AS65: Krypto vs. Grizzly Bob

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Krypto was stunned and then destroyed on Aftershock 23. He watched helplessly as Facecrush destroyed his former companion RJX9. However, by luck Krypto was able to flee the scene and take Alhazred’s precious Power Glove with him. He returns to action against a man hungry for a fight. Grizzly Bob has a massive appetite that needs to be filled. Can the burly woodsy man bring the same intensity from last week into this weeks Ascension 65 opener? Is Krypto ready for the massive opponent after only just losing his best friend in RJX9? Only time will tell.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
The Khronicles of Krypto

Into the Wild

Krypto can be seen sprinting as fast as his little legs can run on the deserted streets of Minnesota following Aftershock 23. Ever since the arrival of Alhazred’s muscle/bodyguard Facecrush McSpinesmasher that lead to the destruction of Krypto’s robotic companion RJX9 the fear of the universal overlord was stricken into the resident alien. He just barely escaped with his life and the Power Glove and since fleeing the arena has never looked back once. He soon begins to slow down however as his stamina is fading. This allows Missy to drive upon the side of Krypto in her car.

Missy: There you are, I’ve been searching for you for almost two hours. I saw what happened, are you okay?

Krypto: He’s coming…..the big scary…..strange….looking….human.

Missy: Nobody is after you Krypto that Facecrush guy is still beating up security guards at the arena.

Krypto: But he was….so strong…..enormous….gigantic….makes me….feel…..inferior.

The alien’s words come out fewer and farther between as he eventually loses his breath from exhaustion and falls flat across the pavement. Missy halt’s her vehicle and immediately places the light weighted creature into the passenger seat of the car. Upon entering Krypto begins to cradle the Power Glove while crying uncontrollably.

Missy: What’s wrong?

Krypto: He killed him! He’s dead and he killed him!!!!

Missy: I think that one guard may have been seriously injured but nobody died Krypto.

Krypto: No! RJX9! That massive deformed human smashes him right in front of my eyes.

Missy: Oh….you mean that toy? Was it really that important to you?

Krypto: He was my best friend in the entire universe! He was the best robotic pal an alien can ask for! And that treacherous being Alhazred commanded that monstrosity of a man to kill him!

Krypto continues his sobbing into the chest of Missy which he has buried himself into much to her uncomfortable dismay. Despite this she continues to try to set the alien’s mind at ease.

Missy: Well at least you still have the Power Glove right? That can be your new best friend since you seemingly like to befriend inanimate objects.

Krypto briefly stops his sobbing and stares deeply into the stolen piece of technology.

Krypto: But is it worth it? Was helplessly witnessing the death of RJ really worth this glove?

The resident alien then reminisces on the recent memory of Alhazred crying in the middle of the ring following his failed attempt at taking back the Power Glove.

Krypto: Eh, I guess it was. But I still miss RJ!!!!!

Krypto resumes his sobbing into Missy’s chest; she sighs and starts the engine of the car. She then proceeds to drive away while attempting to navigate with Krypto’s awkwardly shaped body wrapped around her at the wheel.

Sometime later……

Ding Dong!

Missy opens the front door to her apartment to find The Beard there with carrying a small box wrapped in a bow.

Missy: Beard? What are you doing here?

Beard: You don’t remember? I called to say I was coming by.

Missy: Right you did….I’m sorry my mind has just been so wrapped up in Alhazred and Krypto. Speaking of the latter who is still sobbing in my bedroom, the only thing keeping him partly sane is playing Super Mario Galaxy.

Beard: Well after the chaos that occurred on Aftershock Gri…I mean…. I thought it would be a good idea to cheer Krypto up with a gift.

Beard sets the box on the dining room table as Missy calls Krypto into the room. The alien enters the room irritated by the interruption of his game with Power Glove in one hand and Princess Peach blowup doll in the other.

Missy: Look Krypto your friend Beard is here to cheer you up.

Krypto: Nothing can cheer me up, my best friend is dead, I was humiliated by a freak of a nature, and I can’t get those damn purple Luigi coins!

