Wrestlecrap: The Worst Of The 80's & 90's

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Come here and remember the absolute worst of the 80's & 90's. The worst match's, gimmick's. promo's etc.

Dont just list add detail to you're post's.
Undertaker vs Undertaker was pretty bad. The angle leading up to it was sort of good, what with so many guys having to help Yokozuna stuff Taker into the casket. But then the Undertaker sightings, fake Taker coming back in with The Million Dollar Man, and then Taker vs Taker was pretty dumb.

The whole Giant Gonzales thing was dumb, and hey is Giant Gonzales the same guy as The Great Khali or related to him in any way, cause they both sure suck the same.

Lex Luger's hip-toss/body slam on Yokozuna on the battleship may have been great Americana during War For Oil I, but really stupid.

That's all I can think of right now. When was The Kennel in the Cell match between Boss Man and Al Snow? That was the worst match ever, as the dogs being dogs, didn't do anything except pee and poop and DO IT during the match. So the escaping the rabid crazy attack dogs thing was the biggest joke ever.

Actually just about every Al Snow match was bad. And no, I am not secretly Mick Foley...

You have to have Robocop in there, WCW 1990, search for robocop asves the day on youtube and you'll see how bad it is, JRs reation is priceless!
In my opinion, the worst was the "return" of the NWO, to the WWF. COULD have been good, had a good start, but then just went to crap. Partly because of bad timing, partly because of bad attitudes, I don't know. But the ending of the whole mess, with Vince proclaiming the NWO dead as an afterthought to another rant, was just pathetic, and probably the WORST writing job I've ever seen...
Sorry...The reason was it was all hyped up apparently, and Robocop comes out and saves Sting from being in a steel cage, I say steel but the bars are blatantly rubber and JR's commentry to it...

"Listen to the ovation that Robocop is getting" and the classic line of "he's ripped the steel door off it's hinges" said BEFORE the door has been ripped off it's hinges!
One name...Gold Dust!!! Stupidest thing next to Doink the Clown.
One name...Gold Dust!!! Stupidest thing next to Doink the Clown.

I'd have to disagree, Goldust was a great character, he played the perfect heel for awhile and his match with the Blue Meanie at Backlash 1999 is so damn bad that its good! Maybe i'm just soft on the guy cause he's Dusty's son.

The single worst thing I can think of from the 80s and 90s was either the Gobeldygooker, or that guy who used to come to the ring with a jockstrap on his head.
or that guy who used to come to the ring with a jockstrap on his head.

Aldo Montoya or Justin Credible, damn that was bad.

I hated matches with the Beverly Brothers, that was lame.

The Bushwackers were plain weird to have around. Could name more...:lol2:
i named my profile after what i consider to be the worst gimmick ever
Oh my god I can't believe I failed to name the worst gimmick of all time.

MEAT! (Or Shawn Stasiak)

Jesus that was terrible, remember there was like the PMS sisters or something that used to manage him? God he was terrible, anybody who's named Meat is going nowhere.
That's all I can think of right now. When was The Kennel in the Cell match between Boss Man and Al Snow? That was the worst match ever, as the dogs being dogs, didn't do anything except pee and poop and DO IT during the match. So the escaping the rabid crazy attack dogs thing was the biggest joke ever.

Actually just about every Al Snow match was bad. And no, I am not secretly Mick Foley...


..and who could ever forget the end of that rivallry, with the famous "Pepper on a Pole" match, where Al Snow and Bossman fought for the remains of Al's little dog, Pepper, in a Doggie Bag, of all things. Man, where does Vicne come up with this stuff...
ANd of course Doink the clown and his millions of clones, but hten it was decided there would only be one doink. BUt sant had just brought a mini doink for him and so called him DInk, who was then added by Wink and Pink...tehy had a match with Jerry Lawler and 3 mini lawlers at survivor series one year...that was terrible!
Come on Where is the Shockmaster people. If you haven't seen the video, youtube it. The buildup is amazing and when Fred Ottman falls flat on his face and his shiny sparkly stormtrooper helmet falls off, you will cry from laughing so hard.

Gotta put the Yeti on there. Hmmm, a Yeti, but he looks like a Mummy, ok.

Goldust is amazing, I don't care what anyone says. That stuff, specially mid 90's, being as suggestive as it was, disturbed a lot of people.

Any teacher gimmick is lame, ala Matt STriker and Dean Douglas, just shut up and wrestle.

The king of the worst gimmicks: The Boogey Man. Zero in ring abiltiy and zero likability. WWE heres a clue, if i want a scary painted up black man, bring back Papa Shango making ink come out of the Warriors head, not some dumb guy with no teeth eating worms.

