WPWF Attitude

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management

General Manager: Eric Bischoff
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler


WPWF Intercontinental Championship
WPWF Hardcore Championship
WPWF Attitude Tag Team Championships


1.) Randy Orton
2.) Kurt Angle
3.) AJ Styles
4.) Undertaker
5.) Shawn Michaels
6.) John Cena
7.) Sting
8.) Hernandez
9.) Matt Morgan
10.) Big Show
11.) Kane
12.) Christopher Daniels
13.) MVP
14.) Cody Rhodes
15.) R-Truth
16.) Mick Foley
17.) Bobby Lashley
18.) Kevin Nash
19.) Booker T
20.) Carlito
21.) Psicosis
22.) Bubba Ray Dudley
23.) D-Von Dudley
24.) Yoshi Tatsu
25.) Amazing Red
26.) Mark Henry
27.) Santino Marella
28.) Jack Swagger
29.) Paul Burchill
30.) Chavo Guerrero

A Video Package featuring all of the wrestlers on the Attitude roster set to Always by Saliva opens the show. A massive pyrotechnics display goes off next as the first episode of WPWF Attitude is underway. We take things to Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler now...

Jim Ross: Hello WPWF fans and welcome to the first ever edition of the World Pro Wrestling Federation's number one brand Attitude! I'm Jim Ross alongside my esteemed broadcast colleague and fellow Hall of Famer, my good friend Jerry the King Lawler. King, How the heck are ya?

Jerry the King Lawler: I'm great J.R! I'm so excited to be here in the WPWF sitting next to you at the broadcast booth again. Do you wanna know the best part about it J.R?

Jim Ross: What's that King?

Jerry the King Lawler: I don't have that asshole McMahon screaming in my ear! I was starting to go deaf J.R!

Jim Ross: Maybe that's your old age King. None the less I can't say I miss Vince and his attempts at "humor" humiliating myself and others on national television. However I did enjoy my time in the WWE. I met some great people, saw some of the best matches in the history of the buisiness, and met some great fans. That page of my life is closed however and I'm looking forward to opening a new one here in the WPWF on Attitude. I'm anxious to get things started King. So let's take it down to the Fink!

Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a first round match in the tournament to determine the two representatives representing Attitude that will be in the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out for the WPWF Undisputed Championship!

Voices by Rev Theory plays first.

Howard Finkel: Coming down the aisle, from St.Louis Missouri, weighing in at 245 lbs. Randy Orton!

Jim Ross: I don't know who Randy Orton's opponent is King but I gotta tell you. Randy Orton may be the favorite to win this whole tournament. He's young, he's talented. He is a 6 time World Champion and he wants a seventh around his waist. But to do that he will first have to get past whoever Mr.Bischoff picked as his opponent tonight.

Jerry the King Lawler Well I can tell you this much J.R. Our General Manager Eric Bischoff hinted to me earlier tonight who Orton's opponent may be. He is a former WWE Champion himself and a man Randy Orton knows very well.

My time is now by John Cena plays next.

Jim Ross: My god King John Cena! Orton and Cena haven't faced off one on one in a match since their brutal Ironman match at Breaking Point 2009!

Jerry the King Lawler: Yeah J.R but these two men know each other very well, and all the time in the world away from each other won't change the fact that these two men know each other's every move and this will surely come down to who slips up first.

