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Would suprise entrants work in Money in the Bank?

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The Royal Rumble has hosted many surpise entrants over the years, from this year's return of both Booker T and Kevin Nash, to 2001's Royal Rumble featuring WWE Hall of Famer Drew Carey (yeah, I went there) as an entrant. These entries provide great entertainment, and though there's almost no chance that they'll win, it's still pretty interesting to see just what happens.

So why stop at the Rumble? I realize that this idea may actually be better suited if MITB was still a Wrestlemania-based event, and also that the number of entrants is small, but I mean, come on, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel have the same chance of winning as Drew Carey did.

This is just a thought that I wanted to share.

Would you like to see the addition of suprise entrants to the MITB match?
Would the number of entrants need to increase to support this?
Is there anyone in particular you'd like to see return in one?
Would you like to see the addition of suprise entrants to the MITB match?
No, never. Unlike Royal Rumble, where everyone enters 1 by 1, all the MiTB Entrants together. Plus, they're always announced beforehand, so announcing only 6 or 7 of the Competitors would make it obvious there's going to be a surprise, or some kind of twist in the match.

Would the number of entrants need to increase to support this?
Yes, sort of. 8 could possibly work, but then increasing the numbers would make the MiTB a massive clusterfuck. More than it is already. With the amount of people and Ladders you could have in the Ring at one time, it'd get way too stupid.

Is there anyone in particular you'd like to see return in one?
Not really. I'm not particularly up for the idea, so haven't considered it.
I love surprise anything. Mystery opponent, mystery partner, surprise entrant, mystery reff, etc. I'd love it. It instantly makes any match more intriguing.

Personally I don't have anyone I'd want in particular.

As for the old Rumbles, I loved it in the early-mid 90s when they'd randomly have like Dick Murdoch or other guys not really with the company to fill holes.
No. Money in the Bank is a smaller match than a 40-man Royal Rumble. As a result, places in the match are more important and more prized. You can't just have a guy who is not signed be in the match.

Obviously, the way to combat my belief that MITB places should be prized is by saying that the match should increase in size. And to that I say "no". MITB numbers have already increased since it inception, from six to ten (of course it's now down to eight). The fact is, it's a very clustered match already. Increasing the numbers would just be awful and could kill the match completely.

The reason why surprise entrants work in the Royal Rumble is the fact that they're just "in and out". They're not hanging around till the end. In MITB they would, and it would just ruin the idea of their appearance being special.
Good Idea. I think they should keep one spot vacant for both the brands. Keep it a secret till the actual moment arrives for the surprise entrant to be revealed.

This will keep the internet buzzing with speculation as to who might be the surprise entrant and create good buzz for the Ppv itself.
I was actually pretty sure Jericho was going to return in the SD MiTB as a surprise entrant after Sheamus was introduced into the WHC main event, but to no avail. Anyway, would it work? Of course, with a storyline like this in which one entrant is taken out due to unforseen circumstances, then yes, it would work. Hell, i'd be psyched.
I don't think this idea would work at all. MITB is dominated, time-wise, by the MITB matches. There are few matches outside those and the Championship matches. So the spots in the MITB matches are left to real contenders or wanna be contenders. Take this years Raw MITB match: if everyone but Del Rio was announced as participants and there's only one surprise entrant into the match, where's the surprise? It HAS to be Del Rio. Who else could it be? On the flip side, say everyone but Alex Riley is announced. So he's the surprise entrant. Yay...big deal...it's Alex Riley... It leaves more guessing, but only because at that point you've gotten so far down the line it could be multiple people. Yeah, he's gotten a push, but he still hasn't become anything Oohh and Aahh worthy to be a big surprise.

The only possible way this could work is if you didn't announce ANYONE who was gonna be in it. But then you could still automatically put at least 3 or 4 of the guys in due to it being so obvious. And again, the ones after that you'd only be guessing because they're far enough down the line...
i kinda think it might work. but yeah it would be a huge risk

the only thing that i could see working was if, before the match, the camera found an entrant lying down injured. then someone comes out to take his place.

what would happen if like all the competitors were laying outside the ring, and someone not in the match came out and stole the briefcase and left the arena. like its no dq so its not the end of the match, but noone can win as the briefcase is no longer there?? interesting twist on the suprise entrant (cm punk/drew mcintyre)
They tried this at WrestleMania 23 indirectly with having Matt Hardy return from injury after Jeff Hardy was suspended for about the 53rd time for drugs.

The problem with a surprise entrant is that it has to be someone worth seeing but in the same breath cannot be someone who is a main event level wrestler.

