Would You Like To See Undertaker Appear Throughout The Year In A Non-Wrestling Role?


The Cerebral Assassin
It is quite obvious that Undertaker's schedule has been pretty much reduced to wrestling once per year at Wrestlemania. Every once in a while, he'll appear for a non-Wrestlemania match, but even these appearances are dwindling. Currently, he seems to only appear shortly before Wrestlemania in order to hype his match, and then after his match, he's gone again. While this works for his character (combined with the fact that he's certainly earned this light schedule), I'm sure the WWE would love to have him appear more often, because let's face it: although WWE's ratings have been better lately, they still need help and aren't stellar.

Undertaker pretty much takes most of the year off, as he's only around for Wrestlemania season to have his yearly match. Thus, we don't get to see him for the larger portion of the year. So, the question is, would you like to see him more throughout the year, even if it's in a non-wrestling role?

I would like to see him appear every once in a while on Raw or Smackdown, even if he's not wrestling. Now, I'm not sure what he could be used for, but it'd still be awesome, and the writers could always think of something. Remember when Edge came back to give Cena a peptalk before his Lesnar match? That could've been Undertaker. There are small roles like this that could be satisfied with an Undertaker promo here or there. Also, the fact that Kane is still active also presents some possibilites: he could be in Kane's corner for a big match, or be in his opponent's corner. They could certainly do some things with him throughout the year, but for whatever reason, they pretty much just pretend he doesn't exist until Wrestlemania season. Maybe they're trying to preserve his "specialness" for Wrestlemania season. But like I said, it's not like WWE is inundated with talent right now- they could always certainly use his presence.

What do you think? Yay or nay on Undertaker appearing more throughout the year, even if it's in non-wrestling roles?
Having Undertaker be in somebody's corner would never work. He's simply not that type of character, and besides, he would overshadow Kane because he's about a million times more talented and beloved than Kane is.

Just let the guy rest between Manias. I see no reason to have him on the road when he doesn't mean to be. It's different with Triple H, because he has a character as an executive which is based on real life, and the fact that he is on the road every week anyway. Also, Edge only did that pep talk thing because he was in town anyway to re-negotiate his contract.

Undertaker has given us way more than he needed to at this point. The dude could never make another WWE appearance again and it would still be one of the greatest careers of all time. I see no reason to get greedy with how often he appears. The only reason he's not completely done is because of the streak anyway, and his mic work to build up his streak match this year wasn't too great.

I'm far more interested in his performances in the ring than whatever he could do outside of it.
Well, I would love to see Taker more, and unless they give him a role similar to what they did with HHH on screen (even tho HHH does have a different role behind the scenes) not so much a suit and tie per se but give Taker something like GM and allow him to appear on screen and let him get some air time when hes not wrestling
I almost wouldn't mind seeing him be around. To go with the point of him being in someones corner, that wouldn't work, unless. Unless he comes back and is the head of a stable much like the Ministry of Darkness, that would be the only way he could be believed to be in "someones corner." This could also be used as a long setup for a Wrestlemania match, with the Undertaker actually playing the heel role for the first time in a long time. If the plan is to have Lesnar- Taker at WM 29 then this idea would not work for this year but for WM 30 with a possible match against Cena.
Would love to see him come back and run a new Ministry, but that would require a Taker heel turn and a much bigger angle than they'd probably want to do.

