Wrestlemania 21


Occasional Pre-Show
Just watching wrestlemania 21 on the network. Great event and all. But the only gripe I got is that on piper's pit is that a lot of the 'inappropriate' languages on the segment was cut off. Now I don't get that. Because wwe on the network have decided to show Benoit matches. Is that double standards or am I reading too much into it?
I guess if the product is going to be rated PG, then WWE will have to bleep out a lot of the cursing. For me, it takes away the feel of the original show to edit out cursing, blood, and what not.
I guess if the product is going to be rated PG, then WWE will have to bleep out a lot of the cursing. For me, it takes away the feel of the original show to edit out cursing, blood, and what not.

But what I don't get that there is a lot of attitude era stuff you can get on the network which is uncut and available to anyone so I guess that argument is out the window. Also the point I originally made is was why Benoit stuff is freely available but yet they prepared to cut swearing.
WWE really oughta listen to the kids they're catering to. Everywhere I go these kids are swearing, saying F*** this and B**** that and s*** and so on. Now come on, I really doubt WWE would make it any worse. Besides, odds are the most likely sources these kids are picking it up from are their own parents or other kids whose parents/relatives swear around them.
Yea i have a problem with that too. On the WWE network, Everything should be UNedited and UNcut.

If parents have a problem with that, then monitor your kids more carefully, or enable parental controls. Us responsible adults who want to enjoy an unedited wwe broadcast should not have to endure bleeped out swear words or other censored material.

The WWE needs to fix this
It's so inconsistent. They'll go from Stone Cold's middle fingers being blurred out to Shane Douglas audibly screaming "cut my fuc*ing music!" It's so weird.
If the only thing keeping WM21 from getting a PG rating was a few words spoken by Austin and Piper WWE probably felt it was worth it to edit those words out so more people could feel free to enjoy the show. There is a parental control feature that people can use to block certain shows based on their rating.

Let's say I'm a 12 year old kid and I want to check out WM21 on the network but my parents have the parental control feature activated. I may not be able to watch the unedited version. However, with those edits I could watch the show. Now if the show was filled with content that needed to be edited they probably wouldn't bother to edit it and I would be out of luck. That's why some shows, especially from the Attitude Era, are not edited. There's just no tolerable way to get the PG rating. As a 12 year old kid I'm not able to watch those shows.

By the way, misleading thread title.
Yeah its weird they have totally uncut ECW content with the F word floating around a lot, and plenty of blood. But far as WM goes, if they are going to edit, then at least have a unedited version, I thought that was the point of the parental controls or what ever. Then again who ever is doing the uploading isn't the brightest, they have many typos and errors on some of the original uploads, still not fixed.
Literally just watched it. Didn't see any censoring. Heard "son of a bitch", "bastard", and "who the hell are you" clear as day. Maybe your feed was skipping, maybe you have a random parental block or something on. But as far as I could tell the Piper's Pit segment aired on the network the same way it aired live. And damn was it entertaining.

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