Would bringing in some new titles or the older ones help WWE?

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
At the moment, there are alot of mid-carding potentional superstars that aren't being used and there aren't any titles to be dished out.

Let's take a look back.

European Championship
Maybe now this wouldn't fit in, what with the Intercontinental Championship valid and in activity aswell - (even though it isn't used) - but in it's short period alive, many great people held it. In my opinion it should have never of been vacated permanantly. Maybe bringing the European Championship back into activity would bring some mid-carding action and excitement back to WWE. Not to mention the talent that we'd all FINALLY see properly, rather than have somebody steal the spotlight again.

Light Heavyweight / Cruiserweight Championship
Getting rid of the Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight division was a stupid decision. I'm not just going to flame WWE for getting rid, but I'll at least give my reasons. When the Cruiserweight Championship became inactiv...actually; when Hornswoggle captured the Cruiserweight Championship, there was no more point in having the Championship around. It had lost all of it's prestige and it wasn't worth anything. What happened you say? ECW came back and was killed aswell. We lost so much great talent when the Cruiserweight division died and it's a shame to see such great talent gone. It's even more of a shame that some of them are still in the WWE and aren't being used either to their extent or at all.

Tag Team Championship
Ouch, the Unified Tag Team Championships. What a terrible idea that was. It became a huge novelty, similar to the spinner championship that Cena introduced back in 2005. Combining both the Raw and Smackdown Tag Team Championships was a terrible idea because it meant only one team could have the both of them. Similar to the Cruiserweight division I spoke of earlier, we lost so much great talent in the unification of the Tag Championships aswell. I take into account that alot of good talent had left WWE by then, but the fact still remains the same, WWE do NOT make any attempt to improve their tag division. I think that making the Championships unified, then destroying those completely (LOST AMAZING BELTS) and making the new King Leonidas belts was a terrible idea. Now that leaves us in the same position as before. ONLY ONE TEAM CAN DEFEND THE TITLES. There are more teams eligible on Smackdown at the moment, rather than Raw (unless Nexus disband and hunt for the titles, which I hope they do.)

WWE Championship
This isn't much of a 'should this be brought back?' - because it's obviously still in activity. But, John Cena himself has said that he doesn't even like the WWE Championship anymore and he made it and debuted it. There are also rumours that Randy Orton has said that if he were to win the WWE Championship again, then he'd bring back the old WWE 'Undisputed' Championship which John Cena won from JBL at Wrestlemania 21. It's a toy belt, let us be frank. It's novelty has worn of now, and in my honest opinion; the spinner idea was a joke to begin with. It didn't even impress me with the United States spinner in 2004.

What do you think WWE should do? Keep the current titles? Introduce some new ones? Bring some old ones back? Let me know your thoughts on the situation. Thanks for your time everybody.
They really don't need to bring in new championship belts, or new looks. Just like they don't need to bring in new championships into the business. The current championships are more than fine, as well as the looks. So really it wouldn't benefit WWE in any way, because it won't change anything worthwhile rather than give another championship for a roster to fight for.

Sure new championships makes for more that the roster members can do, but ultimately do we really need more championship matches featured at Pay Per Views, as well as featured on an already crowded television show of RAW as well as Smackdown. Two brands who are doing tremendously at the moment with their programming. Crowding the already fairly crowded Pay Per Views as well as weekly shows with more championship matches that needs to be build, as well as championship matches on television. Well it really would make it more of a mess than benefit.

So no, WWE would not benefit from new titles, or older ones brought back in.
Titles are just props, what the WWE needs are more feuds for the mid carders. Wrestling and story telling is why people watch. The WWE has too many belts anyway. It's the personal feuds that make stars, Evolution and Orton, Vince/Austin, Jake/Steamboat.
As far as the look of any title goes, they are all good with me, except for The WWE Championship. I am so over the spinner belt, it's ridiculous! I don't think they should go back to any particular style. Maybe they should come up with a new belt in itself for this era!

I don't think WWE needs any new titles or needs to bring back any retired titles. I was thinking about this last night actually.

There are a lot of titles between the 2 brands. But The US Title is hardly ever defended anymore. They are doing a decent job on SD of trying to make or keep The IC Title relevant and/or active!

Having 2 separate Women's titles are stupid. The division itself is weak. So having more than one prize for only a few Divas that have a chance to win them anyway is dumb. I think having ONE title for the Divas would elevate their feuds a small amount. Instead of having Mileena feuding with lesser talent on Raw for The Diva's Championship and Michelle McCool doing the same thing on SD. They could be in a feud with each other for The One Top Prize for the females. It would at least be a little more interesting. And it would free up some room for another title maybe.

Something I think that would make the shows a little more interesting in general. Is a TV Title. WWE has never had one, so in a since it would be innovative. But, if it was sort of gimmicky, it could bring some excitement. Make it to where no matter what, every single week it is defended on TV. 4 or so defenses of the title every month. That way whoever holds this title, they could really be working their ass off.

If it's an up and comer, it's a way for them to showcase themselves and a way for WWE to push them. If it is a Veteran, it's a way for them to add another accomplishment to their careers.