John Cena vs Randy Orton​
(WPWF Attitude Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament Round 1)​
Orton and Cena stare each other down remembering all of the epic showdowns the two have had in their storied history together. Cena remembers how Orton punted his father in the skull and how he ended his historic WWE Championship reign and took three months off his career when he RKO'd Cena on the announcer's table in October in 2007. Orton remembers how Cena took his championship in late 2009 and how he couldn't challenge for it again until January of this year because of a stipulation Cena laid into the match that in Orton's rubix cube of a mind was because Cena feared him. The two men focus on all of these things as they get set to lock up as the first match in the history of the WPWF takes place. These two men make history again as they get into a collar and elbow tie up. Cena begins to use his power to muscle Orton towards the ropes but Orton is taller and has a leverage advantage. He uses his leverage advantage to back Cena down onto his knees. Cena starts to fight back up and Orton clamps on a vicegrip like side headlock. He has a focused look on his face as he look's Cena dead in the eye as he seemingly wants to squeeze Cena's head until it pops. Cena starts to get red in the face so he starts throwing punches at Orton's ribs to get him to alleviate the pressure. After the third shot from Cena Orton lets go and clutches his ribs. Cena takes this opportunity to throw Orton off the ropes and hit him with a dropkick. Cena stuns Orton and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Cena lifts Orton to a seated position and locks in a rear naked choke now trying to squeeze Orotn's head until it pops. Cena has the same crazed passionate look Orton did and its apparent these two men really hate each other. Orton is getting red in the face now and he starts helplessly waving his arms around looking for something to grab onto before he finds Cena's face and rakes at his eyes until Cena let's go. Cena breakes the hold now and is on his side clutching his left eye trying to see again. When Orton gets to his feet and stomps at Cena's shoulder. Cena clutches his shoulder and Orton stomps Cena's injured eye. Cena rolls out of the ring writihing in pain and Orton follows him out. Cena is still clutching his eye and Orton grabs Cena by the back of the head and slams his face into the steel steps. Cena is screaming in agony and Orton kicks him in the midsection and nails him with a European Uppercut. Cena is dazed as Orton connects with a dropkick out on the floor which causes Cena to fall over the steel steps and fall on his back on the hard ring area floor. The referee's count is at eight now and Orton slides into the ring to break the count, He doesn't want a countout victory he wants to beat Cena in the middle of the ring. He goes to grab Cena and Cena throws a wild haymaker at Orton catching him right in the jaw dazing him for a minute when a fan at ringside tosses Cena their water bottle. Cena takaes off the cap and washes his eye out with the water. He blinks a couple of times trying to get his vision back when Orton kicks him in the midsection again and takes a big gulp of the water before spitting it in the face of the fan. He then tosses the bottle back to the crowd and rolls Cena into the ring. He gets in the ring and stomps every one of Cena's appendages in slow motion. He then lays on the mat next to Cena and locks him in a bodyscissors clubbing away at Cena's chest while the hold is on to make it harder to breathe. Cena is gassed now he has his arm underneath Orton's legs trying to break the hold and free himself but everytime he tries Orton just sqeezes harder making it even harder to breathe. Cena seemingly gets an adrenaline rush and lets out a scream before pulling Orton's legs off of him and turning around to fire away at Orton. Orton puts up his hands to block but Cena is just firing away. Cena gets up on his feet now and yells out to the crowd eyes wide open now. Orton gets up too and Cena fires a couple of shots before throwing Orton off of the ropes and hitting a running ahoulder tackle. Orton gets to his feet quickly and is met with another tackle. When he gets up again Cena spins him around and plants him with a spin out powerbomb. Cena looks to the crowd for adulation before sticking up his hand and doing his signature You Can't See Me chant. He bounces off the ropes and does a military salute before dropping his fist onto Orton with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. But instead of going for a pin cover he gets back up to his feet and pumps up his Reeboks. He is stalking Orton now,waiting for him to get to his feet. When he does he lifts him onto his shoulders for the Attitude Adjustment and Orton claws at Cena's injured left eye. Cena clutches his eye in pain and Orton slides off of his back and spins him around and hits him with the RKO! 1...2...3

Bell Rings

Howard Finkel: Here is your winner, Randy Orton!

Jim Ross: My gawd King what a match! These two men battled till the very end and set an incredibly high bar for everyone else in on Attitude and in the rest of the WPWF to follow. But in the end it was an RKO by Randy Orton that got the win.

Jerry the King Lawler: You seemingly forgot the part where Randy Orton raked John Cena in the eye to get that victory J.R.

