Wrestlemania: 22 vs 16(2000)

Wrestlemania 22 vs 16

  • Wrestlemania 22

  • Wrestlemania 16/2000

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Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
Another comparison for WWE pay per views. This time it's Wrestlemania 22 held in Chicago Illinois vs Wrestlemania 16 held in Anaheim, California AKA Wrestlemania 2000. This was originally supposed be 22 vs WM23 but I choose 16 for more variety.

At Wrestlemania 16 had the legendary triangular ladder match, A two fall triple threat match featuring 3 of the best mat workers in professional wrestling, and a fatal 4 way match in what is considered by many to be one of the most disappointing main events in the history of the grand-daddy of them all. Of course my favorite is the triangular ladder because it led to even better matches latter on between the 3 teams. The rest of the under-card was what you would expect from an attitude era show.

At Wrestlemania 22 (The very first Wrestlemania I watched live) we had A brutal ass kicking by HBK on Vince McMahon, A triple threat match that as Taz said "tore down the house in a very limited amount of time", and a main event that solidified John Cena as a main eventer in WWE. The second annual MITB ladder match was also held here, won by RVD which would lead to one hell of a one night stand. However my favorite match was Edge vs Mick Foley. Just as brutal as hell, there is really no other explanation to how sick this match really was.

MY pick is simply Wrestlemania 22 because while only one match made 16 stand out, 3 made 22 standout including one of the best hardcore matches in WWE history.

Need any help making your decision? here is a montage of both events



Which Wrestlemania was better? Why?
I think Wrestlemania 16 was better because it featured more impact in matches and the traditional ladder match before was way better of the present, it featured a cool match between The Rock and he layin the smackdown on Stephanie Mcmahon's ass after the match.

Can't wait until Wrestlemania 28 ! Lay the smackdown on John Cena's ass.
I'll go on record and say I PERSONALLY think the Fatal-four way match at Wrestlemania 16 was actually very entertaining, and severely underrated by most people....

BUT, without question, Wrestlemania 22 was an all around better event. Youy had the MITB match, Edge vs. Foley, HBK vs. Vince, Triple threat for the WHC...Great stuff :)
Wrestlemania 2000 was just terrible. it seems that beyond the three championship matches, the WWF had no plan so they threw together a bunch of random tag team matches that might have been ok for Raw but not the biggest show of the year. I did enjoy the title matches, they were very entertaining. The rest wasn't worth a damn.
I was at wrestlemania 22 and remeber the Mick Foley and Edge hardcore match being awesome!!! i could literally feel the heat from the flaming table the Mick got speared through...whenever someone trys to tell me that wrestling is fake, I always revert back to that match and tell them you can't fake fire. The one issue I had with Wrestlemania 22 was the Undertaker vs. Mark Henry match...it really wasn't that great compared to other Undertaker matches at wrestlemania. But I blame Mark Henry's fat ass for that.. i heard a rumor that the original Wrestlemania 22 match for Undertaker was suppose to be him vs. Kurt Angle and apparently the streak was gonna end, not gonna lie i would have loved to see that. Not becasue i think the streak should be broken but because it would have been a great match with two top performers and I can only imagine how stunned I would have been to the the dead mans streak end in person. And lets not forget Shawn Michaels beat the living crap out of Vince was AWESOME!!! when Shawn got out the BIG ladder and elbow dropped Vince, I about lost my mind...and not to mention watching Ric Flair get superplexed off of a ladder was very intense. i love Ric Flair but im not blind to his lack of wrestling skills in his older age, but to see a man in his late 50's take a fall like that was incredible. Wrestlemania 22 for sure was a better show but I cant help but think its because I was there that made that Wrestlemania so memorable for me
Wrestlemania 2000 suffered i believed largely due to the fact that I BELIEVE and i may be wrong, that they were hoping Steve Austin was to return for a appearence. A lack of a babyface win to end the night probably did not help matters either. The typical McMahon screwjob ending further damaged the main event leaving in my mind a sour taste.

All in all I liked Wrestlemania 2000's buildup better than the event itself and the way it played out in terms of overall rating. I give it a 5/10. The Angle/Y2J/Benoit match was great along with the TLC match, the main event as awful as it was had some nice moments. However, it was a double edged sword that marred the rest of the event.

