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would you buy a NWO dvd?

would you buy a NWO DVD?

  • yes! great times

  • no, i hated them

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Dark Match Winner
i was looking through my WWE DVD collection the other day, wondering what to buy next, and i had a great idea! NWO!
WWE needs to capatilize on WCW's great stable(the best group ever DX close 2nd) they are coming out with a sting dvd...he never spent a second in a wwe ring why not NWO?
most fans will remember the early days of the nwo with fond memories, i know i will, from kevin nash tossing rey m. into a trailers like a dart, sting deciding on which nwo to join(coming down from the rafters with the black/white, then beating them up and ripping off the black/white to show wolfpac colors), hogan spray painting the back of jobbers... i think that without the nwo wcw's/wwe's rivalry would have never happend(or at least not so close)
so, i dont know if this falls on deaf ears, but someone please tell WWE we need a NWO dvd. with that said "would you buy it?"
thanks for the link PB.
i seen the back in black reviews and they all said too short...
what i had in mind was a 3-disc set kinda like the new wwe dvds covering the NWO and having at least 15-20 matches with lots of extras.
without a doubt "yes" i loved nWo i loved the early years of the faction but nwo that came out after red/black came out was dumb and i also miss the old ECW the new one is so damn lame,i dont even watch it
I would love for them to make another nWo DVD. Back in Black was one of the first wrestling DVDs I bought, and while I enjoyed the interviews, it was way too short. But if they do this, they need to wait until Kevin Nash is through with TNA for obvious reasons.

If they make it how it should be made, they would make the first disc an in depth documentary, including interviews with nWo members Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall (I don't care how unreliable he is, he is a must), Ted DiBiase, The Big Show, Eric Bischoff, Dusty Rhoads, Mike Rotunda, and more. I would also like for Randy Savage and Sean Waltman to be included, but it won't happen. Also, it would be nice to have interviews with guys who were there to see it and who feuded with them, such as Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Roddy Piper, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and even bring in Gene Okerlund and Bobby Heenan if he feels like talking. Have interviews with Vince, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, JR, Jerry Lawler, Bradshaw, and possibly Stone Cold telling what it was like to be the competition at the time, and have John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Christian, the Hardys, CM Punk, Cody Rhoads, Ted DiBiase, Shelton Benjamin, and more share their experiences as a fan at the time. The story would cover every member the New World Order ever had. I don't mean go into detail about what every member did while a member (the Nasty Boys were members for like two weeks), I mean just mention that they joined at some point. From May '96 to Bash at the Beach to everybody and their mother joining to total dominance with spray paint to Sting clearing the ring every week to Starrcade to the Hogan/Savage feud to the Wolfpac to the Finger Poke of Doom to the Black and Silver to the "poison" of the WWF...EVERYTHING needs to be covered.

Some of you will say that's too much and would be too long, but I would rather not have it done at all if they won't at least try to make the documentary good. The Starrcade DVD documentary was really good...until they got to the 90s. They skipped SO many important details, including one of the highest grossing pay-per-views of all time, Starrcade '97, Sting vs. Hogan! I don't know who's ignorant idea that was, but anyway...

As for the matches, here are a few of my choices:

Starrcade '97 (the obvious one)
WCW World Heavyweight Title
Hollywood Hogan (c) vs. Sting

Superbrawl VII
WCW World Heavyweight Title
Hollywood Hogan (c) vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Souled Out
WCW United States Title Ladder Match
Eddie Guerrero (c) vs. Syxx

WCW Monday Nitro
April 20, 1998
WCW World Heavyweight Title No Disqualification Match
"Macho Man" Randy Savage (c) vs. Hollywood Hogan

Wrestlemania X8
The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
(this should be the ONLY WWF match)

These are the only specific matches I can think of, but a couple of Outsiders tag team matches are a must, definitely a DDP/Macho Man match, and more matches without Hogan (in case you didn't notice, he was in 4 of my 5 choices haha). This might have been too long and pointless for a DVD suggestion, and I doubt WWE would put this much work and thought into it, but I'd still like to see it someday.

