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Would The Miz be the current "poster child" if Kennedy was still around

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The Abdi
Now we all know Mr.Kennedy was released from WWE 2 years ago. A couple of months later he debuted in TNA as Mr.Anderson and over the months he became a big star. He is very charismatic and oozes charisma. He is a real star. At around the same time The Miz was working his butt of as well to become a star in the WWE. Both are great mic workers. But what I`m wondering is would The Miz be the poster child and a former WWE Champ if Kennedy was still around. Miz is good but Kennedy is much better. He`s a believable face and heel and could have a good match like The Miz. What are your thoughts.
Kennedy is in absolutely no single way better than the Miz. Kennedy/Anderson is awful in the ring, both in terms of wrestling and story telling. He also doesn't have nearly as much charisma as you give him credit for, and both diehard and casual TNA watchers can agree that his most recent character has been shit. As for mic skills, Miz blows Kennedy out of the water, and that's an understatement. Since going to TNA, almost all of Anderson's promos basically consist of how he's an asshole, and why he deserves to get a title shot, which is followed up with bullshit reasoning. The Miz has given a handful of absolutely fantastic promos. You can't say the same for Anderson.

So no, I don't agree with your theory on where The Miz would be had Kennedy stayed in the WWE. I think Miz would have continued to climb up the WWE ladder, likely going over Kennedy at some point, as Kennedy's lack of skill would gradually be exposed as he would fall farther and farther down the card until he was stuck in midcard hell for life.

Kennedy/Anderson does have some sort of odd charisma, and I think a lot of it has to do with his voice and look, but after you get past those two things, he really starts to run out of upside.
I honestly thought at one time he was going to be the future of WWE with Orton. They were both on the cusp of the mountain working up and then the fallout of Kennedy was i little stiff, and he kept gettin injured. With a year of Ken Kennedy's last appearance on Raw the Miz is in his first fued with Cena(which is the fued that truelly put him over if ou ask me. Miz had several wins over Cena, all of which were bogus and Cena ended up wiping the floor with him. That fued honestly changed WWE a little.
I was a huge fan of Mr. Kennedy when he was in WWE. I marked out for him everytime they showed his face. I thought he was awesome from the single minute he debuted.

One thing I am not is a deluded wrestling fan. Lets get this straight...

People cared about Kennedy when he was in WWE. The only reason those people went from caring about him to being marks for him is because of the "Asshole," gimmick he began and still has going on. It isn't even that good anymore. At the start when he had fans chanting, "I'm an Asshole" it was cool. But already, it has worn out and is now very, very boring to hear and watch.

Kennedy was good, hell he is good. But he wasn't going to rise like The Miz. Miz has a better look than Kennedy, he can be better on the microphone at times, he has a better in-ring mentality and he has a personality that you like without him saying he's an, "Asshole."

No, Kennedy would not be the poster child if he was still around.
I think Kennedy would have become a solid star in the WWE and a world champion for sure. The only thing I think that would have effected Miz's rise is that it would have taken him a bit longer to move up. Miz would have probably roamed around the midcard a little longer before finally making the jump to the main event scene. Granted I'm no Miz fan, but I can admit the guy has an astounding work ethic and is willing to improve every day no matter what. Plus the guy is pretty gosh darn good on the mic. I do believe Miz would have gotten to this point if Kennedy stuck around, it just wouldn't have been as quick a rise.
I think kennedy would be ahead of the miz, 2-3 times world champ!
people are disagreeing are using kenndedys current work, which is wrong as wwe would have used him correctly where as tna will take a guys who mega over (hardy) and turn him heel for the sake of being different,
kennedy had the agressive look, miz is just a pretty boy, kennedy had the entrance, miz is pretty cooker cutter tbh just has good mic skills which is still think kennedy in wwe had the edge over!

many were behind kennedy when he was realised, we need to see miz as a face first tbh, the face kenndey vs regal promo was WELL FUNNY!!!! id say kennedy hands down
Kennedy/Anderson really is nothing special. His look is, well, pretty awful. The bleach blonde hair and giant red tribal tattoo are just terrible. The guy's mic work is vastly overrated as well. Saying the word "asshole" 35 times in any given segment really is nothing special. The guy's in-ring work is middle-of-the road as well. And then there's the whole deal where he couldn't stay healthy to save his life while working in the WWE.

To put it short and sweet, WWE doesn't miss this dude. And the reason they don't miss him is because he's nothing special.