I think it could work if simply to add prestige to the other belts, by this one being defended every week, and the other belts being basically ONLY defended on PPV's or big TV Events. It keeps those titles looking good and not being switched around a lot. It will add more credibility if only because of the lengths of these other belt's reigns.

I don't think they would have to call it the TV Title. I also don't think WWE NEEDS this at all. But IMO I just think it would be cool. A Title on the line every week. It's kind of something extra to look forward to. Plus just having a title on the line should bring some kind of excitement and/or interest!
Like I said in another thread, I feel that WWE should replace the United States Championship with the Light Heavyweight Championship, mainly because the US championship is a title brought in from WCW, while the Light Heavyweight Championship is an original WWE championship. I think that if WWE does do this, then the Light Heavyweight Championship can be an alternative to the Intercontinental Championship in helping one reach triple crown status.
Another thing that WWE could do is, after building up the tag team division up again, name the WWE Tag Team Championship as the WWE WORLD Tag Team Championship, and then bring back the WWE INTERNATIONAL Tag Team Championship (which I think was a real tag team title from back in the old days), since the name complements the World Tag Team championship.
They definitely don't need any more titles in my opinion. They need to bring prestige back to the mid card and tag titles. I remember back when the IC used to mean something at least more than it does now. They barley ever have those titles defended on PPV anymore.

I think recently they have been putting more focus on the IC title. Which I hope they continue to do. The Miz has been US champion far the better part of the year, but he should defend it more.

They don't need another mid card title when they don't focus enough on the ones they have. They don't have enough guys to have a cruiserweight title, and they never booked that division well in the past.

One day I wouldn't mind seeing both brands have their own tag titles again. That wont happen any time soon since they just got rid of the separate belts plus they barley have enough teams now to keep it interesting.
Personally I am mixed. I think a lightheavyweight/cruiserweight division could be a good thing if done properly. Not if they use it like they did towards the end of its run, where guys were bouncing back and forth from battling for that to battling for the I.C or even WWE championship. Thats the real reason it lost its prestige, Hornswaggle was just the icing. Why was i supposed to believe a guy like Rey Mysterio would win the WHC, and when he loses it goes for the LHW title? But keep it for what its meant and I think it could re-invigorate the mid-card, even lower mid-card, maybe help some guys make that leap who otherwise wouldn't.
As for the tag titles, I NEVER thought it was a good idea to unify them. And frankly I don't understand why WWE thought it was a good idea to do that. They Unified the WHC a long time ago, and within a couple years (if that long) they brought it back to 2 titles again. There was a time when the tag division was as important and entertaining as any other (maybe even more so, honestly). E&C, Hardy Boyz, Dudleyz, APA, they hey-day of the tag titles. Honestly I feel that The Hart Dynasty, while I know when they come from and the potential they honestly do have, are being used SO poorly. They seem to have no emotion, no outward passion that I can see. David Hart Smith seems to be the most generic wrestler I've seen in a long time. I know they can do more, but with the tag titles not meaning anything (honestly, do they?) do they have to? Its normally such a prestigious title to have and a wonderful division. There is so much more that can be done. All these midcarders who have all these meaningless matches (especially on Smackdown), this could give them a chance to shine. Would Matt Hardy be Matt Hardy without the Hardy Boyz? Would Edge be Edge (or Christian be Christian for that matter) without some good old 5 second poses? granted the APA and Dudleyz are gone, but think of all the other history. DX, Rock and Sock, etc. Throw these Smackdown guys in some tag team matches worth something, I guarantee you at least half will suprise you. And now that they've unified the tag titles, its the perfect time. Teddy Long could say that Raw has one, SD is going to have some kind of competition for their own Tag Titles. Maybe some kind of King of the Ring (which would also bring back another fantastic and sorely missed PPV or at least match type, another thing that is lacking).

Oh and Ferbian: I LOVE the sig. Castiel rocks.
As has been said already, the only change I would make is to consolidate the Women's / Diva's championships as have been done with the Tag Team championships. The Melina / Laycool feud might be a precursor to this perhaps?

As for the other titles, if maybe 6, 8 or 10 existing singles wrestlers on the rosters (mainly low- and mid-carders) were paired up, given proper TEAM gimmicks etc. to restore the health of the Tag Team division, you'd naturally be left with a higher concentration of mid- and upper-carders feuding over the secondary belts, restoring their prestige, which finally leaves the World / WWE title ONLY for the top guys to fight over.

Success! (he he he...)
This is another one of those things that I constantly see and I constantly don't get it. You could call a title the Frank A. Gotch Memorial Collar and Elbow Tieup Championship and it doesn't matter: the titles are titles and until you give them a reason to mean something they're going to be the same thing. Take for example the tag titles. The belts are going to mean nothing if the champions aren't on TV and the hottest team is a comedy pairing of Santino and Kozlov. The names or anything like that mean nothing at all. It all comes back to whatever happens for the titles. You could fight over an umbrella, but if you have an insane series of matches that tear the house down every time and the umbrella is the be all end all most valuable thing in the company, it becomes prestigious. That's how titles work. The names mean nothing.
No. WWE have, the right number of titles. A top title for each brand, a midcard title for each brand, a tag title and a women's title for each brand. What more do they need? A criuserweight division? Absolutely not. A they don't draw B WWE doesn't exactly have a healthy stock of criuserweights C WWE doesn't pride itself on spotfests and D Criuserweight divisions died with WCW, move the fuck on.