And RatedRFan, where did you hear they're coming out with a Sting DVD? I remember hearing that a long time ago, but Sting re-signed with TNA and the plans dropped. Well, if they are coming out with a Sting DVD, they better wait until he's available to actually BE on it. And as long as Sting is interviewing for his own DVD, he might as well do interviews for the nWo DVD too haha.
nWo Back in Black, very good dvd.

yeah, i have the nWo dvd, got it back when it first came out.. it's an ok dvd, what was disappointing was that it only focused on Hall, Nash and Hogan.. instead of everything else that actually happened and it was only 1 disc.. i think it should've been around a 3 disc set and showed all the variations of the nWo through wcw's years and of course wwe's version.. from what i remember, they pretty much just show the original and then they kinda skip right to the wwe stuff, it's been a while since i've watched the dvd, but i'm pretty sure they skipped over all the wolfpack to the nWo 2000 stuff.. i think wwe just kinda half assed the dvd
I would buy it. I'm still hoping Raw and Nitro season sets. All the Raw and PPVs from one year. All the Nitros and PPVs from one year. Even if they did just half a year a time it would be great. I've just noticed they have been putting all the Raw's on the online on demand. But not the PPVs and not the Nitros. I would pay top price for these.
I agree with Hunter. If the "E" put out a nitro and raw complete set from the 90's any wrestling fan in their right mind would buy it.
here we go, this is what i think, the NWO era was largley forgetable aside from the very begining when hogan ended up being the 3rd "outsider". which, if you could remember, shouldn't have suprised you at all because HOGAN WAS ALWAYS A CHEATER back track through the 80's and 90's. i'm right. but even though some of the segments and the programs were genius alot of it was done on the fly. it was halarious at the time, when la parka and el dandy were engaged in a vicious cock fight and outta nowhere the nwo music hit and everybody from hogan to scott norton came down and beat the shit out of these guys. but it was largley unscripted and very political and thats where alot of the segments came from. hogan doing his normal string pulling and taking up most of the show. the NWO couldn't have worked any other way however. it made hogan one of the largest heels ever. and it had a great class of athletes that could work the mic. we all saw what the NWO could do and couldn't do when scripted thanks to the WWE. I'LL BUY IT. but not because the wolf pack was soooo cool.
Absolutely not. What would they put on it? 20 different promos which last 30 minutes each where the same thing is said every time? A bunch of awful matches?

The nWo was good for two reasons. 1) Surprises. You never knew what they would do next, and you never knew who was going to join next. Considering we've all seen it before, we all know what's going to happen next and who is going to join. 2) Hulk Hogan was fantastic.

Other than that, what good was the nWo? Not a chance in the world I'd buy one.
I was a huge N.W.O. fan. They played it right. It was the horsemen with much more attitude. When wrestling was becoming corny and geared toward kids the n.W.o. brought back the badass that we needed.

Wether vince wants to admit it or not. The n.W.o. was the reason we saw the WWF Attitute. The Austin era, DX (a wanna-be n.W.o.), the red and black ring. etc etc.... Lets face it....with out the n.W.o. we might still be seeing clowns wrestle tax men.

When WWE put out there version of the nWo it was an insult. they spent more time talking about what the wwe was doing. Everything WWE puts out if there is any history of WCW he just touches on it. Never likes to acknowledge WCW really existed. (its a small penis thing)

It was and insult and should of been a 3 disk set. Granted WCW kind of jumped the shark when they let Jay Leno beat Hollywood Hogan and completely took the nWo concept and ruined it. But the great years got me back into the sport.

Yes the greatest faction ever to be created should have a dvd tribute.

It really makes me think that there will probibly not be a faction to come close to what the nWo accomplished. YES PLEASE HIRE BISHOFF BACK FOR HELP ON EDITING TOGETHER A GREAT PACKAGE OF THE n.W.o.
I'd buy the nWo DVD, but you really think they're alot more then what they were... DX, a nWo ripoff? Lmfao. OMG. That's priceless.
I would adore a proper nWo DVD, like WCW_Sting said it would have to cover everything from Bash at the Beach, through the Hollywood Hogan black and white, the battles with Sting, the Wolfpac, the nWo 2000 until the WWE stuff. And give us good interviews and good insight on what it was like from the people we want to hear from. I still think the WWE wouldnt do it though as it gives WCW too much credit and although Vince now owns it he still wont show it was better back then.
thanks van hammer, for being the voice of reason. i WOULDN'T BUY IT... they had a cast comparable to dr. evils cronies. it was ridiculous i can't remember 10 good matches they had either...plus i remember scott hall at times dancing like a prostitue in the ring...thanks ham you're the best
I'd buy the nWo DVD, but you really think they're alot more then what they were... DX, a nWo ripoff? Lmfao. OMG. That's priceless.