If the point of MITB is to raise someone to the next level and eventually the title, then having a Cena or Orton-type of main eventer that was injured and brought back at MITB ladder match, it kinda dilutes the significance of the match since the main eventer has to look strong and if they do not win, then you know they are feuding over the briefcase for the next few months.

And if you bring someone like Kevin Nash or Booker T for a one-shot deal, it kinda gives off the impression that WWE has no faith in their existing mid card wrestlers to give them an opprotunity to shine.
i kinda think it might work. but yeah it would be a huge risk

the only thing that i could see working was if, before the match, the camera found an entrant lying down injured. then someone comes out to take his place.

what would happen if like all the competitors were laying outside the ring, and someone not in the match came out and stole the briefcase and left the arena. like its no dq so its not the end of the match, but noone can win as the briefcase is no longer there?? interesting twist on the suprise entrant (cm punk/drew mcintyre)

nxtgeneration, that actually would be a good idea but it is one of those things that you can only do one time

World Class wrestling did something like this in the late 80's over the Texas Title where the promoter told 2 wrestlers that the man that leaves the building with the title is the champion and that was not a literal idea of how the match was suppose to go down. But halfway through the match a Billy Joe Travis, who was a midcarder, walked down, grabbed the belt and ran off and left the building and declared himself the champion.

I thought it was a funny way to end the match but realistically it was stupid angle to do as well
i kinda think it might work. but yeah it would be a huge risk

the only thing that i could see working was if, before the match, the camera found an entrant lying down injured. then someone comes out to take his place.

what would happen if like all the competitors were laying outside the ring, and someone not in the match came out and stole the briefcase and left the arena. like its no dq so its not the end of the match, but noone can win as the briefcase is no longer there?? interesting twist on the suprise entrant (cm punk/drew mcintyre)

I agree. This has been done in elimination chambers before with Edge beating up Kofi and taking his place. I would really like to see Punk lose to Cena in a screwjob type affair for the title and then burst through the crowd during RAW MITB, screw R Truth out of a certain win (its a conspiracy), grab the briefcase and scarper through the crowd to end the show. I think this would create a huge talking point as to when Punk comes back to claim the title that should rightfully be his. They could even hold this off till WM for the Cena/Rock match, would give people plenty of time to forget all about the storyline.

Of course this can only happen if RAW MITB is the main event.

PS: Christian will beat Orton for the SD title and Seamus will cash in and win his 3rd championship. You heard it here first.
I think the only way a surprise entrant would work in the MITB would be for someone like a returning Jericho or someone already on the roster that they are unsure on how they would work in the main event.
I would like to see surprise entrants, but not in the same way you're thinking of. Drew Carey works for the Royal Rumble, and so does Booker T and Kevin Nash. That's because the Rumble is the most basic type of match you can have in professional wrestling. You go in, you get thrown out, and you're home before Cena retains the title. The MITB match is a bit more crazy, and requires a lot more risk.

However, I would like to see the Raw GM or Teddy Long keep a spot open for a mystery opponent that will be revealed right before the start of the match. And that person could be a star returning from injury, a Hall of Famer, a celebrity, or a debuting talent. For instance, John Morrison is a guy that could return out of nowhere, and potentially win the whole thing. Or maybe have a small battle royal as a dark match and the winner gets the final spot in the ladder match? I don't know, but I think the idea has great potential, and keeps things even more on their toes than they already are!
I think they should pull what Edge did at the elimination chamber 2009- attack an entrant as they are entering. Then it's a surprise. if they do that every once in a while it's fine.
Wow, there was a lot of no ways, not at all, no chance..those are generally definative. No way? I think so. This is not something that could become a mainstay because of the locked format for the match i the first place, but yes, a suprise entrant could do the trick.


An empty spot would be hard to fill....unless the spot was emptied very close to the actual match, like a late announced injury or last minute beat down or suspension or whatever.

It would work better with a more pop worthy wrestler, if you want a good return or swerve, this would be a way to go.

This would also be a great way to throw an extra guy into the main event without his name being in the match for the lead up. Even a losing champ going back into another match to get a shot at bringing his title back home.
See, there is a way for this to work....

How would I like it to happen?

Morrison would be a cool suprise since he has been a spotlight in these types of matches and it would only further any program they have planned with R Truth, I doubt he would win but he could keep Truth from winning which would put more stream under Truth's conspiracy theories. But, Morrison isn't due back for a bit yet.

Putting someone in to win? That is a different beast all together. Punk loses to Cena, Punk takes out Rey and takes his spot, Punk wins MITB, Punk takes title...theres a scenario that could be used as early as Sunday. The same general swerve could work for the Orton/Christian match, Orton loses off of a DQ like the stipulation implies, Orton goes into the MITB match, wins and goes after the title.