Kennel from Hell was Unforgiven 99. How can you screw up a steel cage match wrapped around with the Hell in the Cell. Why, putting Al Snow vs. the Bossman with a bunch of dogs in it of course.
Koko B ware, Koko b ware was just a big dude with a parrot who did a brainbuster....completely forgettable.

Also, Sexual Choclate Mark Henry....Gahhhh what an awful gimmick especially during the storyline with Chyna.
Lets see Chucky versus Rick Steiner whaaaaat
The Black Scorpion is Ric Flair okay so how does that fir with everything thing they said
Katie Vick Necropillia nuff said
Bastion Booger couldnt wetach him with out wanting to throw up
The Dungeon of Doom when the best wrestler in the group and the most charasmatic is Kamala you know your group is doomed
The ICp invades WCW (although admidettly that wa sthe highl;ight of music and wrestling comapred to the Master P and the no Limit soldiers, the Kiss Demon and Prince

and teh worst thing ever Mae Young and her puppies eyeballs need to be scrubbed after that
I'd have to disagree, Goldust was a great character, he played the perfect heel for awhile and his match with the Blue Meanie at Backlash 1999 is so damn bad that its good! Maybe i'm just soft on the guy cause he's Dusty's son.

This is exactly why I hated the whole thing. I always thought is was a slap in the face to the Dusty Rhoad's legacy. I mean, would anyone else but Vince dress up a wrestling icon's son as a gold inter-gender freak. Some legacies are not to be messed with, like the Von Erichs, Gordys, Harts, etc..
And you are right, the match with the Blue Meanie was really bad. I just couldn't buy into it and thought the entire gimmick was insulting to true wrestling history. I know a lot of people liked Gold Dust for his heel qualities, but I just took it as an insult to the history behind the individual, that's all.
This is exactly why I hated the whole thing. I always thought is was a slap in the face to the Dusty Rhoad's legacy. I mean, would anyone else but Vince dress up a wrestling icon's son as a gold inter-gender freak. QUOTE]

Actually, Dustin Rhodes came up with the character himself. He didn't want to come in and just be given opprutunities because of his name and his father, that's why he went out as Goldust. Nobody had a clue who he was until they actually told us he was Dusty's son. I remember a short period in the summer of 1998 when he took off the Goldust gimmick and started a gimmick as a psycho Christian who preached the return of the messiah they introduced him as Dustin "Runnels". I'm glad he went with the Goldust look, it was always a character I enjoyed. The WWE needs some freaks.
I didn't really want to start a new thread of the subject of the Wrestlecrap website, but oh my god man I've got to include a couple of things from the website. Wait, can I do that or is that considered spam? Well it's not, I'll just share one of the funniest stories from the website.


Text by RD Reynolds

You ever have one of those days?

I'm preparing to write this week's induction, doing the screen grabs and such, and Blade and I start discussing it, and he starts asking questions about stuff that I don't remember seeing. This leads me to believe that either a) he's hit the bottle again or b) I am missing an entire DVD of the collection I am about to ridicule. While the latter is probably the far less likely of the above scenarios, it also turns out to be reality. I realize that, horror of horrors, there's way more to what I was about to mock than I had originally thought, and worse yet, I've only seen the second part of it, so I can't really do that and then a follow up the next week.

Scramble time.

There are unsung heroes of this here website. Two of the biggest are Harry Simon and Bill Brown, who send me seemingly unending supplies of DVDs and VHS's with oodles of crap. In fact, they've mailed me so many over the years that I simply have not had time to go through them all. They just all sit in this giant closet as WrestleCrap HQ, awaiting re-discovery. So I opened up the vault this week, reached in, and started going through the mass collection of nonsense starving for my attention.

Hmm, there's six T-120's of Muhammad Hussan. For sure that needs covered, but I ain't got 12 hours, let alone 36. Rosey, Super Hero in Training. Egads, that was awful. Why haven't I done that one yet? Let's see here, Polish Sausage Harvest...

Wait a minute.


Talk about your WTF moments. What on earth could that be, I wonder. Actually, I lie - I did not wonder that. I wondered, instead, "That there might be something Blade has to review when the Lions lose our bet again next season." Shaken by the thought of a "sausage harvest", I popped the disc in to see just what the hell that it could even be. And...wow.

Just wow. It was from the TNT Show, a progrem the WWF aired in the mid 1980's which featured wrestlers (and they even called them "wrestlers" back then, believe it or not) in long interviews and nutty skits. If ever there was a gold mine of WrestleCrap, that show was it. We could probably do an induction a week from that show and not run out until 2017 or so.