So, yeah, Miz would probably still be a success if Kennedy was around. Why wouldn't he be?
Kennedy/Anderson... injury prone, failed the wellness policy twice, bad in the ring, and decent on the mic. I still cannot see why people put so much faith in this guy. Kentonbomb? terrible. Repeating his name as part of his promos? terrible Kennedy didn't put forth nearly as much effort as the Miz has. It also didn't help that the two biggest talents in the WWE. Orton and Cena didn't care for his in ring work and felt he was unsafe to work with.

Miz has been running the WWE marathon for over 2 years. Much like Cena the Miz has tried to become the WWE. The Miz has busted his ass to get where he is. Anything that he can do to get the WWE's name further he does.
I'm not trying to kiss ass with other memebers. But I honestly never got into Ken. He's allright at promos, but that is ware it ends. It's never a new promo with Ken, it's allways Ctrl+c. The Miz on the other hand from start to today has improved leaps and bounds on his mic skills. As a heel he was and absoutly believable champ. Ken not so much.

Ken was injury prone allmost all the way through his run with the WWE, and didn't really improve. I believe the term he used in one of his Tna promos was a rocket ship up the ass. The Miz was hand crafted, he started out as nothing. Then worked his ass off with Jomo to get better in the ring. He started cutting great promo's with the dirt sheet and just ran with it.

Yes Ken would have been a champ someday. But Miz's run in my mind would have been totaly more important than his.
Would The Miz be the current "poster child" if Kennedy was still around?

yes yes 1,000x yes.

I have never liked Kennedy at all ever. He is shit on the mic and average in the ring. If he had stayed in the WWE and wasn't prone to hurting people I'm sure Vince would have realized just how shit he really is. If not realsed out right by now he would be in the mid card at best if not getting the Ryder treatment.

Miz on the other hand is great on the mic and above average in the ring. He has proven to be an awesome heel and had the best WWE title reign in recent memory. I can say I hate Miz but it's because he does a great job as a heel and not because i don't want him on my TV.

so in closing Miz > Kennedy in every way shape and form.
Yes, I think that Miz would have been the poster child even if Kennedy would have been present in the WWE. Don't get me wrong, I think that Kennedy is not half as bad as some people make him out to be. He has got definite charisma and isn't as bad in the ring as some people have said. I would even say that in TNA it was the booking that fucked up Anderson's character rather than Anderson himself. Anderson as an antihero was working to an extent when he was projected as the sole challenger to the Immortal faction. Then I think where TNA went wrong is that they started involving too many babyface challengers in the main event. No one was going to cheer Anderson over a babyface RVD and a babyface Sting and TNA did not turn him into a heel immediately and so it looked like a failure on the part of Anderson.

Anyway, back to The Miz. The thing that is most impressive about Miz is his work ethic and that is something that impresses Vince. Somehow, I think that this is Anderson's weakness. I have read tons of his interviews and seen a lot of his non kayfabe videos and he strikes to me as a guy who thinks that he is a finished product, a guy who is on the brink of superstardom. He has a little talent but talent doesn't alone make you big. That is something that I do not think that Anderson realizes. Miz is a guy who has constantly improved himself and made his detractors eat their words. Anderson, on the other hand actually started out on a higher pedestal than Miz but he is more or less at the same place even after 5 years. He was given numerous pushes and he fucked up all of them mostly by being injury prone while Miz is someone who capitalized on even half chances. That suggests to me that Miz would have made it big regardless of Anderson's presence.
WOW I COMPLETELY DISAGREE.. with all of you! I bet your all WWE Smarks... (I am in a WWE forum...)

Mr. Anderson is a hell of a lot better in the ring than The Miz... it probably just doesn't appear that way because of WWE's higher production value.. therefore everything they do will look superior to a show like TNA with less production value.

Anderson has become a hell of a lot better than he was in WWE... he is smooth in the ring, his selling is tremendous... and he isn't as much of a ranter as The Miz.

The Miz just rants loudly about himself.. Anderson actually shows some creativity in his promos... a lot of creativity.

Those who say Mr. Anderson is injury prone are completely ignorant. He has had a hell of a lot more tougher and physical matches in TNA than he did in the WWE and he hasn't got injured ... unless you count the time Hardy slammed a chair into the back of his skull.

