Would you rather see Cena vs Miz /or/ Cena vs Punk at Mania

Would u rather see Cena vs Miz /or/ Cena vs punk at WM

  • Cena vs Miz

  • Cena vs Punk

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Scuba 06

Pre-Show Stalwart
Honestly I pretty dissapointed in WWE deciding to keep the belt on Miz for mania. I dont think Miz has done a very good job as champ and is being rewarded for mediocre performances. I thought it was a terrible idea to give him the strap, but I was willing to give him a chance and he has failed to deliver. It's quite obvious from ratings that have stayed stagnent and the buyrates at TLC (have to wait for rumble ) Miz isnt drawing. It is as if we are being focred to eat it and accept that he is the future.

On the other hand you gave a guy like Punk who can wrestle circles around the whole roster and is exceedingly more impressive than Miz on the mic. Miz tells you lame catchphrases. Punk tells stories. Punk paints pictures with his matches and promos. He actually knows how to build interest in a fued. The guy is smart and consistent in his promos. I mean he dug something out from 2008 that we all forgot about to give rational for his recent actions. This guy is money right now, and it you watched raw in recent months he easily gets a bigger raection ( heel heat ) than the miz. Why is he being punished, if anyone should be holding the strap and fighting cena its him. Hell they spent all that time building cena vs punk to blow it off on some raw match. Now we get punk vs orton, which isnt anything special that cant be done on raw. They put punk in this group and gave him a push, but they wont give him the strap, when he is the most over, real 'must-see' star on the show.

All the miz fans will hate on me for saying this but i quite certain if miz didnt have tmz on speed dial he wouldnt be main-event wm, maybe even cahmp for that matter. You know wwe loves to get any kind of hollywood buzz they can around wm time. (They kept bringing up how tmz and other outlets picked on something they did when they never ever aknowldge wrestling, only during the week Miz won the belt ) Hell the reason they are including rock in the mix is partly because of that audience too. Plus he is also there to add depth to a really weak main event (because of miz ). Its pretty much a given cena will win and then confront the rock, which is what the people really want to see anyway.
I'm actually disappointed how RAW turned out last night. I think Cena and Miz actually made an awesome tag team in there, and they seemed to have some chemistry in the ring. I actually think they could've worked as champs together while fueding for the belt. Make no mistake about it, they were over BIG TIME with that live crowd last night. It definitely could have made the build up to their match a hell of a lot more interesting than it is now. Miz SCF this week, Cena AA next week, etc. BORING.
for me cena vs miz is alright as that has a build up , though cena vs punk will be a better match but will lack a build-up . its all part of miz' push because he is taking on the face of the company on the grandest stage of them all. oh and you are ment to hate the miz as he is a HEEL
You really are deluded if you think it's a certainty that Cena will win. Granted most people think he is going to win but the WWE recently have been trying to throw people off the scent. It's obvious you're not a fan of the Miz but I still think that a Miz vs Cena feud is what the Miz needs to solidify his main event status. Afterall, the mini feud that kick started the Miz's career was his feud with Cena.

Punk is good, no doubt about it but i'd still prefer to see Miz vs Cena because if it wasn't then chances are we'd have to sit through another awful Miz vs Orton feud.

Also, I don't think his championship run has been unsuccesful at all, I think he's done a great job, Vince obviously shares my opinion or else why would he of kept the strap on him for so long?

Anyway, i'm putting my money on Miz retaining at Mania, obviously it won't be cleanly (although he has won a few matches cleanly recently: JoMo, Daniel Bryan, King) but who cares? His character is meant to be that of a cowardly heel who only scrapes victories by cheating.
I don't necessarily agree that Miz has done a "poor" job with the strap but it has certainly been way overblown by his cock riders. Needless to say, the Miz main eventing mania? No thanks. I'd much rather Punk be there. He's just way more exciting in the ring and his promos are better.

It would also make way more sense, considering Cena's feud with Nexus was epic and going on for a long, long time all while keeping him out of the main event scene. I'd think a perfect way to climax and end the feud would be to have Cena battle the leader of Nexus for the strap. I'm sorry but Cena just coming out to the Rumble and eliminating all of Nexus in some superman-type explosion doesn't work for me.

Either way I hope Cena wins. He hasn't had the strap for a bit now and I really just dislike the Miz. I do not see what is so appealing about that guy at all. He's just lame.
Miz Vs Cena.

At the moment Randy Orton Vs CM Punk is unofficially booked for Wrestlemania, and to me It'll be the match which steals the show. The Miz Vs Orton wouldn't have stolen the show, Punk Vs Cena wouldn't have stolen the show and has been done a number of times.

So, on that basis, Miz Vs Cena.
I prefer to see a Cena/Punk rivalry for WM this year instead of Cena/Miz. Why? Because Punk is more of a fan heat attracting heel. Secondly, he's leading the same group that nearly made Cena's life a living hell: The Nexus. So Punk popularity & intimidating Cena through Nexus at the same time would obivously make for a good, decent rivalry to the match.

