Would Brock Lesnar have succeeded without Paul Heyman?

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I remember reading a few years back, an interview with Paul Heyman, it was either in a magazine or probably on one of Ariel Helwani's shows, but in the interview Heyman mentioned that the WWE were originally gonna pair him up with Chris Benoit in 2002. Now we all know Lesnar has the skills but he doesn't have the mouth that Heyman does and if Lesnar didn't have Heyman by his side or any manager by his side, do you think he still would've reached the same success he did on his skills alone or not? And before anybody mentions, I know he was successful on his own in 2003 but this was after he had gotten over, I'm talking right from the start of his career in the WWE. So shoot!
I really dont think so i mean theres no deniying that brock is an animal but i can onli assume that without heyman he would have eventually just ended up another guy thats billed as a beast lost in the shuffle in short he needs th paul heyman xfactor for people to even care a little bit
Without a shadow of any doubt, Brock Lesnar would have become the Next Big Thing whether Paul Heyman said so or not. If he couldn't, nobody should be able to. Consider just a couple of points:

1) He is an absolute freak of nature. Normal people his size don't move around like he does. Naturally, he looks like he can beat any wrestler stupid.
2) He's really not as miserable of a speaker as people say. He's a bully in every way and when people boo him he's in his happy place (see: UFC post match interview).

Now take a quick peak at the Miz. Fails both caregories but still is a former champ. Ray Traylor must be rolling over in his grave...
You could argue that Goldberg managed to get over alone so why wouldn't Brock Lesnar. Granted Paul Heyman being the Voice for Brock Lesnar certainly helped him along the way to the top of the Industry, but i think Lesnar could of done it alone.

When you look at a guy like Lesnar he wouldn't need to say much as he would do his talking in the ring (like Goldberg). A lot of the big guys were not great talkers but still managed to reach the top. Both The Undertaker and Kevin Nash were not fantastic on the stick and both have had illustrious Carrears. More recently Ryback is another example of a big Musclehead getting over just by his physical presence in the ring.

Brock Lesnar also has 2 other things going for him. He is not only a powerhouse , but he was of course NCAA Champion (Mat Wrestling) and he is extremely agile for a man his size. Brock Lesnar had a lot going for him with or without the mouth of Paul Heyman.
There's no question Brock Lesnar would still be successful. A man with that talent and that athleticism was bound to make an impact even without his mic skills. Being 265 pounds and being able to do a shooting star press says something about how athletic you are.

Would he have gotten as far or get as much heat without Paul Heyman?

I don't think so but he would still become a world champion one way or another. I think Paul Heyman was really necessary for him to be a heel who garners heat. Without Heyman he would be just fine as a face.
Yeah I think Brock would have gotten over. It may have been harder for him to get over as a heel, but he was just to athletic not to. he is a beast. A man his size should not be able to do the things he could do. Heyman helped get him the heat he needed to get over in the beginning, but Brock was going to be a star either way.
I agree with working with Heyman gave Lesnar an extra edge, as Paul E. is one of the best mic men the business has to offer and is one of the most creative minds in the game, but Brock Lesnar was a special talent. He would certainly have gotten over without Paul.

The guy was a monster, best physique on the roster, a huge man capable of lifting and slamming anyone but could still mat wrestle to NCAA championship standard. Brock Lesnar was a freak of nature, and would have been the man the WWE built itself round this decade had he not quit the business.

Talent like Brock's does not come along very often, he was something special and WWE would have noticed that. His rise to the top may not have been quite as fast as it was if he had not been paired up with Paul Heyman, but you can bet your ass that Brock Lesnar would have been a multi-time champion without Paul E.
I think if Heyman wasn't a part of his first run, WWE would have invested more into his mic work, just to polish him a little.

Regardless of heyman, i think Lesnar would still have dominated in a very similar way.
This is a good question because from what I remember, Lesnar was still over, perhaps even more so after he and Heyman split after Survivor Series 02. He carried on being the top guy until he left after WM20. But the thing is, he probably wouldn't have gotten over as much without Heyman being his mic guy until they split.

