WPWA Temptation (Wednesday Nights)

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
We cut to an image of Stephanie McMahon on the titantron in formal attire ready to address the crowd.

Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight on the first episode of WPWA Temptation, I have designed a special tournament to decide who will become the first Oceania Champion. I have selected eight of the finest wrestlers we have on the roster to compete in an elimination-style set of matches, all randomly drawn. The winners of these matches will go on until we have found our sole survivor. Four quarter-finals matches will be starting off the Tournament tonight. I have also created a Battle Royale to determine who will become the first Vixen's Champion, showcasing the finest women wrestling the world has to offer.

I wish good luck to all the contending competitors and I hope you enjoy the show.

A shot of Stephanie McMahon smiling appears before cutting out.​



The camera shows random shots of the crowd who are completely ecstatic before cutting to the announcer's desk.

Grisham: Welcome everyone to Wednesday Night Temptation. I’m Todd Grisham and I will be calling the action with my partner, the lovely Allison Danger.

Danger: In your dreams, Grisham. You're lucky I'm here to carry you through the broadcast, let alone be referred as your "partner." As long as the Temptation Vixen's perform a good show tonight, I'll be happy I took this position.

Grisham: Don't forget the HUGE 8-man Oceania Tournament we are preparing for with the randomly-drawn matches. Those should be high caliber matches with great results.

Danger: It's always about the men, isn't it? Sure, I can understand the appeal you might have with them grappling each other shirtless for countless minutes. Is that why you agreed to do commentating?

Grisham: Uh no, we were drafted here... however, let's get this show underway with our gorgeous ring announcer, Lilian Garcia.

The camera shows a shot of Lilian standing in the centre of the ring with the crowd still showing signs of being excited.

Garcia: The following contest is an Oceania Championship Tournament quarter-finals match, scheduled for one fall!


Garcia: Making his way to the ring, first, from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing in at 237 pounds...

The titantron explosions go off and out walks RVD to an ovation. He gets to the middle of the ramp and readies his thumbs.

ROB... VAN... DAM!

He slides underneath the bottom rope and spins around, following up with the crowd chanting his name as he does his signature thumb taunt again.


Garcia: And his opponent, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 221 pounds... Dolph ZIGGLER!

The crowd gives a harsh welcome as Ziggler comes out brushing his hair back, flicking the sweat towards the crowd. He cockily makes his way down the ring and slowly enters the ring.

Grisham: For the record ladies and gentlemen, this match will be a first time ever as these men have never squared off against each other one on one before. Should prove for an interesting contest.

Danger: For the absent-minded, sure. Anyone with half a brain in their heads would realise that Ziggler already has this all patched up.

Grisham: Those with the whole thing wouldn't discredit RVD.

The referee signals for the bell and both men go for a lock-up, but Ziggler ducks and clutches the stomach of RVD. He lifts him up and plants him to the mat, whilst still holding on. RVD quickly switches positions and locks the head of Ziggler who immediately rolls out. Ziggler and RVD find their bearings as the crowd applaud for the clean opening. The two go for another lock-up, but RVD sweeps the feet of Ziggler. RVD goes for a spinning leg drop, but Ziggler moves out of harms way and tries for an elbow drop. He hits canvas and RVD locks in a headlock again. Ziggler wriggles out and applies a hammerlock whilst grounding RVD. The two struggle before RVD flips Ziggler off, allowing for him to get up. The crowd are move vocal this time as the two both lock-up cleanly where Ziggler gets a headlock of his own. RVD sends him for an irish whip and does the leg splits. Ziggler jumps over him and RVD lifts up his legs, sending Ziggler flipping through the air and to the ropes. There, Ziggler uses the aid of the ropes to lift him but is met with a clothesline that sends him over the rop. The crowd is pumped as RVD hits a plancha attack on Ziggler. Dazed, Ziggler uses the barricade to get up as RVD gets into the ring. He readies himself but Ziggler throws his hands up and begins to walk out with the crowd booing.

Grisham: Where does he think he's going?

RVD exits the ring and follows him up the ramp. As he is about to grab Ziggler, he gets sucker-punched to the jaw. Ziggler throws RVD into the side barricade shoulder first. RVD writhes in pain as Ziggler gloats.

Danger: Dolph "hook, line and sinkered" Rob with that one. Great way to lure him in.

Ziggler has RVD near the apron and pushes him into the steel steps, exposing the ring post. He picks up RVD and rings his arm around the post to damage the injured shoulder. He breaks the pressure at the referee's 4 count and gets RVD into the ring. He goes goes for a cover... 1... kickout. Ziggler immediately uses a key lock and rolls both himself and RVD onto their stomachs. Ziggler slowly begins to perform a headstand to maximise leverage. He drops down with a thud and sends a wave of pain to RVD's shoulder. He goes for it again, but RVD moves back a few inches and extends his leg to the bottom rope. Ziggler does not let go until the count of 4, with the referee forcing Ziggler to break up the hold. He remains on the attack with a flurry of kicks to the injured shoulder as RVD gets up. As Ziggler goes for another kick, RVD grabs his leg and goes for the step-over spinning wheel kick. Ziggler avoids the contact at the last second and moves away. RVD gets up and is met by a dropkick by Ziggler. He looks over the entire crowd with a smirk on his face and brushes back his hair, dispersing the sweat at RVD. He hits the jumping elbow drop and goes for a cover... 1... 2... kickout. A little frustrated, Ziggler argues with the referee. He locks in another key hold and applies the pressure with RVD having nowhere to go. The referee checks on RVD but he doesn't let up. The crowd begins to rally support for RVD who slowly gets up. He delivers a few elbows to Ziggler and he realises the hold. RVD runs off the ropes and attempts a clothesline, but Ziggler avoids and hits a german suplex with a bridge... 1... 2... kickout. Immediately, Ziggler goes back to the injured shoulder with a modified bodyscissors.

Danger: Dolph has been relentless in his attack to catch Rob out. He has been dissecting that shoulder for a lot of the match.

Grisham: Van Dam hasn't given up thus far and neither have the fans. Dolph needs to do more than this to put him away.

The crowd is at their peak in supporting RVD as he attempts to get up again. He gets to a vertical base and hits Ziggler with enough elbows to let go and daze him. RVD hits a few kicks for good measure and runs at his with a clothesline from his good arm. He hits a couple more, followed by a running spinning crescent kick. They both get up and Ziggler goes for a kick of his own, which is blocked and RVD this time hits the step-over kick that forces Ziggler to the corner. RVD uses the good shoulder to hit some turnbuckle thrusts and then monkey flipping Ziggler across the ring. He sets up and delivers the rolling thunder. He goes for a cover... 1... 2... kickout. RVD ascends the turnbuckles to hit his finisher. As he prepares for it, Ziggler rolls underneath the bottom rope and onto the apron. He runs at RVD still perched and he gets a kick for his efforts. RVD jumps off and gives Ziggler a diving super kick sending him to the floor with RVD crashing to the canvas. RVD slowly rolls to the outside and follows to where Ziggler is. He picks him up and suplexes him onto the crowd barricade, leaving him to hang. He climbs to the apron and RVD looks to the fans as they cheer him on and does his signature thumb taunt. He performs the spinning kick but miss as Ziggler slides back into the crowd. Confused and exhausted, Ziggler regains himself as the referee is up to the count of 5.

Grisham: What an opening match to start the show. These two are really digging deep so they can advance in the Tournament.