And to answer the question of the original poster... if I needed to after this post... Mr. Anderson would be top dog in WWE right now... he would have won the WWE Title and took off a hell of a lot more than John Cena.. at least with adults... Mr. Anderson won the MITB like 3/4 years ago? The Miz just won it this last year... I'd say Mr. Anderson would have stayed ahead of the Miz til the day he retired... Anderson's loose cannon attitude is great, reminds me of Stone Cold Steve Austin without ripping him off.. because that's who Anderson truly is.

I notice a lot of you disagree and think Miz is better... but you CAN NOT... give your opinion on this unless you watch TNA and Anderson weekly on Impact and PPVs... because you would not be able to judge him properly. Mr. Anderson has gotten a lot better since going to TNA. He's able to be free and be himself... he even talks about how the guys up north told him how to talk... how to walk... I COULD PLAY THE MIZ.. his gimmick is cookie cutter... his promos are so typical heelish...

And you're entitled to, but let me tell you why you shouldn't.

Mr. Anderson is a hell of a lot better in the ring than The Miz... it probably just doesn't appear that way because of WWE's higher production value.. therefore everything they do will look superior to a show like TNA with less production value.

The Miz gets sold short a lot because he's a midsized guy that isn't a technical wrestler or a flier. Instead, he capitalizes on emotion and simple, but effective looking moves, like his DDT and neckbreaker. He's extremely fluid in the ring, and has put on great matches with Cena, Daniel Bryan, and John Morrison.

Kennedy is in the same boat as The Miz, but because he can pull off one or two really sweet maneuvers he manages to make people think he's better than he really is. If you watch any of his matches in TNA, though, you'll see that he spends most of the match trying to hit the Mic Check. When he's not trying to hit the mic check, he's either striking, or being hit. He will occasionally pull out the Rolling Samoan Drop or the Kenton Bomb, but other than that he's really got nothing.

Anderson has become a hell of a lot better than he was in WWE... he is smooth in the ring, his selling is tremendous... and he isn't as much of a ranter as The Miz.

Miz's selling is perfectly fine, probably above average for most people. And are you serious about the ranting? ALL of Anderson's promos are exactly the same.

Step 1) Site recent accomplishment
Step 2) Talk about why this accomplishment should lead to a title shot
Step 3) Complain that the world is against him
Step 4) Call himself an asshole.

Miz, on the other hand, is easily one of the best mic workers in the WWE today.

The Miz just rants loudly about himself.. Anderson actually shows some creativity in his promos... a lot of creativity.

If you've seen one Anderson promo, you've seen them all. Your smarkiness is blinding you.

Those who say Mr. Anderson is injury prone are completely ignorant. He has had a hell of a lot more tougher and physical matches in TNA than he did in the WWE and he hasn't got injured ... unless you count the time Hardy slammed a chair into the back of his skull.

Don't care. Injury prone or not, he's still a lousy wrestler.

And to answer the question of the original poster... if I needed to after this post... Mr. Anderson would be top dog in WWE right now... he would have won the WWE Title and took off a hell of a lot more than John Cena.. at least with adults... Mr. Anderson won the MITB like 3/4 years ago? The Miz just won it this last year... I'd say Mr. Anderson would have stayed ahead of the Miz til the day he retired...

You could not be more wrong.

1) John Cena is literally better in every aspect of professional wrestling than Ken Anderson, and to say otherwise shows a total lack of understanding for the product.

2) Miz is also better in every aspect of professional wrestling than Ken Anderson, just not as obviously so as Cena.

3) Anderson brought his lack of success in the WWE upon himself by rubbing the wrong people the wrong way and believing he was better than he really is.

Anderson is one of the most overrated figures to come through professional wrestling in recent years. I have never see him do anything that impresses me. His supporters constantly tout his mic skills and his wrestling skills, but if he was truly that talented he would have done something memorable by now.
Everything you just said about Mr. Anderson is exactly how I feel about The Miz...

They both have basic moves... yes... but I think Mr. Anderson of Impact Wrestling hits them better... his swinging neckbreaker > The Miz's neckbreaker. The Miz might hype his finisher up a little better... but I think Anderson hits his finisher better, more smoothly, and more quickly from out of nowhere. And to rebuttle what you said about Anderson's flashy moves... THEY DIDN'T EVEN CROSS MY MIND... when I said Anderson was the better wrestler...

Step 1) Site recent accomplishment
Step 2) Talk about why this accomplishment should lead to a title shot
Step 3) Complain that the world is against him
Step 4) Call himself an asshole.

