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A women's match as the co-main event of Wrestlemania or even main event of Wrestlemania?

I ain't asking this question about this year's Wrestlemania.

I read Paul Heyman saying that Charlotte has what it takes to main event a Wrestlemania. Although I don't agree with that, yet I wanted to know if you all will like a women's match to be as high as a co-main event or main event.

It really depends on certain factors for me. Like for this year, I won't like it. A women's match as the top match ain't going to be easy at all. You would require the best build and what not.

For example, if we insert Bayley in a storyline against heel Authority just like Daniel Bryan, and have a long build, I won't have any problem with it being a co-main event ir main event.

Like Sasha Banks Vs. Bayley. The way it was built in NXT was very good and I won't mind it being a co-main event of Summerslam or Wrestlemania. A main event in Summerslam or Wrestlemania is highly unlikely, I think.

Would you like it? If yes, what wrestlers you think shall be the right choice?
They've overdone ever feud that it could work with right now.

Bayley/Sasha could work, but you know they'll end up wrestling a dozen times before next WM because WWE is stuck on burning out every feud.

That being said, I have no issue at all with Women co-main eventing, I just don't want another "ITS SUCH A BIG DEAL THEY'RE MAIN EVENTING" - ramble by Michael Cole, as I feel like that cheapens everything when they act like it's a big deal. I'm getting close to SJW rhetoric, but I hate when WWE does things just to say they've done them, and not purely on the athlete's merit.

Charlotte needs to cut her botches down considerably though. She's good, but she consistently screws up 1/5th or so of her moves, which is way above average for the legit main event (Not the thing Goldberg does).

I would of taken Trish vs Lita as a Main Event at Mania if they hadn't burned their feud out, as it was a similar feeling to what I get now when I see Charlotte vs Sasha, I don't care anymore, so if they faced eachother in a 5 star match, I wouldn't care.
I think they could do it, but one of the things that makes WrestleMania main events special is the build up and the degree of separation that occurs during that build up.

Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley are arguably the biggest stars in the division, but we've seen them fight way too much.

When Austin face Rock at Mania 15, there was a few years of separation since their IC title feud. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels had been on opposing brands for eight years before their show stealing match at 25 lead to their main event rematch the following year. No one had considered Hulk and Warrior wrestling since they were both faces.

There has to be this aha moment for the fans where they either realize that they want to see something again, or they've never seen it before.

It was boring when Cena took his 2008 Rumble win and faced Orton at No Way Out, then again at Mania. If you have the same people in constant contact, it's difficult to build a program that feels fresh.

It's even harder for the women. Their talent pool is smaller and thusly feels spread thin over two shows. Both Raw and Smackdown have struggled to consistently hold a second program in addition to their title feud. That fact is baffling in the case of Raw, who despite having a third hour generally hasn't had a second women's feud. Usually someone has a thing with Nia then we forget and move on.

The brand extension could be used to the advantage of making a women's feud all that more exciting. Sasha and Charlotte could be separated for years, thus possibly injecting some much needed excitement.

It's challenging to maintain a star status for them if every time they leave the title feud they do nothing, possibly not ever showing up on TV. Was Sahsa's injury legit, or did they just write her out for a few weeks?

Co-main eventing and main eventing are different things. The match that goes on last is the main event, the co-main event is getting a runner up nod. It's like getting a medal in sports when your team loses. We know they're not the main event in anything other than advertising.

A women's main event will require a fresh match up (something we haven't seen, or haven't seen long enough) and that pairing will have to have such a magnetic draw that it logically must go on last. That will be the struggle. Balancing both those things and writing it logically.
I would argue that last year's women's match was a co-main event. Based on the advertising I saw last year, one could argue that it was being promoted as the main event. Charlotte, Sasha, and Becky were more heavily featured than any other match up on that card. Granted we all know better as than that because we watched Raw or SD but they really heavily featured the three ladies faces in print and digital. Regardless, it was probably the most entertaining match due to Becky's hard work and Chatlotte's moonsault.

