Wrestlemania 2000 - What if Austin wasn't injured?


Lifelong Jerichoholic
The HHH-Austin thread has prompted me to make a thread I've been meaning to make for a while. It's a conversation me and my bro often have. Basically, let's say Austin didn't need neck surgey in late 99/early 00. What would have been the main event to Wrestlemania 2000?

It couldn't have been Austin-Rock-HHH as that was going to happen at Survivor Series.

I don't personally think it would have been Austin-Rock two years in a row.

Austin-HHH? They were feuding heavily but had had PPV matches in late 99 IIRC.

Foley and Show featured in the actual main event, I severely doubt that they would been involved.

Anyone got any inside info? Any ideas? This one always interests me and I'd love to know the answer.
I believe that when I read Foley's book, "Foley is Good" he said something about the plan being Austin vs. Show at Mania, with show being the Champion but that when Show stopped being over with the crowd, they made it a 4 way to allow Foley his dream of main-eventing a Mania, and to get Rocky and HHH in there.

Now if Austin could go, and I am going to assume he still needed time off from Survivor Series 99 til No Way Out 2000, I would have booked things as such:

Show still wins title at Survivor Series 99
instead of dropping it at the Jan 4 Raw against HHH, I would have had the Royal Rumble title match be:

Foley vs. HHH vs. Show [c]

Foley and HHH double pin show to cast the title picture in doubt.

Rock wins the Royal Rumble

Between Rumble and No Way Out

Austin returns to say that HE deserves a shot at the title because he was knocked out of his shot at Survivor Series. We find out HHH was behind the attack.

No Way Out
Foley vs. Show vs. Austin vs. HHH in a fatal 4 way for the title with Rock as special ref.

In this match, HHH pins Foley while Austin pins Show. Rock counts BOTH out so our co-winners are Austin and HHH

Vince and Shane return to clear up the title picture.

Way things stand:
Rock needs to face the champ, both HHH and Austin have a claim to be champ.

Foley and Show do not.
Foley then turns into Cactus Jack after NWO and challenges Show to a Career Match at WrestleMania. Show Accepts

So, WrestleMania 2000 gets a double main event:

Triple Threat Title Match:
Rock vs. HHH vs. Austin

Career Match
Big Show vs. Cactus Jack

I would have the Rock win the title match over Austin.

while Big Show would end Foley's Career

that's my opinion
If Austin/Rock/HHH would have actually happened (like it was supposed to, I ordered that PPV and was pissed Austin was out, which obviously wasn't me being mad at Austin, he had a broken neck) at Survivor Series, I highly doubt they would have repeated at Mania 16. I really think they would have gone with Austin/Rock II or Austin/HHH. HHH and Rock weren't quite big enough yet (at least not as big as Austin at the time) to headline, with Austin in the mid card. Obviously, they went with Austin/Rock at 17, so I don't see why they wouldn't have at 16.
Well I think what would have happen was at Survivor Series 99 HHH would of retain the title. The HHH vs Foley would have still took place at RR. The Rock and Stone Cold both eliminate each other at the RR. At NWO we would still have the HHH vs Foley HIAC match, plus Rock vs Stone Cold for #1 contender whch would end in no contest. Next night on raw a rematch Rock vs Stone Cold again only for HHH to run in and take out Rock & Stone Cold. A week later Vince comes back and annouce at WM It would be the Rock vs Stone Cold vs HHH for the WWF title. Then a week b4 WM the match take place on RAW with HHH winning and Foley coming back and now for WM 2000 you have Rock vs Stone Cold vs Foley vs HHH for WWF title. Basically you have Stone Cold replacing Big Show.
I think they woud have either gone with Austin vs HHH, as that was probably Mania calibre, or they would have replaced the "retired" Foley with Austin. The Four McMahons in each corner was an interesting concept thatwas probably worthy of being a Mania main event in 2000. What I would say though is that Undertaker was also missing that year, and Austin and Taker could easily have fitted quite nicely on the undercard, with the main event staying as it was. However, Austin fitting in Foley's place would have made the most sense. Linda was the face McMahon and she had history with Austin so it would have made sense.
I had heard that they wanted to do Austin/Rock two years in a row. It would have made more sense to do Austin/Triple H that year as Hunter was really coming into his own around that time. Like Tasty said, he could have taken Foley's place. While I wouldn't wish injuryon anyone, it did help Austin overall being away for awhile, at least in my eyes. There was a total Stone Cold over saturation and people needed to be reminded why they loved him so much. It also allowed for Rock to grow and really become the top face in the company.

If Undertaker had made that Wrestlemania, he could have fit with Austin. They could have also done Taker/Trips earlier than they did. His time off was good for him as well, the same way Austin's was.
If Austin had of been available, I would of wanted the main event to simply feature Triple H v The Rock with Austin maybe as the guest referee.

At Survivor Series I would of had Triple H drop the belt to either The Rock or Austin. This would allow the Triple H/Vince match to take place at Armaggeddon. I would of have a match for the WWF Title, possibly a triple threat match of Mankind, The Rock and Stone Cold.

Triple H then wins the belt between Armaggedon and the rumble (like he did from Big Show).

Then at the Rumble have HHH/Cactus Jack, and The Rock win the rumble cleanly, no Big Show controversy. No Way Out, have The Rock and Stone Cold against The Outlaws (maybe for the tag belts) and keep HHH/Cactus Jack as the main event. Then Triple H v The Rock for Mania, with Austin as guest ref.

If taker was available for Mania, then I would have Taker v Austin and Rock v Triple H. Give Big Show and Mic foley a hardcore retirement match or something with Show winning.

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