn't have happened and we could have got just another title run.

Would Punk be as over as he is now (well, was, until January), if he just main event Mania and didn't do the pipebomb thing? I will go as far as to assume that he would receive a good push, on par with the one he actually got. Was it indeed a blessing that Miz main evented over Punk, simply because of what happened after the next 3 months?
First off, Wrestlemania 27 is the worst Wrestlemania of all time and felt like a glorified edition of sunday night heat. And yes I have watched all the Manias. It was The Rock dick sucking show and to set up Wrestlemania 28. I am of the opinion Triple H vs Undertaker was added because WWE knew they didn't have shit for matches for the show so they threw that one on.

As for the Punk thing it doesnt even matter. I, as many others have said that Miz did not belong anywhere near that calibur of a match. But The Rock vs John Cena was going to be the focus of it no matter what. Miz could have been Punk, Ziggler, Sheamus, Bryan etc. the outcome would still have been the same. I really don't think they would have trusted Miz to main event if it was just going to be a clean one on one match with no shennanigans.

Fact is, as long as Rock was going to be the host, it was going to suck no matter what
Calling it a "blessing in disguise" is hardly anything I would ever describe Miz main eventing a Wrestlemania show. Wrestlemania 27 was an abomination and in the bottom 3 when ranking Wrestlemania events. Had Punk main evented against Cena then Wrestlemania 27 as a whole would have been better. Miz could have been left off the card entirely because he sucks, or he could have faced Randy Orton if we are having Punk trade spots with Miz. Orton would have faced Miz in a match no one would have cared about, I'd have that open instead of the Edge VS Del Rio match, bumping everything else on the card up one spot. Punk could have won the belt from Miz at Elimination Chamber to set up the Wrestlemania 27 main event. It would be Cena instead of Orton taking out the useless underlings of the New Nexus during the build up to the match.

Here is where it gets complicated. Cena would have needed to win the belt back immediately. If not at Wrestlemania 27, then the following night on Raw. Punk losing the title to Cena, losing his rematch (which I'd have on Raw instead of on PPV) R-Truth still gets his weird title push that summer. Punk wanting the title back when guys like R-Truth are getting the title shots instead fuels his frustration taking us into the contract ending situation and he still does his pipebomb. We still wouldn't have been sure if they would put the belt back on him if he was leaving and thus Money In the Bank 2011 would still have been an excellent show. This idea would have worked as long as Punk's reign during spring 2011 was a very brief one. It also saves us from having to endure the worst main event in Wrestlemania history.
In an alternate universe, CM Punk could have (and probably should have) main evented the last 4 WrestleMania's.

CM Punk 'C' vs John Cena - WWE Championship: The Rock as Special Host
As you mentioned, this would have been a much better main event and a bigger story that didn't rely completely on The Rock. Put Randy Orton in the World Heavyweight Championship match with Edge and Alberto Del Rio as a triple threat.

The Rock vs John Cena - Once In A Lifetime
CM Punk 'C' vs Chris Jericho - WWE Championship

This stays as is, with him co-main eventing as the WWE Champion. I think he still gets his Summer of Punk push as a way to turn him babyface. It could be fuelled by the fact he never got his re-match clause, forcing the match to happen at Money In The Bank as it did, and then him leaving with the title, as he did.

CM Punk 'C' vs The Undertaker - WWE Championship vs The Streak
I think this is the main event people wanted to see, rather than Rock/Cena II. That match could have still been on the card, but not the main event and not for the title. Could CM Punk beat the streak? Would 'Taker win the title? Undertaker wins, but vacates it the next night, starting some type of tournament or match for Extreme Rules.

Daniel Bryan 'C' vs CM Punk 'C' - WWE Championship vs World Heavyweight Championship Unification Match
A lot of people may not agree with me, but I think a lot of things should have been done differently for WrestleMania 30. First, they dragged Bryan's chase on for too long. He should have gone through The Authority and won the title at Survivor Series, in my opinion. Second, they should have saved the title unification match for the biggest WrestleMania of all time. Third, it should have been between their top two babyfaces, which despite WWE not wanting to admit it were Daniel Bryan and CM Punk at the time. Certainly not John Cena and Randy Orton, who fans were over with at that point. So Bryan is the WWE Champion, CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship.. and it's on for 'Mania!

Like I said.. an alternate universe. I don't think WWE really capitalized or took advantage of CM Punk the way they could have, both as a heel or a face. Those years should have been his time.

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