Goooooood enough, message approved
yeah i was thinking about this today actually.

my far fetched storyline is to have Colt Cabana come in and attack someone before the mitb match thus taking that persons place in the match...then win the mitb briefcase and cash it in on that night after CM Punk wins the title, thus screwing his "best friend".

but this wont/wouldnt happen for many reasons i understand...

definitely a WCW Vince Russo 90s angle i know but to tie my storyline in with the original question, a suprise entrant in the mitb match could be interesting and play out well if done properly, for example, taking someone out beforehand and taking there place.

This is my first post on here guys so would love to get amongst the discussions and hear your feedback etc. Cheers.
The match is a big cluster as it is, I really don't think adding more participants would be a good idea.

Surprise entrants...I guess you could leave a spot open in each match, but it would not have the same effect. In the Rumble, they get a moment where the focus is on them, but the MITB wouldn't really afford that opportunity. It would be fine, but I don't really think it would have the effect you are looking for it to have.

I can't even think of who would be a good entrant here. The Hardyz & Dudleys are in TNA/out getting sober, Edge is retired, so the TLC reunion crew is pretty much out. This is a good match for the athletic high fliers to come in and have some nice spots, but I can't even think of anyone else who really fits the bill. Morrison would be a nice one, if he was healthy enough.
No, there should definately not be any surprise entrants in the Money in the Bank Ladder match. By announcing who the participants in the match are, it gives WE the chance to build momentum for the match and the pay-per-view, something they have done exceptionally well this year.
There is a huge difference between MITB and the Royal Rumble. The Rumble has 40/30 participants while MITB has only 8. Surprise participants are okay in the rumble because if there is one random person then there are still 39 other people that could win plus the wrestlers enter 1 by 1 which makes it less dangerous. A ladder match is extremely dangerous especially with the amount of ladders and superstars in the ring, it would take a lot of work to make a surprise entrant look good in the match like that.

Someone could get hurt right before the match and be replaced which would work, I guess but there is no way for the MITB to have surprise entrants to the extent of the Royal Rumble.
It could work, but the match layout would have to change.

30 men enter the ring one by one, just like the Royal Rumble, but the participants are eliminated by pinfall or submission. When they get to the Top 10, the briefcase becomes up for grabs. They can keep pinning people, but the focus would be on the briefcase.

This would be great for stories, because it could even come down to a 1-on-1 scenario or it can even stay with 3 men left where two of them brawl and the other grabs the case.

Also, if only 1 man is left standing, he wins the match. However, ceremoniously, he'll go ahead and grab the briefcase anyway.

I always thought Money in the Bank should be like this. It would give it a much more epic feel.
I don't like it...surprise entrants rarely win in the WWE. Take Booker and Nash for example...then next RAW they come out stale and with less hype(if they come out at all).
I have thought of something along the lines of this. But what I think would be a interesting twist is have a new "masked wrestler" show up and get a spot by taking out one of the wrestlers. Then each time they appear in the future different wrestler under the mask. Then instead of weeks of fake cash in we get a real shock
No absolutely not, here's why. Like Casket34 said the rarely win and it kinda takes the whole hype out if it...at least that's what I think. If they did do surprise entrants and that guy doesn't win then people in the audience would be scratching their heads wondering why the hell that guy was in the match in the first place
I'm pretty positive he's not saying to literally make it like the royal rumble and have them come out 1 by 1. He's not stupid. He's simply asking if it'd be sweet to have a suprise entrant. Again he's not saying have drew carry in it, it was a joke, try to understand that. The simple answer is yes. Say sheamus got kicked in the head last week by orton, and this week teddy long said " holla holla holla playas sheamus ain't gon be able to compete at mitb holla holla but playas I done did you one betta holla, I found a replacement playa fo all y'all playas. Holla holla holla"

Now all contestants are out except for the last one. Its silent for a minute or so and the you hear "bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooowwwwww *explosion* ONE OF A KIND!!!

No one would like that? No one would jump from their respective seats screaming "holy santa clause shit!!!"?

Please. Get off your high horse. A return in the mitb... even just a one night return to the mitb would be awesome if its the right person in the right situation.
This would be the best way to do it but it could only be done once...

Remember Wrestlemania 24's MITB match? Well during it, Matt Hardy did a run-in from the crowd after being on the shelf for ages and cost MVP the match. I was thinking that he should've just grabbed the damn briefcase. He would've been propelled into the main event straight away, he was still an acceptable human being back then ya know!!! He had a storyline feud with Orton at the time also (who he took on the next night on Raw anyway).

Here's the video, he gets a good reaction. [YOUTUBE]_JUSn1WcGFY&feature=fvst[/YOUTUBE]

I think it could've worked in that regard as a one time shot....
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