Would you rather have had WCW?

Would you rather have had WCW?

  • ECW

  • WCW

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Da Big Champ

Pre-Show Stalwart
I recently done a thread called 'Do you miss ECW' and a lot of people said that WWE ruined the ECW name and some also said that WWE should never have done the ECW brand.
What I want to know is if you would rather have seen WWE revive WCW OR revive ECW.
I think it would've been rather hard to revive WCW due to the fact that WCW had nothing special in the manner of which ECW had.

ECW was popular due to hardcore matches, something WWE tried to throw in there with the revival of ECW, if WWE was to revive WCW they would simply revive another promotion that didn't have any particular going for them in terms of match styles, with the exception of one giant faction that went on for a few years, which wouldn't be enough to create a show around.

Especially due to the fact that the majority of those WCW guys weren't with WWE when the revival of ECW was created, something that was completely different with ECW, because the people for it, were around, we had Sandman, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, RVD, the originals to say.

So due to the fact that reviving WCW wouldn't have given anything out of the ordinary thing that was going on in WWE, I think the better choice was to revive ECW because it brought back some hardcore matches, gave something of old that could attract the old fans.

And sure old WCW fans could've returned, but in truth, the booking of WCW wouldn't be the same as the old, because it wasn't any different.

I think WWE made the right choice - ECW
Either way it wouldn't have mattered. What, would WCW have brought about a rejuvenated cruiserweight division? That way everyone clamoring for Jimmy Wang Yang and JTG could maybe make something of themselves right? Other than that, WCW really was no different from the WWF when they were going head to head.

Everyone should have known that ECW was never going to be what it used to be, Vince was never going to allow it, and for anyone to think that a WCW would be a better idea is in a dreamland. There is no way that Vince was going add another bland wrestling program, unless he made WCW the rookie breeding ground, and people would still bitch.
I think it would have been very interesting to see a WCW revival but ultimately it would have done the same thing ECW has done. Like Ferbs said, ECW was unique and had a different format and feel than the glamour and glitz of WCW and WWF, so I think that ECW was the right choice but it sure would have been interesting to see this happen.
Like CH said, it's not like it mattered. This was never about bringing one of them back. It was about Vince being able to say that ECW was brought into WWE and that Vince owned it. Think about it. Who was the last ECW Champion? A big muscled guy that Heyman wouldn't have pushed at all. This was a love letter from Vince to Vince and was from day one. The name meant nothing at all, and since ECW was never anything close to a threat, that's what he picked. The first letter meant nothing at all, but he picked ECW because its legacy was easier to destroy.
It wouldn’t have mattered because the show would still have become what it became. When Vince decided to bring back ECW, he knew that eventually he would make it a watered down version of the original. First he was going to make as much money as possible from it and then change it into whatever he wanted and he did just that.

So if he had brought back WCW instead, the end result would have been the same.
I agree with the posters that said it wouldn't of mattered what they called. It worked better as ECW since they were doing the second one night stand pay per view right before the premier episode. They also had a lot of ECW talent already.

WWE destroyed the legacy of ECW with their version. I don't know if that was intentional, but it probably was. WCW did a great job of destroying their on legacy towards the end. They didn't need Vince to do it for them.
I voted for ECW, and this is why. If they did revive WCW, it would have been very closely related to the Invasion angle of the early 2000's (which we all know didn't live up to its potential). It would have been a damn near repeat, and I honestly hate repeated storylines. I'm glad for the ECW faction, and it helped younger/newer fans see how it was (at least in 2006).
If you ask me ECW would had been alot better if RVD and Sabu didn't get arrested for smokeing weed and getting caught with if. I thnk they had big plans for ECW hell RVD was the WWE and ECW champion going into the new program but he had to drop both belts and get suspended . So it was RVD and Sabu that killed ECW not Vince. Vince had plan for ECW but RVD fumbled the ball. And no I don't miss WCW.
WWE should have NEVER done ECW. The whole RVD title reign thing was great in the begining, but ECW quickly became WWECW. And it fucking sucked. It's not that I didn't enjoy some shows and stories they had, it just wasn't ECW. Those letter burn holes through your head. ECW was fucking crazy and wonderful. This wasn't it.
I think WCW would have been recieved better because it was a more similar to what WWE is now willing to put on TV. It wasn't a hardcore spot fest. Plus you could have hired better originals than Balls Mahoney.
Point is that you can't label an WWE-WCW type show ECW. It just isn't right.
First off, no i dont want WCW revived, BUT i will say this. WWE did screw up with WCW. When the Invasion angle began, what Vince McMahon should've done was get rid of Smackdown and change Thrusday (now Friday) Night Smackdown, to WCW Thursday Nitro and have the guys talk about what company is better, WWE or WCW and have the owner being either Shane or Stephanie McMahon, but instead, they did an invasion type of angle, then killed WCW and their titles. Bringing WCW back now wouldnt matter because people dont really care about it. The fans like WCW's history, but unlike ECW, WCW was basically another WWE, lots of normal wrestling matches, nothing special, ECW had crazy hardcore matches which is why the fans wanted it brought back.
WWE-WCW is already still ongoing in some form, it's called Smackdown, Smackdown is the more wrestling orientated show which is what WCW was, WWE was more overall based a bit of everything.
and who's the GM? Teddy Long a WCW made guy. Formerly a Ref, turned manager in WCW and now GM.

