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WPWF Genesis


Dark Match Winner
GM: Jim Cornette
Announce Team: Joey Styles and Tazz
Backstage interviewer: Jeremy Borash

WPWF Global Title
WPWF Genesis Tag Team Titles
WPWF X division Title

CM Punk
Colt Cabana
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Brutus Magnus
Vladamir Kozlov
DiAngelo Dinero
Shad Gaspard
Tyson Kidd
David Hart Smith
Robert Roode
James Storm
Ted Dibiase
Monty Brown
Samoa Joe
Ken Anderson
Jerry Lynn
Desmond Wolfe
Kofi Kingston
Dolph Ziggler
Rob Van Dam
The Brian Kendrick
Petey Williams
Bryan Danielson
Opening Theme:



Joey Styles: AND SO IT BEGINS!!! Hello Everybody, Joey Styles along side my partner Tazz, and tonight we begin the Genesis of professional wrestling!

Tazz: That's right Joey, tonight we start the road to Starcade with a new show, new roster, and new beginnings. And we begin tonight with the man that will bring us into the new year.

***Camera cuts to Justin Roberts in the ring***

Tazz: And no, I'm not talking about Justin Roberts

Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the general manager of the Genesis, Mr. James E. Cornette.


**Jim Cornette walks down to the ring**

Joey Styles: Jim Cornette, a 30 year vet in this business, he is considered one of th greatest minds in professional wrestling, and that man that is at the helm of the Genesis brand

Tazz: Well, he's smart, but he's no mad scientist.

**Jim Cornette standing in the middle of the ring**

Cornette: First off, I want to start off by saying: if you came to this show expecting to see elderly men prancing around like teenagers, midgets, useless celebrities, or any other things related to "sports entertainment", feel free to walk to the nearest exit right now, because we ain't got that crap!!!


What we DO have, is a roster of hungry young talents, who are ready to give you the best damned wrestling you've ever seen.

Now we got a PPV coming up called No Way Out, and the main event is gonna be a six man elimination chamber match, with two men from each of the 3 WPWF rosters. So tonight, we’re gonna start the qualifying matches to determine the two men who will be in that match. Our first match will be The straight Edge Savior CM Punk


up against, the rainbow haired warrior, JEFF HARDY!!


But that’s not all, how about I give you a match between two of the most dynamic up and comers in wrestling history: Desmond Wolfe going one on one with the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe.


Tazz: Wow, talk about a RocketBuster, Joey.

Cornette: But wait, as they say in TV land, there’s more. Tonight we’re also going to cement the brackets for the newly revised X division in WPWF. That’s right, Genesis will be the new home for the most exciting division in profession wrestling. Unfortunately, I’m not the man who’s in charge of that decision.

Joey Styles: What’s he talking about?

Tazz: Why don’t you shut up and let the man finish, Styles.

Cornette: Allow me to introduce the man who will be in charge of the most innovative division in professional wrestling today. Management Director of the X division, The Dynamic one: Jerry Lynn!!!


***Jerry Lynn walks down to the ring holding the X division title***

Styles: A veteran in this sport who made his name right in front of us back in the olden days of the original ECW.

Tazz: Trust me Styles, I know what Jerry Lynn is famous for, him and me had some barn burners back in the day.

Styles: His most famous feud with one Rob Van Dam, solidifying the athletic style that lives on in the X division today.

Jerry Lynn: Thank you Jim. Years ago, I made a name for myself by carving my own path in wrestling history. While guys in ECW were smashing their fucking skulls in with pot and pans, I created an athletic style only seen overseas. I solidified that style in my feuds with men like Justin Credible, Lance Storm, and Rob Van Dam.


Lynn: Tonight, I re-establish that same style with a roster of the most athletic, charismatic, and just flat out crazy sons-o-bitches out there. Later tonight, we’re gonna have ourselves an over the top rope battle royale to determine which one of these men are worthy of holding this X Division title.

**Lynn looks at Cornette**

Lynn: How’s that, Jim?!

**Cornette starts clapping**


Styles: Talk about big matches made tonight. An X division battle royale later tonight, two qualifier matches for the elimination chamber.

Tazz: I’m Excited for it.

