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Reports from numerous members at WZCW’s SUPERSHOW III have stated that a portion of the Krypto/Facecrush segment was cut from the televised broadcast of the show. After Krypto and Facecrush hugged in the ring, Facecrush walked up the ramp to leave Krypto to celebrate with Missy in the ring, but Alhazred came out to meet Facecrush at the top of the ramp. Alhazred yelled at Facecrush, but Facecrush shoved his creator to the ground, yelling at him to “Deal with little green man yourself! Facecrush go home and watch General Hospital!” Krypto and Missy laughed at Alhazred’s misfortune from the ring, but Alhazred was not finished. He got to his feet and charged the ring. Krypto attempted to fight off Alhazred, but the weakened Krypto was unable to withstand the onslaught of Alhazred’s Power Glove. After a few moments Missy attempted to pull Alhazred off of Krypto, but a rogue elbow caught Missy in the temple, and knocked the young lady out cold. This seemed to only further upset Alhazred whom burst into tears and continued to beat on Krypto, screaming, “This is your fault!” as he delivered numerous Level 5’s to WZCW’s resident alien, finishing up the confrontation by delivering a White Van Driver to his rival. The segment ended with Alhazred walking up the ramp, sobbing, as EMTs ran to the ring to check on Krypto and Missy.

According to an unnamed WZCW employee, ”The segment was pulled as WZCW does not condone violence to women outside the confines of a wrestling match, and the numerous Level 5’s on Krypto seemed to be excessive. Both Alhazred and Krypto have been talked to about the level of violence their feud has reached, and both men have been asked to cool down.”

Given the level of passion and animosity in this feud, it seems unlikely that Krypto or Alhazred will be able to put this event in the past. Hopefully the two men finish their business at Kingdom Come, and hopefully we get to see all of it.
WZCW was so much better in teh ATTITUDE ERA than this stupid PG CARP! We want blood and boobs!
I also hear from a member of the crowd that Missy had a nip slip and up skirt they cut out too. Seriously fuck these creative guys.
A WZCW that doesn't condone violence against women is a WZCW I want no part of.
Oh wow... you guys forgot this? Epic fail. That sounded awesome.

WZCW doesn't make mistakes... we create opportunities for innovative fixes.

Now quit the non-thematic chatter. Say something you'd see on a DISQUS thread or GTFO!
I bet we would have been able to see this segment on the WZCW App! Damn, if only I had downloaded the WZCW App to see content exclusive to the WZCW App! I should whip out my iPhone or Android Smartphone and download the WZCW App today!
I hear you could see the action on the WZCW app.

Here's how you use it:

1. Go fuck yourself. I don't know

Great doctors think alike. And right now, I'm thinking we both need to download the WZCW App today!
Guize, WZCW only pushez Showtime. Tehy don't care about the midcarderz. Plz give Krypto the world title. Plz. His workrate is great and he knows some puro!
OMG so many SMARKS in this thread! Cant u just watch the show and be happy? Srsly!

Also every1 nows the only reason steven holmes is the world champion is because hes english and wzcw is trying to get higher ratings in england so they can partner with sky sports

I predict that he retains at kc and then drops the title to dr zeus at redemption because dr zeus is the future of this company and then dr zeus is going to feud with amber warren because shes also the future of this company
OMG so many SMARKS in this thread! Cant u just watch the show and be happy? Srsly!

Also every1 nows the only reason steven holmes is the world champion is because hes english and wzcw is trying to get higher ratings in england so they can partner with sky sports

I predict that he retains at kc and then drops the title to dr zeus at redemption because dr zeus is the future of this company and then dr zeus is going to feud with amber warren because shes also the future of this company

Oh plez! evryone knows Zues can't wressle he only does 3 moves. Cobra supleax, choke, and gogopata.

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