No Im not. If it wasn't for Bishoff and the nWo then wrestling wouldn't be where it is right now. They were the reason the monday night wars were even a factor. The nWo made WCW beat WWF for almost 2 years straight.

And its a fact that Vince created DX to compete against the nwo. FACT.Granted he did it better, never let them get too big (like the nwo did).

WCW's biggest probem is they based the show on the nWo instead of basing it around wcw. Thats why they lost.

Anyone who knows there history or watched then knew this
I would buy an nWo dvd in a second, as long as it's done proper! 3 disc set with a documentary style 1st disc would do the trick. There was a lot of politicking that went on with them but they were unpredictable and very influential to this sport. Love em or hate em they played a huge part in wrestling history.
No Im not. If it wasn't for Bishoff and the nWo then wrestling wouldn't be where it is right now. They were the reason the monday night wars were even a factor. The nWo made WCW beat WWF for almost 2 years straight.

And its a fact that Vince created DX to compete against the nwo. FACT.Granted he did it better, never let them get too big (like the nwo did).

WCW's biggest probem is they based the show on the nWo instead of basing it around wcw. Thats why they lost.

Anyone who knows there history or watched then knew this

The only thing I agree with you on in them basing the show around the nWo too much and not WCW. The nWo was ok at first but got real old really quick. The beginning of the end for WCW was when Hogan wouldn't do the clean job for Sting. That was the only way that feud could have ended.They royally screwed the pooch on that one.

DX was nothing like the nWo. Of course Vince created them to compete with WCW. Bischoff created the nWo to compete against the WWF. It how things work when you're in the middle of a war. The nWo was a rip off of the Horsemen. Wrestling feds have always ripped off of each other. Always have and would have continued if WCW had continued.

If it wasn't for Vince, Bischoff would have never been in the situation that he was in. Let's not forget Ted turner who really was the reason why WCW was kicking WWF's ass for two years. Without Turner's money we might still be watching fat Stormtroopers tripping when making their debut or even Robocop.

Let's not give all the credit to Bischoff because besides the nWo what really has he done? He rode a great idea into the ground along with his fed because he wanted to be one of the boys instead of being the leader.

As far as the DVD goes, I wasn't a big WCW fan at that time but I would probably buy it. They were a big part of wrestling history whether you liked them or not.
Yeah as soon as I read the title of this thread I was like wtf about Back in Black? Ah, but others have been correct, once again, in the nWo deserving a full-background DVD, instead of the classic nWo trio only but really since there's the nWo, then nWo Hollywood and nWo Wolfpac, back to plain nWo, nWo 2000, WWE's nWo, and I guess you could include the LWO.
yes i would buy NWO dvd but i would like to see a rise and fall of wcw focusing more on the fall because a lot things happen then that are not talked about.
If the W.W.E. actually acknowledged the n.W.o. as a stable that was dominate and more or less made the W.W.F's life a living hell through ratings, absolutely. The DVD would likely be 3-discs long, with a documentary on the first disc, and about 20-30 matches in total.

I would buy it strictly for the commentary on the n.W.o., which technically has been heard plenty already. The matches would be rather amazing but at the same time, most of the matches would be of mid-carders who were almost boring without the knowledge of the group they were in.

I'd definately add some matches, including but not limited to:

Bash at the Beach 1996:
Sting, Lex Luger & Randy Savage v. The Outsiders w/ Mystery Partner:

You really can't have an n.W.o. DVD without having the beginning match that formed the initial group. When I watched this match, at first I was rather upset that it was more or less a handicap match with the faces being on the numbers side. However, Luger ends up "injured" during the beginning portions of the match, which leaves Sting & Savage to fight two against two.

