Wow and people complain about...


ROH TV champion
Morrisons mic skills? I like del rio but he, rey, and miz gave the most boring promo to start RAW, they all did horrible tonight, and truth...well Truth made it worse. I could only understand half of what he said and the half i did catch hardly made any sense. Calling del rio a fence hopper was pretty funny, I have been enjoying Truths heel turn but tonight he was awful, Ricardo saved the promo by interrupting and then hitting a dropkick...but anyways what Im wondering is, were these guys just off tonight or do we just give them too much credit?
I agree the opening promo of Raw did suck. IMO the promo went on a little long, & you could tell that it wasn't there words they was speaking, especially R Turth. Just about everything he said sounded like something creative told him to say, his last promo w/little Jimmy seemed more like him, but tonight he sounded like he was tryn to make the bullshit they wrote for him sound good. To be honest I don't feel like the promo was needed, it was the same oh shit that they always do!!! A bunch of superstars come out & claim why they should have a title shot then the GM interrupts them & puts them in a # 1 contenders match. They just keep running that same angle over & over & over again. They could have easily just open the show by saying the triple threat match was already set & then somewhere in the show they could have showed R Truth backstage talking to Lil Jimmy(himself) about how he was overlooked again he could have told Jimmy to shutup cause he not going back to the old days of songing & dancing. He could have also told Lil Jimmy that he is gonna get himself a title shot no matter if he has to put everyone in the hospital like he did John Morrison just to get one.
i agree with you mostly except for i thought the Miz did fine, he wasn't as good as he's been in the past but he did a good enough job and made me laugh with the "taco bell parking lot" joke, Delrio is great on the mic and tonight was no difference. the 2 that stunk up the place we're Mysterio and Truth! These 2 just seemed like they we're reading a script and not even trying to make the words seem like their own. Was the promo needed? no. but its done so who cares? GREAT triple threat match IMO
I guess I'm in the minority, but I would say that the star of RAW tonight was R Truth. He was the only guy who did anything interesting in my opinion. Miz, Mysterio, & Del Rio did the same old stuff they always do, & I really didn't care about the opening bit until Truth got involved. This was another step in establishing him as a top heel on RAW, culminating with his attack on Mysterio at the end. RAW overall was not great, though it was much better than last week. I'm really tired of the Cole/Lawler storyline and Swagger's involvement in it. I'm hoping that R Truth gets a decent feud with Cena over the title. I wouldn't expect Truth to win the title, but you have to fill time in the summer, so why not give Truth a shot?
I thought the opening promo was a bomb.

In my opinion, you should NEVER start a WWE show with someone the crowd isn't going to lose their shit over. Good or bad guy, it sets the tone for the crowd. Del Rio got less heat than the Divas did.. And they are the Divas and only got what 4 minutes to work with total? Then Rey and his little girl voice came out and helped the crowd die some more. Then the Miz came out to a mild reaction. The crowd tried to get into it, but couldn't. Truth came out and called everyone some sort of racist name and the crowd finally shows that first Raw-sized reaction of the night.. But even that didn't last long.

But I thought the really cherry was the weak brawl. It just felt so heatless.. Maybe because the crowd couldn't care.
The beginning promo on Raw was boring for the most part. I did enjoy what The Miz had to say, not as good as some of the promos he cuts but funnier than the other guys. Especially R-Truth, I didn't understand half of what he said. I personally enjoy when The Miz comes out to the ring and cuts a promo, and he got one of the best reactions from the crowd when it came to heat. Not their greatest promo to start off Raw, but they attempted it.
Del Rio, Rey, and the Miz were 100 times more entertaining than anything the Rock was involved in last week. I will go on record now as hating Mysterio, but with that being said I still find him to be less awful than the Rock. At least the three of them moved a story along in progressive path and opened up a few possible options for future feuds rather than just taking up TV time cutting the same promos from 2003.

The major downside for me to the whole opening of this weeks Raw was R-Truth, Ive enjoyed his heel turn, mainly because it rid us of another person I find really annoying in Morrison but his promos are all over the place. The direction of the character is good, but his mic work is terrible. Its hard to tell exactly what hes saying, and he misses his punch lines and points most of the time. Heel R-Truth is more enjoyable than Face R-Truth

Maybe Ill try close captioning next time Truth cuts a promo to understand it better.
Del Rio, Rey, and the Miz were 100 times more entertaining than anything the Rock was involved in last week. I will go on record now as hating Mysterio, but with that being said I still find him to be less awful than the Rock. At least the three of them moved a story along in progressive path and opened up a few possible options for future feuds rather than just taking up TV time cutting the same promos from 2003.


You were joking, no? I hope so.

The promo stunk until....The Truth. R-Truth has been very impressive with his mic work over the past few weeks, and really gave this the energy it was lacking prior to his arrival.

Del Rio bores me to no end, Rey can't talk, and Miz shows zero emotion. That's how I usually see these guys, and they were no different during the opening of Raw this week. It didn't make me turn the channel, or anything like that, but wow, I was bored out of my mind.

You were joking, no? I hope so.

The promo stunk until....The Truth. R-Truth has been very impressive with his mic work over the past few weeks, and really gave this the energy it was lacking prior to his arrival.