Wrestlemania 22 was not my favorite either. However, it was definitly more polished and well thought out in my opinion. I was shocked as shit in a good way RVD won MITB, but it wasnt a title win so I was kind of like meh since it was only the 2nd MITB match ever and it did not have that aura of future champion since that streak was not yet established. I was not a fan of the michaels mcmahon match, nor was I impressed by the tripel threat WHC match. I was elated when Cena won but I cannot stand the guy now. Funny how a few years changes everything. Cena was a much different wrestler back then. I give this one a 5/10 as well.

A gun to my head? I choose 22 for the simple fact it did not feel rushed or looking for a cheap thrill or surprise. While lackluster it did not leave me feeling dirty or ashamed like 2000 did after the main event. I know my spelling and grammar is atrocious but typing on a tablet sucks. Sorry if people are offended but I am not retyping this for a fifth time.
I didn't really much care for Wrestlemania 22. The tag match was average and Money In The Bank was ok given who was in there. John Cena and HHH just didn't have that epic feel to me and I was never a fan of the triple threat maybe because I didn't like Kurt Angle in there. I would have rather had Orton be champion and go against Mysterio. I never saw the greatness that everyone sees in that hardcore match because Orton did the same thing two years previous but better.

Wrestlemania 2000 did suffer from Austin and Undertaker being out and yes it should have been Rock vs. HHH one-on-one. I thought Angle/Jericho/Benoit was good and could have been great if they had more time. I loved the Triangle Ladder match and the main event was good for what it was when they tried to give Foley that feel good moment. I'll go with Wrestlemania 2000 slightly.
I`m going with Wrestlemania 22 and I don`t think there is much of a contest for my personal taste.

Wrestlemania 22 had some great matches and some great memorable moments. Lets count off the matches The MITB was great (maybe the best one), Edge vs. Foley was one of the best hardcore matches WWE has ever done and had the match of the year between HBK and Vince McMahon, not to mention lesser great matches such as Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus. Many great moments as well came from this event such as the spear through the flaming table, the elbow drop off the ladder, and the entrances of both Cena and HHH plus the debut of the King of Kings theme song of HHH (which is one of my favorites).

I liked the WM2000 main event better as I think that was a very underrated match and had the most unpredictable ending to that point as it was the first time a heel left the big event as champ but overall I feel Wrestlemania 22 was pretty damn awesome and definitely a better PPV as a whole.
This is a two answer question.

Match quality, Mania 2000 probably outshines Mania 22 based on the Triple Threat Ladder match that was the best match between the two shows.

But consistant better matches than Mania 22 dicked all over 2000, 2000 had some great matches on paper but either the guys were too green and or the matches weren't laid out all that well in comparssing to 22.
I'm sorry, but who in the blue hell thought the 4-Way was one of the weaker Mania Main Events? It was sure a hell of a lot better and a lot more entertaining then the poor excuse that was 27 with Cena and Miz..good lord. At least in the 4-way they had the crowd into it.

22, the main event was ehhh. HHH/Cena was so-so. Not the best match ever, but it was certainly better then a lot of the other crap we've been given.
The only way I would vote for WrestleMania 16 is if you were comparing it to WrestleMania 15. WM16 was one of the most poorly booked events ever. Most of the matches were just thrown together for no reason. It seemed that WWE had no idea what to do for mania that year. The only thing that was good was the tag title match.

I had pretty low expectations going in to WM22 as I thought the event was pretty poorly hyped compared to other manias. It turned out to be a pretty solid show. Most of the matches were pretty strong. The only disappointment was the world title match and that was only due to lack of time. I don’t know that we’ve seen a better mania main event since Cena vs. Triple H. WM22 was easily better than WM16.
16 was by a lot of people a bad wm, with all the gimmick matches it had and the 4 way main event with should have been just hhh vs the rock, but the swerve of having vince turn on the rock and having hhh retain was entertaining, the hardcore battle royale was funny not a good match but damn funny, the triangle ladder match was awesome and had a great finish to it. The 2 fall triple threat match was also amazing as it made all 3 guys look good because angle didnt get pinned on either fall to lose the titles. This mania was your typical attiude era mania: Swerves, Hot Divas, Funny Hardcore Matches, Great ladder matches and of course who can forget the Godfathers enterance.

22 imo was one of the worst wm ever, i dont get why people like but the hardcore match was great, and that was it really, hbk just kicked vinces ass, cena vs hhh was good but funny as hell when cena was getting booed. And the playboy divas match was just like 16 hot but shitty, this mania sucked

so My vote goes to WM16 nuff said

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