Styles: Well lets take it to the back and see what the boys have to say. Take it away JB.


Jeremy Borash: Jeremy Borash here, along side CM Punk. Punk tonight on the debut of Genesis you go one on one with a man who you almost put on the shelf, Jeff Hardy.

CM Punk: While I commend Jim Cornette for having an eye for the business by copying a scenario that made WWE a lot of money, the question remains: why would you Jeff Hardy, a guy who for some reason these fans love to cheer for, in the same match that almost took him out? Why would he do that. More importantly, what do I have to prove fighting Jeff again? I know I’m better than you Jeff. You’re a drugged up burn-out who these people feel bad for. I, on the other hand, am a straight edge multi-time champion. I know I’m better than you. And…….

**Punk pauses to look at JB, who is staring off-screen**

Punk: What are you looking at?

**JB Points**

JB: That.

**Camera pans to Raven, who is sitting in the shadows staring deeply at Punk**

**JB and Punk stare back at Raven**

Punk: Yyyyyyyyyyeahhhhh. So like I was saying, I’m better than Jeff, I have no reason to wrestle him, EXCEPT for a shot at being the next WPWF champ. Jeff, you’re not going to “overcome the odds” and win a shot at a spot in the chamber. This is the real world. And in the Real world, I’m CM Punk, and I’m better than you.

**Camera pulls out to show both Punk, JB, and Raven**

Punk: And I know I’m better than him too.

**Punk walks away**

**Camera cuts back to a shot at the audience**

Joey Styles: Was that Raven?

Tazz: What do you think he’s doing here?

Joey Styles: I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

Match 1: X Division Rankings Over-the-top-rope Battle Royale

**Bell rings. Justin Roberts stands in the ring**

Justin Roberts: the following contest, is an 6 man over the top rope battle royale, to determine the X Division Brackets. The match rules are as followed: Two men will start to match, with another star entering every 2 minutes. The brackets will be determined by order of elimination. The last man standing will be the number one ranked X Division star, and will be awarded the X Division championship.


Justin Robert: Approaching the ring, from Hollywood, Florida, weighting in at 221 lb., Dolph Ziggler!!

Tazz: Boy, if there’s one thing Dolph Ziggler loves more than himself, its to be the new X division Champion.

Joey Styles: And that BARELY true. But having the title would be another feather in Dolph Ziggler’s cap.


Justin Roberts And his opponent, residing in Las Vegas Nevada, by way of Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 190 lbs, The American Dragon: Bryan Danielson!!

**Crowd throws streamers as Danielson walks down the aisle**

Joey Styles: Fans showing their respect for the American Dragon by throwing rainbow streamers into the aisle, a sign of respect overseas. Tazz, Bryan Danielson is considered by many to be the greatest technical wrestler in the world today.

Tazz: Well, we’ll see how far that name gets him, because he may be the greatest wrestler in the world today, but Dolph Ziggler is no slouch either.

**Bell rings**

Match Stars with a stare down between both men followed by a collar and elbow tie-up.

Joey Styles: Both of these men, like polar opposites of each other, its striking.

Tazz: You got that right Joey. Danielson, very calm, muted in his appearance and demeanor, almost as if he feels his abilities speak for themselves. Ziggler on the other hand is flashy to the T, and loves to let people know who his biggest fan is, himself.

Both men now trading moves, countering back and forth. Ziggler then pins Danielson to the ground, face down, and slaps the back of his head.

Joey: OH, and a slap to the back of the head. A lack of disrespect from Ziggler to Danielson.

**Camera closes up on Danielson looking angry, then cuts to a shot of Ziggler laughing to himself**

Tazz: Ziggler is making this very personal, and if there’s one man you don’t want to disrespect in his dojo, it’s the American Dragon.

Joey: and as the clock rolls down, we’re seconds from finding out who the next man in this battle royale will be.

**CROWD CHANTS 3, 2, 1, ***




Joey Styles: Kofi Kingston!?!

Tazz: Well I’ll be damned.

Joey Styles: Kofi Kingston, the high flyer from Guana, West Africa; a fan favorite it seems.