Jim Ross: I didn't forget King but you can't deny that it was a smart strategy and if it was that bad the referee would have disqualified him. But he didn't because it was an important match and having it end on a disqualification would have tainted our championship before a champion was ever crowned. I normally wouldn't agree with the tactics Randy Orton used tonight to win this match. But both men are great competitors and Randy Orton did what it took to win and advance. When he's inside that Elimination Chamber there won't be any rules and he'll need the killer instincts he showed tonight if he wants to become the first Undisputed Champion in WPWF history.

Jerry the King Lawler: If Randy Orton gets to the Elimination Chamber J.R. You know I'd like to know when you developed this mancrush on Randy Orton. Your seemingly cheering for this guy. After all the things he did to our former bosses the McMahons you should be ashamed.

Jim Ross: I couldn't give a dam about the McMahons King. As far as I'm concerned Randy Orton was right in what he did to them. Those people are dispicable human beings and I hope they all (Vince in particular) rot in hell.

Jerry the King Lawler: That's really nice to say about the people who gave you an opportunity to make a name for yourself and eventually go into the Hall of Fame. If it wasn't for the McMahons you'd be selling your disgusting Barbeque Sauce on the street to pay your rent on your cardboard box! I was the AWA Champion before coming to the WWE. I became the best commentator of all time after becoming the greatest AWA Champion of all time. I didn't need the McMahons but you sure as hell did.

Jim Ross: If your so great why are you on like your eleventh wife King? I hear Goldust is single maybe you should try him/her.

Jerry the King Lawler: You know what J.R you can call the rest of the show by yourself I'm leaving!

Jim Ross:That's real mature King. Fine Good Riddance

Bobby Lashley Theme Plays

Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentleman,Please Welcome The Boss, Bobby Lashley!

Bobby Lashley Promo
At first I was excited to be in the WPWF, (crowd cheers) until I found out that I wasn't competing in the Tournament to determine the two competitors who are going to represent Attitude in the Elimination Chamber. I won the greatest Elimination Chamber of all time! (crowd boos) I was the greatest ECW Champion of all time! (crowd boos even louder)...a small E-C Dub chant breaks out and then gets louder and louder until you can barely hear what Bobby Lashley is saying. Shut up all of you know dam well the original ECW was crap! (More Boos) The WWE's vision of ECW was amazing and I greatly enjoyed my time there. I'm the biggest superstar in the WPWF and I deserve to be in that tournament. I'm gonna plow through everyone on the roster until I am Champion so Eric Bischoff, You've been warned!

Santino Marella theme Music Plays

Bell Rings

Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring from Colorado Springs Colorado, weighing in at 252 lbs. Bobby Lashley!, and his opponent from Calabria Italy, weighing in at 238 lbs. Santino Marella!

Bell Rings Again

Bobby Lashley vs Santino Marella
Santino starts the match off by yelling at Bobby that he made the biggest mistake of his life. He does his usual schtick and sets up the cobra. He charges Bobby and gets speared right out of his boots literally. It's academic from here.

Bell Rings Again

Howard Finkel: Here is your winner,The Boss Bobby Lashley!

Jim Ross: Too bad King missed that match. It was a slobber knocker. Well it knocked Santino right out of his shoes anyway. Up next we have a Fatal Four Way Elimination Tag Team Bout to determine the first ever WPWF Attitude Tag Team Champions! Let's take it to the back with Mean Gene Okerlund who has the former TNA World Tag Team Champions Matt Morgan and Hernandez on hand.

Mean Gene: Thanks Jim. Ladies and Gentleman I have with me here the former, TNA World Tag Team Champions, Matt Morgan and Hernandez. Gentleman, What is your strategy in tonights tag team bout.