At the count of 9, Ziggler and RVD make it back inside the ring and trade blows with the crowd booing and cheering, respectively. This continues until Ziggler kicks RVD in the gut. He runs runs off the ropes to hit a leg drop bulldog, but RVD counters the attack and pushes Ziggler away. RVD aims for a Roundhouse kick, but Ziggler ducks and applies the SLEEPER HOLD! RVD is flailing about and tries to grab the ropes, but misses each time. RVD quickly switches around and delivers a northern lights suplex to Ziggler, much to the delight of the crowd. RVD doesn't go for the cover and takes the time to recuperate. He waits for Ziggler to get up and hits a spinning kick on him. He goes to the turnbuckle and quickly climbs to the top. He leaps off and hits the FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! 1... 2... 3!

The bell rings and RVD's music hits with the ref holding his hand high. The crowd is cheering for the victory.

Garcia: Here is your winner, ROB VAN DAM!

Grisham: Van Dam is the first man through to the semi-finals of the tournament and what a win he accomplished here.

Danger: He got lucky there, Todd. If it wasn't for the amount of sweat that Dolph generates from wrestling in perfection, Rob wouldn't have been able to slip out of the sleeper.

Grisham: Nevertheless, RVD advances.

The crowd celebrates with RVD as Ziggler has rolled to the outside clutching his ribs and heads up the ramp with the referee checking on him.

We cut backstage where Madison Rayne is walking through the corridor with her bags. She tries to keep a low profile as some of the other Vixens notice her going through. Michelle and Layla step in front of her to stop her from walking.

Oh, look Shelle... it's The Beautiful Person.

Like, I know. Big fan, big fan.

Madi Rayne! Oh it's good to finally meet you!

Layla hugs her but Madison doesn't hug back.

Michelle, Layla... I don't know what you are trying to do but those days are over. I'm not rolling with them anymore, I'm on my own and I'd like start my life fresh.

Layla retracts her hug and Michelle grows concerned.

Whoa whoa, slow down there. REAL TALK! You can't give up the fashion.

The make-up.

The shoes.

The popularity.

That's exactly what I was going to say.

No way, you're lying!

No I wasn't...

Madison rolls her eyes as the two begin to get carried away and brushes past them.

Excuse me?

Where's the manners?

Madison continues to walk off ignoring them.

Oh, she did not just do that!

We cut back to the ring with Lilian ready to address the crowd.

Garcia: The following contest is an Oceania Championship Tournament quarter-finals match, scheduled for one fall!


Garcia: Making his way to the ring, first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 183 pounds... Evan BOURNE!

Evan jumps out and gives the peace sign to the fans, who are giving him a big cheer. He claps the hands of the fans and jumps underneath the bottom rope. He poses on the turnbuckle before the lights go out.


A spotlight comes on to reveal Ken Anderson standing on the rampway, with a mixed reaction being given. He cockily makes his way to the ring taunting both the fans and Evan. He enters the ring and requests for a microphone from the ceiling. His music dies out as he grabs it and clears his throat. He taps the mic a couple of times to check if it's on.

Anderson: Well... well... well... a tournament, huh? While it could be considered a great idea from a business perspective, there really is no point making this involving the man who is currently standing in the ring tonight at an absolutely freakin' massive 243 and a quarter pound... he hails from GREEN BAY, WISCONSINNNN... MMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSTTEEEERRRR... A...

The crowd finishes the rest of his name but Anderson stands in the ring shaking his head at them in disgust.

Fool you once, shame on me... KKKKEEEEENNNNNEEEEDDDDYYYY!...




Again, the crowd says his name and Anderson has an unamused look on his face. He is very displeased with the crowd.

Fool you twice, shame on you... AAAANNNNDDDEEERRSSSOOONNN!

Not only will this man advance through the Tournament by beating the holy living crap out of this sad excuse for a man, but I will...

Evan Bourne hits a high knee to Ken Anderson and he continues the attack with some kicks as the lights return to normal settings and the referee signals for the bell.

Danger: Why did that pip-squeak do that for?

Grisham: I guess he couldn't take anymore of Anderson's voice. I don't blame him either.

Anderson is in the corner as Bourne hits a standing enzuigiri, making Anderson stumble out of the corner. Bourne quickly ascends to the top rope and hits a diving double knee drop. He goes for a quick pin... 1... 2... kickout. Before Anderson can get to his feet, Bourne runs at him with a dropkick to the face followed by a standing moonsault. He goes for another cover... 1... 2... kickout. Bourne measures Anderson with a roundhouse kick, but it's countered into a back suplex. Both men take their time getting back to a vertical base that allows Anderson to get a solid knee lift on Bourne, slowing down the pace. He picks Bourne up and pounds him with a side slam backbreaker and covers him... 1... kickout. He lifts Bourne up who gets some kicks to the legs of Anderson and switches the momentum. A spinning savate kick connects to Anderson's torso that sends him flailing. Bourne runs off the ropes and attempts a headscissors takedown, but Anderson counters and flips Bourne onto his shoulders. He shakes his head and carries Bourne around the ring until he gets to a turnbuckle and ascends it with Bourne still laying across his shoulders. Anderson lets out a scream to signal for THE PLUNGE... but Bourne counters and turns it into a hurricanrana. Anderson is out of it and Bourne looks towards the crowd. They cheer for him and he goes to the top of the turnbuckles. He goes for the AIR BOURNE... but Anderson moves out of the way just in time. Bourne tries to get up to his feet as he clutches his stomach, but Anderson rolls him up for a pinning cover, using the tights and the ropes for leverage. The referee doesn't see this occur and counts... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell, the crowd boos and Anderson quickly slides under the ring whilst his music hits.

Grisham: Ken just used the ropes to get a cheap victory. Evan was in control the entire match and he couldn't keep up with his offense.

Danger: All is fair in love and war, Todd. He saw an opportunity and he seized it. You don't want to let something like advancing in this tournament slip through your fingers.

Grisham: What he did was illegal. If the referee knew...

Danger: Oh stop complaining, would you? And you were the one saying you can't stand someone else's voice. Geez...

He celebrates and makes his way out as Evan is immediately up and can't believe what has happened. He pleads his case to the ref but he keeps the decision standing. Anderson is on the outside with a microphone in hand, clapping slowly at the performance. His music dies out again.

Anderson: ... And the winner... of the match... the man who will go on, to win the entire Tournament... and become the first ever and NEW Oceania Champion... MIISSSTTTEEERR KEENNNEEDDY...


Ken drops the portable mic on the ground, making a loud feedback noise, and heads up the ramp. His music fades back in as Evan does not look happy. The fans try and cheer him up, but to no avail.

We cut backstage to where Kurt Angle, Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu are watching what has just happened via a television set in a locker room. Kurt shakes his head.

Man, tough break for Evan. I tell you, that kid's got a future if keeps up that work. I wonder what it'd be like to wrestle him?

I know personally from experience that he is a hard hitter. You're chest is going to get quite a bruising from those kicks. It's best to do some pre-match breathing exercises like I do... here, watch.

Goldust takes a deep breath in whilst slowly touching himself. He exhales like he is having an orgasm, that catches Kurt and Yoshi off-guard.

Er... yes...

Angle turns his attention to Tatsu.

Yoshi, I've seen some of your work against Bourne though and I must say, you were quite impressive.

Yoshi bows.

Thank you.

You're a rising star yourself.

Yoshi bows again.

Thank you.

What was your strategy?

Yoshi bows once more.

Thank you.

Kurt looks quite confused at Yoshi.

You'll have to excuse him, Kurt. His English is quite limited. I've been mentoring him on how to speak the language properly.

I can see how your progress has come along...

At that moment, the locker room door can be heard slamming open. All three get a little startled, with Goldust having a bigger freak out than the rest. Drew McIntyre enters the scene and stares down the three men.

