The Royal Rumble - Surprise Entrants Overdone?

The surprise entrant this year to me is Randy Orton. If he really is injured i think it's all a work for him to return and win the royal rumble again :disappointed:
I remember this time last year Justin Labar caught Nash in the airport and asked him what he was doing.

Nash: I'm filming a movie.
Labar: Yeah? Is your character's name Diesel?


I don't think surprise entrants are over-done. They're the best part of the Rumble IMO, even though we know half of them won't win. Remember when RVD returned three years ago and everyone was like: :worship:, or when John Cena returned four years ago, even though he was scheduled to be out for a lot longer and everyone was like: :wtf:


When Santino almost won the Royal Rumble last year and everyone was like: :lmao: and then Del Rio won and everyone was actually like this: :disappointed:. I do. Surprise entrants are always the best.
When Rob Van Dam returned in 2006 and 2009 I marked out, and in 2010 when Edge returned and won I marked out, so as long as they don't waste returns on someone like Doink The Clown I'll be happy
It's one of my favorite parts of the Rumble and surprise entrants are what makes the Royal Rumble THE ROYAL RUMBLE. Otherwise, it would just be like any old run of the mill battle royal.

If it's just the current WWE rosters, there's nothing special about that but when you open it up to pretty much anyone past and present, even celebrities, it makes for some great TV.

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