Kofi Kingston rolls forward, ducking a standing closeline from Ziggler, and then hitting Ziggler with Trouble in Paradise as Ziggler turns towards Kingston. Kingston then grabs Ziggler and throws him over the, Eliminating Ziggler.


Justin Roberts: Dolph Ziggler has been eliminated

Kingston taunts to the crowd, and then walks into 3 German suplexes by Bryan Danielson. Danielson goes to the top corner rope, and attempts a diving headbutt, but misses it. Kofi then leaps up from the ground and runs towards the ropes and hits a boom drop.

Joey: and here we go, the next man in the match up will be?

**CROWD CHANTS 3, 2, 1, **



Tazz: Look at that, its Petey Williams.

Joey: Maple Leaf Muscle

Petey runs into the ring and starts punching Kofi, before shoulder charging Kofi into the turnbuckle. He then starts chopping Kingston before standing on the second ropes and flexing his muscles to the fans.


Petey then pulls Kofi from the corner and hits him with a sit-out jawbreaker, and then goes for a running spinning wheel kick. Kofi ducks, causing Petey to roll along Kofi’s back. Kofi then hits Petey with a jumping dropkick on his way back. Danielson then pops up from behind Kofi and locks in his signature maneuver, Cattle Mutilation.

Danielson lets the hold go after a while, realizing that he can’t win on submission. Danielson then pulls up Kofi and hits him with a European uppercut, causing Kingston to fall forward onto the ropes. Danielson then flips Kofi over the ropes, but Kofi holds onto the ropes and rolls back over the ropes, back into the ring. Danielson turns around, celebrating his supposed elimination (not knowing that Kofi is back in the ring), when Petey kicks Danielson in the stomach and hits his finisher, The Canadian Destroyer.

Petey gets up and then flexes towards the crowd


Petey then grabs Danielson off the ground and then throws Danielson out of the ring

Justin Roberts: Bryan Danielson had been eliminated

Tazz: Looks like Am-Drag is out of the match.

Joey: And not too soon, because we’re just seconds away from the next entry coming in, wait, did you just say Am – Drag?

Tazz: Yeah, like American Dragon? It’s something I’m trying out.

Joey: Maybe you should leave the catchy tags for the marketing team.

**CROWD CHANTS 3, 2, 1**



Joey: Brian Kendrick

Tazz: Not just any Brian Kendrick, THE Brian Kendrick.

Joey Styles: You’re saying there are other Brian Kendricks?

Tazz: Of course Joey. Its like Coka Cola, there are many different flavors. Like New, Diet, Zero.

Joey:…….what are you talking about?!

Brian Kendrich waits outside watching the match while Kofi and Petey trade blows. Petey irish whips Kofi, Kofi reverses, sending Petey towards the ropes, when Kendrick pulls the ropes down and Petey falls to the outside of the ring.

Justin Roberts: Petey Williams has been eliminated

Kendrick enters the ring, and Kofi and Kendrick have a stare down. Kendrick then slaps Kofi in the face. Kofi kicks Kendrick in the mid section, and bounces off the ring for an axe kick to the back of Kendrick’s head. Kendrick moves out of the way and hits Kofi with an Edge-O-Matic. Kendrick gets up and holds his hands out, taunting the fans


Kendrick then steps onto the outside of the ropes and tries for a springboard turning frog splash (calling the move “Left Turn at Albuquerque”) Kofi rolls out, causing Kendrick to miss, and then Kofi runs off the ropes and hits a Boom Drop. Kofi dances around Kendrick’s body, then Kofi goes to the top rope and waits for Kedrich to stand up, teasing some sort of standing aerial move. Kendrich slowly gets to his feet, and then leaps forward towards the nearest ropes and crotch spots Kofi onto the ropes. Kendrick walks towards Kofi’s corner, and starts trying to shove Kofi off the corner. Kofi then starts punching Kendrick in defense, just as the timer starts clocking down.

Joey: Time winding down for the match, the final man in this battle royale is about to come out.

**CROWD CHANTS 3, 2, 1,**



Joey: A veteran of the X division, Kaz is a two time X division champion.

Tazz: C’mon Joey, titles don’t mean jack in the X division, Petey Williams is 2 time X division champ as well.