So yep, sure enough, there was "Polish Power" Ivan Putski, sitting with Lord Alfred Hayes. It's kinda creepy, as his Lordship is seemingly looking at the muscle-bound Pole in the way, way too tight jeans a tad too longingly for my comfort. I really hope this isn't the start of something that should have been included on our WrestlePorn update a couple weeks ago.

Thankfully, I think, it's not. Instead, Putski is being interviewed by Vince McMahon.

Before we continue, I want to make a note for our younger 'Crappers out there, those who didn't live through the 1980's. That look, that color ensemble Vince is wearing: that was never cool. Never ever ever ever ever. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

So anyway, Putski is cutting this boring interview (no wonder they gave these guys wacky skits; I might fall asleep otherwise), and then drops a bomb on us: it's time once again for the POLISH SAUSAGE HARVEST.

Sho 'nuff, after break we get some old hag hanging out by a tree. A tree surrounded by baskets containing, you guessed it, polish sausages. "They grow on trees!" Putski explains to us.

There you go, kids - your Polish Fun Fact for the Day.

A closer examination reveals that he is, in fact, honest in this assessment

Well, maybe. They kinda look more like turds to me. But then I guess "The Polish Hanging Poop Harvest" wouldn't be quite as festive an occasion.

So Pink Suit Vince puts a mic in the old biddy's face and she explains this is actually a Kielbasa tree, the only one in existence. I'd question how that wouldn't make for much of a "harvest", but the old bat is on a roll and I don't want to spoil her fun. She explains how to tell when they are ripe, not only by color, but by sound and smell.

Lord Alfred, though, is none too impressed, making the classic Fart Smell Look™. "Nature never made anything smell this bad," Alfred quips as Putski and Vince urge him to slurp the sausage. Before he can, however, the wacky bitch starts yammering about insects and mustard and weebles(!!) and then, for no good reason, just starts doing a POLKA DANCE, complete with Lord Alfred singing.

I don't think that was sausage Alfred was smelling earlier - after seeing and hearing this, I'm pretty sure there had to have been a Polish Bong nearby. Following her rant about how the Polish Goverment has placed a statewide ban on any future Keilbasa tree plantings (????), I think you'd be hard pressed to disagree.

The segment ends with the traditional Polish Sausage Harvest ritual: with a Maroon tuxedo'ed Englishman imploring the old Polish woman to deep throat his kielbasa.

Apparently, this bit has been making the rounds on WWE 24/7 of late. And if sausages and hags and Vince in that suit ain't a ringing endorsement for that service, I don't know what is!
I hope that wasn't too long for you mods if it is just delete this post than I guess.

Now honestly you have to go to the website to really appreciate how god damn funny this is because of the pictures, audio and video. Sure, WWE is bad, but thank the god damned lord it isn't this bad. This, I nominate as the funniest WWF moment ever. Yes, even funnier than Aldo Montoya.
This is exactly why I hated the whole thing. I always thought is was a slap in the face to the Dusty Rhoad's legacy. I mean, would anyone else but Vince dress up a wrestling icon's son as a gold inter-gender freak. Some legacies are not to be messed with, like the Von Erichs, Gordys, Harts, etc..
And you are right, the match with the Blue Meanie was really bad. I just couldn't buy into it and thought the entire gimmick was insulting to true wrestling history. I know a lot of people liked Gold Dust for his heel qualities, but I just took it as an insult to the history behind the individual, that's all.

Yeah,Vince cared about Dusty's legacy when he had him dressing in the tights with the yellow polka dots.

Anyway,I can't believe no one has mentioned the Repo Man. The clip they showed on WWF TV of him taking that little kids bike because his daddy was late with the car payment was priceless.
Come on Where is the Shockmaster people. If you haven't seen the video, youtube it. The buildup is amazing and when Fred Ottman falls flat on his face and his shiny sparkly stormtrooper helmet falls off, you will cry from laughing so hard.

I actually remember seeing that on WCW Saturday night.
he's already been mentioned, his gay glitter storm trooper helmet!
First time I saw The Rock was in November 96. He fought a guy named T L Hopper. Apparently TL sttod for Toilet Lid. Thats right. Vince named a guy toilet lid. Anybody remember the first MVP? His character was a baseball player who was on strike and thats all he did. Just stood in the crowd with a sign that read 'Im on Strike'. Just one of many reasons why I never missed an episode of Superstars back in the day.

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