Beard: Relax Krypto, Gri….I mean I thought this would cheer you up.

Beard then tears off the wrapping on the box to reveal a pink and fluffy cage with a cat inside of it. Around the cat’s neck is a little bell collar with a tag on it with writing that at the moment is unclear to Krypto.

Krypto: Is that the domestic human organism known as the pussy?

Beard: Well….technically….but us humans don’t normally call it that on the regular.

Missy: Oh my god it’s so cute!

Missy releases the feline from its cage begins to snuggle, pet, and generally soak in the cuteness of the creature.

Missy: I’m going to name you Mister, who’s a cute Mister? Who’s a cute Mister?

Krypto: Mister? You’re naming him after Alhazred?

Missy: No silly, Mister was my dad.

Krypto: But that’s Alhazred’s name. Does that mean he’s your father? If so why is he in love with you? Isn’t this what you humans call incest?

Missy: No it’s nothing like that; Mister was the name of my dad, who is now dead. He was very close friends with Alhazred so he changed the first part of his name to Mister in my father’s honor.

Krypto: Oh….so you two are pretty close.

Missy: Yes, now do you see why I’m sick of this fighting between you two? Alhazred’s like family to me and you’re one of the most interesting people I’ve met in a very long time. It was very wrong of Alhazred to not be your friend and bully you but this war you two have going will rip you two apart.

Krypto: Alhazred started it….

Beard: Forget about him this week Krypto, I’ll take care of him on Meltdown, get ready for Grizzly Bob, you’re going to face him on Ascension.

Krypto: I’m facing the Bear man? I’m not ready for this; I’m just recovering from tragedy.

Beard: Well I suggest you get ready.

Krypto: Fine, if I hope to defeat Bob I must understand him; I must enter his world and defeat all of its creatures. I must enter the wild.

Missy: Are you talking about hunting Bears in the forest?

Krypto: Why yes I am, if I plan to beat Bob I must destroy him from the inside.

Krypto drops the Peach blowup doll and proceeds to level up the Power Glove.

Missy: If you plan to hunt Bears you’ll need this Krypto.

Missy hands the alien a tranquilizer rifle.

Krypto: I do not need this; The Power Glove is all that is necessary.

Missy: Take it just in case; I don’t want you getting too hurt. Also take Mister; it will be a nice bonding experience for you two.

Krypto: Fine but if it gets in my way, I will not hesitate to beat that Pussy up.

Beard: Umm….

Krypto: Save my game and tell Princess Peach to stay right where she is, I’ll be back to ravage her later.

The resident alien then leaves the apartment with the tranquilizer gun, Power Glove, and cat Mister in hand.

Beard: Did we really just let him loose on a bunch of innocent animals with all those things at his disposal?

Missy: Well he’s in mourning, it’s best to let him build up his pride again. Now if you would excuse me Mr. Beard I’ve got a Solid Snake doll that needs tending to….

Sometime Even Later....

Krypto can be seen lying in the bushes at night in a deserted forest looking for prey to stalk. Aside the alien on a leash is Mister who is comfortable licking is nether regions, and on the other side of Krypto is WZCW’s backstage worker Bob.

Bob: You said this was a WZCW camping trip Krypto, why do you have a tranquilizer gun? Also why is that cat on a leash?

Krypto: How I treat my pussy is none of your concern Bob, I needed you out here with me because of your expertise.

Bob: What expertise? I run coffee orders for Vance Bateman.

Krypto: It shall all become clear soon, but for now we must hunt.

Bob: Is this because you’re facing Grizzly this week?

Krypto: Of course it is, last week he interrupted me, got between me and desecration of Alhazred and attempted to beat me on Aftershock. He thinks he’s so tough, with his wilderness heritage, his cool looking tattoo, muscles, connection with the fans, and bright future.

Bob: You sound a bit jealous.