We need to talk, Kurt.

Goldust escorts Yoshi outside and the door can be heard closing. Angle and Drew face each other.


That's Mr. McIntyre to you.

Not sure if you know this, but I used to be a King once. You should treat someone of royalty with a little bit more respect.

I'm not here to play silly little games with you, Angle. I came here to give you an offer you can't refuse.

And what would that be?

Considering two matches of the tournament have already passed, that leaves us with two matches left... meaning four people who have yet to compete. You and I, are two of those four people. Now, the chances of us facing each other are much lower than facing different opponents. You know as well as I do that both of us truly deserve to be the champions and not anyone else. So, why don't we make sure both of us advance through tonight by helping each other win our respective matches? You scratch my back and I scratch yours.

Drew gives a sinister smirk and extends his hand. Kurt looks down and lifts his head back to face McIntyre.

I'm sorry, Drew, but I'm not buying it. There is a chance we could be facing each other and you stabbing me in the back. I'm also quite experience in Tournaments. Did you know I won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken neck? So thanks... but no thanks. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to do some warm-ups.

Drew looks quite disappointed and frustrated, but quickly calms himself and smiles. He retracts his hand and allows Kurt to pass through to exit the locker room. Drew still smiles as the scene ends.​

We cut back to a shot of the announcer's table with

Grisham: I don't trust that McIntyre one bit. It's a good thing Angle didn't stoop to Drew's level.

Danger: Why? He passed up a great opportunity to guarantee him victory but it seems his male pride has gotten the better of him. Sometimes I wonder how men can think so simplistically.

Grisham: Or how complicated women can be...

Allison glares at Todd who is adjusting his tie and looks in a different direction. We switch camera angles to view the ring.

Garcia: The following contest is an Oceania Championship Tournament quarter-finals match, scheduled for one fall!


Garcia: Making his way to the ring, first, being accompanied by Luke Gallows and Miss Mancini, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 225 pounds... CM PUNK!

Punk walks out with his hands held together with Luke by his side, looking menacingly at the crowd who are booing him quite immensely. Punk gets down on one knee and taps his wrist, rotating his arm as he gets up and skips down a couple of steps. Luke heads around to ringside as Punk climbs into the ring and gets on the top rope, signalling for the end. His music dies down as he descends the turnbuckles.

Garcia: And his opponent, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 235 pounds...


... R-TRUTH!

Grisham: These two have met before in the squared circle and they know each other very well. How will they fair with the implications at hand?

Danger: I think they are going to wrestle to determine a winner here... idiot.

A few moments pass and there is no sight of R-Truth, with everyone looking on in confusion. His musics stops and is replayed again. The same thing happens as no-one comes from the entrance way. The referee and Lilian begin to talk for a minute whilst CM Punk stands in the ring ready for battle.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, due to a forfeit, the winner of the match... CM PUNK!

The crowd begin to elicit boos as Punk looks quite surprised by the victory. Luke hops into the ring and begins to celebrate with him. The referee raises his hand and Punk just shrugs as he looks back at the rampway.

Danger: It seems someone has gotten the butterflies.

Grisham: I don't think it's that. There is something a little fishy about all this. Truth would never give up an opportunity to become a champion.

CM Punk stands in the middle of the ring arms outstretched as Luke rubs his shoulder with his eyes closed.

We cut backstage to Madison Rayne in a locker room who is tying up her boots when two figures stand next to her. She sighs and continues tying.

Look girls, I thought I was pretty clear...

Madison looks up to see that it isn't who she thought it was as she fins Sarita and Taylor Wilde standing there. Rayne gets up looking a little worried.

Were not here to confront you like Lay-Cool just did.

We are just here to say that we are proud of you for coming to your senses. Being in a clique isn't always the way to achieve things in life. You always had what it takes to make it on your own.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

Hey, just because we are being nice doesn't mean we won't take you lightly out there tonight.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sarita and Taylor walk off as Madison Rayne smiles, who soon exits the locker room.​

We cut back to the ring where Miss Mancini & Lay-Cool are waiting, with the latter talking to each other.

Garcia: The following contest is an Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royale for the Vixen's Championship. Already in the ring, representing the Straight-Edge Society, Miss Mancini!

And the team of Michelle McCool and Layla!

Danger: The match that everyone has been waiting to see. The REAL eight stars of tonight's broadcast, the Vixen's. This should be an interesting contest. Whoever wins the championship will deserve it as the amount of skill and talent in that ring is unmatched, even with only three of them in there.

Grisham: With that being said, time for a bathroom break.

A quick shot of Todd is shown putting down his headset and heads to the back, leaving Allison in disbelief.


Garcia: From the ashes, Beth PHOENIX!

Beth does her signature pose with a mixed reaction by the crowd and continues down the ramp to get onto the turnbuckle, flipping back in the process.


Garcia: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Taylor WILDE!

The fans cheer as she comes onto the stage and points to the crowd she gets halfway down the ramp and stops.


Garcia: From Mexico City, Mexico, SARITA

She does her signature pose to a cheering crowd and walks up to Taylor who do their butt bump and both enter the ring.


Garcia: From Seattle, Washington, Madison RAYNE!

As comes out to a mixed reaction and walks down the ramp, doing her last minute stretches. She gets into the ring and everyone stares each other down at separate points of the circle.

Garcia: And finally... from Calgary, Alberta, Canada...


Garcia: Natalya NEIDHART!

She walks out to a huge cheer and makes her way down to ringside, clapping the hands of the fans on the way through.

Danger: So our mystery eighth entrant is none other than WPWA Excellence's own Natalya from the Hart Dynasty! Wow, what a name!

At that moment, Grisham comes back and sits in his chair with the headphones back on.

Grisham: Ah, that's better... but to clarify things up, Natalya is still apart of the Excellence brand and is appearing here due to a "talent exchange" since our brand is the only one with an actual female division.

Allison is at a loss for words as the scene cuts back to the ring where the referee signals for the bell.

The girls hesitate until Mancini begins to attack Natalya, insighting Lay-Cool and Sarita/Wilde to go at it as well as Phoenix and Rayne. Punches and kicks are flying everywhere as someone tries to establish a presence. Rayne goes for a kick, but Phoenix blocks and lifts up Rayne into a Military Press. She walks over to the ropes but Rayne slips out from behind. Phoenix turns around is met with a dropkick that stumbles her to the ropes. Rayne runs at Phoenix who launches her with a back body drop over the ropes. Rayne hangs on however. Phoenix turns around and Rayne hits her with an elbow, who quickly gets back inside the ring and goes over to Lay-Cool who is in control of Sarita/Wilde. Mancini brings Natalya for an irish whip across the ring. Natalya comes back with a discus clothesline, taking her down. Phoenix comes from behind and hits an axe handle on Natalya. She begins to work on both Mancini and Natalya. Meanwhile, Lay-Cool are double teaming Rayne with some stomps. Sarita gets up and pounces on Layla. McCool goes to help but is stopped by Wilde who pulls her hair back and throws her into the corner. Layla gets the upper hand of Sarita with a knee to the gut and tries for a spinning kick. Sarita grabs her leg and pulls Layla towards her. She clutches her and hits the belly-to-back suplex that sends Layla over the top rope and crashing to the floor.

Grisham: Layla has been eliminated from the match!

Sarita waves goodbye to Layla who is forced by the referees to go to the back. She turns around and is met by a clothesline by Beth Phoenix that sends her over the top. Layla points and laughs as Sarita is recovering from the shot.

Danger: We are now down to six with Sarita gone.