Now your kinda off there.. that sounds more like The Miz... and here we go with a Miz promo... "Really? Really? Reallly? Really? .... I AM THE MOST MUST SEE WWE CHAMPION IN HISTORY.... I SHOULD BE WWE CHAMPION RIGHT NOW..... BECAUSE I'M AWESOME" (you get my idea, and does anyone truly believe that he is the most must see WWE Champion in history? That is the most ****** line he says.)

Anderson's promos defiantly are more spunky and entertaining to watch than The Miz. The Miz might drop some good intensity every now and then, but Anderson plays his selfish asshole character perfectly just in the way he delivers his words.

And I must really disagree once again on the selling... Anderson is defiantly a hell of a seller... after he had his concussion... every match he made you think about it... the announcers mentioned it in every match.. and he worked it damn well... The Miz is just an average WWE over seller.

The Miz gets the grand stage of Wrestlemania and he can't even put on a MOTY candidate? Anderson did it in TNA.... on a PPV seen by probably 10,000 people. And before you even say Kurt Angle carried him to it... I must say... it takes two to tango.

And in the Reputation you left me (Friendly Neighborhood JGlass)... you called him Kennedy... his name is Anderson.. he's been wrestling as Anderson before WWE.. and he's now wrestling as Anderson after WWE.. your obviously a WWE smark who doesn't watch Impact Wrestling enough to make a fair assessment of this situation. Why else would you have JTG in your signature? lol...
Everything you just said about Mr. Anderson is exactly how I feel about The Miz...

Thus proving how little you know about wrestling.

They both have basic moves... yes... but I think Mr. Anderson of Impact Wrestling hits them better... his swinging neckbreaker > The Miz's neckbreaker. The Miz might hype his finisher up a little better... but I think Anderson hits his finisher better, more smoothly, and more quickly from out of nowhere. And to rebuttle what you said about Anderson's flashy moves... THEY DIDN'T EVEN CROSS MY MIND... when I said Anderson was the better wrestler...

You're pulling shit out of your ass now, "Anderson hit his finisher better." How do you figure? The Skull Crushing Finale is one of the most effective finishers in the WWE today, and the Miz has made it look like a deadly weapon.

Now your kinda off there.. that sounds more like The Miz... and here we go with a Miz promo... "Really? Really? Reallly? Really? .... I AM THE MOST MUST SEE WWE CHAMPION IN HISTORY.... I SHOULD BE WWE CHAMPION RIGHT NOW..... BECAUSE I'M AWESOME" (you get my idea, and does anyone truly believe that he is the most must see WWE Champion in history? That is the most ****** line he says.)

He's cut a handful of promos like that, yes, but what about this one?


Meanwhile, here is what comes up first on YouTube for "Mr. Anderson's best promo"


Congratulations Ken, you break out of my formula. Unfortunately, it's the pretty much the same shit. He does an unfunny job of mocking Hardy's fans, calls himself an asshole, calls his fans assholes, and says his catchphrase. Unfortunately, when he cuts off at Mister, the fans give him a very lackluster Anderson response. Then he reminds us that he's an asshole one more time, and he leaves.

Here's another great Miz promo


Anderson's promos defiantly are more spunky and entertaining to watch than The Miz. The Miz might drop some good intensity every now and then, but Anderson plays his selfish asshole character perfectly just in the way he delivers his words.

Spunky? He whines. For the past few months, all Kennedy has done was whine. He whined about not getting a title shot, then he whined about not getting a one on one title shot, then he whined about Hulk Hogan. He doesn't play a selfish asshole, he plays an immature crybaby.

And I must really disagree once again on the selling... Anderson is defiantly a hell of a seller... after he had his concussion... every match he made you think about it... the announcers mentioned it in every match.. and he worked it damn well... The Miz is just an average WWE over seller.

And you continue to pull shit out of your ass. Miz is a perfectly fine seller, as his Anderson.

The Miz gets the grand stage of Wrestlemania and he can't even put on a MOTY candidate? Anderson did it in TNA.... on a PPV seen by probably 10,000 people. And before you even say Kurt Angle carried him to it... I must say... it takes two to tango.

Anderson? Match of the year candidate? That's a laugh. And since when are Wrestlemania main events guaranteed MOTY candidates? In fact, when was the last time the main event of Mania a MOTY candidate? I guess Wrestlemania 26 could count, but before that? Wrestlemania 23 is the last time the main event of Wrestlemania was a MOTY candidate. Meanwhile, Miz has put on some great matches on Raw and at the other PPVs.