But realistically as the main event? Unlikely. The only opportunity is if they ran a cross promotion with Rousey and Charlotte. I know Rousey has dropped a peg or two in MMA but she is still a name and her transition to pro wrestling could be a spectacle. Possibly more than Lesnar due to her likeability and Hollywood connection.
It's Wrestlemania! The only 2 matches that should be Co-Main Events are the WWE championship and the universal title.At no time should any other title be the ME or Co-ME with those 2 belts at MAnia
I deffinently think its possible, The division have come so far over the years, Going from almost having a card filler break match or mud and bikini matches to having actual 5 star wrestling matches that equals anything the males can do, Personally I wouldn't mind watching them headline a wrestlemania someday.
i agree with the OP's belief that there are multiple scenarios in which a Women's match can main event or co-main event wrestling. Most people will argue it's a male-dominated business and all that but is that really because women can't draw or is it because they have never been given a legitimate opportunity to draw?

A Stephanie/Bayley conflict is MONEY and could definitely main event a pay-per-view (including WM) if done properly but I wouldn't limit it to just them. Any compelling storyline involving the four horsewomen and/or Stephanie or a returning legend (such as Trish, Lita, Beth etc.) can garner the intrigue for a WM main event.

Just look at the last male main events - returning legends rountinely get that main event spot (Rock @ 28&29, Batista @30, part-time star Brock @ 31, Triple H @ 32, Goldberg @ 33) so why cant a returning female legend garner that same sort of attention? Storylines of betrayal are also littered all over WrestleMania cards so if they were to have the women get involved in some of those storylines I'm sure there would be money there (Dana Brooke got a pop for turning on Charlotte even despite the fact she wasnt on TV for MONTHS before her turn).

I think the biggest obstacles standing in the way of the first ever female WWE main event is the lack of time they give the division (still) and the lack of depth in the division (Still). There was a thread the other day that pointed out the entire RAW Women's division is made up of 4 people, and look at that all 4 of them are fighting for the belt this year. If there were more people and more time was given to them to develop I'm sure an all-female main event would be able to draw.
No they're simply not good enough.

Charlotte does not have what it takes. She is horrible on the mic. Her character is stale.

Stop trying to force history. What's next? Charlotte is the face of the company over John Cena and Roman Reigns?
Sure they can. Same reason a guy that weighs as much as a cruiserweight could be a heavyweight champion. None of it is real. They're characters playing a role and that role is to make the audience interested enough to buy their merchandise and go to events they're scheduled to be at. With the right story, women could not just co-main event, but headline the entire thing.

It's silly to think otherwise really. Charlotte has proven to be a decent headliner. Banks is beloved. Bayley has lost her step a bit but we're kidding ourselves if we think people won't want to go see her main event a Wrestlemania. The division as it stands could do it. Same reason a 50 year old man who has spent less than 3 minutes in the ring could defend the Universal title. It's fiction.
No they're simply not good enough.

Charlotte does not have what it takes. She is horrible on the mic. Her character is stale.

Stop trying to force history. What's next? Charlotte is the face of the company over John Cena and Roman Reigns?
You mean that Sasha Banks, Alexa Bliss, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Asuka and Ember Moon ain't good enough?

I didn't even say that Charlotte has what it takes to. But horrible on the mic? Nope.

I ain't trying to force history. I'm just speculating whether you would like women in the co-main event or main event of Wrestlemania? I know that you don't like Charlotte but it ain't about Charlotte.
I definitely think it could work. Maybe not as THE headliner, unless it involved Ronda Rousey who's big name power would be a MASSIVE draw for the WWE with crossover viewership.

If it's going to happen, it needs to be a match we haven't seen. Sasha vs Charlotte we have seen too much for it. Bayley vs Charlotte too. Sasha vs Bayley maybe, but by next Wrestlemania, like a previous poster said, that feud will be drawn out as it is.