Woulda been alot better to yes have WCW instead of WWE Smackdown, but i think it's makes more sense to keep everything under one banner for advertising purposes and they don't have to pay for the WCW name rights continued use this way, rather they just keep the rights to the history of and block others from using the logo's and associated names.

Anyway it's a mute point. What's done is done
Personally, I've felt from the get go of "WWE" that they should have just made WCW their wrestling division. Vince obviously has had bigger plans for World Wrestling Entertainment and thus could have kept the WWFE title for the corporate branch while keeping a name that people knew, or at least could remember. WWE was a terrible name-change and too late in the game to boot. General public still says WWF, the old school wrestlers still screw up and say WWF (Stone Cold, Bret Hart, etc have all done it on live TV), and really it just doesn't roll off the tongue well at all. That's why you get a lot of "Duba-Duba-E" pronunciations.
They already owned everything that was WCW and ECW at this time, why not take advantage of that? Well, yeah there is the big reason of Vince not wanting people to think WCW won against WWF but to me, that's a trivial objection as, when any fans would be present, they would just explain that WWF bought WCW and were forced to change their name so they just took on the already recognizable name of World Championship Wrestling.

Otherwise I do agree that they should have had (in the absence of my prior idea) RAW be WWE, ECW have a secondary title like Anarchy Rulz or whatever, and WCW Thunder/Smackdown. It would have made the brand extension a lot tighter and understandable: instead of comparing shows you'd compare federations again, but all under one corporate banner. And maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't have gone into the rut they did after they bought WCW (invasion and post invasion prior to the beginnings of the PG era). Instead riding out the attitude era's popularity.
I don't think the Invasion angle screwed up WCW. It was dead long before Vince bought it out. I will say that the angle did hurt some of the former WCW stars though. ECW on the other hand was ok while RVD was champ. But when RVD had his troubles and dropped the belt to the Big Show. Any resemblence of ECW went out the window. It just became Tuesday Night Raw. So either show would not have lasted long.
they kinda did in the form of smackdown. Probably most notabably after the draft where they sent cena to raw and batista to smackdown, that year smackdown had the world title (wcw title) the US title a wcw title, as well as around 90% of wwes wcw guys that were left at the time. Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Fit Finally, I think regal was there around that time also. Jerico being the only former wcw guy on raw if memory serves me correctly. Grated not many wcw guys, but seeing as how jerico was the only wcw guy on raw I guess that makes 90% on smackdown.
If you ask me ECW would had been alot better if RVD and Sabu didn't get arrested for smokeing weed and getting caught with if. I thnk they had big plans for ECW hell RVD was the WWE and ECW champion going into the new program but he had to drop both belts and get suspended . So it was RVD and Sabu that killed ECW not Vince. Vince had plan for ECW but RVD fumbled the ball. And no I don't miss WCW.

Exactly I don't know why Vince is getting blamed for what happend with the ECW Revival. Had RVD & Sabu not gotten in trouble while RVD was Champion it might have gone a little better. Although I Enjoyed ECW's run as the 3rd Brand after Heyman left. It did wonders for CM Punk,Johnny Nitro (now John Morrison),Kofi Kingston,The Harts got there start on ECW,Yoshi Tatsu,Jack Swagger,Christian Returned and got 2 ECW Title Reigns,Big Show was a Dominant ECW Champion and even Chavo Guerrero & Tommy Dreamer got ECW Title runs.

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