And in the Reputation you left me (Friendly Neighborhood JGlass)... you called him Kennedy... his name is Anderson.. he's been wrestling as Anderson before WWE.. and he's now wrestling as Anderson after WWE.. your obviously a WWE smark who doesn't watch Impact Wrestling enough to make a fair assessment of this situation. Why else would you have JTG in your signature? lol...

You're absolutely pathetic. First of all, I have been using Kennedy and Anderson interchangeably, not because Kennedy/Anderson is interchangeable with just about any other wrestler, but because I really don't care. And I'll have you know, I watch TNA on a weekly basis, and that's how I have drawn the conclusion that Anderson sucks. I actually thought higher of him before I started watching TNA, but his recent body of work has shown me that he is a talentless hack. I'd rather see Bully Ray in a feud than Ken Anderson.
In response to Friendly Neighborhood JGlass ....

Well my work here is done.. it's obvious that your just a huge WWE fan who will not even consider what I'm saying and just blindly toots the Miz's horn.

The dude's awesome... sure... but Anderson is better.. he's got more years, more experience, and more skill.

Maybe Miz does have more talent.. but at this moment.. Anderson has more skill.

I'm not going to go through the motions with you again, I said my opinions which I truly believe to be true.. and you just continue to dis Anderson more and more which obviously is just showing that your trying to make The Miz look as good as possible. At least I give Miz credit where its due... but to blindly call someone like Anderson a talentless hack? A guy who has been at the cuffs of the top of the WWE.. only to be shoved down by Randy Orton like so many others... is just ridiculous. If you want to bring up accomplishments.. well how about the fact that Anderson was beating the likes of Undertaker and Kane in his first year.. when the fuck has The Miz even proven a threat to either Kane or Taker. I can not take what you say seriously.. because it is so out of line.

I'm not going to watch your videos above because you just selected certain ones... Anderson's had plenty of better promos than that one.

Miz and Anderson basically broke into WWE around the same time.. when The Miz showed up.. HE WASN'T EVEN LET IN THE BUILDING... When Anderson showed up.. within a year I remember him saying how he beat like 9 World Champions.. including Kane and The Undertaker, those were his main first feuds on Smackdown. So.. to end the non sense that is this post... Anderson would still be on top of Miz to this day. I would hardly call Miz a poster child for the WWE anyways... his ONE title win was a MITB cash-in.
I'll let it slide when folks say that Anderson/Kennedy is better in the ring, even if it's complete bullshit. But on the mic? You have got to be fucking kidding me. I would rather listen to John Morrison stumble his way through a 15 minute promo then listen to one more second of Anderson's atrocious excuse for a promo. He has no direction whatsoever and just fucking rambles on and on with the occasional "FREAKING REMATCH!!" and frequent utterances of the word asshole thrown in. If I wanted to hear a bunch of incoherent nonsense, I'd go browse through the TNA Section for a while.

That being said, I'm not going to insinuate that Kennedy wouldn't have been a bigger deal than Miz if he stayed in the E. If he wasn't injured so often and if he didn't piss off Orton like he did, he had some staying power. We didn't know he was such a shitty talker yet because he had the WWE machine behind him, making sure his promos were on point. He was a pretty big deal there for a while and even had the support of the fans and if he were to have stuck around, things could have been different. On the other hand, I don't think it would have much of an effect on Miz . Kennedy was much more popular, thus, he would have been a face. No reason that it would have kept Miz down as he's a heel.

The fact is, Kennedy couldn't cut it in the E. He didn't have the right attitude and yes, some of it was just bad luck. Nonetheless, we'll never know because his reputation is quite tarnished now.
Miz would easily still be the poster child. Kennedy just gets old after a while, same shit from him constantly. Miz changes it up ever so often, he's constantly entertaining, something that Kennedy lacks. The fact of the matter is this, Kennedy wasn't good enough for the 'E. If he was, he'd still be there today. Miz on the other hand, went and proved himself. He got fans behind him, he got management behind him, but most importantly, he got the wrestlers, his peers, behind him.

In response to Friendly Neighborhood JGlass ....

Well my work here is done.. it's obvious that your just a huge WWE fan who will not even consider what I'm saying and just blindly toots the Miz's horn.

The dude's awesome... sure... but Anderson is better.. he's got more years, more experience, and more skill.

