Would Cena's heel turn with WWE be as big as Hogan's was in WCW?


Dark Match Winner
We cant kid ourselves with certain facts. one of them being that John Cena is being made with the same persona Hulk Hogan had in the 1980's. Cena and Hogan are a lot alike with that being they are limited in the ring and also are seemingly worshiped by 95% of kids that watch WWE. Cena with his "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" thing, and Hogan with his "Eat our vitamins and say your prayers" both phrases that are or were aimed at kids. Until 1996 Hulk Hogan was probably the person every kid and parent looked up to as a symbol of hope, which also happens to be the same thing with Cena. Then when Hogan turned heel in WCW, wrestling was never the same again. Not only did Hogan attract so much heat, but WCW's ratings took off when Hogan revealed he was part of the NWO. Fast forward to 2003, which is when John Cena turned face and has become the white-babyface Hogan was in the 80's, although Cena seems to come off more as annoying to some because some are tired of his face run (myself included).

Can you imagine Cena all of a sudden betraying a long time friend and spitting in the face of his kid fanbase? It is a hard thing to do considering the guy's reputation as "superman" who comes to the aid of everyone, but then again so did Hogan in the 80's. Im sure most of people on this site and around the IWC community have been on WWE to turn Cena heel. But Vince Mcmahon has the last say in the matter. With the rumored move to monday nights for TNA, a Cena heel turn may not be far off. Just as the start of the WCW/WWF war, Mcmahon may do the same thing WCW did in 1996 with Hogan, only this time it will be done with John Cena. Overall do you think the moment Cena turns heel it will be as huge as Hogan's and how can it be done? Vince I'm sure has had the answer for quite some time as to how and when Cena will be heel, but for the rest of us wrestling fans all we can do is wait.
i agree, as TNA is starting to pick up steam and rumored move to Monday's, it will only be a matter of time before Vince has to do something to try and bury TNA. A Cena heel turn has been long overdue, and agree that turning heel at WM26 would be a logical starting point.
I thought about this if perhaps it becomes a Hart and Cena vs Tista McMahon. Cena turns on Hart and bam! Insta-Heat! That would turn him heel and be an amazing moment! Im going to be there so sure, Im Bias! But Cena heel turn has to come over the next year. He has done EVERYTHING a face can do.
1) Cena is hardly popular *only* with kids. This seems to the running opinion of a lot of the IWC and it's just not true. I'm not sure you are even saying that, but it seems implied. If not, my mistake.

2) Cena isn't limited in the ring. I'd really like to know why you think this. He's got plenty of offense and when he sells he sells like he's getting killed out there.

3) Cena isn't turning heel at WM 26 or anytime soon. He makes the WWE far too much $$$ to turn heel, not to mention he is by far and away the no.1 most requested celebrity for the Make a Wish Foundation. I'm not sure of the exact number but I think Cena has granted near 150 wishes since 2004.

There is no reason to turn him heel. No offense, but if you seriously think Vince would ever *need* to do anything because of TNA let a lone turn his no.1 money making face a heel to *bury* TNA then you really aren't paying attention to either fed very well at all.

4) Hogan turned heel when Hulk Hogan the character was over the hill and done. It was the right move at the time for his career, the end of it. And it worked - for 18 months - then it stopped working and it's not working now in TNA.

Will Cena turn heel one day? For sure. But not at WM 26 or anytime soon. He'll turn heel when they have a guy as popular as Cena is not to fight him. He'll turn heel when his time as the no.1 face is wrestling has run it's course. And whether you think it has, doesn't matter, cause the facts speak for themselves. It hasn't.

Until then, turning him heel just for shock value makes no sense.
Thank you TwentyTwo, finally somebody with the sense to stop talking all this Cena can't wrestle crap, Everybody with that "five moves of doom" crap. Pretty much everybody does five moves or so, people just want to bury the guy because they don't like him, but guess what, he is the top draw the number one guy in the wrestling industry bar none, and to the point of the topic here, no way in hell will he turn heel for the foreseeable future, he's lacing Vince's pockets too much for them to make a change right now. And no heel turn will ever ne as big as Hogan's, not only did it put WCW over at the time, but it ushered in the most successful period in the history of the business.
Only person who would get more heat than Cena from turning heel would be Rey Mysterio Jr. He's been a face for years and years and the closest thing to a heel was his time when the Filthy Animals were tweeners. He almost always wins by some surprise roll up or hurracarana, so throw in some cheating and the "Ultimate Underdog" becomes a major threat. A cool storyline for me would be like the Survivor Series where Mankind was fighting for McMahon only to be backstabbed b/c McMahon was behind the Rock, only Cena would be in the Mankind role and Rey could be the new Rock. Does that sound cool to anyone else but me?
I don't think that it will have as big of an impact. Ratings right now are similar to what they were than Hogan turned, but Cena is not nearly as famous as Hogan was at the time. If you told someone that Hogan was a bad guy, they would have some frame of reference to go off of. With Cena, I don't think that it would illicit the same kind of response from the population at large.