Matt Morgan: Gene, a good wrestler never reveals his plan. So why would two GREAT wrestlers like myself and Hernandez give away ours. We're not alleged evil geniuses who give away the minute they think they've got their enemy on the ropes. We're not rookies, we know this match is gonna be tough, its gonna be brutal, but we have been tag team champions before. We've beaten 3D. We've wrestled with Nash and Booker before, and when I was in the WWE I stood toe to toe with Kane and the Big Show. So while were highly qualified to be in this match as former champions. We're not naiive enough to think we've got this in the bag and were not coming out there with any sort of plan. We're going out there and were gonna kick all six of those guys asses. Eliminate every one of them, and become the new tag team champions!

Hernandez: Gene, un buen luchador nunca revela su plan. Así que ¿por qué dos grandes luchadores como yo mismo y Hernández daría lejos nuestra. No estamos presuntos malos genios que regalan el minuto piensan que tienen su enemigo en las cuerdas. No estamos novatos, sabemos que este partido se va a ser difícil, su va a ser brutal, pero hemos sido campeones de equipo antes de etiqueta. Nos hemos golpeado 3D. Nos hemos luchado con Nash y Booker antes, y cuando estaba en la WWE toe a toe estuve con Kane y Big Show. Mientras tanto fueron altamente calificados para estar en este partido como antiguos Campeones. Nosotros no somos lo suficientemente naiive a pensar que esto tiene en la bolsa y no venían por ahí con cualquier tipo de plan. Nos va por ahí y se va a patear los seis de esos chicos asnos. Eliminar todos y cada uno de ellos, y convertirse en los nuevos campeones de equipo de etiqueta!

Matt Morgan: What did you just say?

Hernandez: What you just said in Spanish.

Matt Morgan: Why would you say the same thing I just said?

Hernandez: Because it sounded good.

Matt Morgan: But I already said it.

Hernandez: But some of our Spanish speaking viewers(readers) may not have understood you Matt.

Matt Morgan: Whatever, let's just go Hernandez.

Matt Morgan Theme

Howard Finkel: The following contest is a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match. One man from each team will compete in the match at a time. If a member of the team is eliminated his tag team partner is as well. The match will continue until there is one team remaining and that team will be the new and first ever WPWF Attitude Tag Team Champions! Making their way down the aisle, weighing in at a combined weight of 615 lbs. Hernandez and the Blueprint Matt Morgan!

Kane & Big Show theme

Howard Finkel: Introducing one of their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 823 lbs. Kane and The Big Show!

Team 3D theme

Howard Finkel: Next from Dudleyville, weighing in at a combined weight of 585lbs. Brother Ray,Brother D-Von, Team 3D!

Main Event Mafia Theme

Howard Finkel: Finally, weighing in at a combined weight of 567 lbs. Big Sexy Kevin Nash and Booker T!

Team 3D vs Morgan & Hernandez vs Booker T & Kevin Nash vs Kane & Big Show​
Fatal Four Way Elmination Match WPWF Attitude World Tag Team Championship​