Having said that, I personally feel he would have been a huge success though. I just remember being impressed with him as a wrestler, this 24 year old, 265 pound guy who could do shooting star presses and throw around a guy like the big show. What's not to be impressed about?
Exactly like Hardymania said....Brock Lesnar 2002 was as intimidating as Goldberg in 1998 and Lesnar was a much better wrestler. If we are going to talk about the it-factor then I'm not sure Bobby Roode has it but Brock and Goldberg definitely have it.

and btw. that guy Lagana with the podcast, he got promoted for producing/writing Lesnar's debut and early apparences so I think Heyman had little to do with it.

edit: and his finishing move. Don't overlook his F5! F5 was so much more important to his career than Heyman could ever claim to be.
I agree with working with Heyman gave Lesnar an extra edge, as Paul E. is one of the best mic men the business has to offer and is one of the most creative minds in the game, but Brock Lesnar was a special talent. He would certainly have gotten over without Paul.

The guy was a monster, best physique on the roster, a huge man capable of lifting and slamming anyone but could still mat wrestle to NCAA championship standard. Brock Lesnar was a freak of nature, and would have been the man the WWE built itself round this decade had he not quit the business.

Talent like Brock's does not come along very often, he was something special and WWE would have noticed that. His rise to the top may not have been quite as fast as it was if he had not been paired up with Paul Heyman, but you can bet your ass that Brock Lesnar would have been a multi-time champion without Paul E.

Cannot argue with that, every point that I was going to make has been perfectly summed up right there!

I agree wholeheartedly that Lesnar would have gotten himself over eventually without Heyman, it would never have happened in the short space of time it did without him but no doubt he would have managed it! Personally I like to look at him like Batista. No doubt endless people will disagree with me here but, when Batista got his first big world title push he was awful on the mic! He was monotone and dull but he stayed over because of the way he played the gimmick in-ring. Same thing is/was true of Lesnar and with the right guidance from his peers eventually Lesnar would have become comfortable on the stick.
This is a good question because from what I remember, Lesnar was still over, perhaps even more so after he and Heyman split after Survivor Series 02. He carried on being the top guy until he left after WM20. But the thing is, he probably wouldn't have gotten over as much without Heyman being his mic guy until they split.

Having said that, I personally feel he would have been a huge success though. I just remember being impressed with him as a wrestler, this 24 year old, 265 pound guy who could do shooting star presses and throw around a guy like the big show. What's not to be impressed about?

Lesnar was 295 when he attempted the shooting star press on angle.
I think he would have succeeded, but it would have taken a long time, because Lesnar is not that good on the mic, he would have done it with his talent, but his promos would have held him back a little longer, but because of Heyman he had success real quick.........
Without question, but the circumstances would be vastly different.

Without Heyman, there would have been no reason to initially care about Lesnar, and that connection would have taken a while to be established. With Heyman, we had someone who was an established heel character, who gave the fans a reason to care. That sped up Lesnars development on-screen tenfold. We all know that Lesnar isn't the worlds best talker, and especially in his early days, that would have hindered him. Solution? Give him a guy that could sell chicken to a vegan in Paul Heyman to talk for him, and instantly he has a better chance. No guarantees, but a chance.

Of course though, just look at what the guy is capable of. When he first debuted he tossed Mark Henry and Rikishi around like rag dolls. He decimated lower-card people, destroyed a top tag team in the Hardy's all by himself. The first guy to show him any competition at all was Rob Van Dam, and he pretty much got crushed. The speed he moved around the ring, combined with near-unrivaled strength and a wrestling ability to match Kurt Angle on his best day; there's no way in hell that talent is not gonna progress.

Would his lack of ability on the mic hinder him? More than likely, but it would have only delayed the inevitable. Lesnar was, and is, a freak of nature. He was always destined for great things, and it's just a shame that he left when he did. Without question, had he stayed, he would have been the biggest star WWE has right now.
you can never say for sure if he would or not but i would like to think that he would have. he has the look that vince likes and he is a great wrestler. i know his mic skills could be better but you could say that about other guys like goldberg and batista and if memory serves me right they did not do to badly.

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