Secondly, within the IWC, the shockwaves would not be as large as expected because everyone is waiting for it to happen. Hogan turning came completely out of nowhere. I agree that Rey Mysterio turning heel would be far more shocking than if Cena did it. Cena's character has a bit of an edge to it. Rey's character has no edge whatsoever.
I don't really think it would be as big for most of the above mentioned reasons. He's not a pop culture icon like Hulk was at the time and the biggest question I got is will the IWC still hate him with as much apparant passion as they do now if he was a heel. Everyone is begging for it but what would it change? He would still likely be one of the top guys in the company and would be holding the belt just as much. He would just be a bad guy doing it all. Although we wouldn't have to hear "My Time Is Now Anymore"......SO WORTH IT!
Cena sucks and he's done twenty two. Your just biased cuz your just a wwe fan. I'm a wrestling fan and can say wwe has sucked the last few years. TNA and ROH are better and I don't even look forward to Raw or Smackdown (let alone that disgraceful wwe-owned ECW which mercifully is being buried finally).

What in the hell are you talking about? Next time, answer the question please.

I agree that Cena's heel turn wouldn't be as big as Hogan's because everyone has been clamoring for it for ages. There's also the fact that he has been heel before so it's not like it is anything now. If a Mysterio or a Jeff Hardy would have turned heel, then it would be similar but not bigger than Hogan's because Hardy and Mysterio have never been heel in the WWE to my knowledge and they are super child friendly. If they would have had a Cena/Taker match at WM and have Cena break the streak, then there is a possibility for it being like Hogan's but a slim one.
This is a simple no because for those of you who have forgotten he already WAS a heel. It wont have the same effect unless he goes back to the gimmick that MADE him what he was anyhow so definately not. Without attitude he's lame and a half ass version of who John Cena is as a character on my screen so no
The Hulk Hogan heel turn was so cleverly planned folks. Not also that, but the WWE tried that swerve and we got the invasion. A rough time in wrestling. So if we are going to make Cena heel, if you have to do something different. Something despicable that will make the kids cry. The Hogan Heel turn was planned for 6 plus months, almost 8. And as it shows from the past, it doesn't pay to do the copy cat deal. Yes, he does need a stable to do this. Him joining McMahon and putting Shawn Michaels on the shelf is a way to do it.

But I really don't know about Cena being a heel. I mean Jericho is doing everything that a heel can do, and I don't think Cena can pull that off. Why is Cena turning heel such a great plan to have them compete with TNA. WWE doesn't have to beat TNA, TNA has to beat WWE.

Maybe we should leave this Heel Turn alone, and try someone else for the Turn. Kofi Kingston would be great especially if the brought back the Nation of Domination. Race is a big issue now, especially with a black President. This would be huge heat in some crowds. Then again, other towns would love the stable because they are for the president. Yea, this is a better angle, makes it more of sport, and unpredictable. Much better then the Cena turn.
short answer no.

why because cena isnt on the level of hogan, hogan's character was everybodies champion men women and children, cena is the childrens champion. He isnt on the level because he doesnt get the pops of stone cold and hulk hogan. He is a great t shit seller but unlike the hogans and austins he cant sell a ppv to save his life.

The world isnt gonna turned upsidedown by cena like hogan did in wcw or even when austin joined vince, mainly because the big brothers and adults to the little kids that cena goes after wont care.
Anybody who say Cena cant wrestle is wrong. This guy is pretty good wrestler. It is creative that book him look like a superman because they want to attract the kids to that charactor. You should watch his matches in his early career, he was a pretty good wrestler, he did a lot of moves. his match against eddie in parking lot was awesome. Now i am not a Cena fan and i know he is booked by vraetive team to have only 5-6 signature moves in evry match because kids love him for these 5 moves only. Now Cena turning heel is good for shock value but as long as he is selling merchandise more dn any other guy in wwe, vince wud'nt let him turn heel not anytime soon. cena turning heel would be huge for sure but wwe need a good 2 months build up to turn him heel. Instant heel wont work with kids. i dont see hi turning heel within 2 years. may be at wrestlemania 28. That moment will be same like when austin turned heel at wrestlemania 17.
I thought that Cena was starting to turn on the fans a few weeks back when he made the comment "dont listen to them, I never do". I thought he was starting to turn then. Anyone who has been watching wrestling for only about 6 years it very well could be as big to them as Hogan was to us older fans. But I dont think the Hogan heel turn was as a surprise as the Andre the Giant heel turn.
1) Cena is hardly popular *only* with kids. This seems to the running opinion of a lot of the IWC and it's just not true. I'm not sure you are even saying that, but it seems implied. If not, my mistake.

