Would you like to see Rikishi manage the Usos?


Bring the hammer down!!!
The title says it all. Forgive me if there has been a thread about this. Anyways on to topic:

For me, I would love to see him come in. Hell, if he could make small appearances that would still work. I would love to see him come and lead them to tag team gold. They could also go for at survivor series and have The Usos (with Rikishi of course) face The Hart Dynasty and Bret Hart. The golden question is:

Would you like to see Rikishi manage the Usos and if so, would they get tag team gold?
I dunno man I saw Rikishi at the Hulk Hogan tour shows last year. He looked shocking and had put on a TON more weight.

He still moved 'semi ok' but he looked messed up. I certainly doubt Vince would want to use him especially considering how the USO's are the first 'fit' looking samoans they have used for some time.
No. The thing about the Usos is that they are breaking out of the character most Samoans have been typecast as in professional wrestling. Having Rikishi as their manager would negate what they have done.
Also, having a big name like Rikishi manage the Usos, some of their limelight might be taken away. After all, they are only a young team with little experience in WWE. An old recognisable face would get most attention from the fans.
Maybe if he made small backstage appearences it would work and help get them over but anymore than that and the Usos will be overshadowed.
For me I would welcome a Rikishi return, but does he really need to manage his twin sons? I don't really think that would be necessary but again if they were to do so it wouldn't bother me at all. I always liked Rikishi and thought his entire career was amongst other talents that was very underused and at the same time underrated. But in this period that the WWE is in I don't really know how well Rikishi would fit back in. However just being the helpful father of the Uso boys could probably give him some boos.

But again the Usos are doing just fine without their father, and if Rikishi were to return he might actually have a chance at stealing his own kid's thunder. That's if his star power would still hold up today. In the long run the Usos are doing just find and they don't need their father Rikishi to help them out or manage them to keep them relevant, as they are remaining in top spot among the tag team division. So Rikishi is not needed as their manager, but as a fan I would welcome a return of his any day.
No, I wouldn't. The USO's personalities are completely different from their father's. Rikishi didn't really work as a heel in the WWE, the turned him face almost right away.

If Rikishi is involved in any way, I'd hope that they'd just do a segment where he calls them out for their behavior and saying he didn't raise them to be that way. Then, they beat the holy hell out of Pops and leave him laying!

The same with Jimmy Snuka, should he get involved with Tamina.
I'd say no as well like AladdinSane they have gone in a different direction than most Samoans have. Bringing Rikishi in wouldn't help their whole gimmick of not being the average Samoans. Rikiski embraced the whole Samoan culture during his career. Plus I never cared much for Rikishi as a heel he played the dancing face a lot better IMO.
No I do not want to. The reason why is they have the hoodlum look. The Harts have a clean shaved look when they was heels. Rikishi Fatu was the first Samoan to be a face that everybody loved. If he came in the Uso would have to be face and the WWE do not have that many tag teams as it is.

Keep Rikishi off and keep the Uso heels.
No, I like Tamina as their manager. It works perfect the way it is now.

If/when they turn face, and I'm not saying that will or should happen anytime soon, I would like to see him be involved with them. Not necessarily as an everyday manager, but as a mentor who's in backstage segments with them and occassionally helps them out, I think that'd be great.
The only problem I hav with Rikishi coming bac is somewhere dwn line is where gonna hav a Bret hart vs Rikishi match and neither of these men ever need to step in a ring again ( but it may get Rikishi in the Hall of Fame )
Rikishi would probably overshadow the Usos, just like Superfly would. Maye sometime down the road Rikishi can make an appearance at ringside or something, but I don't think it would help the team overall. Then again, if WWE can have Bret Hart come in and give the Hart Dynasty a huge rub, then I don't see why Rikishi can't do it for them. The difference is Bret is a bigger deal then Rikishi and it the Usos need to get over on their own.
Not a personal dig at the OP but why is it people need to feel that some family members of current stars need to come in and help them persue some gold in thier careers?
I can see what he means, normally a father, uncle or someone of that calibur comes in and gives them a hand in whatever they want to persue.

There are only a few stars (which come to my mind) that haven't had this happen yet, but correct me if I am wrong!

The Rock: Not to my knowledge did he have Rocky Johnson or Peter Maivia come into the WWE and excel his career.

Rikishi: Once again I do not remember any of the Wild Samoans coming in and projecting him to superstardom (unless you count The Rock, which I do not as they were on the roster at the same time and given own areas of the E to focus on, plus they are cousins... so)

Just because the likes of Randy Orton, Ted DiBiasie, The Hart Dynasty, Chavo Guerrero etc, had thier family members come in and project thier careers, doesn't mean to say that the Uso's need someone to help them!
Give the Uso's a break, Tamina is doing fine managing them.

If Vince was to do this he couldn't win if all the "Legends" were to come back, I expect you would all like them to wrestle again.
Obviously they're hyping the fact that they're the sons of Rikishi, but it wouldn't help them a lot. It seems a large part of the WWE universe (mainly the kids) wouldn't know the fact that Rikishi is a part of the Anoa'i family and therefore related to The Rock.

And like someone else noted, Rikishi is one of the original type Samoans, he's not the fashion type person like The Uso's. However The Rock is, he's always walked around in somewhat fancy clothes, the flashy belt buckle, later in his returns he was wearing Sleeveless shirts and all that. It appears much more like the Uso's. And it's obvious The Rock would be the only one able to benefit them in their career when looking back at legacy.

However it's obvious it won't work either because The Rock will get cheered no matter what you do. The Rock could only benefit their careers if they're faces as well. And that won't work against the Hart Dynasty.

So in the end, no family member should be brought out for The Uso's, they need to get up the rungs of the WWE ladder by themselves, for now.
Although I've always been somewhat of a Rikishi mark and I'd love to see a few appearances from him again, you've gotta question how effective a return would realistically be.

Rikishi was at the peak of his popularity 10 years ago, most kids aren't going to know who he is. It's just gonna look like the Usos bringing their fat dad out to help them cos they can't win matches on their own.

The Attitude generation are still going to give him a few pops, but there's less and less of them around today, and really they're the only part of the audience that are gonna care much.

And besides, do any of us really need to see the stinkface again???
I loved rikishi by far one of my favorite superstars in the attitude era..however I agree with most that bringing him back to manage his sons would not be a good move and ruin the momentum that they have..I don't think that this feud with the hart dynasty is anywhere near over and having rikishi manage them will only take away their spotlight and bring tamina down as their manager..the only thing that would make sense about bringing him back is to have his sons jump him to get them more over as heels just like we seen with cody randy and ted with their fathers

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