wrestlemania 23

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They're Not GOnna Do Any of Those Matches.
First of All..........It is Most Likely That Undertaker Will Take on One Of THe Following;
1. Umaga, (if he jumps ship.)
2. Then Current WHC (Taker Hasn't Had a Title Shot in a While so be sure to expect that
3. Possibly a Triple Threat involving some rivalry to brew up between two former Wrestlemania Losers that wish to gain revenge on Taker.. Mabey Fatal 4 Way...
Now that taker has been cleared out. now lets talk about Brock.
To Make Things Super Short.............no never gonna happen
Now Micheals and Tri-H........cant Happen Beacause HhH has announced that he plans on being Face for the rest of his carrer.
Last and Least, yes AND LEAST.....Hogan and Stony?
C'MON PEOPLE SCSA IS HAVING TROUBLE WITH HIS NECK, HOGAN WHITH HIS KNEE. WTF KIND OF MATCH WILL THAT BE? A "HANDICAP" MATCH? HOGAN IS MOST LIKELY GONNA RETIRE AFTER '06 anyway. so if IF Stone Cold is planned to fight someone.....think bigger....think similar name.......think ROCK.
idk this is all in my head, but ive been called a prophet so keep this in your head people
I personally hope i never see the old man (hogan) in the ring again after SS 06, The guy was in the very first WM, move on old man and take flair with u.
I respect him and flair for what they achieved back in the day, but times have changed since 20 odd years ago. Time to let go.

What would be good for WM23 would be batista Vs Lashley for the WHC, And for Lashley to give Batista the spanking he deserves.
im new to this forum, ive been on wrestlezone which give u loads of spoilers of whats going to happen, i know MW23 is ages away, but about 4 weeks ago on wrestlezone WWE said they wanted to start a rivavlry between cena/hhh/orton, this is because hhh was going babyface and he told WWE that he wanted to face a top heel and the only top heel was Randy Orton, thats why Orton is on RAW, you can think im a bullshitter, but ive bin on legitmate websites that gives you news straight from the people that write the WWE storylines, WWE are planning on running DX longer so hhh is out of the cena/orton rivavlry, and yes i know this is a dream match, WWE have waited long enougn and they are thinking about this match for WM23 as both orton n cena are big enough stars now, they ar eboth on the same brand now, and that is WWE giving us a hint, and i also read that Cena will beat edge at unforgiven and win back the title, after that they will being started something with orton, or maybe later.

so i THINK it will be:

WWE Championship

Randy Orton vs. John Cena
truth be told, i'd like to see hbk take it one more time before he retires(wishful thinking)

but that being said

orton vs. cena-very possible

hhh vs. edge-HHh had said he didnt want to work with edge

look for edge vs hardy at WM 23
I Would Love Hbk To Win The Championship One More Time At Mania
I Think Orton Vs. Cena Is Gonna Happen And Edge Vs. Jeff Hardy Tlc
Edge will not be champion by wrestlemania, WWE said that at the end of the cena/edge rivavlry Cena will be champion at unforgiven cena wins back the wwe championship and then it will be orton vs. cena, its obviouse, someone said before that Orton serves no purpose on raw, well that right he doesnt because raw already has cena,hhh and hbk, but they moved orton to raw so that they can have a push to starting a orton/cena rivavlry thats why they are both FINALLY on the same brand.
Originally Posted by nWo
at wrestlemania 23 these are the matches that have been confirmed:-

hulk hogan vs stone cold

shawn michaels vs triple h

undertaker vs kane (buried alive match)

batista vs brock lesnar (world heavyweight championship)

Hogan and Stone Cold match-ain't happenin, hogan is too old and too played out. And Austin won't come back. He's to busy with WWE Films. If does return it will only be a brief stint in which he will stun everybody.

Michaels and HHH- That match is good but has been done over and over. I do agree with Flokiyo that HBK turning on HHH would be pretty cool.

Batista and Lesnar- It would be a great match or it will be anothe Goldberg vs Lesnar match. I also think that lesnar recently signed a Pride fighting contract.

Undertaker and Kane-This match might be good but Undertaker's WM matchs have kind of lost their luster. He hasn't a real good one since his return. Kane and Undertaker are gettin old so if they fought in a Hell in a Cell match it would be both of theirs last match probably.
One possible match is Mick Foley vs. Vince McMahon, there are spoilers on this now, after Foley got fired on RAW, WWE are trying to make this a long term rivalry now. I think this will happen because look at who Vince has faced in the passed at WrestleManias

Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon

Vince McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan

Vince McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

NOW Vince McMahon vs. Mick Foley
From what i've heard I think foley vs vince is almost a cert for mania, orton vs cena seems quite likely as well, as does edge vs jeff (quite possibly tlc match) I've heard on a lot of sites that hogan vs austin was rumoured, though i do still think that wwe might try and play out the dx vs nwo fued, with either an elimination match, or at least hogan vs trips. I think that match is something wwe would want to push before hogan retires. Also, taker and kane are both set to retire fairly soon and i think it might be after wm. I think possibly hell in a cell, or else something involving those 2 against khali and maybe big show or something, if big show isnt involved in ecw title at the time. Or else something my friend suggested, which was long running fueds ending in taker and kane vs khali and umaga. Umaga will be put in a big match at mania but I dont think it will be a title match.
They may not trust each other on camera but off camera Undertaker was the one that suggested that kane be the one to end his streak. how's that for trust. Kane politely declined because he didn't want to take away from undertaker's legacy, how's that for respect.
damn, was he ACTUALLY serious?!! lol..triple h vs. shawn michaels??? they just brought back dx.....lol.....morons. and about the buried alive match....i cant possibly think of a better way to end undertaker's career as he goes off on a high note with a win.....it wont be against kane though. either his contract is up soon or he's gonna retire....i forgot....lol
DX is not going to be together when Mania comes around, so a Trip vs Michaels match is possible..

Also, Austin vs. Hogan ain't gonna happen..they will never wrestle eachother again. And Kane will be gone prior to Mania, as will Taker be leaving right after it, making his record 15-0.

And WWE is not trying to play out the DX vs NWO rivalry, infact they say IF it happens, it won't last longer than two months.

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