McCool is trying to eliminate Wilde using the ropes but she hangs on tight. Madison is coming to as Natalya and Mancini are still down. Phoenix grabs McCool and pulls her to the centre of the ring. McCool kicks her in the stomach and tries to attempt the FAITH BREAKER... but she is too strong and flips her out of it. Phoenix runs at Wilde in the corner, but moves out of the way. She delivers and arm drag across the ring and runs at her with a dropkick. She connects and sends her to the ropes. Wilde attempts to eliminate her but can't lift her. Phoenix counters as McCool tries her luck, to no avail. Natalya and Mancini go for a shot but nothing works. The distraction of the two allows Madison to get a running start and perform a high crossbody that sends herself and Phoenix over the top. The fans cheer at the move as the two hit the floor quite hard.

Grisham: I don't believe it. Madison sacrificed herself to eliminate Beth! We've got four Vixen's remaining. Who will come out on top?

McCool, Wilde, Mancini and Natalya occupy one turnbuckle each and stare at each other. Michelle and Mancini go after Natalya, with Wilde coming to save her. Wilde pulls out Mancini and they start brawling whilst McCool is dominating Natalya. Mancini goes for an attack by Wilde evades with a cartwheel and hits a roundhouse to Mancini. She stumbles into the corner and Wilde goes for a monkey flip. Mancini counters by pushing her down whilst still holding onto her legs. She catapults Wilde over the top.

Danger: And Mancini sends Taylor for a Wilde ride...

Mancini displays the X symbol by crossing her arms together as the crowd boos. She raises her hand at Wilde and talks trash to her. She turns around to see Natalya punching her way out of the corner, attacking McCool. She runs over and gets the same treatment. The crowd begins to cheer for Natalya and will her on, but the two on one situation has her down again. Mancini and McCool deliver some more stomps on her and agree to work together. They irish whip her across the ring and attempt a double clothesline. Natalya ducks and comes back with a spear to McCool as Mancini avoids the contact. Natalya uses the ropes to get up as Mancini runs at her. Natalya low-bridges the top rope and over goes Mancini.

Grisham: With the Straight-Edge Mistress gone, we are down to two. Michelle McCool and Natalya Neidhart.

Danger: And this isn't the first time these two women have faced off one-on-one to crown the first ever champion.

Natalya and McCool face off and tie-up in the centre of the ring. Natalya gets the better with a headlock and McCool forces Natalya to run with an irish whip off the ropes. McCool hits a big boot to the side of Natalya and claps her hands together to signal it's all over, with the crowd booing. She looks in the MADT HEEL HOOK! Natalya crawls herself to the ropes but there is no rope breaks allowed. McCool locks it in and continues to tweak the ankle. Natalya rolls around and reverses the hold with a small package that transitions itself into the SHARPSHOOTER. McCool is crying in pain and taps out, but there is no submissions allowed. Natalya lets go of the hold and waits for McCool to get up. Natalya clutches the waist of McCool and goes for a german, which is blocked by McCool. She spins around and hits a russian leg sweep. McCool takes her time getting up and picks Natalya up as well. She grabs a handful of hair and throws Natalya over the top, but she hangs on. McCool begins to celebrate and turns around to see she hasn't won yet. She goes to big boot Natalya, but she moves along the apron to avoid the contact. Natalya pulls McCool over the top rope and the two are on the apron. They exchange punches before McCool lands a kick to the gut. McCool runs at her but Natalya ducks back into the ring where McCool hits the ring post. Natalya hits a dropkick to a dazed McCool that falls onto the floor.

The referee rings the bell, Natalya's music hits as she celebrates with the cheering crowd.

Garcia: Here is your winner and the NEW Vixen's Champion... Natalya NEIDHART!

Danger: What a victory for Natalya here tonight! She is the mystery entrant and comes from out of nowhere with the victory. I thought Michelle had this in the bag!

Grisham: Congratulations to our first ever champion to represent the Temptation roster!

Michelle is disappointed and makes her way up the ramp as Natalya clutches the Vixen's title in her hands with joy.

A beautiful garden with a lake appears on the screen, transitioning into a white mansion as some soft lounge music plays in the background. We cut inside to see a man in semi-formal attire looking at what appears to be his memorabilia wall, stacked with photo's, awards, a replica championship belt and a mask. The man turns around and reveals himself to be Alberto Del Rio. He gives a fake smile to the camera.

My name is Alberto Del Rio... and I come from a rich heritage... and an important legacy... something that most people desire to have or create. For me... I feel it is an honour and a privilege... to be apart of something so many can't aspire to.

Alberto looks at a photo with a familiar wrestler on it, holding up his hands in victory.

This... is Mil Máscaras... one of the most legendary wrestlers to step foot inside a ring. I have been bestowed upon greatness to have such a man of high status in my blood-line. My uncle is the epitome of a great man.

Del Rio moves to the next picture.

This... is my father... Dos Caras... a man who taught me everything I know... a man who taught me the true meaning of competition... a man who taught me about respect and value... things that most do not yet to understand.

Alberto points out all of his achievements.

From what I have learned... I have been able to achieve... and I am proud of my accomplishments. I earned everything the honourable way and I will continue to do the same...

Del Rio picks up the mask and puts it on.

... in the name of my heritage... Alberto Del Rio.

Alberto smiles towards the camera and a nameplate comes up on the side. The music ends as Del Rio gives a wink to the camera.​

We cut back to the ring.

Garcia: The following contest is the last Oceania Championship Tournament quarter-finals match, scheduled for one fall!


Garcia: Making his way to the ring, first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the Olympic Gold Medalist... Kurt ANGLE!

The crowd gives a standing ovation as he walks out. He puts his hands in the air and the pyro goes off. He makes his way down to the ring and suddenly from out of nowhere, Drew McIntyre comes down and attacks Kurt from behind. The crowd begins to boo as he begins his relentless assault.

Grisham: What the hell is McIntyre doing? This is supposed to be a wrestling contest not a street fight!

Danger: Didn't you hear what McIntyre said, he's going to use Kurt Angle to take out his opponent. Makes sense to me.

Drew grabs Kurt and throws him straight into the steel barricades. McIntyre looks possessed as the fans chant "You suck!" Drew goes to the apron and brings a steel chair. The referee tries to stop him, but Drew ignores him and goes to swing at Kurt. Angle moves out of the way and begins to mount an offense of his own. Drew goes for a clothesline but Angle ducks and hits a german suplex to the steel ramp. Angle takes off his straps and locks in the ankle lock much to the desire of the fans. Drew is writhing in pain as referees, security personnel and trainers break the hold up. A couple stay on McIntyre whilst the rest pull Kurt away. The crowd boos as Angle willingly stops and goes with the trainers. Drew gets up and runs towards Kurt, who jumps him and begins the attack. The two continue to brawl as the crowd is loving it and the officials try to break it up again.

Grisham: This is chaos out here! Drew and Kurt are handing it to each other out on the stage! Can someone please stop this! Where is Stephanie McMahon?

Drew hits a big boot to Kurt and they continue to fight as we end the show.
WOW! That was a really great show Falk. All the promos and matches were well written and very easy to read and the characters shine through in both situations ie. Dolph's aggression and Lay-Cool's 'aireness'. Great to see an Angle/Drew feud in the making as well as a dream womens roster of sorts on your show.
Keep it up and repped.
I am so impressed with your show. Nothing short of great. I am so happy that someone is putting some effort into the Women's Division. I for one, LOVE your matches. They are so well planned. Anyways, there are a few tweeks here and there. Overall, I give it a 9/10. Well done :)
First thing's first, you chose One Of A Kind over RVD's awesome TNA music? Really? Sad thing is, I'm kind of serious. "Rob Van Dam! The Whole F'n Show!" That's a fun sing-along for everyone.