Hogan makes his way out, and the only guy that ever got it, was The Brian. What a classic ending.

Hog Wild 1996:
The Outsiders v. Sting & Lex Luger:

This would be a personal favorite. Sting & Luger were a great team, as were the Outsiders. I could've listed any number of Steiners/Outsiders matches, but honestly those bored me. This one was a true classic, with great equal abilities between all the individuals involved.

Fall Brawl 1996:
War Games: Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and "Sting" v. Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, and Sting:

Sting against Sting. That pretty much sums it up, but the best part about this is, it would be the last match Sting would be in, for well over a year. The Horsemen working as a face unit was truly something special as well.

Souled Out 1997:
U.S. Championship: Ladder Match: Eddie Guerrero v. Syxx:

This would be the W.W.E.'s way of making you remember Eddie Guerrero, more than Syxx. Eddie won this match as well.

Superbrawl 1997:
Cruiserweight Championship: Syxx v. Dean Malenko:

Great match between both individuals, and Malenko really helped Syxx shine as a great wrestler.

Uncensored 1997:
Buff Bagwell v. Scotty Riggs:

I tossed the idea of adding Bagwell against Luger, from Starrcade 97, but in truth.. it was this match, that helped Bagwell jump from Tag Team specialist, to Single's Superstar. I also believe this was a strap match, but I can't remember for sure.

Uncensored 1997:
Main Event Elimination Match: Rowdy Roddy Piper, Steve McMichael, Jeff Jarrett, and Chris Benoit v. The Giant, Lex Luger, and the Steiner Brothers v. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash:

Another personal favorite. I've never seen it, so if a DVD were ever made, I'd just hope it could get added for the hell of it. The Horsemen had a unit, W.C.W. had a unit, and the n.W.o. had a unit.

Spring Stampede 1997:
Randy Savage v. Diamond Dallas Page:

The match that put D.D.P. on the map. Savage sold him as a great brawler, and he was defending his Wife's honor. What more could you want.

Bash at the Beach 1997:
Hollywood Hogan & Dennis Rodman v. Lex Luger & The Giant:

The Worm in his first-ever wrestling match. While the match as a whole sucked to high-heaven, the fact is, it was famous.

Fall Brawl 1997:
War Games: Four Horseman (Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Curt Hennig, and Steve McMichael) v. n.W.o. (KeviN Nash, Syxx, Marcus Bagwell, and Konnan):

Curt Hennig turns on the Horsemen, siding with the n.W.o. I truly felt this was the real death of the Horsemen.

Starrcade 1997:
Heavyweight Championship: Hollywood Hogan v. Sting:

How could you NOT add this match to the DVD? Sting seeks revenge, that's been building for well over a YEAR long.

Uncensored 1998:
Steel Cage: Hollywood Hogan v. Randy Savage:

This was truly the match that sparked the split between the n.W.o., calling for two mini-factions to form.

Spring Stampede 1998:
Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner v. Lex Luger and Rick Steiner:

Scott Steiner against his brother, Rick, was the main reason for me picking this. I could've went with their Halloween 98 match-up as well. Truth is, I can't remember this one though. But Bagwell/Luger made me add it.

Slamboree 1998:
Tag Team Championships: The Outsiders v. The Giant & Sting:

Scott Hall turned on Kevin Nash. This was a huge deal in the n.W.o., as Hall and Nash came in together.

Great American Bash 1998:
Randy Savage and Roddy Piper v. Hollywood Hogan and Bret Hart:

Much like the Sting/Hogan match, with as much talent as there was in this match, how could you not add it?

Road Wild 1998:
n.W.o. Battle Royal w/ Goldberg:

More or less the DVDs way of adding everyone in the n.W.o. that doesn't deserve a single match for themselves. (Bryan Adams, I'm looking at you)

Road Wild 1998:
Hollywood Hogan & Eric Bischoff v. D.D.P. & Jay Leno:

See Dennis Rodman's match.

Halloween Havoc 1998:
Grudge Match: Kevin Nash v. Scott Hall:

Great match, between the original founders of the n.W.o. Stupid ending though.

Halloween Havoc 1998:
U.S. Championship: Bret Hart v. Sting:

Another great match, and it was Sting's last match until sometime in 1999.

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