Aside from that though I can't really think what he could do. I'd love to see Taker more but not in something forced and silly like GM Undertaker or something.
I would love for him to wrestle a few more times through the year. However I just can't see how you can use him in a non wrestling role through out the year. I just can't picture it. His age is getting there and it's sad to say he is heading towards the end of the line. If they can find a creative way to use him with out wrestling but sure. But he can not be someone who is in another wrestlers corner it just does not work that way with him.
I'm hugh Undertaker fan have been for years, It would be nice to see him every once in a while in a non wrestling role, but that's highly unlikely He is the last of the old WWF guys pre Attitude Era he's pushing 50 years old and he has been banged up for a long time, I will give him this his Match with HHH at WM XXVIII was great he's 20 - 0 he should just ride off in to the sun set and let WM XXVIII be the last image of the legacy and one of the greatest big men in Wrestling history.
I've watched wrestling all of my life and believe me I'm no teeny bopper. I go back before WWF was aired on cable. Right now I watch out of habit and just in case something happens. For the most part I enjoy the behind the scenes stuff and for a little while I had my own blog that I wrote for another site. I've always said that I would leave wrestling when Taker leaves. I would love to see more of him but I don't see too many ways it would work. I think we've concluded that he's not a "corner man". However, I can see him (in a nonwrestling capacity) in the Lord of Darkness gimmick. If I'm not mistaken he wasn't the most active wrestler. At the time, Edge, Christian and Gangrel did the leg work. Just sayin'
I would love to see Undertaker around more, but just as you said theres not much he could do that would fit his character. There's only 2 things he could do to stay around more. Start another Ministry like stable and have him be the the guy the leader of the stable is getting his orders from. Kind of like the Dungeon of Doom where Sullivan was the leader, but above him was The Master. Then come Mania time have someone say they don't want to deal with whomever the leader is because he is just a pawn in The Undertaker's game. That would lead to Undertaker v.s. whomever calls him out. And actually For this to work Undertaker would have to turn heel. That's one way we could he could be around more. This or as much as people won't like it have him act less of the mysterious dead man gimmick and more of how he is in real life. There was a short period of time before he left and returned where he was the biker where the whole ministry thing was dying down, but he still was evil but at the same time he talked more and was more human. It was during his time tagging with The Big Show.
bottom line is no the way undertaker is him being in someones corner for a match would make no sense and honestly he would make a horrible GM in my book the way he is just doesnt make him right for these roles and as far as kane goes...he would bring more importance onto himself then he would add anything towards the match so the answer is no its just a bad idea.
I would love to see the Undertaker around more. The best way seems to be if he restarts his ministry of darkness. A lot of people seem to say that was undertaker at his best ( character). Why not close by return. If he is going to face Lesnar at Mania 29 then I would hold off on this idea until after Mania 29. If Mania 30 will be his last ride, and Cena is going to be his opponent, and if WWE is going to have Cena a face, then this is what I would like to see happen. Have Undertaker come out the day after Mania 29 and tell the world after a hellish battle with Brock he only has one match left in him. Then have cena come down and challenge him at Mania 30. Have undertaker except, saying Cena is the only guy left to beat. Then have Undertaker tell Cena I`m going out a winner, no matter what. This will plant the seed of a heel Undertaker to return. Have Undertaker shorty after say he is going to restart a new ministry of darkness to consume the WWE and do his bidding which will be to take over the industry that he helped build up, and to destroy John Cena in the process. Throughout the year the ministry would grow and the members would face off against Cena to wear him down for the Undertaker. Have Undertaker see Cena as a real threat to his streak which brings back out the Undertakers heel side. I would love to see this storyline go on throughout the year towards Mania 30. By time then Cena will have defeated every member of the ministry leaving the Undertaker the last man standing. The Undertaker can show up on Raw throughout the year and at PPVs too. During a match he makes his appearance and chooses members of his ministry. By time the fall have the ministry built doing their best to destroy Cena and take over the WWE. By time the new year have the ministry pretty beaten down by Cena and his friends. And by time Mania have it down to 1 on 1, Undertaker and Cena. Have Undertaker go into the Hall of Fame the night before like Ric Flair did, especially if mania 30 is in Texas. Then the next night have Undertakers last battle with the Ce Nation. Have Paul Bearer back to lead out the Undertaker. And in an epic encounter have the Undertaker fall to Cena in the end. Then when the match is over have the undertaker's body taken out in a casket by the druids. Have the casket put at the top of the stage with the urn on top of it. Have thunder and lightning strike and the lights go out. Have the casket sink into the stage with fire coming up around it. Then have the big screen show the list of people that make up the streak. Once that is done have a tombstone rise from the floor where the casket went down. On it have The Undertaker, 1990-2014, 21-1, Rest In Peace. Have the bell toll 22 times for each of the Undertaker's Mania matches. This, to me would be a perfect way to end the career of the Undertaker and have one hell of a final year in the business as a competitor. Just off the top of my head I would have Kane, Mick Foley, Big Show, Christian maybe Orton and some younger guys make up the Ministry of darkness.
A few Things are interesting here.

