Would You Like To See A "Best Of Christian" DVD?

Aeon Mathix

Has Ascended
I was reading about them finally coming out with a Chris Jericho dvd (about time!) and it got me thinking who someone I would love to see have a dvd come out about them. I know Christian had one come out when he was in TNA known as Christian Cage and that was a great dvd (my opinion), I own it and it has some awesome matches on there. So the question I ask would you want wwe to release a "Christian: The story of Captian Charisma" (working title haha) dvd?

Me personally I am a huge Christian mark and always have been, but i would honestly like them to wait until Christian wins the big one (it will happen damnit!). I mean sure it could chronicle his ECW "world" title reign as his big achievement but i would hate that. As good and under rated of a worker that christian is, he really hasnt done anything well "relevant" in his wwe career besides the TLC matches. Like he doesnt have any of those big wins under his belt. So I would want them to hold off on it, but definitley would want them to someday for the great matches they hopefully would add on there.
I really am the epitome of a peep, it would be nice but most of his matches on the disc would be his tag matches with. Same goes with his sketches, promos, etc.

Not that Christian is not that good I just see them making a Hornswoggle DVD before they give it Reso.
Well, I'm a hugeeeeee Christian mark. So of course I would love to see a dvd come out. I already know his whole story...but I think having a dvd come out would be awesome. He's had some great matches. Hopefully, they can make one if he wins a World title. (I know it will happen too.)
I'm not all that big on Christian,
Never have been,
More than likely never will be.
He's funny at times,
But that's about it.
I would except it as a gift of some sort,
But I wouldn't spend my money for the DVD
I would LOVE to see a Best of Christian DVD. I think there would be some great pieces on there. I got into him later on in the game. I'd love to see some classic "Brood" pieces, and his debut where he interfered in Edge's match against Owen Hart. There would be some good matches during his run against Chris Jericho when they were fighting over Trish Stratus. Even to have some Peep Show segments. Even to his re-debut. I'm a HUGE Christian mark plain and simple. But I think there's more that could be on this dvd than we think. There could be early matches, or footage from his early days touring with Edge back when they were the team of "Sex and Violence." I think it would be a very sound decision, considering his skills.
I love Christian. Just VKM doesn't. Don't get me wrong I beleive they will make a DVD for him just not soon. VKM needs to get memory loss before that happens because intill then they wont make one for Christian
No not now. Based on what? Show highlights of Christian from the years 1998-2005 and then fast forward three years (while Christian "Cage" was in TNA) to early last year? That wouldn't make for any sence. Maybe after Christian finally win's a world championship (The TNA-NWA & WWECW title's don't count), then yes it could be in the process. But now no. It wouldn't sell many copies. And the WWE isn't WWE DVD crazy these days.

It wouldn't be no better than that WWE DVD on the career of the late great Mr. Perfect Curt Henning.
Vinny Mac wont give him a World title. he's in the same boat at Matt Hardy. and i like Christian too, but each time they looked like they would, they cut him back down. closest to it we'll see is back just before he left the WWE.
I'd love to see it, but don't see it happening for a long time. He'd have to do something remarkable (beyond what he's already accomplished, which is a lot), like win a world title or a long time from now if he somehow manages to get into the HOF, which is silly to speculate about at this point. If WWE is ever fortunate enough to acquire the rights to TNA like they did with WCW and ECW, and his matches from there could be included, I'd consider it more likely, given the massive gap during his tenure there. In the meantime, I plan to cheer my heart out for him and hope that some day he will break through the ceiling, as I am most certainly a "Peep". Honestly, releasing one at this point would be a disservice to him and would make Morrison's DVD look good, which is about as anticlimactic as I've ever seen.
Honestly, releasing one at this point would be a disservice to him and would make Morrison's DVD look good, which is about as anticlimactic as I've ever seen.

completely agree. There was no point in releasing Morrison's dvd whatsoever. The only "memorable" thing he has done is win the ecw title. So i guess chavo, and ezekial jackson should get a dvd now too huh? that actually pissed me off it gave me an indication that they were going to start pushing him hard after releasing that dvd. I know eddie and benoit had their dvds (correct me if im wrong) released right after their world title victories, so i really think that is what christian needs is that emotional world title victory and a memorable fued possibly with edge. Idk I dont really care about what hes accomplished in his career or what not, all i care about is watching him on friday nights giving it his all every week
Would I like to see it? Yes, I definitely would.

Would I buy it or push from it? No freaking way.

The problem with making a Christian DVD is that Christian hasn’t done enough in his latest WWE run to merit the DVD and it wouldn’t be very entertaining to see him feud with Matt Hardy. That being said, a “Best Of Christian Matches” DVD might be an interesting concept. In his first run with the WWE, he was damn near awesome and as part of the tag-team with Edge, he was amazingly entertaining. However, all of that promise seems to have faded away and whilst Christian remains a solid mid0card talent for the WWE, he just hasn’t done enough to fill up a DVD that the WWE would expect you to pay top dollar for.

I have to say though, that the DVD idea that you are suggesting is a little silly. There is absolutely no way that the WWE would release a DVD about Christian’s career when the better parts of it have happened outside of the WWE. It is a shame because watching the TLC matches and the matches as part of Edge and Christian would be a treat. But, to me, it would not be worth the money.
I would love to see the DVD and I would buy it but currently there isnt enough singles material to put on it, sure you can put the great E&C matches and promos on there but then what else sure you can have the MITB matches but they are widely available elsewhere. So while I would love to see the DVD they shouldnt release it until he finally wins the big one.
The thing about the Morrison DVD that drove me nuts was that it completely excluded his "Johnny Nitro" persona, which was even acknowledged on the DVD, that contained 90% of his accomplishments. Out of nine matches on the thing, he wins three. It was also released after he had lost the IC title and was ultimately not part of any kind of push. The reason why I mentioned it in the first place is that releasing a Christian DVD at this point would basically accomplish the same thing, in that a great part of his success was his early career in tag team matches with Edge (which are already available on the Edge DVD), and the most illustrious part of his singles career happened in TNA, which would obviously be omitted. Not to belabor the point re: Morrison's DVD, but I can think of a bunch of other people who have had longer careers and more material who don't have any sort of retrospective or "best of", Christian being one of them, but the content for it just wouldn't be there. It would almost serve as a burial, if you asked me, in saying that this stuff that already happened is the best he has to offer, so don't get your hopes up about what he's going to do next.
the thing is, for every person asking for a Christian one, there's one or two more asking for one of Goldust, Mark Henry, hell even Shane Mcmahon best of's. but none of those are going to happen, does it suck? yeah of course it does, but thats Vince's call.
Well I wouldn't mind having a Christian DVD but I'm not his biggest fan. Sure I like him but I wouldn't consider myself a "peep". I definately wouldn't go out and spend all my money on it but if someone got it for me for a gift then I would watch it. But it would be so much better if he would have won a World Title. If he does, then that would be the highlight of the DVD and not him winning the ECW championship. A lot of his ECW matches will be on the DVD. Plus the obvious TLC matches. Probably some more epic ladder/TLC/Tag Team matches. He really hasn't had any memorable matches during his singles career (outside ECW). But anyways, I would probably end up watching it if they ever came out with one.

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