Krypto: Jealous?! I’m outraged Bob, Grizzly just like Facecrush is just one of Alhazred’s new experiments he’s using in an attempt to destroy me. He realizes he can’t defeat the Sexual Savior of the universe alone which is why he needs his minions. Well I shall not fight alone either, with my mistress Missy at my side, my new best friend Beard always having my back, Alhazred’s army will be defeated.

Bob: So what’s the deal with Missy anyway, is she like single and stuff? Can you put in a good word for me?

Krypto: She’s mine Bob!!! Now focus on the task at hand, Grizzly shall feel my wrath.

Bob: I don’t think Grizzly has joined Alhazred Krypto, the match this week is just convenient booking. He seems like a nice guy, why else would he give you a cat as a gift before you guy’s match.

Krypto: What did you say?

Bob: This cat, it’s from Grizzly. You see the tag on the bell collar? It says the cat was found somewhere in Grizzly’s town.

Krypto takes a closer look at the tag and it does reveal the origins of the cat.

Krypto: But the Beard gave this to me as a gift.

Bob: Then Grizzly must have given it to him first.

Krypto: Oh no, this means Alhazred has brainwashed Beard! He’s joined him and has given this to me as a plan of sabotage! The pussy probably has all kinds of diseases!

Bob: Well that’s a bit dramatic.

Krypto: Wait, I just realized your name is Bob and Grizzly’s name is Bob. You’re in on the plan as well! Everyone’s after me!

Krypto attempts to punch Bob with the Power Glove but Bob is too fast as he runs away from the alien chest first into an actual Bear.

Bear: RAWR!!!!!!!!!

Bob: Oh my god! OH MY GOD!!!!!

The bear grabs Bob with his claw and looks to devour the WZCW employee.

Krypto: Oh there’s the bear, time to destroy it!

The alien readies the tranquilizer gun and fires immediately without even aiming. The dart misses and goes straight into the neck of Bob! The medicine causes to him to stop his screaming and sends him to a state of loopy madness.

Bob: ahdgsdjfjdfgjdids….

Krypto: Darn it, I knew this was useless, time to do it the old fashion way.

Krypto leaps from the bushes and smacks the bear straight in the chest with the Power Glove.
Unfortunately it has no effect, the alien then realizes the Glove is not powered on and a twig is stuck in between the power switch. Before he’s able to remove it the bear grabs ahold of Krypto looking to dissect him with its jaws. Before the ferocious animal is able Mister comes to rescue just in time as it sticks its surprisingly sharp nails into the foot of the bear wounding it. This allows Krypto the remove the twig and Power up the glove.

Krypto: Shoryuken!!!!!!!!!

Krypto uppercuts the massive bear with the Power Glove knocking it unconscious, it falls to ground releasing Bob from his grip though he is still not in the right state of mind.

Bob: djfhsajdhsjhfc….

Krypto: I knew I could count on your expertise Bob, you made the perfect bait. It’s a shame you were a traitor. Regardless I’ve proved that the wild is no match for an intergalactic sensation such as me. Grizzly can bring all the bears he wants, I shall defeat him and then go onto destroy Facecrush. This will be all for you RJ….

Krypto then turns around to see Mister who meows toward him and continues to lick himself.

Krypto: Maybe Missy was right; maybe you’re not all bad Mister.

Krypto picks up the cat and begins to pet it as he leaves the forest.

Krypto: I’ve realized tonight that the only thing you can trust on this planet is Pussy, and from now one wherever I lay my hand a pussy shall be right there beside it.
Dozens of cicadas send their call into the hot evening sky. The air is uncharacteristically humid and Grizzly is having trouble sleeping. He isn’t entirely sure why. One reason might be the heat as Grizzly becomes aware of the big patch of sweat on his shirt, matting his chest hair. Another reason might be the snoring of his constant companion, Digger, who is making a noise similar to the sound of chainsaws severing trees that he remembers from his days as a tree-feller.

Grizzly: Get offa me, boy, I gotta grab some air.

Digger, oblivious to the wishes of the waking, peacefully continues to snore, while Grizzly frees his legs from under his 130-pound “boy”. He can just about make out the silhouettes of the stacked logs that constitute his bedroom, but they do seem to draw closer. He grabs a pack of smokes from his bedside cabinet and takes a seat on the rocking-chair on his porch.

