Would The I.C. Title Benefit From A Short Retirement?

The History of the Intercontinental Championship DVD along with a skilled competitor like CM Punk holding the title will help, but I have an idea that would help the title gain prestige in the eyes of the wrestlers and the fans.....

During an episode of Raw show short 2 minute segments during the broadcast of all available former IC champions talking about what the belt meant to them when they first won it. They could get Honky Tonk Man, HHH, Jericho, Steve Austin, Randy Savage (yeah right), Roddy Piper, Steamboat, Shamrock, The Rock and others to talk shortly on why the IC title was such a huge step in their careers and how the title means bigger things for those who hold it.

Instantly the title looks as if it was once a title that meant something (which it was) and instantly the wrestlers can begin their quests to gain the honored title and building their legacy's as champion.
I don't think retiring it will add any value to the tile. I have a better solution (IMO) that kinda makes a take on the original idea.

First We Vacate the title due to inactivity with its defense after a few months. Then we hold a massive company wide tournament for it where most everyone gets a shot. Orton (presumably) being champion does not like the idea of there being another champ besides him and enters the tournament to unify the belts and retire the IC title. So we pick a random face maybe CM Punk or someone else. And we start our tournament, it should last at least 2 months. This lets Orton have a token Title Defense inbetween so he can be seen as not being worried about the tournament as he is The Real Champ. Finally after two months of the tournament it comes down to Orton vs. Our Face in the main event for the IC Title at a PPV(i know strange thought the big belt not being defended at the PPV) Orton Plays the cocky heel and through much adversity our Face triumphs over the World Champ and Wins the IC belt. Our Face could then go on a series of title wins leading up the inevitable rematch of champion vs champion.

The title should be retired. It could be taken out of action, then the Cruiserweight Championship can re-surface on RAW. The Cruiserweight title will serve a good purpose on RAW, what with WWE bringing in smaller superstars recently they could use the title as the second title on RAW. People like Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, CM Punk, Matt or Jeff Hardy could have matches for it. It would put more guys into the Main Event picture as there is no other singles belt for them, Kane, JBL, Knox. It would also mean that more dignity is brought to the Women's title, because that would be more of a major belt, because before the Women's title and the Cruiserweight title were the D level titles on both RAW and Smackdown. The IC title could be on ECW or even the top tier belt on the new "Superstars" show that WWE is launching.

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