But yeah, pretty good show. You know, it had everything. Kurt Angle, Evan Bourne, a women's match and, um, Goldust having something of an orgasm. Well written and laid out; I'm interested to see where it goes from here. I watched one match with particular interest. You can probably guess which.
Gosh Falkon, love your show. You along with theo have made me seriously like the book this. Amazing work.
- - - Video Package (Recap) - - -
Stephanie McMahon on the titantron.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Shot of RVD & Mr. Anderson

... on the first episode of Temptation...

Shots of Kurt Angle & Dolph Ziggler

... I have designed a special tournament...

Shots of Drew McIntyre & R-Truth.

... to decide who will become the first Oceania Champion...

Rob Van Dam hits the five-star-frog splash.

The referee his the count of three as Ken Anderson get the pin.

It is shown that R-Truth no shows, with the Straight-Edge Society celebrating.

Shots of Kurt Angle and Drew McIntyre brawling. Video ends with McIntyre standing tall over Angle.​



A few quick camera pans of the crowd being excited before crossing over to the arena cam as...


... Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring, walking down with a confident feminine swagger. The crowd gives mainly cheers.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the General Manager of WPWA Temptation... Stephanie MCMAHON!

She is in the ring and requests for a microphone. The music dies down and the fans give off a small reaction before allowing her to speak.

Before I begin I would like to congratulate Natalya Neidhart for her victory on becoming the Vixen's Champion.

The crowd roars in approval.

I hope to see you carry that title with pride. Now, to the issues.

Last week, I was not here for the first episode of the show due to personal reasons with my father, Vince McMahon. Even though I did not watch, many of you witnessed some anarchy happen when the inmates ran the asylum. Before one of the matches could start, there...


The Straight-Edge Society walk out interrupting Stephanie, who seems to be quite pissed. The fans boo as CM Punk welcomes the reception, followed by Gallows and Mancini by his side. They enter the ring and Punk requests for a microphone.

Before you go pointing the blame finger on me, why don't you take a look at yourself Stephanie... figure out why you would put me in this type of position. You decided that you couldn't be here last week because you weren't strong enough to face your problems head on. You were "taking care" of your father. We all know how good old Vinnie Mac likes to guzzle down a few bottles of poisonous whiskey. Why would you mock me by placing me on a brand that entices people to give in to indulgences... to temptations... like drugs and alcohol... or associate myself with people that come from places like R-Truth that distribute these toxins to kids or people who openly use these lies like my opponent tonight, RVD?

The SxE look on in disgust.

Well, as you say Punk, admitting is always the first step right?

Punk nods in agreement.

I'm glad that you gave me that confession because now I have all the evidence I need to treat you with the proper respect that you deserve... for a person who has a clean mind you didn't think to realise that we'd catch you via security camera's of your little act? We have video evidence of you taking out R-Truth moments before the match started.

Punk looks angry.

Impossible! How would I of known who my opponent was if the matches were randomly-drawn?

Stephanie smirks.

Maybe because someone broke into my private offices and read through my personal information, a place that is littered with security camera's as well. Technically what you did was commit a number of crimes. On top of this, R-Truth is not here tonight because of what you all did to him. I have the right mind to terminate you on the spot!

Punk begins to look worried.

But that would have been the easy way out. So, instead of letting you go and let the other brands savagely fight over your contract that would leave everyone but you looking good... I decided it was best to trade you to another brand.


I am the General Manager of Temptation and I own you. I can do whatever I want with you and there is nothing you can do to stop me... it's all in the contract.

Punk and the rest of the society are horrified (as in disgusted horrified, not scared horrified) at this point.

Since the trade has already been signed over, you three are on the wrong show. So, SECURITY... please escort them out of my sight.

A bunch of security members flood the ring and force all three members to exit the arena, with all three preventing the removal. The crowd cheers as they get sent out and cheer the "Goodbye" chant. Punk is completely enraged by it as Stephanie McMahon looks on and smiles.

One more thing Punk. The brand that has your contract... I had to convince the General Manager to take you with "Very Persuasive Words."

Punk and the rest of the Society are taken through the curtain by this point and the crowd applauds Stephanie for the move. She turns her focus back to the fans.

Unfortunately, this was not the only incident to take place last week. The main event and the final quarter finals match was suppose to contest Kurt Angle going against Drew McIntyre, but thanks to the latter of the two... we never got to see that match.

Boos begin to circle around the arena.

So, from the fiasco's happening around here, that leaves us with two void spots. RVD has not got an opponent for tonight, nor does Ken Anderson. Since Punk is gone, Dolph has already competed and Truth is in no condition to compete... I am forced to give Kurt Angle and Drew McIntyre another chance. However, instead of scheduling a match between the two, I will split them up and make sure we do not get a repeat of last week. For what matches they are... well, we are just going to have to see, won't we?

Speaking of matches... let's waste no time in starting off the show with a Six Vixen Tag match!


The crowd cheers as Sarita and Taylor come out, doing their signature taunt on the stage. Stephanie claps in approval as she makes her way up the ramp. She high-fives both girls as they come down the ramp and interact with the fans.

Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada by way of Mexico City, Mexico... Taylor WILDE and SARITA!

Grisham: What a way to start off Wednesday Night Temptation with CM Punk getting the boot from the brand. Hello everyone! My name is Todd Grisham and I am here with my broadcast... err, colleague, Allison Danger and...

Danger: Thanks Todd for the improved commentary, although it isn't much. But considering we have a special guest here at the announcer's table, the commentary will definitely be improved as we are privileged to have the Vixen's Champion, Natalya Neidhart joining us.

Natalya: Thanks Allison and Todd, it's a pleasure to be here.

Grisham: At least someone appreciates my work.

Danger: She's only being nice, something you have yet to show the courtesy to do. I'd hate to be a guest in your home.

Sarita and Taylor are still taunting as their music dies down.


The crowd shows mixed reactions for Madison Rayne as she makes her way down to the ring, waving to the people that show her the support.

Garcia: And their tag team partner, from Seattle, Washington... Madison RAYNE!

She enters the ring and greets Sarita and Wilde who are very welcoming.

Grisham: Madison Rayne has showed a new side of herself since signing with the brand. What's your take on her turning a new leaf?

Danger: Don't be ridiculous Todd, Madison will always be a Beautiful Person no matter what she says.

Natalya: I think she's a genuine person who was just misguided. A lot of girls I knew were brainwashed when they were in a Sorority and Madison might be one of those too.

Danger: Well, that does seem logical when you think about it. She has always been the nicer girls out of the bunch. You shouldn't be doubting someone who is taking a second chance, Todd.


The crowd boo as Michelle and Layla twirl around and unzip their jackets. They connect their BFF necklaces together and continue down the ramp.

Garcia: And their opponents, from Palatka, Florida... Lay-COOL!

They enter the ring and perform their signature taunts as the crowd continues to voice their disapproval. Michelle McCool looks over towards where Natalya is seated and points at the championship.

Natalya: Yeah, I beat you fair and square for it last week.


And their tag team partner, from the Ashes... Beth PHOENIX!

The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as Beth walks out dominantly, staring at everyone in the ring. She climbs into the ring and stares down her opponents. Layla goes to her corner as Michelle tells Beth that she will start, but Phoenix looks at Michelle who backs down and goes to the corner. Phoenix points directly at Rayne and challenges her. Madison is arguing with Sarita and Taylor saying that she will start. Taylor allows it and escorts Sarita to their corner. The referee signals for the bell and the two girls stare at each other.