Grizzly: You gotta get your head out your ass, Bob.

He watches the flame from his lighter before he lights his cigarette. He takes a drag, sighs out the smoke and clasps the cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth. He can feel the bristles from his upper lip brush against the delicate rolling paper. As he rocks back in his seat, he confronts himself with the real root of his concerns. He speaks the name from the unoccupied half of his mouth:

Grizzly: Kryp – tohhh

Grizzly narrows his eyes as he reflects on the significance of his upcoming match – his days as an adorable afterthought at the very bottom of the food chain were over. Opening for the secondary show is hardly headlining Kingdom Come, but it’s an improvement. A small one, but it’s a step-up nonetheless. Being on the card at Ascension would make for a nice little pay bump, but he also won’t be facing the Donny J’s of the world in his next match. He’d be facing a tried and tested performer, a familiar face, somebody who will push him to the very edge of his abilities – he’d be facing Krypto.

Grizzly rubs his hands together and even cracks a smile, relishing the opportunity he’s been given. In this business there’s no room for self-doubt. He reassures himself that he didn’t make this much of an impact initially, only to back down now.

Grizzly’s train of thought gets interrupted when he notices bright headlights through the trees near his home. In his experience, nightly visitors usually meant that bad news had to travel urgently. He gets up to greet the approaching vehicle, but is met instead by shot, shells and slugs being fired off. The sound of quite a few bottles accompanies this chaotic cacophony.

???: C’mon, stranger! We’re here to pick you up!

Grizzly grins as he recognizes one of the voices – Ray Dawson, another flannelled local.

Grizzly: Now before I tell you to get off my land, tell me... The hell you guys doin’ here?

Ray: Haven’t seen you in ages, with all that prancin’ ‘round you do with Dub’ You Zee Cee Dub’ You. You suddenly too good for us common folk, big guy?

Grizzly: Dawson... there are many, many people ‘round these here parts that are too good for the likes of you, but I’m not one of ‘em. Let me have a look-see at the company you’re keepin’.

Grizzly strides through the harsh spotlights, over to the truck. In the passenger’s seat, clothed in his straw cowboy hat, is Ray's neighbour, Willie D Dempsey. Standing in the back in denim cover-all’s are the Thompson twins, Skeeter and Jonny. The only way Grizzly could tell them apart was that Jon was a little taller and that Skeeter had a slight gap between his front teeth, causing him to whistle occasionally when he spoke.

Ray: You in for some fun? Willie here reckons he saw sum’thin big go down over at Granger’s Meadow.

Willie: I swear it, Ray! There were bright lights, a loud crash and sparks flyin’ everywhere! We’re going to take a gander, you in?

Grizzly: Hell, yeah! The ole’ noggin could use some clearing.

Grizzly grabs hold of the cargo bed and slingshots himself over the side. The truck dips as the big man lands on his feet. With a few parting shots, the expedition skids off to the night.


With the wind blowing their hair back and showcasing their beer-bellies, the three men at the back hold on tight to the chassis of the pick-up. With every bump in the road, they get launched into the air, spilling some beer on the way down.

Grizzly: What do you fellows reckon it could be?

Jonny: Greenskins!

Grizzly: Say what, now?

Skeeter: Yeah, I heard that other Dutch guy talkin’ ‘bout how aliens in America on the TV the other day.

Grizzly: Why would the Dutch care about aliens in the States?

Skeeter: Naw, that’s his name – Dutch somethin’. Yeah, he was mouthin’ off about what illegal aliens are doin’ to this fine country of ours.

Grizzly: What’s he say?

Skeeter: He said that they clogged up our health care...

Grizzly: I dunno ‘bout that...

Jonny: ...that they stole our women...

Grizzly: Well, if you love it, put a ring on it...

Skeeter: ...and they took our jobs.

Stunned silence fills the pick-up, except for the gentle humming of the engine.

Grizzly: What?

Jonny: Dey took-er-jobs!