Booker T,Morgan,Bubba Ray,and Kane start the match off. Morgan delivers a knee to the gut of Kane doubling the big red machine over. Morgan punches Kane in the head a couple of time before tossing Kane over the top rope. Morgan goes to climb over the top rope and go after Kane but Big Show cuts him off with a massive headbutt sending Morgan to the mat. Over on the other side of the ring Booker is unloading on Bubba Ray Dudley with a few knife edged chops when Bubba throws Book into the corner and starts unloading with a few of his own. Bubba climbs up to the second rope and starts hammering away with a few right hands now when Booker drops his groin onto his knee and drop toeholds him face first into the turnbuckle before making a tag to Kevin Nash. Nash starts working over Bubba with some stomps in the corner while Kane is back in the ring on the other side now choking Morgan with the bottom rope. Kane tags in the Big Show and they hit a double suplex on Morgan before Big Show attempts a pin cover that gets a two count. Show pulls Morgan to his feet and delivers another headbutt. Nash leaves Bubba in the corner and comes over to Big Show and starts trading punches with the 500 pounder. Show throws a punch that sends Nash up against the ropes dazed but Nash comes back with a huge right of his own that dazes Big Show. Nash comes off the ropes now and hits a huge big boot taking the giant off of his feet! Nash goes for the cover but gets two Nash is clearly frustrated and turns right around into a Carbon Footprint! Morgan goes for the cover but Booker comes in and breaks it up! Morgan clotheslines Booker over the top rope and signals its time for the Hellevator! But Nash slides underneath the bottom rope to regroup with his partner. Morgan turns around and gets Chokeslammed by the Big Show! Show covers but gets two when Hernandez breaks the count up. Bubba comes over and starts stomping on Big Show before he can get to his feet. This gives Morgan time to tag in Hernandez he comes in over the top rope with a slingshot shoulder tackle that takes down both Bubba Ray Dudley and Big Show. He sees Nash and Booker on the outside and bounces off the ropes and does a plancha onto both former Mafia members. Hernandez starts punding his chest before Kane meets him on the outside with a big uppercut. Bubba gets up and tags in D-Von now and they signal for the 3-D. Show gets to his feet and turns right around into a 3-D! Nash gets in the ring and clotheslines both Dudleys and covers the Big Show but Show kicks out. Nash then lifts the Big Show and Jacknife Powerbombs him. He starts bragging and tells Booker to get in the ring. Booker does and hits the Axe Kick on Big Show before 3-D hits the 3-D on Nash! Bubba clotheslines Booker out and D-Von covers Nash for the three count! Kevin Nash and Booker T are eliminated! Kane is back on the apron now and Hernandez is back in the ring. Big Show is still knocked out from taking both Booker and Nash's finishers. Bubba slams Hernandez and the Dudleys hit Hernandez with the whats up while the ref is still trying to get rid of Booker and Nash. D-Von covers Hernandez but the ref is still busy. Booker runs back in the ring and hits D-Von with the Book End! Now Booker and Nash leave. Show crawls over to tag in Kane and Hernandez tags in Morgan. Kane and Morgan are trading punches and Kane grabs Morgan by the throat and chokeslams him but Morgan rolls under the bottom rope after the move. Kane signals the chokeslam for D-Von too but D-Von kicks him in the gut to counter and tags in Bubba. Kane recovers and hits Ray with a Tombstone Piledriver. D-Von is still recovering on the other side and can't make the save and the Dudleys are eliminated! Now its down to Kane and Big Show vs Morgan and Hernandez. Morgan is back in the ring and tags in Hernandez. Hernandez picks Kane up and hits the Crackerjack! Morgan knocks Show off the apron! 1..2..3! We have new Attitude Tag Team Champions!

Howard Finkel: Here are your winners and the new WPWF Attitude Tag Team Champions! Matt Morgan and Hernandez!

Jim Ross: Well folks we've had an amazing night so far and that's gonna continue with out next contest a Six Pack Challenge for the Intercontinental Championship.

6 Pack Challenge WPWF Intercontinental Championship​
Jack Swagger vs MVP vs Cody Rhodes vs Ron Killings vs Carlito vs Daniels​
Swagger and MVP go after each other right when the bell rings. Meanwhile Daniels goes after Killings and Rhodes and Carlito wait in the corner watching the action. Swagger and MVP are fighting on the outside now Daniels is pounding Killings in the corner Rhodes and Carlito join him and the three of them are ganging up on Killings. Swagger throws MVP into the steel steps and joins the three men in attacking Killings. Cody lifts Killings up and hits him with a double underhook DDT. Carlito goes for the cover and Swagger yanks him off and screams what are you doing? Swagger then throws Carlito over the top rope onto MVP who just got to his feet. Rhodes grabs Swagger and nails him with the Crossroads while he is turned around. Rhodes is about to go for the cover when Killings rolls Cody up. 1..2..kickout! Cody is furious he almost lost and throws Killings out onto the floor. He rips the announce table cover off and picks up Killings and hits him with the crossroads through the table. Both men are laid out and Swagger and MVP are back in the ring. Swagger sets MVP up for the Gutwrench Powerbomb but MVP counters into a DDT. MVP sets Swagger up for the Playmaker and hits it. Carlito rolls back into the ring and goes to hit the Backstabber on MVP but MVP holds onto the top turnbuckle and Carlito falls hard on his head. MVP goes into a Jacknife cover and Pins Carlito Daniels comes in and throws MVP out of the ring. He goes up top and hits the BME (Best Moonsault Ever) on Carlito and gets the three count!