Joey:Yeah, but you have to look at the history that Kaz has had with the X division, he was in the first Ultimate X match, and won the first Steel Asylum match. Plus you have to look at the two styles. Petey Williams is more of a technical wrestler, while Kaz embodies the athletic take no prisoners style that categorizes the X Division.

Tazz: So now you got The Brian Kendrick, Kofi Kingston, and Kaz. Anyone of these guys could be the face of the X Division, but only one of these men will walk out the number one man in the X Division, and more importantly the X Division Champ.

Kaz jumps into the ring and lifts Brian Kendrick off the corner onto his shoulders, as Kofi leaps forward with a flying forearm smash, knocking Kendrick off Kaz’s shoulders. Kendrick rolls out under the ring.

Kofi and Kaz stand in the ring and have a face to face. Kaz reaches out his hand to shake Kofi’s hand. Kofi grabs Kaz, Kaz then tries for a Wave of the Future, Kofi counters and hits a Ranhei (calling it the SOS). Kofi gets back up and climbs one of the turnbuckles and attempts a top rope leg drop. Kaz rolls out of the way before Kofi hits the ground. Kaz jumps up and bounces off the rope, flips over Kofi, and hits a snapping neckbreaker. Kaz gets up, and motions to the crows that he’s had enough. He picks up Kofi and props him onto the top turnbuckle, and hits Kofi with the Flux Capacitor. Kaz bounces off the floor and leans onto the ropes, with the ropes at his back. Without knowing it, Brian Kendrick climbs onto the apron and huricanrana’s Kaz out of the ring.

Joey: What?! How did Kendrick get outside the ring?!

Tazz: He rolled out of the ring after Kofi hit the forearm smash off the top rope. He didn’t go over the top rope, its all legal.

Justin Roberts: Kaz has been eliminated

Kendrick gets back into the ring and starts taunting Kaz, who starts looking at Kendrick in disbelief.

Joey: What a rotten move by Brian Kendrick.

Tazz: You say rotten, I say smart.

Joey: OH WAIT!!

Kofi grabs Kendrick and tosses him out of the ring, with Kaz holding the rope down.


Tazz: Talk about poetic justice there, Joey.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, and NEW WPWF X Division Champion, Kofi KINGSTON!!


Joey: Jerry Lynn heading down to the ring to award the newly crowned Kofi Kingston with the New X Division belt.

**Jerry Lynn walks down to the ring holding the X Division title. Lynn hands the title to Kofi and raises Kofi’s hand in victory, telling Kofi “Good Job, Kid”.**

Joey: Jerry Lynn, passing the torch to Kofi Kingston. Kofi Kingston, proving that he has what it takes to head this new X Division as it’s number 1 top ranked star.

Tazz: Man, what a way to start Genesis, and we’ve still got two other matches to go tonight.

Joey: And we will get to the first match of the Elimination Chamber qualifiers when we get back.


**Show opens with crowd shot of arena audience**

Match 2: Semi-Final Match for Elimination Chamber Spot


Justin Roberts: This contest, scheduled for one fall, is for a spot in the Elimination Chamber



Justin Roberts: Approaching the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 222lbs. CM Punk.

Joey: You know Tazz, I think the one thing that gets people about CM Punk is this almost messianic mentality he has towards his lifestyle.

Tazz: What’s so bad about it, he lives a straight edge lifestyle. Do you know how hard it is to live drug free in this industry? Why don’t you ask Scott Hall or Jake Roberts.

Joey That’s a low blow, Tazz

Tazz: People should be looking up to this guy, not booing him every second they get.

Joey: I agree that there is some respect deserved of Punk for his anti-indulgence. But to be as ambivalent about it, as if to say “I’m better than you” just goes too far in my opinion.

Tazz: Well to each their own.



Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 215lbs, Jeff Hardy.

Tazz: and speaking of drugs……

Joey: The rainbow haired warrior, Jeff Hardy, obviously bad blood between these two men. Jeff of course still holds a grudge against Punk for taking months out of his career in WWE for putting him on the shelf after their brutal cage match.

Tazz: I wish I could have been there to see that match.

Joey: Why what happened?

Tazz: I was busy that night washing my hair.


Both men stand in the middle of the ring, staring each other down


Tazz: What the hell?