Grizzly: Well, we can’t be havin’ that.

Skeeter: So that’s why we be baggin’ us some greenskins tonight!

Jonny: Yeeeeee-haww!

The brothers fire another celebratory salvo, while Grizzly slugs back his beer. Some foam sticks to his beard, but he wipes it off with the back of his hand. Ray winds down his window while Willie holds the steering wheel. Ray opens his door and hangs out to the side of the vehicle. Occasionally he winces as a few twigs and reeds hit him on the chin.

Ray: Beer us, will you?

Jonny: No problem!

Jonny takes two bottles, twists off the caps with his eye-sockets and hands it to the driver.

Ray: Much obliged!

The truck keeps barrelling into the woods, with bright headlights tearing up the shadows. The sound of jovial laughter, clinking bottles and blaring Dire Straits lie in its wake.


Grizzly feels slightly outgunned as the five men sneak into the meadow. Ray’s freshly oiled rifle is kept close to his chest, the twins are brandishing their fully loaded shotguns and Willie, the real heavy-hitter in this outfit, has his illegal AK-47 strapped to his back. Disdainfully, Grizzly looks at the flashlight that Ray handed him. A harsh thump slows down the progress of Skeeter as the rest of the group hears the noise flesh makes as it connects with rock.

Skeeter: MOTHERF-

Skeeter drops to the dirt, clutching his left foot.

Ray: Shh!

Skeeter: But my foot!

Willie: Quiet, Skeet! You want to tell the whole world we’re comin’?

Grizzly: Why the hell are you wearin’ open-toe leather sandals anyway? We’re in the middle of the damn woods! A good woodsman knows his surroundings!

Grizzly runs over to his fallen friend to inspect his injury. Groaning, Skeeter peers over to check it out as well.

Skeeter: I’ll be okay, guys.

Willie: Yeah, we know, it’s just your toe! Now quit your bitchin’, we got us a quarry to... uh... quar.

Grizzly switches on the flashlight and points to something that catches his eye. The grass is charred at a certain spot.

Jonny: What’re those? That must be where the alien craft landed!

Grizzly: No, genius. Look here.

Grizzly uses the flashlight to follow the trail of a broken wire through the grass, right up a wooden pole where the other power line is mounted on.

Ray: Looks like we got your greenskin, Willie.

Grizzly: Why, it’s just a broken power line. Must’ve busted from the seasonal change in temperature, mixed with years of wear ‘n’ tear.

Willie: You gotta compensate for stuff like that. The fool who put that up didn’t know what he was doin’.

Skeeter: That’d be me.

Ray: Well, looks like you got your work cut out for you tomorrow. So much for catchin’ E.T. tonight, boys...

Willie: Alright, travellers, let’s get back home.

As the men head back to their ride home, Grizzly stops dead in his tracks.

Willie: What’s up, big bud?

Grizzly: Listen... you hear that?

The faint mewling carries well in the cooler night-time temperature. Grizzly leads the party into the direction of the unfamiliar sound, flashlight in hand. Behind one of the bushes, a tiny Blue Russian is pleading for attention. Its fluffy grey pelt accounts for half of its size. At first, he shies away from Grizzly’s reaching hands, but eventually he catches the kitten. It stops its protest as Grizzly cradles it to his chest.

Skeeter: Is that a stray?

Ray: Happens all the time – after Spring fever, lots of kittens get abandoned by their mothers. He’s probably not so much a runaway as a poor li’l orphan.

Willie: You’re right, neighbour. Look at all that baby fluff, I’m surprised its eyes have even opened! It probably won’t survive the night.

Jonny cocks his shotgun.

Grizzly turns his back on Jonny, protecting the animal from him.

Jonny: What?

Ray: C’mon, Grizz, it’d be the kinder thing to do.

For the first time since they arrived at his doorstep, tension is mounting between Grizzly and his friends.

Grizzly: Over my dead body! Nobody’s touchin’ him. Not if they want to be put down themselves.

Willie: Look here, Grizzly! You can’t keep it. That hound of yours, remember? He’ll tear that poor thing to shreds!