As for Miz, sure he gets heat from the fans but only for 2-3 seconds. Unlike Miz Punk gets almost 10 seconds of it. What I'm trying to say is that have the dependable "face" of WWE like Cena take down more so one of the most hated heel's WWE has now CM Punk. They both seemigly have the status to go at it so why not?
Everybody is always down on how weak the Miz looks. And of course they should be because he still looks like a freakin pussy. Who has he beaten cleanly that can at to his reputation? John Morrison, someone who has barely made it to the top of the midcard heap, Daniel Bryan, a U.S. Champion who has done absolutely nothing, and the King, (needless to say his feud with the King was useless because it did nothing to showcase his skills whatsoever. They should have built up his rep over time when he was U.S. Champ, not when he is actually the main man of the company. For that reason, in my eyes, and everyone else will see him as a paper champion. When the Miz loses, they need to have him get some solid wins over bigger guys in order to fix his already slaughtered reputation.

On the other hand, you have CM Punk, someone who has solidified his position as a top player in the company due to his character and 5 star matches he has put on. And he gets thrown down to the bottom of the scrap heap just so the Miz can get a rub.

When you ask me who deserves it more, I honestly would have to say CM Punk because he deserves it. Miz still has work to do on his promos and his in-ring work. The only reason his matches have been good is because JoMo and Daniel Bryan are two of the best in-ring workers there are right now. Daniel Bryan actually saved the Miz, where Miz had botched a move. But luckily Daniel Bryan made it look like he was going for a scissored sleeper. Give Miz another year or two and he'll be ready for the big time. But as for now, I still say that CM PUNK should be the one in the main event at Wrestlemania.

I hope Miz gets destroyed.
You really are deluded if you think it's a certainty that Cena will win. Granted most people think he is going to win but the WWE recently have been trying to throw people off the scent. It's obvious you're not a fan of the Miz but I still think that a Miz vs Cena feud is what the Miz needs to solidify his main event status. Afterall, the mini feud that kick started the Miz's career was his feud with Cena.

Punk is good, no doubt about it but i'd still prefer to see Miz vs Cena because if it wasn't then chances are we'd have to sit through another awful Miz vs Orton feud.

Also, I don't think his championship run has been unsuccesful at all, I think he's done a great job, Vince obviously shares my opinion or else why would he of kept the strap on him for so long?

Anyway, i'm putting my money on Miz retaining at Mania, obviously it won't be cleanly (although he has won a few matches cleanly recently: JoMo, Daniel Bryan, King) but who cares? His character is meant to be that of a cowardly heel who only scrapes victories by cheating.

I dont thinks its out of possibility Miz will win but the only way this happens and makes sense is if Rock screws Cena. Again I ask why should the Miz be rewarded with such a huge victory on such a stage ? You just said he has done a good job with the belt, then you said how awful his fued with randy was, which is it ? Im sure you were more impressed with Miz victory over 61 year old man, who took away the oppurunity from another young star who could have used that spot to build credibility. Instead of having survive the chamber, he totally avoids it and is protected, by being given a match with a semi-retired wrestler/announcer.

Vince ? Is he some genius. Maybe so, he is a multi-millionare. But his decisions as of late dont reflect much success. If WWE was doing so great why did they have to change nearly evey ppv and add a gimmick to it, now the buyrates are even worse than before, and he isnt budging. You know at least a good deal of the miz's success comes from his connections. Reports on this site have brought up how he has countlessly out amongst the media, thats obviously because he has an outlet from his past to reach them. The same guy who brought u trump, maywaether, all these hollywood attractions, is banking on miz doing the same. Tell me what part of Miz's reign has been must-see TV ? His match with Jomo was the best thing thus far, but oh yeah the genius writers saved that match for regular tv, and gave boring old randy another shot.

Fact is cowardly heels barely winning their matches may work in between the crappy ppvs between summerslam and survivor series, but that dosent cut it for wrestlemania. WM is supposed to be the best vs best. Austin/Rock, HBK, Austin, Hart/HBK, Angle/Lesnar. Having a coward champion walk in the biggest stage against superman dosent equal legitimacy, it equals a joke of a match, which will probably be forgettable at that, considering cena only wrestles well against decent opponents. The only people ruining miz's long term success are his fans. This strategy does not work. Pushing young guys too fast, how is it working for Sheamus or Swagger now ?
Cena vs Punk by far.it still amazes me how some people will put Miz head and shoulders above John Morrison, but i digress for now. as someone pointed out Punk can wrestle circles around almost all of the roster and you need someone that can be awesome to carry the match (since hbk is retired and cant do it again). putting cena vs miz to me is going against what i thought was supposed to be "wrestlemania main event=best/biggest match of the year". looking like a frog with gel'd hair and a high school qb boyfriend and 12 shoulder blocks will be upsetting.they should just lead off with this horrible match.
To be honest...

What I really want to see is a Fatal 4way for the WWE Championship. I think it would leave a little more surprise in the match knowing it could truly go any way.

Sure, most people probably figure John Cena would win no matter what the match is. But, at least it would have a little doubt in that, because you never know, maybe WWE would want Randy Orton to get the big win. Or maybe they would let CM Punk come out of it with the title to throw everyone off.

Then there is still the possibility that they might have The Miz win now. He wouldn't be winning in a One On One Match. He could sneak a victory out of this 4way a lot easier by getting a pin fall over Punk or Orton.
Cena vs Punk for me, I don't hate Miz but I think this push has gone too far. The angle between Punk and Cena was great, Punk believed in his stance on Cena being a hypocrite, there was an interesting chance for Cena to be questioned but ultimately come through as the stand up guy.

Ring-wise though is not even close, Punk is streets ahead of Miz and in every match he and Cena have had he's looked a threat. Cena is a good worker himself but needs a great one in with him to pull of the kind of match that should headline Mania.

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