Grisham: Looks like Madison has accepted Beth's offer to start this match. She might want some retribution when Madison eliminated herself to get rid of Beth from the Battle Royale.

Natalya: She's got some guts. Beth is a definitely a tough competitor.

Rayne and Phoenix lock-up in the centre of the ring. Phoenix almost immediately pushes Rayne back with her power and stands dominant. Rayne hesitates and tries again with the lock-up, getting a standing switch. She attempts to create something, but Phoenix goes behind to lift Rayne into a amateur take-down. Phoenix stands back up and smiles as Rayne moves away to create distance. Sarita and Taylor get the crowd behind Rayne as she tries for a third time, twisting the arm of Phoenix. Rayne does a couple of shoot kicks to the side of Phoenix before getting countered with a stiff kick to the gut. Rayne lets go as Phoenix begins using double axe handles to take down Rayne, eventually delivering some casual stomps. The referee moves her back as Rayne reaches the ropes. Phoenix flicks her hair back and waits for Rayne to get up. She uses the ropes for leverage and stays on them to recover. Phoenix runs at her and Rayne low bridges on the ropes. Phoenix somehow lands on her feet. Rayne provokes her with a taunt and Phoenix gets back into the ring, with Rayne exiting. She taunts Phoenix again and they switch positions. Phoenix gets a little upset as she stares at the laughing crowd. She turns around and is met by a dropkick to the outside. Phoenix stagger as Rayne tags in Sarita, who immediately runs and performs a suicide senton over the ropes taking out Phoenix.

Danger: Some beautiful athleticism shown by Sarita there. How does that girl get so much height?

Natalya: You never want to give Sarita the opportunity to go plancha, that's for sure.

They both recover and the referee's count is at four. Sarita rolls Phoenix back into the ring and goes for a cover, but Phoenix powers out before the referee can slide into position. Sarita cinches in a headlock, but the power of Phoenix allows her to push Sarita into her corner. Michelle tags herself in and begins kicking Sarita. At the count of 4, Phoenix lets go and gets on the apron whilst Michelle delivers some stiff uppercuts to Sarita. She tags in Layla and she begins to aggressively kick Sarita until the referee breaks it up. Layla distracts the ref as Phoenix chokes Sarita whilst Michelle hits a kick of her own. Layla goes back to kicking until tagging Michelle back in. Layla holds Sarita back and Michelle runs at Sarita, delivering a huge boot to the face. Sarita falls down and Michelle goes for the pin... 1... 2... kickout. Michelle looks over to Natalya and says she was "this close." A shot of Natalya shows that she isn't impressed nor worried.

Michelle drags Sarita back to her corner and tags in Layla. Michelle grounds one of Sarita's legs and stomps on it a few times before Michelle is forced to exit the ring. Layla picks up the leg and hits a few elbow drops to the knee, then wrenching it to perform a modified submission. Sarita is hurting and tries to counter the hold, but Layla let's go and tags in Michelle. Layla puts Sarita's targeted leg on the ropes and Michelle does a jumping stomp. Layla exits and Michelle goes for a cover... 1... 2... kickout. Michelle does a leg submission.

Grisham: Good strategy by Lay-Cool to go after the leg and doing quick tags, but they can't keep Beth on the apron forever.

Danger: They're keeping her well rested so if Sarita manages to get a tag, they bring in the powerhouse. And who cares, Lay-Cool are dominating.

Natalya: If Lay-Cool win this, I'll never hear the end of it.

The crowd is supporting Sarita to get to her feet and eventually manages to do so, with Michelle holding on to the leg. Sarita is hopping around on one leg and Michelle taunts her, but Sarita hits a spinning mule kick to make Michelle stumble. Sarita tries crawling to her corner but Michelle grabs her leg again, this time Sarita using her strength to shove her off and tags in Taylor. The crowd cheers as Taylor hits some elbows to the face. She runs off the ropes and ducks underneath a clothesline attempt by Michelle. She rebounds again to deliver an arm drag. Michelle gets up and another arm drag is hit. Taylor runs at Michelle and hits a headscissors take-down. She climbs the ropes and performs a MISSILE DROPKICK on Michelle. She goes for the cover... 1... 2... the pin is broken up by Layla and Phoenix. Sarita runs in and spears Layla, with both of them rolling to the outside. Rayne hits a calf kick on Phoenix, making her stumble. Rayne tries for a clothesline but Phoenix back body drops Rayne over the top and down to the floor. Taylor does a dropkick to Phoenix and sends her to the floor. She turns around and Michelle big boots Taylor to the outside. She follows and picks up Taylor, delivering some more uppercuts before throwing her over the announcer's table into Natalya, knocking her off the chair.

Grisham: Hey, what was that for?

Danger: I know, Taylor didn't have to use that throw by Michelle as an excuse to attack Natalya.

Grisham: Oh come on, Allison. You know very well that it was intentionally done by Michelle.

Michelle grabs Taylor by the hair and chucks her into the ring. Michelle follows her and sets up Taylor for the FAITH BREAKER... but Natalya is up on the apron. Michelle is distracted enough for Taylor to get out of the hold, switch around and hit the WILDE RIDE for the win... 1... 2... 3!

The bell rings, Taylor's music hits and the crowd roar. Rayne and Sarita get back in the ring and celebrate, with Natalya smiling and clapping. Phoenix isn't happy and walks to the back, whilst Layla pulls Michelle out of the ring.

Garcia: Here are your winners, the team of Sarita, Madison Rayne and Taylor WILDE!

As Michelle knows her surroundings, she has a staring contest with Natalya who just smiles at her. She grabs her championship and walks out of the arena.

Danger: I can't believe Natalya just cost Lay-Cool the match!

Grisham: She was getting pay-back for what she did to her, and weren't you sucking up to her before on commentary?

The three continue to celebrate as Lay-Cool make their way up the ramp disappointed.

We see Dolph Ziggler backstage walking the corridors. He stops as Rob Van Dam enters the picture and readies himself for something to happen, but Rob puts his hands up as a sign of peace.

Whoa there Dolph... I'm not here to hurt you. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I'm just here to talk.

Dolph gives him the one over.

Talk? With me? Why would you want to associate yourself with me?

Rob laughs.

Did you forget we had a match last week? I just wanted to chat about it.

Ziggler eases up.

You've got a good memory for a stoner. What do you want, Rob?

Dude, you've got to relax. Take a chill pill, man... the vibe your producing is killing positivity in the air.

I don't do drugs.

Don't tell me CM Punk converted you too... uh, whatever... look, you've got some serious skills in that ring man. You took me to my limits and it wasn't even for the championship. You've got it made man.

What's your point?

Exactly... I mean, your attitude. Why do you walk around like your God's gift to Earth and be some pompous about it? I'm not trying to be like the man or anything... I just wanted to say that you'd get a lot more respect if you started being a little more grateful, dude. That's all.

Rob pats Dolph on the back and walks off, leaving Ziggler standing their pondering about what Rob has said in confusion and a little frustration.​

We have a shot of the ring where Lilian is in the middle of the ring, ready to address the crowd.

Garcia: The following contest is an Oceania Championship Tournament semi-finals match, scheduled for one fall!


Garcia: Making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds... he is the Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt ANGLE!

Kurt comes out and lifts his hands into the air, with a red/white/blue pyro display. He walks down the ramp with the entire crowd cheering for him, confused at how to chant "You suck." He gets into the ring and spins around before extending his arms out. He removes his gold medals and waits for his opponent.


The lights go to black for a few seconds before a single spotlight shines down upon the top of the ramp way where Ken Anderson is standing there, with the fans booing. He sticks his hand into the air and a microphone lowers from the ceiling. His music dies down.