I think he is due to have a child soon (don't know if it's true it's just what i heard) so maybe he is focusing on that more than Wrestling right now, and will make his comeback again during Wrestlemania Season next year.

Another thing they could do (even without UT appearing or speaking on Raw or PPV's) is have the lights go out every now and again with a message on the big screen. I don't know my imagination is pretty bad, summat like "The End will never come" This keeps us fans guessing at to what the hell is it, is it The Undertaker? is it Sting? I love things like this where there is mystery in little clips like this. The problem is WWE don't do it enough and we get the same old same old show week in week out which is causing a rating slump.

So to answer the question i would like to see snipits of The Undertaker throughout the year but put into a fashion where the fans are guessing or confused. This way UT doesn't even have to appear if he doesn't plan on it.

Edit* I just read "King of the Words" Post! must of posted at the same time ... I LOVE your idea and I like you wish it would go down that way :)
I'm not sure why but I have always wanted to see The Undertaker wrestle his last match/get inducted as Mark Calaway. I thought it might happen this year. I envision someone threatening the streak and him coming out plain cloths and explaining how much the streak means to him, setting up an amazing promo. Sure Taker is iconic but I also believe the man responsible deserves a little air time and respect.
The Undertaker's career is legendary no doubt, he has accomplished all that is possible in this facet of entertainment we call pro wrestling. The Undertaker could retire today and it would mark the end of one of the most legendary careers of all time. Undetaker still being around and wrestling his one off matches at Wrestlemania each year, are really just a treat for the fans. Sure it boosts the buyrates of Wrestlemania, and The Streak has become a central part of Wrestlemania but Undertaker has really nothing left to prove and now watching him wrestle at each Wrestlemania is just special. His disappearance throughout the year, and his re-emergence around Wrestlemania really adds to his legendary aura and it benefits all involved. The talent he is up against is benefited, the atmosphere of Wrestlemania its self is heightened and Us as fans benefit greatly from the great entertainment The Undertaker never fails to provide. So asking for more Undertaker is really just greedy on our part, the man owes us nothing.
If you're asking whether or not he should come back in some sort of managerial role or as some sort of authority figure, then no. The only way he could really pull that off is if he were to go back to his "human" persona and I'd rather not see him on TV at all than see him be the American Badass again.

However, I think it would be kind of cool if he just started popping up after big time matches, as if he were scouting out his next Wrestlemania opponent. He could show up after a top star gets a big victory, ie Sheamus, Punk, Cena, Lesnar. Then when one of them wins the main event at Elimination Chamber, have him come out and do the throat slit motion, signifying his Wrestlemania feud.

Wouldn't really help the ratings or anything, I highly doubt anything Undertaker does would affect the ratings, but it'd be cool to see nonetheless.
Of course I would like to see more of Undertaker. He is easily one of the all time greatest performers the business has ever seen, but it is pretty clear that he needs a long time to recover from his matches nowadays, and the 1 match a year at Wrestlemania takes a lot out of the Dead Man.

However, as others have said there ARE things he could do in a non-wrestling role, such as being the leader of a heel stable, much like The Ministry of Darkness in the late 1990s- however, with the PG rating right now a satatic faction like that may not be appropriate. The idea of him not having to get into the ring, but having an army on minions to carry out his bidding appeals to me though.

To make that happen, it would be a big story to turn him heel, and as he has been a beloved face for many years now, it would take something special for the fans to turn against him, and I am not sure WWE would be willing to turn him at this stage of his career.

I expect we will just seen him return around WM time for the next couple of years for his match and then retire, he has earned the right to relax between his matches now, and will not want to wrestle more if it prevents him performing to the high standard we expect of the 'Taker.