**Raven walks down the aisle**

Joey: Wha..What is Raven doing out here?

Tazz: I dunno Joey.

Joey: Well, we saw earlier today, Raven stalking Punk during his interview backstage with JB. What do think Raven has against Punk.

Tazz: I dunno Joey, but like you said about Punk, Raven also tends to have a mesa-american mentality of his own.

Joey: You mean messianic?

Tazz: Yeah, what you said.

**Raven places a chair near the announce table and sits down**

Joey: Well, I guess Raven gonna sit by ringside and just watch the match.

Camera cuts back to Punk and Jeff in the ring. Hardy then runs at Punk and starts punching Punk in the head

Joey: Hardy, laying blows on Punk. The bell rang, the match had already officially started.

Tazz: Punk wasn’t ready!

Jeff shoves Punk into the corner and starts kicking punk down to the floor of the corner. Jeff then walks to the opposing corner, runs towards Punk, and hits him with a hangtime dropkick. Hardy gets up to his feet and throws off his shirt. He then grabs punk out of the corner, and Punk rakes the eyes, blinding Hardy. Punk then grabs Hardy’s back and rams Hardy’s shoulder into one of the corners. Punk taunts the audience


Punk then flips Hardy around, facing him. Punk then starts striking Hardy with elbows, followed by a running bulldog. Punk then gets up and goes for a magistral pin.


Punk gets back up and tries to pick up Hardy. Hardy counters by grabbing Punk’s head and landing a sitout jawbreaker. Hardy then gets up and grabs Punks legs. Punk kicks Hardy in the face, sending Hardy in the opposite direction. Punk gets up and waits for Hardy to turn around, then kicks Hardy in the gut and hits a double arm backbreaker. Punk goes out to the ring apron, and turns to look at Raven.

**Camera cuts to Raven just staring at Punk**

Punk then hits a slingshot somersault senton on Hardy. Punk then gets up and hints at a GTS once Hardy stands up.

Joey: This match might be over soon if Punk hits the GTS on Hardy

Tazz: He could be moving on to the Elimination Chamber

**Camera cuts to Raven standing up from his chair**

Joey and Tazz: UH OH.

Tazz: Raven’s getting out of his chair.

Punk then starts gesturing at Raven.

Joey: Punk’s not too happy with Raven getting out of his chair.

Punk rolls out of the ring, and starts yelling at Raven.

Punk: Get back in that chair. What the hell you gonna do huh?

Punk then shoves Raven back.

Punk walks back towards the ring, and then Raven grabs Punk and throws him into the side of the ring, Punks head striking the ringside. Raven then rolls Punk into the ring. Hardy, who had gotten up and climbed to the top rope while Punk and Raven were out of the ring, hits the Swanton Bomb and goes for the cover.

**1, 2, 3**


Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Jeff Hardy.

Joey: Jeff Hardy advances to the finals of the Elimination Chamber tournament.

**Camera cuts to Raven escaping through the crowd**

Tazz: Raven getting the hell outta Dodge.

Joey: Raven obviously having a hand in Hardy’s win, but none the less, Hardy will be in the finals of the tournament to decide who will be representing Genesis in the Elimination Chamber for the WPWF title.

**Camera cuts to Samoa Joe walking towards the ramp entrance**

Joey: and here you see Samoa Joe heading towards the ring. He faces Desmond Wolfe for another spot in the finals, and that match-up is next.


**Show returns with a camera pan of the audience**

Joey: We’re back on Genesis, moments away from the main event of the show.

Justin Roberts: This contest, scheduled for one fall, is a semi-final match in the Elimination Chamber tournament.


Justin Roberts: Approaching the ring, from London, England, weighing in at 225lbs. Desmond Wolfe

Joey: You know, both of these men have met in the past in other organizations. I believe Joe has a victory over Desmond, and at the same time, Desmond has a victory over Joe.

Tazz: Absolutely Joey, this is the rubber match as they say, and you’re seeing this match tonight, on the debut of Genesis in our main event.


Justin Roberts: Approaching the ring, from the Isle of Samoa, weighing in at 280lbs, Samoa Joe.