Anderson: Well look-e here. It's none other than a good ole personal friend of mine... Kurt Angle. How you doing, Kurt? Feeling better from last week? Well, you should, since you're facing me, the man who weighs in tonight at an amount that sounds quite absurd for such a clear cut body of 243 and three-quarter pound... yep, I gained a little... he hails from Green BAY, WISCONSINNNN! MIIIISSSSSTTTTTEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR KKEEENNNNEEEEDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!




He lets go of the microphone and makes his way down to the ring, the music turning back up. He takes off his shirt and is about to throw it to the fans, but retracts it and laughs at them. He enters the ring and the music begins to die down.

Danger: I love it when he does his own announcing. That alone should make him automatically advance.

Grisham: Too bad that he is going against the likes of Angle here. These two have met before in the ring, so this should be an interesting contest to say the least.

The referee rings the bell and Angle begins pressing forward, with Anderson moving backwards looking for an exit. Angle sees the opportunity to strike, but Anderson goes into the ropes forcing the referee to move Angle back. Anderson quickly rakes the eye of Angle whilst the ref isn't looking and allows the ref to move out of the way. He begins attacking Angle with some punches, eventually ending up in the corner where Anderson keeps on. The ref counts to four and breaks up the hold. Anderson lifts his hands up and asks what he did wrong. He presses forward, but Angle hits a big European uppercut, then brawling it out with his own punches. He irish whips Anderson and Ken hits him with a shoulder block. Angle is down and the crowd boos as Anderson gloats by laughing. He looks down at Angle and yells at him: "How does that make you feel, huh?" Anderson runs to the ropes, Angle flips on his stomach, Anderson jumps over and Angle gets up. On the rebound, Anderson is caught by Angle and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex. The force sends Anderson to the outside and the crowd cheers. Angle gets up and goes over to the ropes, waiting for Anderson to get up. Angle grabs his head and tries to pick him up, but Anderson hotshots Angle who stumbles back. Anderson grabs the legs of Angle, trips him and pulls him to the outside. Anderson locks Angle up for a DDT, but Angle reverses it by hooking the ankle of Anderson. Before anything can happen, Anderson rolls out and forces Angle into the ring apron. Anderson gets up and throws Angle into the ring. He follows and tries for a cover... 1... kickout.

Grisham: This match is quite far from the technical classic I imagined it to be.

Danger: Why go all out when you can conserve your energy for future matches whilst still doing the same effects? It might not be pretty nor playing by the rules... but it gets the job done.

Anderson picks up Angle and pushes him back to the corner. He does a running clothesline that makes Angle fall down to a seated position. Anderson moves back and lines him up, going for a facewash. Angle moves out of the way and Anderson hurts his ankle on the ring post. He moves back and tries to get some feeling back, but Angle is too quick and hooks the back of Anderson to hit a German suplex. Instead of going for a cover, he hooks the ankle... the crowd cheers as he gets the ANKLE LOCK!!! Anderson tries a kicking counter, but Angle still holds on. He tries a roll out counter, but Angle rolls through. He tries to go for a rope break... but to no avail. Anderson has been in the submission for a while and looks like he is going to submit...


Everyone wonders what is happening as the music plays. Angle looks up and becomes distracted by the music. He begins releasing the pressure slowly as he tries to work out what's going on. Anderson uses the distraction to his advantage and rolls through an unsuspecting Angle into a pinning combination. The music stops and Anderson uses the ropes for the leverage... 1... 2... 3!

The bell rings, Anderson's music hits and he rolls out of the ring still feeling the effects of the Ankle Lock. The referee holds his hands up as Kurt looks surprised. He doesn't seem to happy, but Anderson is more than elated. He quickly hobbles up the ramp, screaming out to the fans that he won the match.

A beautiful, yet familiar garden with a lake appears on the screen, transitioning into a white mansion (also familiar) as some soft lounge music plays in the background. We zoom into see a man in semi-formal attire walking through the pathways of the garden, admiring the sight. The man turns to the camera and smiles.

My name is Alberto Del Rio.

He grabs one of the flowers closest to him and takes a sniff, inhaling deeply.

This garden... is a sanctuary... where I come to relax and take in the ambiance. It is a place that represents... what a little hard work can achieve.

Del Rio slowly walks through the garden, switching his focus from the camera to where he is walking.

Every time I think of this natural environment... I think of myself... I am reminded of the hard work that I had to achieve... to get to where I am today. Just because I was born into wealth and heritage, doesn't mean that I took it for granted. I went through the same process that everyone experienced.

Del Rio stops at a bunch of flowers, most of them still growing... but one sticks out from the rest.

The results?

He tenderly grabs the biggest of them all.

I became so much more... I became... Alberto Del Rio.

Del Rio smiles into the camera as it zooms into his face. He let's go of the flower and winks as the logo appears on the screen, with the music ending.​

We cut back to the arena, taking shots of the crowd before focusing on the broadcast desk.

Danger: It looks like Temptation is soon to be graced by the great Alberto Del Rio very soon in the future. It's hard to find someone with that much honesty these days.

Grisham: I wouldn't call it honesty, but I do know that Stephanie personally signed him to the roster.

Danger: Another reason to highly anticipate his debut.

Grisham: That's for later. Right now, we are going to bring you another Temptation contest that doesn't end up in controversy.


The camera's focus on Zack Ryder who walks out to boo's from the crowd, becoming overly cocky with every step.

Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Long Island, New York, weighing in at 214 pounds... Zack RYDER!

He continues down the ring and shouts "Woo woo woo, you know it" to the crowd. He gets onto the turnbuckle and slowly raises his arms into the air. He climbs down and awaits his opponent, with his sunglasses still on.


Yoshi comes out to a cheering audience and is overly excited as he waves to the fans, with Goldust accompanying him.

Garcia: And his opponent, making his way to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 220 pounds... Yoshi TATSU!

He quickly makes his way into the ring and onto the turnbuckles where he waves to the fans. Goldust greets the fans that acknowledge him as he stands at ringside, cheering on Yoshi. Ryder takes off his see-through unbuttoned shirt, but keeps his shades on. The referee shrugs and signals the bell.

Grisham: A showcase between two of our young and up-coming stars here on Temptation that should be an entertaining match.

Danger: Of course, Zack Ryder is involved!

Yoshi begins on the defense as Ryder jumps up and down getting pumped for the match. They lock-up in the middle of the ring, where Yoshi twists the arm of Ryder. He delivers a kick to his arm and let's go, with Ryder retracting and shaking his arm out. They tie up again, with Tatsu going for the same thing, but Ryder prevents him by slamming his head to the mat. Yoshi gets up and Ryder wipes his hand on his pants. Yoshi goes for a tie up, but Ryder kicks him in the gut and irish whips Yoshi. Tatsu comes off the ropes and Ryder tries for a clothesline, but Yoshi ducks and delivers a back suplex to Ryder. He goes for a quick cover but Ryder immediately kicks out. Tatsu tries to pick up Ryder, but he keeps getting pushed away. Ryder gets to his feet and goes to the corner. Tatsu runs at him and hits the roaring elbow, that knocks Ryder's shades off. Tatsu rips off Ryder's unbuttoned shirt off and delivers some chops to the exposed chest of Ryder. Tatsu climbs the turnbuckles and poses for the crowd who cheer for him, and begins delivering some punches...

1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8

Before Tatsu can hit the ninth, Ryder clutches Tatsu and delivers a huge powerbomb. Ryder slowly rolls to the outside and looks around for his shades. Goldust yells some encouraging words whilst Ryder picks up his sunglasses and re-adjusts his hair. He puts them back on, re-enters the ring and covers Tatsu... 1... 2... kickout.

