Would Cena's heel turn with WWE be as big as Hogan's was in WCW?

This won't happen, for many reasons already stated. Cena makes the WWE wayyy too much money as a face. Kids love him, and buy his merchandise. He does great things for kids, and seems to be a really good person.

Hogan turned because WCW was looking to go in a different, more edgy direction. WWE doesn't seem to be making any type of brand style-change. They are happy being PG, and to take away their #1 money maker in this crappy, kids-first era, would be a terrible idea. Vince will not do it.

Will Cena turn heel someday? Yeah, I would guess so. He will get stale (already is to me), and the kids who love him now will grow up, and no longer need that "hero" to look up to. I don't care if Cena turns heel, stays face, retires, whatever. I can't stand him (as a wrestler, seems like a really good person in real life). I also don't think Cena is NEARLY as over as Hogan was from 1985-1996. Hogan WAS wrestling for years and years (never was a big fan, but it's true). The name John Cena is not nearly big enough for it to matter as much as Hulk Hogan turning heel.

Hogan wasn't very talented in the ring, but was over with what seemed to be just about everyone. Cena IS NOT over with everyone, I don't care what anyone says about that. He is over with kids and women, and yes, some grown men. But not on the level of Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, or the Rock. He's just not good enough or respected enough to pull that off. I have seen Cena live 4 times (once at Ford Field for Mania 23), and he gets the S**T boo'ed out of him every time. Live audiences are wayy to mean to this guy for him to ever earn the level of respect given to guys like Hogan, Austin, Rock, Bret Hart, HBK, or the Undertaker.
The answer is no, as much as the WWE would like to push Cena as the modern day combination of Austin/Hogan/Rock, he is over with KIDS, he is not over with WRESTLING FANS in general, therefore, who would care. It wont have the impact of Hogan because he is NO WHERE NEAR as big a name as Hogan was. And Hogan was the babyface of babyfaces, i remember being a kid and hearing Hogan has turned into a bad guy, i had the watch nitro the next night, and there he was with the black, and i was hooked on WCW for the next 2 years. Cena's heel turn wouldnt benefit business, it wouldnt be shocking as he is pretty heavily booed anyway. The only people that would care are the kids that root for them, and his turn is not going to make you say, "I gotta watch RAW this week." Answer is no. Hogan heel turn was,is, and forever will be the greatest heel turn of all time, and it wont be topped nor matched. We live in a different world of wrestling now. It just wouldnt have that effect. Nuff said.
Cena will not turn heel anytime soon. Hell, John Cena was just on the Nick Choice Awards. Also, it will never be as shocking when Hogan turned heel. There are 2 reasons Hogan's heel turn worked perfectly. The first reason is he was a mega face for over a decade. A poster pointed this out before. The second reason was the internet was not as big back then. If there were plans of Cena turning heel, every news wrestling site would be reporting it. It would not come as a surprise to most people. By the way, there was no flipping heel turn for Austin at Wrestlemania 17. The dude was flipping cheered for, and the fans still gave him the biggest pops even after turned heel. If Cena does turn heel, he would need to go back to his hip hop gimmick. When he was that character was full fledged, the IWC loved him. Hell, I never read about Cena can't wrestle until his character changed. I read how cena deserves to be pushed, and there was out cry when he lost to Taker at Vengenance in 03' I believe it was. People thought he had great mic skills, and he was an above average wrestler. I think some wrestling fans have some amnesia when it comes to thinking Cena could have never wrestled. However, he will not go back to that gimmick because of the PG rating. Also, Cena kind of reminds me of the Rock during his closing years. The IWC hated the rock as a face, but soon as he turned heel the fans were all behind him. I seriously think Cena would have the same thing happen. People will cheer him as a heel, but it depends if he is given the right gimmick. In the meantime, Cena is not turning anytime soon. I say give it another 2 more years, or next year. I hope they book Cena vs Taker for Mania next year, and many people will get their wish of a heel Cena.

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