2) Cena isn't limited in the ring. I'd really like to know why you think this. He's got plenty of offense and when he sells he sells like he's getting killed out there.

3) Cena isn't turning heel at WM 26 or anytime soon. He makes the WWE far too much $$$ to turn heel, not to mention he is by far and away the no.1 most requested celebrity for the Make a Wish Foundation. I'm not sure of the exact number but I think Cena has granted near 150 wishes since 2004.

There is no reason to turn him heel. No offense, but if you seriously think Vince would ever *need* to do anything because of TNA let a lone turn his no.1 money making face a heel to *bury* TNA then you really aren't paying attention to either fed very well at all.

4) Hogan turned heel when Hulk Hogan the character was over the hill and done. It was the right move at the time for his career, the end of it. And it worked - for 18 months - then it stopped working and it's not working now in TNA.

Will Cena turn heel one day? For sure. But not at WM 26 or anytime soon. He'll turn heel when they have a guy as popular as Cena is not to fight him. He'll turn heel when his time as the no.1 face is wrestling has run it's course. And whether you think it has, doesn't matter, cause the facts speak for themselves. It hasn't.

Until then, turning him heel just for shock value makes no sense.

John cena is limited in the ring, it's not about what you can do it's the level quality that you execute those moves with. John Cena executes horribly, just look at those suplex's their just shit and he isn't a good seller, John Cena's is a wrestler that screams out 'THIS IS FAKE'. Although i do agree with you on everything else.
If Cena turned heel it would not even come close to Hogan's turn. Hulkamania was a huge reason why wrestling is where it is today. Not the only reason but a huge reason. Can Cena lay down the same claim? No cuz WWE is where it is thanks to everyone who particpated in the "Attitude Era" and the Monday Night Wars, HBK, HHH, Undertaker, and so forth. The red and yellow ran wild for close to 20 years before the switch. Cena still has away to go to match that. Plus you've got to remember, back in those days the rivarlies were better, longer. Hogan vs Andre. Hogan vs Savage, Hogan vs Flair, they all had a lot of susptance behind them. Cena vs Orton, Cena vs HHH, Cena vs Edge just don't compare. The only will shot Cena would have in making a HUGE impact with a heel turn is if he did something completly unexpected such as screw the Taker at WM and cause his streak to end, or join forces with either Orton or Edge. But even still it will fall short. The NWO was a once in a lifetime type deal. Nothing can ever come close to comparing to it.
John cena is limited in the ring, it's not about what you can do it's the level quality that you execute those moves with. John Cena executes horribly, just look at those suplex's their just shit and he isn't a good seller, John Cena's is a wrestler that screams out 'THIS IS FAKE'. Although i do agree with you on everything else.

Do yourself a favour and take a look at Cena's work as Prototype. He wouldn't win wrestler of the year, but he was remarkably solid in the ring, if still green. He still does a modified version of the Protobomb, but back then it was an excellent crowd pleaser.

Cena is essentially booked to wrestler the way he does. It is largely similar to Stone Cold. Steve Austin was a *hell* of a wrestler. And while injuries limited him later in his career, he was still very, very good. However, the way his character evolved was to make him into a brawler, rather than a technical wrestler, and that's what he did.

Cena sells and performs his moves, way over the top. He's kind of like the William Shatner of the wrestling world. His style targets kids, not the IWC. Be careful you don't mix up "shit", with "what you don't like".

Cena matches, because of this, are routine. He hits his big moves, and gets dominated for most of the match. The reality is that this style is remarkably similar to Hogan.
I don't want to be a buzz-kill but I don't think they will ever turn Cena. Like... ever. Not unless some phenomenal young face comes along that they can make more money out of. Seeing as that's nowhere in vague sight I think he's safe to be a face for the rest of his days. Him, Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy will just never be heels. Too much mega-face-heat.

Could it be done? Yes, absolutely, quite easily for Cena. You just have him attack either of the other two, Shawn Michaels or the Undertaker and then cut promos on how he hates the fans for turning on him. Jeff Hardy couldn't get booed by a WWE audience if he killed a puppy in the ring, but Cena gets boos already, all they'd have to do is the typical I'm sick of this promo and he's there.

And if he did would it be as big? Well, no. Cena is not Hulk Hogan. He is not a worldwide household name. He has barely begun to earn his place in history. Like no matter how many big wins and title reigns he has people just don't accept him as being in the same league as Hogan, Austin or even The Rock (or the countless others.) Kids would cry, women would still think he's hot, dudes would mark out and probably end up liking him.
John cena is limited in the ring, it's not about what you can do it's the level quality that you execute those moves with. John Cena executes horribly, just look at those suplex's their just shit and he isn't a good seller, John Cena's is a wrestler that screams out 'THIS IS FAKE'. Although i do agree with you on everything else.