Grisham: Zack had the match possibly won there, yet he is more worried about his appearance!

Danger: Anyone can get a victory. But doing it in style...

Ryder sees Yoshi clutching his neck for a split second and begins hitting elbows to that same region. He picks up Tatsu and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He tries for another cover... 1... 2... kickout. He immediately goes for a nerve hold and keeps the pressure tight. Tatsu tries to counter it but Zack is too strong. Goldust begins banging the apron on the outside and gets the crowd going. As the crowd cheers louder, Tatsu makes his way to his feet slowly. Tatsu hits a couple of elbows to the stomach of Ryder and tries to escape, but Ryder hits a big knee to the gut and elbows him in the neck area. He irish whips Tatsu into the corner and clotheslines him, making Tatsu fall to the floor. Ryder re-adjusts his shades as he hits a running facewash on Tatsu, who falls forward from the impact. Ryder goes over and slams a jumping knee drop into Tatsu. He pulls Tatsu into the center of the ring and covers... 1... 2... kickout. Ryder gets a little frustrated, but puts another submission on. This time, Yoshi is in the hold for a lot longer. Goldust tells Yoshi not to quit and begins clapping his hands. The crowd follows suit and begins chanting his name as well, allowing Tatsu to feed off the crowd. He slowly gets to his feet and uses kicks to the legs. Tatsu continues to kick random body parts after Ryder let's go. Yoshi runs to the ropes and Ryder bends over. Off the rebound, Yoshi stops and kicks Ryder in the face. Tatsu runs off the ropes and hits a crossbody, taking down Ryder... 1... 2... kickout.

Ryder is reeling as Tatsu goes to the outside and awaits on the apron. Ryder turns around and Tatsu hits the diving spinning heel kick. He goes for another cover... 1... 2... kickout at the last second. Yoshi waits for Ryder to get up and measures him. Ryder is finally to his feet and Tatsu goes for the ROUNDHOUSE KICK... but Ryder ducks and runs off the ropes, hitting the ROUGH RYDER from out of nowhere. Both men are down as the referee begins to count.

1... 2... 3... 4.

Both men show signs of movement and begin getting up.

5... 6... 7.... 8.

Ryder is at his feet and the ref stops the count, with Tatsu following close behind. Ryder sets up for the finish, but Tatsu counters into a cradle suplex with a bridge... 1... 2... kickout. Tatsu is starting to look tired, but Goldust wills him on. Yoshi picks up Ryder, but he eye gouges him and pounces on Tatsu with a blatant choke. He breaks at four and the referee warns him with a DQ. Ryder smiles and ascends the turnbuckles poised for Tatsu. When Yoshi gets up, Ryder goes for a missile dropkick but nobody's home. Yoshi grabs the legs of Ryder and locks in the CLOVERLEAF!!! It is only ten seconds before Ryder taps and the crowd roars, with Goldust celebrating.

The referee signals for the bell and Yoshi's music begins playing.

Garcia: Here is your winner, Yoshi TATSU!

Danger: A... a cloverleaf? That's something you don't see everyday!

Grisham: Looks like Yoshi had to pull out all the stops to get the victory, even if it means using something impromptu.

Danger: That's his finisher, numb-nuts. I haven't seen him use it in years, is all. Ryder put on a stellar performance in this match, though... despite being disrespected with Yoshi knocking off his shades.

Goldust helps Yoshi to the back as Ryder begins to recover.

We are backstage where Temptation Interviewer Christy Hemme is standing by with microphone in hand, ready to ask questions.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Drew McIntyre!

Boo's can be heard from the arena and McIntyre appears into the picture with a smirk on his face.

Drew, last week you and Kurt Angle were scheduled to compete in a quarter-finals match in the Oceania Championship Tournament. However, you decided to attack Angle before the match and it became a no contest. What was your motivations?

Drew just continues to smile.

You see, Christy, I made Angle the offer of a life-time and I was going to do what I had set out with or without his permission. I told him that I would figure out a way to get both of us through to the semi-finals and eventually climb to the top so we could have a match between two of the greatest stars on Temptation. And what I did, was exactly that. It was, by all means, nothing person... just business.

If it was business, then why did you continue to attack him?

I had to make the attack legitimate just in case anyone suspected foul play. I'm sure Angle got the gist of it when he fought back.

Explain to the audience then why you decided to interrupt Angle's match earlier tonight.

Drew stares at Hemme, with the smile gone.

Interrupt? Interrupt! When did I interrupt Angle's match? I didn't go down to the ring, let alone enter the arena. How could I of possibly interrupt Angle's match?

You're music was pla...

Hemme, you are getting nowhere with this asinine questions. The fact of the matter is Angle blew his opportunity to advance into the tournament and face me for the Oceania Championship after I beat RVD tonight. What Angle did was his own fault, not mine. Now, if you excuse me... I have a match to prepare for.

Drew walks off leaving Hemme a little confused.​

We cut back to the arena and the crowd begins to boo as...


Garcia: The following contest is an Oceania Championship Tournament semi-finals match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Ayr, Scotland, weighing in at 18 stone... Drew MCINTYRE!

The crowd continues to boo as the music continues to play.

Grisham: It's true what they say, this Scotsman is sinister. I'd hate to see him on a bad day.

Danger: If Angle knows whats good for him and stays away from this match, you won't get to see it.

Eventually Drew emerges from the curtain and makes his way down the ramp, with the reaction getting louder. He smirks as he makes his way down and enters the ring. He looks out over the crowd as the music dies down.


The crowd cheers loudly as the music begins to play. The pyro hits from the titantron and Rob walks out to an ovation.

Garcia: And his opponent, from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing in at 237 pounds...

Rob puts his thumbs in the air and the crowd chants...

ROB... VAN... DAM!

He makes his way down and claps the hands of the fans. He slides into the ring and poses for the crowd, doing the thumb taunt one more time.

Danger: Does anyone else find it ironic that Rob's opponent gets their weight introduced as stone's and not him?

Grisham: Not really, because it's overshadowed by the fact that this is a first time ever. Neither of these men know what the other is capable of.

The music begins to die down and both men acknowledge that they are ready. The referee signals to the bell and the match begins.

RVD goes for some kicks early on, but McIntyre answers back with punches. He delivers a big boot to RVD, who staggers and follows up with a thunderous clothesline. RVD gets knocked down and Drew raises his hand, with the crowd booing. He goes to pick up RVD, but the fans become overzealous when a man in a mask comes in and tugs on the leg of Drew. McIntyre turns around and berates him as multiple security officers capture him. Drew shakes his head at the fan and turns around, greeted by a huge spinning kick by RVD. He quickly climbs the turnbuckle and hits the FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!!! 1... 2... 3!

RVD's music hits and the crowd are in confusion as to what has happened. The referee signals for the bell and points to RVD being the winner. Drew gets up slowly and can't believe it.

Garcia: Here is your winner... Rob Van DAM!

Danger: What the hell just happened? Did RVD take advantage of a fan interference?

Grisham: Apparently so, but the referee has allowed it. I think we might see the side we don't want to witness.

Drew is festering in the ring and looks over to the fan who is detained by security. RVD's music dies down as Drew tells the security guards to bring the fan into the ring. They chuck him in and Drew demands what he is doing. He person unveils themselves to be KURT ANGLE! And all hell starts breaking loose! The security come into the ring and prevent them from attacking, but they keep wriggling free as they beat the holy living shit out of each other.

The camera fades to black as more personnel attempt to separate the two attacking each other.

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