Howard Finkel: Here is your winner and the new Intercontinental Champion! The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels!

Jim Ross: My Gawd! That wretched Daniels snuck in and stole the Intercontinental Championship at the last second from MVP. He doesn't deserve the championship! This is wrong. I hope our General Manager saw that and gives MVP a rematch next week. But since our General Manager is Eric Bischoff I highly doubt it. Next up folks is the main event. A First round match in the tournament to determine Attitudes two representatives that will be competing in the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out. It's the Phenomenal AJ Styles vs the Olympic Hero Kurt Angle.

AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle w/Karen Angle
Styles and Angle lock up and Angle goes for a double leg takedown sending Styles onto his back on the mat and going straight into a bodyscissors. Kurt then starts ramming his forarm into AJ's face while he has him in the bodyscissors. He tries to grab AJ's ankle to turn it into the Ankle Lock but AJ pulls over to the ropes and breaks Kurt's hold. The ref pulls him off and lets both men get to their feet. Angle hits AJ with a European Uppercut and AJ answers with a dropkick. Kurt gets back to his feet and is met with an enzuiguiri. AJ goes for the cover and gets a two count. As AJ is pulling Kurt to his feet Angle rakes the eyes and AJ falls to the mat. Kurt then starts stomping away at AJ. He then locks in a Rear Naked Choke. AJ is gasping for air and drags his body to the bottome rope. Kurt breaks the hold after four then goes right back to it. AJ grabs the rope again and its another four count before Angle breaks the hold. Angle lifts AJ to his feet and hits a released Belly to Back Suplex. He then leaps up to the top rope and attempts a Moonsault but AJ rolls out of the way at the last second. Both men are down and the official begins his count. He gets to six before both men get to their feet and AJ hits a Brainbuster! He goes for the cover but only gets two. He goes out to the ring apron and hits his trademark 450 splash. He attempts another cover but gets a nearfall. AJ runs off the ropes and is met with a Belly to back released suplex. Kurt goes up top and hits a Frog Splash but only gets a two count. He pulls down the straps and locks in the Ankle Lock but AJ rolls through into a pin cover for a two count. Both men get to their feet and AJ connects with a Pele kick. AJ summons Kurt to his feet and sets up the Styles Clash but Kurt picks the Ankle out from underneath him and locks in the Ankle Lock. AJ pulls himself towards the rope but Kurt pulls him back into the middle of the ring. AJ turns onto his back and kicks Angle off. Both men get to their feet and Kurt slides AJ's arm over his back and sets up the Angle Slam which AJ counters into an Arm Drag. Both men are back to their feet again now and AJ sets Kurt up for the Styles Clash again except this time he hits it! He goes for the cover and Karen Angle gets up on the apron and flashes Earl Hebner! Hebner is shocked!, AJ is shocked!, Kurt is shocked but he takes advantage and rolls AJ up and grabs the tights. Karen gets off the apron and Earl turns around and makes the count. 1..2..kickout! Kurt is furious and grabs a Steel Chair now. He gets in the ring and AJ dropkicks it into Kurt's face. Angle is out cold and AJ goes up top and connects with the Spiral Tap! AJ gets the cover and gets the three count!

Jim Ross: What a phenomenal match to end a phenomenal show! I'm Jim Ross here and I wanna thank each and everyone of you for joinging us all on whats sure to be an amazing ride from now until the end. I'm Jim Ross signing off!

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