Would WWE Ever Branch Out Under A Different Name?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
Right, so im not saying WWE should ever change it's name or anything like that but i have wondered if they really need to keep the WWE moniker on all their side projects.

For Example...

WWE Studios...Is it just me or does anyone else think that having the WWE moniker used in this aspect is just a bad idea? Everybody will always look at it as "Wrestlers in a movie!" rather than judging it on it's own merits and i honestly cant see any WWE produced movie ever succeeding whilst they use that title. Another problem is that it's only real target audience is Wrestling fans and that isnt really branching out is it?

WWE Network...Same thing, non wrestling fans are going to think that it is gonna be nothing but wrestling and it will not appeal to them.

How can you succeed in branching out when your main target is your current fan base?

What im saying is WWE could open up seperate operations and brands for all their side projects and leave the WWE name to the wrestling shows.

Would this work or would it be a failure of epic proportions?
I think this is what WWE attempted to do when they consolidated their name to "WWE, Inc." and not "World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc." I do not think WWE would go this far to rename their company, as they think that referring to themselves as WWE, while taking Wrestling out of the name, is enough. Give Vinny time, and he might rename WWE World Sports Entertainment XD
I think this is what WWE attempted to do when they consolidated their name to "WWE, Inc." and not "World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc." I do not think WWE would go this far to rename their company, as they think that referring to themselves as WWE, while taking Wrestling out of the name, is enough. Give Vinny time, and he might rename WWE World Sports Entertainment XD


The reason WWE rebranded into WWE. Inc was for this very reason. And anyway, you need to look at the other side of the spectrum. If WWE were to remove their monicker from things like the Studios or the Network than some will be asking, "why? Are you embarrassed of your own company?" As well as this, WWE is a recognizable name worldwide, whether people watch it or not there are very few who don't know of the company.
I think they would have been better off keeping the name Titan sports instead of changing it to WWE Entertainment. A movie company called Titan studios might be looked at better than wwe studios or a television network called Titan Network might get some non wrestling fans too look at it rather than WWE Network.
Put it this way, Vince already tried to make somethings without the WWF/E name attached.

1. WBF early 90s, the World Bodybuilding Federation...failed miserably, ended with a steroids trial

2. XFL early 00s, Vince's football league. I believe L-O-L would sum up the epic fail this endeavor was.

WWE Films, WWE Books are much more successful than WBF and XFL
It's an idea I guess, but I think the WWE involvement is the major draw to the movies they release.

WWE movies are generally poorly written and cheaply made. That they are straight to DVD pretty much insures an audience of mostly wrestling fans.

Wrestlers have a natural charisma that could play well on the screen if the scripts were better. If the WWE starts producing better movies, they can call their company whatever they want, and still find mainstream success.
It's an idea I guess, but I think the WWE involvement is the major draw to the movies they release.

WWE movies are generally poorly written and cheaply made. That they are straight to DVD pretty much insures an audience of mostly wrestling fans.

Wrestlers have a natural charisma that could play well on the screen if the scripts were better. If the WWE starts producing better movies, they can call their company whatever they want, and still find mainstream success.

I agree...if WWE actually put a good amount of money and effort, they can acutally make sucessful movies. If that happened WWE Studios would flourish.

Problem being that WWE, IMO, doesn't really care that much about their movie division. It's a place to make cheap films, give their talent a starring role to keep THEM from branching out, and give their stockholders the impression that they're expanding.

Take smaller Hollywood action films that still cost more than WWE. (i.e. The Losers, Takers, anything starring Jason Statham). If WWE produced those films instead, and not placing Wres...Superstars into starring rolse as oppose to co-stars.; I think they'd be very sucessful.
The WWE Network thing is common sense. If they're going to play WWE content there then the name should point that out. I agree with you on the WWE Studios thing though. The movies often have nothing to do with wrestling.
Bottom line they should brand their other entertainment entities differently, it only makes sense. Companies like Disney own Marvel Comics, ABC, ESPN and Time Warner owns Time Magazine, CNN, DC Comics.

WWE would benefit...despite the fact they are an orphaned acronym the bottom line is that it would help the company's fortunes if they branched out their divisions under different names. Plain and simple...when people hear the name WWE they are still going to think wrestling no matter what.
I think if WWE are willing to admit that all their movies are directed at Wrestling fans then instead of writing and producing original movies why not take a look back at all your previous talent, some who have amazing stories to tell.

They could do Biopics of guys like Foley, Austin, Taker ect

Tell the story of how they rose to the top. Not the on screen characters but the actual people themselves. I know id much rather see a film based on the life of Mick Foleys rise from childhood wrestling fan to beloved wrestling icon rather than see Triple H fighting evil crime bosses with a bunch of children.

Does anyone think WWE would ever even consider that idea because lets face it...there is many great stories there waiting to be told.
I don't think that using other names would help them. These names would be new and therefore would need to build up their reputation from scratch. WWE have a name recognized worldwide. That's something most businesses never accomplish. If they ever branch out into other ideas then they should keep it under the WWE brand in the end because it cross promotes the new product as well as the wrestling at the same time. It helps keep them relevant and recognized. There is nothing that could justify them ever changing their name at this point. It would be a bad idea.
I think the acronym wwe may need a new meaning in some contexts. As far as wwe films and the wwe network is concerned the second "W" should stand for wide. I dont like how WWE legally doesnt stand for anything anymore. As far as the new channel is concerned they gotta make it clear that its not going to be 100 HOURS of wrestling aweek. I also feel like anybrand regulated to that network will loose credibility.

It doesnt matter if its jerry springer, the view, good morning america, or the o'reilly factor whenever a melee or disturbance is the topic of discussion they will always say something like "is this the wwf" or yatta yatta yatta. They still say WWF not WWE. I dont think the WWE name iz popular enough to pigionhole wwe productions because most folks off the street still say WWF.

And idk why he changed the name from titan sports but i always though it was a bad call.. and i think he should tryto renogotiate with the wildlife fund because their url isnt even WWF.Com and they use alternate long terms for their companies main name anyways..

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