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Would it be good for Randy Orton to take a long break?


Occasional Pre-Show
For a while now, people have complained Randy Orton was champion and his matches were stale and all of that stuff, we've seen his every move over and over again, and we've seen Randy Orton against everyone. Should he take time off for more stars to appear, and we want Randy Orton V. (Insert new wrestler here). Randy Orton is a great wrestler, he's going in the hall of fame, but we've seen too much of him for the past few years, since he never takes time off, should he take a 3 year break for more challenges for Orton to face later on?
Yes GOD he needs to go away. He needs a break and fans need a break from him.

Unfortunately with the thin roster they can't afford for him to leave anytime soon.

Bryan is hurt
Punk is in limbo, pretty much retired
Batista is leaving
Lesnar is a part-timer

They just need to push some guys and give some of these cats a break.
Most WWE headliners need to take the occasional break. Orton is no exception. And Orton isn't somebody like Cena who WWE are dependant on, he could go on holiday for a while and it wouldn't matter too much and would benefit him when he comes back.

Though personally I still enjoy Orton. The reduced role he has alongside Evolution helps.
A three or more year break? Thats insane, its just not something a company like WWE can afford to give a top tier talent. Some guys are lucky that they have been on breaks this long while still being paid (For Ex. JTG.)

Randy is one of the top talents and with the absence of Punk he is probably #3 for the WWE. Maybe one day when Randy quits wrestling like Batista, Jericho etc., he could be offered a part time contract but I feel Randy would be leaving a lot of money by not staying full time.
For a while now, people have complained Randy Orton was champion and his matches were stale and all of that stuff, we've seen his every move over and over again, and we've seen Randy Orton against everyone. Should he take time off for more stars to appear, and we want Randy Orton V. (Insert new wrestler here). Randy Orton is a great wrestler, he's going in the hall of fame, but we've seen too much of him for the past few years, since he never takes time off, should he take a 3 year break for more challenges for Orton to face later on?

Pay Attention, I'm going to used facts to discredit your opinion

Should Orton take a break? Nope, He is TOP DRAW for the company as far merchandise goes and one of the biggest names in WWE today. The man always gets reactions and is loved by a certain percent of the crowd (Female)no matter how heel he is. The only people that try to ignore or jeer him are the same guys that hate every popular wrestler. I guarantee you million of females tune in to Raw each Week to see him''and then there's all the people in the audience who pop just from him falling to the ground and slamming the mat.

Randy Orton, has a Massive Female Fanbase who pays to see him each week.. Either on TV or Live Events.. They should not be discounted and have a voice too. I would say Orton is experiencing the same resentment Cena gets and that's not his fault, he should not be blamed the writers and Vince have failed to create any new superstars besides Orton, Cena and Batista in the last 10 years. Punk made himself. Besides., The Wrestling Business,is the man's passion he loves being a entertainer in-front of millions...
He's the number 1 full time heel in the entire company. Why in the hell would he take a break?

No, he should not take a break. He's easily one of the more talented heels in the company. And I do like his lessened presence as part of Evolution. I'm just waiting for HHH's face turn and his feud with Randy next Wrestlemania.
I feel this storyline between Evolution and The Shield IS giving Randy Orton a break in a way. Now when you say "break" I assume you mean for the sake of the fans who are tired of him and not for the sake of Orton himself (if that makes sense). Think about it. Orton is basically off the mic and hasn't wrestled a singles match in a while, plus he's probably the sixth man that the fans are focused on behind Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, HHH, and Batista atm. Once this feud ends and Orton goes solo again, I can see the fans becoming invested in him IF he's put in a good feud with somebody like Ambrose, Rollins or Batista.
Yes, he needs a break.

WWE should start doing 'big injury' storylines more often that allow their top talent to periodically take breaks while a new big guy gets credit for 'taking them out' and giving the fans someone else to get invested in and the 'injured' Superstar a chance to rest up and re-invent themselves a little bit and come back with a vengeance.

Some say roster is too thin? No way. Roster is as talented as it has probably ever been. WWE just sucks at giving more Superstars a chance to shine and slowly build up so that IF a few top starts actually do get injured they can reasonably move them up.

Guys like Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Drew McIntyre (with new gimmick), Big E, Brodus Clay and some NXT guys could be mid-to-top stars that people would like to see IF the WWE actually gave them a chance instead of keeping them off a damn 3 hour Raw every single week and pushing the same damn guys over and over again.

They barely give ANYONE mic time, even a damn pre-recorded interview or backstage interview so it is SO hard for anyone to get over because people don't know about them.

It's the WWE's own fault.
If Randy Orton is in need of a break for any reason, he absolutely should be allowed to take one.

Should he be asked to take a break because his character is stale and he has been perceived to be coasting at one point or another throughout his career? Absolutely not. To disagree is to be absurd, and irrational. Like hm or not, Randy Orton is one of the most consistent performers on the roster. He is perceived as a star by 95% of the audience.

Orton is also 34 years old. Soon enough, he will be on the downside of his peak earning years. Barring injury, his next break will likely be after that long deal he signed about a half-decade ago is up.

Orton, much like Cena is now, needs to take a break from the main event scene.

A three year break from the main event scene puts him at 37. Try 6-12 months, that is a little more realistic.
Mixed thoughts to be honest. I always enjoyed Orton, even during his lackluster run as champ the past months. I enjoy watching him in the ring, his matches are always at least decent. I think the WWE made a mistake by making him the chicken heel and not the 2009 psycho heel that everyone wanted. I believe this made many people kinda disinterested to him and for good reason.

Does he need a break necessarily? I don't think so. He can just change it up. First of all, I think he needs to step away from the Authority thing. In general, the whole Authority thing needs to go away, and Orton can then proceed to have his own feuds, possibly in the mid card. Cesaro can turn face / tweener and feud with Orton.

For the moment, I strongly believe that Orton needs to step away from all the spotlight and go in the mid card. It would be the best for him. He will be in matches that will make people interested, but not clog the main event scene from other rising talent. After doing that for some time, he can probably enter the main event scene once again, if needs be, and enter his psycho mode again. This can happen in 2015. I really doubt it though. I believe by that time, the younger talent will have already replaced him and he won't be needed.

It comes a time where we need to realize that Orton might not be so interested in pro wrestling anymore. He has been in the business since 2003 I believe, and with the increased exposure he has had since his debut pretty much, I find it reasonable for him to not find much of a motivation to want to keep going. He has done it all. Main evented WM, 12 time World Champ, youngest World Champ ever, first ever WWEWHC, Royal Rumble winner, MitB winner, top heel in 2009 and so on. I can't see what keeps Orton going at this stage, apart from the money, the friends, the fans and the girls.

Me, as a fan, see Orton like that, so I can't find him as appealing as I did 5 years ago, exactly because he doesn't have any motive, at least in my mind. Him taking a break won't change that. He can still entertain me, but it isn't the same. Does he need a break? For some people maybe, but not necessarily. As I said above, he can get in the mid card, and a year later return to his psycho gimmick.

At this stage, I wouldn't mind see him retire though. It seems like a great time for him to do so too. He is 34 or something. He hasn't had any serious issues, he has tons of money too.
Ortons has been stale since his face turn, and for some reason the reverting back to heel again didn't click as people thought it would partly due to circumstance, but there was a time where Orton was the most over guy on the entire roster and he has proven he's a great all rounder so we know that magics in there somewhere. Have him go away for awhile until a time where the storylines are cooling down..

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