Maybe Miz does have more talent.. but at this moment.. Anderson has more skill.

No, he doesn't have more talent. What does Anderson have? NOTHING. Same thing every week, drones on and on and on and on until he bores the fans. At least Miz can keep me focused on what he's saying.

Let me just point this out as well, Miz and Kennedy have nearly the same amount of big league experience. Sure, Kennedy has 4 years of experience on the Indy scene, but then again... what does that matter?

I'm not going to go through the motions with you again, I said my opinions which I truly believe to be true.. and you just continue to dis Anderson more and more which obviously is just showing that your trying to make The Miz look as good as possible. At least I give Miz credit where its due... but to blindly call someone like Anderson a talentless hack? A guy who has been at the cuffs of the top of the WWE.. only to be shoved down by Randy Orton like so many others... is just ridiculous. If you want to bring up accomplishments.. well how about the fact that Anderson was beating the likes of Undertaker and Kane in his first year.. when the fuck has The Miz even proven a threat to either Kane or Taker. I can not take what you say seriously.. because it is so out of line.

Wow, Anderson got pushed down by Orton, totally. :rolleyes:

Do you even know what you're talking about? At all? Miz is a former WWE Champion. He beat the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton, not to mention that he was one of the most entertaining WWE Champions in recent memory. Last time I checked, Kennedy never won a world title. Kennedy can't hold a candle to Miz, accomplishment wise. Miz is EASILY a bigger threat than Kennedy ever was or will be.

I'm not going to watch your videos above because you just selected certain ones... Anderson's had plenty of better promos than that one.

Miz and Anderson basically broke into WWE around the same time.. when The Miz showed up.. HE WASN'T EVEN LET IN THE BUILDING... When Anderson showed up.. within a year I remember him saying how he beat like 9 World Champions.. including Kane and The Undertaker, those were his main first feuds on Smackdown. So.. to end the non sense that is this post... Anderson would still be on top of Miz to this day. I would hardly call Miz a poster child for the WWE anyways... his ONE title win was a MITB cash-in.

Yeah, his one title win was a MITB cash-in, at least he held onto his MITB briefcase, right?

The fact that Miz became a WWE Champion after his beginnings in the WWE is a testament to how hard he works and to how respected he now is. Miz has never been anything but a professional when it comes to how he handles himself, Kennedy on the other hand had issues with steroids and suspensions. He never would have made it. Ever.
I really am in shock by the response. But once again I know it's only because Miz is currently in the WWE.. and Anderson ain't. It's all about the companies... just cause Anderson is in TNA he's worthless... same with Hogan according to all the fans... yet watch them come back to WWE and be huge...

I grew up watching The Attitude Era... everything about Anderson screams IN YOUR FACE ATTITUDE... that is what I like to watch from my wrestling.. not someone who just rants on and on like The Miz does.

You wanna know what wrestlers do? THEY WRESTLE......
I really am in shock by the response. But once again I know it's only because Miz is currently in the WWE.. and Anderson ain't. It's all about the companies... just cause Anderson is in TNA he's worthless... same with Hogan according to all the fans... yet watch them come back to WWE and be huge...

I grew up watching The Attitude Era... everything about Anderson screams IN YOUR FACE ATTITUDE... that is what I like to watch from my wrestling.. not someone who just rants on and on like The Miz does.

You wanna know what wrestlers do? THEY WRESTLE......

What in the hell are you talking about? MIZ RAMBLES?! MIZ?! :lmao:

You're a moron. Mr. Anderson has rambled on and on and on, CONSTANTLY, since his arrival in TNA. He's been horrible. He's unbearable to watch. It's always the same thing with Anderson, then he just keeps on talking and talking and he never shuts the fuck up. If Miz is a rambler, then I don't even want to know what Anderson can be classified as.

As for what you look for in a good product, you obviously struggle to grasp how pro wrestling has evolved. You red rep all of us and call us smarks, when in reality you're nothing but a smark. You're stuck in the past, where the Attitude Era is all good wrestling and today's product sucks. Sure, today's product isn't great, but the Attitude Era is vastly overrated. There were great moments, but for a guy who apparently loves the wrestling aspect of the WWE, you mustn't have seen much of the Attitude Era, because matches back then would rarely break the 5 minute mark.