I'd like to see the first ever match between Asuka and Charlotte be the one that gets a co-main event spot next year. Have Asuka make her debut right after Fastlane or Royal Rumble and become number one contender for the Raw Women's Championship, which would be held by Charlotte. I feel like those two could have a good enough match to be worthy of a co-main event, and the build would have to be right but it could be done.
The best way to do it, and not burn it out, is to seperate the two Divas who you plan to do it to, in the Draft. Have one on RAW, the other on SD Live!

This way, they don't fight endless times beforehand.

After a couple of years of being on different brands, and not crossing paths, have them cross paths at Royal Rumble backstage, or at Fast Lane or a lead-up event to WM. Words are exchanged.

Each Diva runs down the other on-air. Maybe have one of them invade the other show and take that Diva out.

Then have a Divas' inter-brand match, for one of the titles, at WM, or maybe even Raw Women's Champ v SD Women's Champ.

This way, you can have an anticipated feud, but not burn it out beforehand.
I'm not so sure I ever see the women closing out WrestleMania personally, but they absolutely deserve some sort of co-main event status match. A fatal four-way match between the Four Horsewomen, for instance, would be a major match. We have seen variations over the last year for sure, but never together as one match.

Charlotte isn't the only one though. For sure, she is probably the best female wrestler they've ever really had. And that is a lot coming from me, who was, is and always will be a massive fan of Lita. Damn Lita was one of my favourites on the entire roster. Anyway...

Bayley, with the backing she had in NXT, definitely has the potential to own that spot. Sasha works really well as a great heel too, so if she was in that role, I think she would definitely elevate whichever face she goes up against.

When you look at the women they have now and in NXT, there is no way that the women won't get a co-main event status match. For now though, we should be pleased to see two (and partially three) matches involving the women at WrestleMania 33. I think all three will be fantastic as well. So long as the women continue to innovate, they will get there.
It maybe was possible on C level PPV when KO was transitional Champ in not second but third feud on RAW with Rollins after Charlotte/Banks and Reigns/Rusev, but on Wrestlemania it would have to be match bigger then life just to be contender. Like maybe Charlotte vs Rousey kind of big. Dont get me wrong I like women division and was watching even when most people did bathroom brake on those 3 minutes matches few years ago. But people need to understand that even if Vince mind wasnt limited on how women wrestling doesnt draw, it wont main event when you have matches like Lesnar/Goldberg, Reigns/Undertaker etc. If its something really big then it may be high on the card. But right now I cant see that happen. One of women matches is on pre show. Other wont be high on card either.
You mean that Sasha Banks, Alexa Bliss, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Asuka and Ember Moon ain't good enough?

I didn't even say that Charlotte has what it takes to. But horrible on the mic? Nope.

I ain't trying to force history. I'm just speculating whether you would like women in the co-main event or main event of Wrestlemania? I know that you don't like Charlotte but it ain't about Charlotte.

No they're not. Are they good? Of course, and today's women are easily the best ever. However there is a couple of reasons why they will never main event Mania.

Their feuds are stale. Reigns/Taker has never happened, Lesnar/Goldberg has happened 3 times in 13 years, and Rollins/HHH has never happened. All three of those feuds are fresh. Due to the limited roster, every women's feud is stale and has been done before.

They don't draw enough. Lesnar, Taker, Cena, Goldberg, Reigns, Orton, Styles, and others are far bigger draws than any of the current women.

Don't get me wrong - I like women's wrestling, but they're not good enough to main event the biggest PPV of the year.
Rousey vs. Charlotte could be gold. But it needs a slow build to create the anticipation.

My 4 Main Events for Wrestlemania 34

Roman Reigns vs. John Cena
Rhonda Rousey vs. Charlotte (Raw Women's Title)
AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar (Universal Title)
Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt (WWE Title)

And I would make sure this is Rousey's 1st match. This keeps the anticipation up. Have Charlotte dominate the women's division on Raw the whole year. Then at Royal Rumble after she defeats whomever. She gets on the mic and says I'm the greatest women's wrestler of all time and have no challenger. Then Rousey's music hits and out she comes. Stephanie hits the stage and says don't worry Charlotte I found you a challenger for Wrestlemania "RHONDA ROUSEY!!!"
No they're not. Are they good? Of course, and today's women are easily the best ever. However there is a couple of reasons why they will never main event Mania.