But, PLEASE, for the love of God...do not make him the GM or Commissioner, it would be HORRENDOUS
Undertaker can be in a non-wrestling role like being a manger of some wrestler whom WWE can bring as Undertaker's protege.

Undertaker can be a tweener GM of RAW and Smackdown.

Undertaker can be good as a commentator.
I don't think that would work at all. Part of the stigma of The Undertaker is he's a badass who doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's telling you how badly he's going to destroy you, or he's just playing mind games with you. His character is not very human. And is definitely not any type of authority figure.
I'm not sure really. WWE has basically build Taker into this mythic guy to such a degree that anything that seems generally "normal" for wrestling doesn't seem to fit with him.

For instance, I don't think anyone can seriously see him doing commentary, nor can I picture Taker in some sort of manager type of role. Taker is someone who certainly doesn't belong in a suit as an executive or authority figure type of character.

Taker is someone that's kinda done everything in WWE as far as wrestling goes. He's above championships and the like, so he truly doesn't need titles and really hasn't for a long time. The Streak is really the only thing going right now and having him pop up once a year to defend his undefeated streak has become a really popular angle. It's true that whenever I see Taker make his first appearance on Raw, I know that it's truly WrestleMania season. While it'd be nice to see Taker make more appearances than just to build & hype his WM match, at the same time, it's a great treat having him show up unexpectedly.
Everyone expects to see him around February, and then disappear in April. If he came back during the year, there would have to be a purpose (ie a match @ Summerslam or Survivor Series). It's pretty safe to assume The Streak is all that's left for him, as this was the basic storyline heading into Mania 28. I wouldn't want to see him back in a non-wrestling capacity, nor would I really care to see him wrestle a match that wasn't at Wrestlemania. Undertaker is synonymous with Wrestlemania, and seeing him wrestle at a lesser PPV would cheapen his following Mania match in my opinion.
i would like to see the undertaker return for a survivour series feud with brock lesnar and have a real brawl of a match but have lesnar go over taker. this would set up the wrestlemania rematch with taker looking for vengence but because of the loss at survivour series there would be a bit of doubt about the out come for a change and lesnar would be seen as a very real and legit threat to the streak. plus kamura vs gogoplata would be interesting!
This will probably sound ridiculous but I'd like to see the Undertaker as a shadowy ominous figure that's pulling the strings of another new character. Kind of like Darth Sidious in the Star Wars movies or the way Megatron was portrayed through much of Transformers:Beast Wars. So he's "managing" the wrestler but in reality his ultimate goal is to have the championships retained on the "Dark Side", if you will...

So lets say for example Miz is the chosen successor for this particular arc and has won the WHC due to Undertaker sending out his druids to help him win a No-DQ title match. This is how an interaction between the two might go down.

*Steam machine on high. The Miz approaches a dark robed man who sits atop 5 rounded steps upon a black jagged throne*

The Miz: My..my lord...There seems to be a hiccup in your plans. Eve has set a Triple Threat Match against Mark Henry and Seamus for the title. I'm still beat up from the title match I JUST HAD with Daniel Bryan. Something has to be done. She can't just feed me to them!
Undertaker: ...I see. This is quite...annoying. However, I've pushed you as far as I can. You put yourself in this position when you let your personal feelings with that ****E interfere with my path for you..
The Miz: But my lord I thought you might be able to...
Undertaker: YOU WILL EITHER WIN!!!!....*whispers*..or you'll rest..in peace.

Or something like that. It could be entertaining for him to try to find success vicariously through some of the available, misguided, superstars.
i honestly wouldn't. I think it takes away from the mystique of the character. I don't want to see Undertaker as a manager or leader of a group, if he's not wrestling. I only want to see his entrance and then see him in the ring fighting. Maybe at some point, a few years from now, I could accept him in another role or roles but not now.
I think when the Undertakers done he will leave wrestling altogether - hes done his time but to the question - no i wouldn't really want to see him in a non wrestling role - but even as he is now would still like to see him compete in a few more ppvs
Eh, At this point, he's more of a special attraction. The build up for his WM matches are huge. I can't really see him doing anything else. Maybe forming another stable, but that's very unlikely.

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