WrestleMaina DVDS

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
Yesterday I was at Wal Mart and saw and picked upped WrestleMaina they have them now as a one disc DVD it's basically the Anthology but sold as one disc at a time not 5 discs at a time, and there's WrestleMaina 1- 15 the prices for them are remarkably cheap $ 9.87 each .

Now the down side of it there's no bonus features like how When WWE released WrestleMaina III The Championship Edition.

So my question is has anyone picked upped the DVDs and how did you like the old WrestleMainas and what made you want to pick these DVD's up .

Your Thoughts.
I'll be heading to Wal-Mart, then. I never got the Anthology of the early 'Manias as I've got WrestleMania's 1-14 on VHS and an operational VCR. Hard to argue with that price, though, and these tapes ain't gonna last forever. Thanks for the heads up, Sandman.
I read a review that strongly suggested the Anthology over these. The E has not removed the blurring, even though they could if they wanted to. They have, however, PGed them, by removing anything that would not fit into the current vision of te company.
Yer the anthology over here in Australia 5 wresltmania's from 1-20 $47.99 each compared to individual ones at the moment being about $30 and they sell 20,26,27 and 28 here. The only thing I think these Wrestlemania DVD's are lacking is the free for all or Heat episode in the special features because you would get that odd match that wasn't too bad and they are as hard as hell too find and were free at the time. I've found trying to get wrestlemania's 21-25 hard though I hope they re-release them soon or put them as a volume 5 in the anthology.
Thank you for the heads up but i have the sets when they first came out! But thank you OP for the heads up i appreciate it a lot! Mine are blurred the WWF logo anyway and they mute out the words WWF! The F part anyway! Damn you Wildlife people

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