Their feuds are stale. Reigns/Taker has never happened, Lesnar/Goldberg has happened 3 times in 13 years, and Rollins/HHH has never happened. All three of those feuds are fresh. Due to the limited roster, every women's feud is stale and has been done before.

They don't draw enough. Lesnar, Taker, Cena, Goldberg, Reigns, Orton, Styles, and others are far bigger draws than any of the current women.

Don't get me wrong - I like women's wrestling, but they're not good enough to main event the biggest PPV of the year.
Comparing male feuds with female feuds ain't fair.

You can separate a male wrestler from another for a long time just like Dean Ambrose is away from his Shield counterparts. But female wrestlers ain't many or enough to do so. If there would've been no brand split, then they could have a deep division but since it's brand split, we'll have to see some repeating of feuds.

And how can you say that women don't draw? How do you know this when they ain't given a chance to do so?

It's like saying that you can't do anything but you do need opportunities to do something. Without opportunities, the male wrestlers you mentioned wouldn't have drawn. Comparing with Brock Lesnar and others while women we're talking are so much relatively new is very unfair.

Ronda Rousey proves that women can draw. It's more clear when women wrestlers will get a chance to prove if they can draw or not.
Comparing male feuds with female feuds ain't fair.

You can separate a male wrestler from another for a long time just like Dean Ambrose is away from his Shield counterparts. But female wrestlers ain't many or enough to do so. If there would've been no brand split, then they could have a deep division but since it's brand split, we'll have to see some repeating of feuds.

And how can you say that women don't draw? How do you know this when they ain't given a chance to do so?

It's like saying that you can't do anything but you do need opportunities to do something. Without opportunities, the male wrestlers you mentioned wouldn't have drawn. Comparing with Brock Lesnar and others while women we're talking are so much relatively new is very unfair.

Ronda Rousey proves that women can draw. It's more clear when women wrestlers will get a chance to prove if they can draw or not.

We'll have to see some repeating of feuds, which is why this shouldn't happen. The main event of Mania must be fresh.

The women don't draw as much as Lesnar, Cena, Reigns, and others.

Ronda Rousey drew because she was a real fighter and destroyed her opponent in seconds. You can't do that in wrestling because everyone knows it's pre-determined.
I could see it happening one day. It depends on who is in the match and how they are pushed beforehand though. Charlotte VS Sasha, as much as I loved that feud, would not feel like as big of a deal if they did that at Wrestlemania as a main event. Same goes for Charlotte VS Bayley. It's been done. Charlotte VS Becky more or less ran its course too so if they brought Becky over from Smackdown in the draft the same would happen if that was a Wrestlemania plan. Unless it is built up slowly and done right. The best idea would be a fatal fourway between the Four Horsewomen. That would be a perfect Wrestlemania main event. Either way, I'd be interested in the women getting to main event the biggest show and the WWE is getting to the point where it could happen. With this division it absolutely could.
We'll have to see some repeating of feuds, which is why this shouldn't happen. The main event of Mania must be fresh.

The women don't draw as much as Lesnar, Cena, Reigns, and others.

Ronda Rousey drew because she was a real fighter and destroyed her opponent in seconds. You can't do that in wrestling because everyone knows it's pre-determined.
Again, you're saying that women can't draw or rather don't draw as much as Lesnar, Cena and Reigns. But where's the proof for this? When did women get any opportunity to prove you right or wrong? No opportunity. So, how can we come to a conclusion without giving an opportunity?

UFC had no women division until Ronda Rousey showed up. Now, there are three divisions for women. It's all about opportunities. Ronda Rousey got one and showed how much she could draw. You can do it in wrestling as well regardless of it being pre-determined.

When men can draw, why can't women?

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