And Hulk's work was so much better and well executed with the FMoD (Five moves of doom)?? Seriously, John Cena is Vince's answer to the modern Hulk Hogan, difference is Cena is young, able, and motivated to entertain. Hogan has always been old, barely able, and motivated to make a lot of money.

I for one can't wait for the Cena heel turn. His face position he's held for the last 6 or 7 years is personally getting very old, and they can only do it for so long before even the kids get bored with it. When he does turn it'll be something magical, and I'm sure half of the IWC that doubted him will all of a sudden just happen to be the biggest supporters of his when he's playing the role he was meant to play.
Overall do you think the moment Cena turns heel it will be as huge as Hogan's and how can it be done?

It depends on how long it takes to build up towards that moment. If it happened in 2010, then no. Hogan's was far bigger because he was a top face for so long that him being a villain was unheard of.... plus, rumor sites might spoil it before it happens. Cena has been a face for years now, but still less than a decade. Even if he were to remain a face for over a decade, Hogan's turn would probably still be bigger.... and that's coming from a Cena mark.... I will say this though, it will be the biggest turn SINCE Hogan's and roughly on par with, if not bigger than, Stone Cold's.

How can it be done? That's really quite simple. Keep things the way they are with him as a top face, overcoming the odds, never giving up, etc.... then pick a good PPV to do the turn at (if they want to keep up the Hogan tribute as a character path, then I would choose Summerslam since Hogan's happened during Bash at the Beach) and give the fans the shocking moment. The longer they wait for it and build it up, the more shocking it will be. Unfortunately rumor sites will probably spoil it, but who knows. If I see an article saying "CENA TO TURN HEEL AT SUMMERSLAM" or something, I'd be severely upset because they just ruined the potentially biggest spoiler of the past decade. However, it's not so much about HOW they can do it, it's more about WHEN since WWE can pull it off by keeping things the way they are for a few more years then turn him out of nowhere without spoiling it to anyone.
No I don´t believe it would be such a shocking event because not too long ago Cena was a heel, he got over as a heel and he had his breakthrough as a heel so it wouldn´t be that shocking for the older fans.

But it would be quite a shock for the younger fans, the 7-10 year olds that expect no evil from John Cena but it wouldn´t be as big as Hogan´s turn because back then nobody expected Hogan to turn heel in such a way and not so suddenly and sure as hell not as succesfully.
Cena turning heel will not make a big impact,Because we already want Cena to turn heel.Cena is getting very stale as a face his 5 moves that he only uses are getting lame by the day.

So no i say he wouldnt make a big impact like hogan did when he turn heel on WCW.Because like i have said we are all waiting for cena to turn heel already.And i hope that he turns heel very soon,Because we the fans are getting bored of him as a face.
I don't believe it would. Hogan was in WWE as a face all throughout his time there and the time he aligned himself with Scott Hall & Nash was way too shocking to be true. The guy would have to be face for as long as Rey Mysterio has to even be considered a somewhat heel
Cena doesn't have the "legacy" that hulk built through is time with WWE. Also, Cena doesn't have quite so much an effect on children as hulk did. His whole "Say your prayers and take your vitamins" shtick really held with a lot of kids. As well, his whole American Dream gimmick really stuck with a lot of patriotic adults as well; he was the banner boy for American wrestling for a solid 10 years.

On the other hand, Cena doesn't really have as many feather in his hats, so to speak, as Hogan does. Where hogan may have also been shoved down people's throats, the majority of people bought into it quite willingly, Cena has taken nearly 7 years to really start winning the naysayers over, and that's still a battle he is fighting.

When he turns heel it'll be a great day for wrestling fans to see him in an environment that I personally believe will be much more natural to him than being a forced face; however I don't think it'll be like the infamous leg drop where he turned on WCW and all wrestling fans alike. People around the world were talking about it, entertainment wise it was nearly a world event that was heard continents over. I personally don't think Cena will have that same effect for reasons I listed and probably many more I haven't.

Hulk's heel turn, in my view, made him much more awesome as a "bad dude" than he was a "hero". Cena's heel turn will work just as well for him and his character, in my opinion. He'll enter into that cycle where people will legitimately hate him for his role (and others will think he's awesome for being so bad ass), and after being that "real bad dude" for a while, when he does turn face again, it'll be a huge event, and may possibly win more people over in his second major face run after showing people how awesome he can truly be as a heel.
No. A Cena turn would not even be remotely as big as Hogan's. Not unless its ten years from now, and Cena has been a tremendously popular face that entire time. He has to match Hogan's legacy as a face before a heel turn could have something like the same effect. And considering half the WWE crowd boos Cena, it simply wouldn't be near the shock that Hogan's was.

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