Del Rio bores me to no end, Rey can't talk, and Miz shows zero emotion. That's how I usually see these guys, and they were no different during the opening of Raw this week. It didn't make me turn the channel, or anything like that, but wow, I was bored out of my mind.

No I was actually able to watch the opening to Raw, without skipping any part. Unlike last week when I had to skip over an hour of programing to avoid the Rock being on screen, I do not find him entertaining at all.

This weeks Raw was far superior to last weeks.
I don't get what everyone's bitching about. The only one who sucked tonight was Del Rio and even he was saved by Ricardo. Miz was great, as he always is, Truth continues to be probably the most interesting person on Raw these days, and even fucking Rey Mysterio was having some fun. I'm starting to get the feeling that nobody knows what it means to be a good talker. You don't have to be spouting catch phrases and shit, you just need to sound believable and natural which all of these guys did.

Also, Morrison can't fuck with any of the guys in that promo when it comes to talking. Not even close.
I don't get what everyone's bitching about. The only one who sucked tonight was Del Rio and even he was saved by Ricardo. Miz was great, as he always is, Truth continues to be probably the most interesting person on Raw these days, and even fucking Rey Mysterio was having some fun. I'm starting to get the feeling that nobody knows what it means to be a good talker. You don't have to be spouting catch phrases and shit, you just need to sound believable and natural which all of these guys did.

Also, Morrison can't fuck with any of the guys in that promo when it comes to talking. Not even close.

I disagree Del Rio wasn't the only one that sucked, Rey was his average self nothing he said made me go wow or made me laugh out loud, The Miz was average also, but his taco bell joke did make me chuckle, & Truth wasn't nowhere near as good as he was in his last promo(Lil Jimmy). I personally feel like the promo dragged on to long. Now I do agree w/u that Truth is the most interesting guy on Raw as of lately & that a person doesn't need a bunch of catch phrases to be good, but R. Turth didn't sound natural in that promo to me, it sounded like his words wasn't his own IMO. I also agree w/u in saying that Morrison can't hang w/any of the guys apart of that promo, but that doesn't change the fact that they wasn't that good lastnight.
Personally, I really enjoyed the opening promo, especially the back and forth between Miz and Del Rio. Mysterio has always been weak on the mic, but even he was decent; I enjoyed his line about how Del Rio is just the future announcer of Ricardo Rodriguez. (Speaking of whom, who knew Ricardo could deliver such a well-executed dropkick?)

I'm enjoying R-Truth's heel turn, but I don't think he's very good on the mic. He's serviceable, but his delivery is way too slow. I felt he was responsible for dragging the promo down a bit.
The only thing I felt was weak in the opening promo segment was the crowd. They were pretty dead throughout most of the show and that always has a negative effect.
IMO, it wasn't that bad. It certainly wasn't as bad as the promo R Truth and Morrison had in England before his (Truth's) heel turn - that just flat out sucked. I agree with the idea that they should have just pre-arranged the triple threat match, and then we would've been able to see something else for 15/20 minutes instead of the same old "No, I deserve a shot at the title" promo.

I think they should have started it with Cena's music hitting, then cutting a promo about how he's a fighting champion and he needs a number one contender for his title, then using his catchphrase, remember those, John? "If you want some, come get some."

That would have worked a lot better; having your supposed "top guy" start the show, then appearing sporadically throughout the night. He is the champion, after all.
I couldn't give 2 drips if the crowd was into or not. Unlike the majority of the posters, I don't base my reactions and enjoyment off what the crowd does.

Was I entertained? Was I entertained while sitting on my couch watching with a friend?

Yes I was. Truth coming in being all racy was awesome. I have never been this excited for R-Truth in his whole career. Ricardo Rodriguez made me lose my mind with that dropkick out of nowhere.

Of course the promos were good. You had 2 heels in the ring. They tried to out heel eachother. They put on a great match afterwards as well.

The crowd wasn't into it? Your ears told you that? You weren't in the crowd. Shut up.

If you are using the crowd to make your decisions, then you should just switch the channel because you have COMPLETELY LOST TOUCH which how to watch a program with fictional stories.

My god. Some of you have to be real shitty to watch wrestling with. None of you are invited over to my house for RAW or SD. I wouldn't even invite you over for TNA.
I will have to agree that the opening promo was weak. Personally I think Rey was flat, Del Rio wasnt bad, Miz was off of his game for some reason, and for crying out loud truth needs to loose the bug eye look. He tries too hard to look crazy and I find it boring when he does that. You could easily tell they didn't have time to prepare. I also thought going inot Raw that it was gonna be a 6 man Battle Royal for the #1 contender. I may be wrong but i swear thats what they announced 10 minutes before Raw started. When Raw cam on I was expecting that, and then they announced the triple threat during the promo. If this is the case it could easily be said that late booking changed could have been the cause for all of this. I wouldn't look past this too much as it is nothing more than a hiccup.

And to the original poster JoMo has nothing on anyone involved in the opening promo when it comes to mic skills. Since Miz and him split he hasn't shown me anything when cutting promos by himself. If he werent a spot-monkey he probably wouldnt have a job with the "E" right now. Personally I hope he works on them and gets better because I would love to see him in the main event but not until then.

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