Tazz: And here’s my pick not just in this match, but in the entire tournament, Samoa Joe.

Joey: You think Joe’s got what it takes to win the WPWF title? Keep in mind, if you’ve watched Attitude earlier this week, we learned that Randy Orton and AJ Styles will be one step closer to moving into the Elimination Chamber match. Those are big names.

Tazz: Joey, I’ve trained with Joe. I’ve seen the intensity in his eyes. He’s a dangerous man when he puts his mind to it.

Joe gets in the ring and charges at Desmond, pushing Desmond into the corner and starts chopping Desmond in the chest.

Joey: And here we go, thunderous chops by Joe onto Desmond Wolfe.

Joe then starts kicking Desmond in the mid section, sending Desmond further and further down into the corner. Joe movesout of the corner and starts yelling towards the crowd


While Joe’s back is turned towards the fans, Desmond gets out of the corner and runs towards Joe, clipping the back of Joe’s legs with an elbow and sending Joe to the ground. Desmond starts kicking Joe on the ground, following that up by sitting on Joe’s back and wraps one of Joe’s arms around his neck, choking joe while Joe uses his other hand to try to break the hold.

Joey: Look at Desmond, trying to strangle the life out of Joe with his own arm.

Tazz: Well Joe’s tough, he’s using the strength of his to try to break Wolfe’s grip.

Joe then breaks the grip and flips Desmond over his head and tries for a Coquina Clutch. Desmond rolls out of the clutch and grabs the ropes before it can be applied.

Joey: Good ring awareness by Desmond Wolfe, sensing the clutch was near, and has the where-with-all to go for those ropes.

Tazz: No doubt, Desmond is one hell of a ring general, it’s gonna take more than Raw power to stop Wolfe. But I think Joe can do it. If there’s one guy who I think can out-mat and out-manuever Desmond Wolfe, it’s Samoa Joe.

Desmond rolls out of the ring to get his composure back. Joe signals the fans for a jump, and then leaps through the middle rope out of the ring right at Desmond.

Joey: OH MY GOD!!!

Tazz: Dead center Joey, like a guided missile!!

Joey: We need to see that again!!

**As both men slowly get back up, a replay of Joe’s dive is shown again**

Tazz: Take a look folks. As you can see, Desmond Wolfe rolling out of the ring to re-group. And then out of nowhere, BAM, suicide dive through the ropes. Joe showing no concern for his own well being on that one. You gotta love Joe for that.

Both men get back to their feet. Desmond kicks Joe and irish whips him into the outside barricade, following that up with a lariat, almost tossing Joe over said barricade. Desmond grabs Joe and tries to push him back into the ring. Joe counters with some punches to the mid-section, then grabs Desmond’s head and drives it into one of the nearby steel steps. Joe then runs towards Desmond and tries for a hip smash on Desmond and the steps, only for Desmond to roll out of the way and Joe taking the full impact of the steps on his hip.

Joey: Yet again another example of the great ring awareness by Desmond Wolfe. He sensed that Joe was coming and he moved out of the way. The end would have been near for Desmond had Joe hit that running hip smash.

Desmond then gets up and rolls Joe back into the ring, then goes up to the top rope

Tazz: Looks like Wolfe might be sizing up Joe for some kind f a diving headbutt here.

Desmond jumps and hits a diving headbutt on Joe. Desmond rolls over clutching his head.

Tazz: Looks like Desmond took more of that headbutt than he anticipated

Desmond uses the ropes to get to his feet and signals to the crowd that this is the end


Desmond grabs Joe off his feet and starts moving him to the corner. He then jumps on tht second rope and sets Joe up for the tower of London. Right before he’s about to hit the move, Joe grabs Desmond an flips him onto his shoulder and hits an over the shoulder reverse piledriver on Desmond from the second rope.


Joe goes for the cover

**CROWD CHANTS 1, 2, 3!!!**



Tazz: What’d I tell you Joey.

Joey: I have to say, not since the glory days of ECW have I seen two men tear the house down the way these two men have tonight. These fans are out of their chairs right now.

Tazz: Mark my words Joey, Samoa Joe will be your new WPWF champion.

Joey: What a night it has been, on the debut episode of Genesis. Good Night Everybody!!


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