Grizzly: Why don’t one of you take him, then?

Skeeter: We don’t want it...

Grizzly: He’s not an “it”, he’s a “he”!

Jonny: How’d you know?

Grizzly: Because his grey little balls are more than you got, Jonny! Shootin’ a poor little kitten like that. Shame on you, Jonathan Thompson!

As a stare-down ensues, Grizzly shines the light on the faces of his companions, using his free hand. After a while, he turns the light off.

Grizzly: I have an idea. I know I can’t keep the little fellow, but I know somebody who will.


Grizzly: Thank you so much for makin’ the trip. I really appreciate it.

The park bench is completely dwarfed by the two seated men. The chequered patterns betray the woodsman on the left, but the other person is hidden beneath a trench-coat, scarf, sunglasses and a fedora.

Grizzly: And thank you for bein’ so discreet! He can’t know that this is from me.

Man: Of course. There is more to you than meets the eye, Grizzly Bob. It is unfortunate that fate seems to land us on opposite sides of a rivalry. Perhaps, in due time, we shall gain a better understanding of one another.

Grizzly: I figure we’re just two young bucks, feelin’ each other out. Maybe after we settled our differences, we can meet like this sometime, you know – kick back, have a brew... That reminds me, here’s my end of the bargain.

Grizzly reaches into his burlap sack and hands over a bottle of 2006 Shiraz. The “mysterious” figure inspects the label.

Man: Good year... Where did you get this?

Grizzly: General store. I had to ask around, but I hope you and the missus enjoy it.

Man: You know... it’s a very noble thing you’re doing for Krypto.

Grizzly: Krypto’s gotta be hurtin’ pretty bad, now. Alhazred’s maniac giant squashed his little dog right in front of his eyes. I can’t imagine what that must be like. But this changes nothin’ between him and me. Don’t you think for a second that ‘ll be takin’ it easy when we square off in the ring!

He hands the kitten over to the man, who carefully places it in his lap.

Grizzly: I... I haven’t given him a name, yet.

Man: Well, if I may quote the Bard, what’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.

Grizzly: I guess you’re right. Probably better that way, too. I never wanted to get too attached, he was never mine to begin with. I did buy the little man a nice collar with a bell on it, so’s Krypto will know where he is at all times.

The man puts his hand on Grizzly’s shoulder.

Man: Don’t you worry, Krypto will take very good care of it. I’ll do as you asked me to and say that it’s a gift from me. I can respect your need for anonymity, as Krypto is your upcoming opponent.

Grizzly's demeanour has become decidedly more aggressive. He brushes the other man’s hand from his torso.

Grizzly: I'll tell you what – I’m sure as hell looking forward to that fight. When I’m in that ring with him, I won’t be doin’ that green li’l bugger any favours. Even with his stolen Power Glove, he can’t take on these two paws of mine! If he wants to poke the bear, he’ll get what’s comin’ to him – gettin’ his hide kicked all the way back to the mothership!

Man: I don’t approve of you speaking of Krypto like that.

Grizzly: I’m sure you don’t.

Grizzly gets up, abruptly. He gives his acquaintance a stern look, but eventually his expression relaxes. The two men hold each other’s gaze.

Grizzly: You know what, bub? You’re doin’ me a big favour out of the kindness of your heart and that li’l kitty got a home.

The seated man nods in approval.

Grizzly: That’s enough for me.

Grizzly extends his hand toward the man, who gets up (still protecting the kitten) and does the same. Smiles creep across their faces simultaneously, they nod to each other and they shake hands, without saying a word.

Leaving the other man to admire the beautiful setting sun, Grizzly hops into his vehicle. The red truck speeds off into the orange dusk, throwing dust into the late afternoon breeze. The man looks down at the kitten as it playfully paws at his fingers, sometimes getting its sharp little claws stuck in his beard. In his rear-view mirror, Grizzly looks at the duo. Contentedly, he stomps on the accelerator and races home, where he knows he has a longing companion of his own waiting for him.
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