Please, stop making yourself look like an ass.
I really am in shock by the response. But once again I know it's only because Miz is currently in the WWE.. and Anderson ain't. It's all about the companies... just cause Anderson is in TNA he's worthless... same with Hogan according to all the fans... yet watch them come back to WWE and be huge...

I grew up watching The Attitude Era... everything about Anderson screams IN YOUR FACE ATTITUDE... that is what I like to watch from my wrestling.. not someone who just rants on and on like The Miz does.

You're full of shit. There is no correlation between the glory days of the Attitude Era and Anderson other than overuse of profanity. Rock, Austin, Hunter, all of these guys had an in your face attitude, but they also had a fucking clue how to execute a promo correctly. Anderson fails miserably at that. If he was worth a shit, he'd still be in the WWE, end of story.

This idea that it's a company loyalty thing is fucking absurd. You ask me if I think Miz is better than Anderson, I'm going to compare the 2 wrestlers. Everything about Miz is exceptionally better than Anything about Anderson. But if you were to ask me to choose between say, Mickie James and Eve, I'd choose Mickie every time. It has nothing to do with the brand, it's the wrestler. As a wrestler, Anderson is not in Miz's league.
Because the main event of Wrestlemania was so exciting...

Thank god John Morrison was in the triple threat cage match to make that watchable.

You sound just like the WWE, this is exactly what Anderson talks about.. you say "there is a proper way to execute a promo" well I don't believe their is a proper way to do anything in this world. It's called freedom.. do it as you please... if I want to walk backwards down the street IMMA FRIGGIN DO IT... (im starting to feel like Anderson talking now)... and if Mr. Anderson doesn't want to execute a "proper promo" then he doesn't have to do it.

All that matters is the end result.. and for me... I would rather watch Mr. Anderson than The Miz... I'm sure there are some who agree with me... they just don't happen to be lurking the wwe forums with a ball sack at the moment.

I went into the lion's den by defending Anderson. And I'm not tapping out of my opinion.
Because the main event of Wrestlemania was so exciting...

Thank god John Morrison was in the triple threat cage match to make that watchable.

You sound just like the WWE, this is exactly what Anderson talks about.. you say "there is a proper way to execute a promo" well I don't believe their is a proper way to do anything in this world. It's called freedom.. do it as you please... if I want to walk backwards down the street IMMA FRIGGIN DO IT... (im starting to feel like Anderson talking now)... and if Mr. Anderson doesn't want to execute a "proper promo" then he doesn't have to do it.

All that matters is the end result.. and for me... I would rather watch Mr. Anderson than The Miz... I'm sure there are some who agree with me... they just don't happen to be lurking the wwe forums with a ball sack at the moment.

I went into the lion's den by defending Anderson. And I'm not tapping out of my opinion.

Again, you're looking like an idiot.

I'm not saying there is a proper way to execute a promo, but whatever Anderson is doing... it's not working. You said it yourself, halfway through your rambling, you felt like Anderson. Way to prove my point for me, champ. The main event of 'Mania was just fine. The cage match, just fine. You're looking for contrived high spots, that's not what wrestling is about. Just because you don't know what makes a good match or a good wrestler doesn't mean you can just go around and spew your ignorance all over the forum.

Miz is clearly better than Anderson. It's as simple as that.
Kennedy on the other hand had issues with steroids and suspensions. He never would have made it. Ever.

Drug suspensions, injuries and a "bad attitude" did not stop Orton or Jeff Hardy. I find it amusing the lengths people go to when trying to pretend Miz is awesome. The difference between the two I guess comes down to personal taste but I just refuse to think ability to coddle mcmahon's balls is the most important skillset in prowrestling.

IMO you can measure true talent in WWE not by who gets to the main event spots but by who gets held back right on the edge from there. If you get there it means the few powers that be were not threatened by you because of your lack of talent.
Drug suspensions, injuries and a "bad attitude" did not stop Orton or Jeff Hardy. I find it amusing the lengths people go to when trying to pretend Miz is awesome. The difference between the two I guess comes down to personal taste but I just refuse to think ability to coddle mcmahon's balls is the most important skillset in prowrestling.

They stopped Jeff Hardy in the end... and on multiple occasions before that. If you can't see that Miz is better than Anderson then I don't know what to tell you. We clearly must not be watching the same thing then. Miz has transformed into a real main eventer, a real champion, whereas Anderson has regressed over in TNA and to be honest, he hasn't been entertaining in months.

Nobody's coddling McMahon's balls, it's just pure fact. Miz is better than Anderson.
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