And WWE needs a hardcore division like a eunuch needs condoms, before anybody suggests bringing THAT back.
I fail to see how adding any more Championships would help the WWE at all. Now, don’t get me wrong, I would love to see the old Hardcore Championship reintroduced because the trials and tribulations of the different champions were something to behold and was always interesting. However, I would not like to see it introduced to the new WWE format, especially when they have enough championships as it is right now.

It is my opinion that adding more Championships into the current WWE product would only saturate a Championship more than they are right now and that would only be bad for the superstars and shows in general. AT the end of the day, there is simply no need to introduce old Championships back into the WWE right now. Would I like to see a Hardcore Division re-emerge? Perhaps! Would I like to see it at this point in time? Fuck no! Would I like to see a Championship for cruiserweights who cannot pull their weights in the mid-card divisions on the current formats? Absolutely not!

Personally, I don’t think that the WWE needs to have any more Championships and by adding more Championships will only hurt the WWE and not help the company.
I would bring back the European Belt and make it a TV Title type that can only be defended on Superstars. This could then diminish the stigma of being 'relegated' to this program and give some of the lower mid-carders a chance to grow as performers. Who knows, it might even persuade more people to watch.
The only title that I would want to see back is the Cruiserweight title but only if its booked properly. To me some of the Cruiserweight matches were the most exciting matches on the card and I would love to see it back for a guy like Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, Rey Mysterio, Primo, Chavo Guererro, etc. to fight for. I think pairing up a few of those guys would be an amazing match.

I guess I don't know for sure but I think this whole Laycool/Melina thing is going to lead to yet another unification of titles. Unifying the divas titles would be a great idea and would leave the WWE with 6 belts:

I think you could have these 7 and leave it at that:
1. World Heavyweight Title
2. WWE Championship
3. Intercontinental Title
4. United States Championship
5. WWE Tag Team Titles
6. Unified Womens/Diva's Title
7. Cruiserweight Title

With those 7 Idt the title picture would be that overly saturated and is the perfect amount of belts to spread around among superstars.
I don't think any more new belts are needed because the unified tag belts looks like something from create-a-belt from Smackdown vs. Raw, and the Divas title looks like a butterfly tramp stamp. They should fix that piece of crap spinner belt, because it has been a while since Cena has the title and it looks like a plastic toy, the unified version is so much better looking. They need to bring back the Cruiserweight belt because then there will be better uses for great talent like Evan Bourne that is used just to job.
The WWE seems really intent on having a title it can bounce around. From what I remember lately, most of the titles don't really stick on one waist for more than a couple months at best. The only reason I can see for bringing back a title (or modifying the use of an existing belt) is to, not unlike everyone else has been saying, to promote the growing lower-to-midcard superstars.

If it was decided in the back that we were going to see a program with 8 solid wrestlers all going after a belt, we could see some awesome matches with different participants for at least a year, and the belt could pogo between 2 or all 8 of them if they choose, but it would be a good way to more thoroughly introduce a number of cats who have thus far only been squashed or squashing lately.

On a personal note, I'd love to see the cruiserweight/lightheavyweight belt come back, but WWE has never, ever stood behind it as a legitimate title. Therefore, I'll continue to check in on TNA just to see what's left of the X Division. That's where the good stuff is in America these days.
I feel that the WWE has more than enough titles. Get rid of the Divas title, make the Womens championship a multibrand title like the tag titles, and bring prestige back to the US title, This will happen soon enough when either A) Bryan wins it from Miz or B) Miz defends it alongside the WWE championship in main events after winning the WWE.
On a personal note, I'd love to see the cruiserweight/lightheavyweight belt come back, but WWE has never, ever stood behind it as a legitimate title. Therefore, I'll continue to check in on TNA just to see what's left of the X Division. That's where the good stuff is in America these days.

WWE doesn't have stand behind the Cruiserweight Championship because it DOES stand behind Cruiserweights. Think about it.

In WCW where that title originated, think of the dominant champs in that titles history. Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit. The extent of there push with WCW was the cruiserwight title, the lowest of the lowercard in that promotion,, but in WWE they were all dropped into the upper mid card and all became World Champions. WWE pushed those guys to the moon, despite there small size, something WCW never did because the moment you create a cruiserweight devision or a light heavyweight devision, you are allready segregating guys like Bourne, Gabriel, Danielson and Kaval from the World Title and keeping them in the lowercard or lower midcard at best.
No time to really explain, but here goes.

WWE barely has enough tag teams for one Tag Team Title division. When there were two sets of tag team titles, the tag teams were way down on the card. Even in 2000, when you had the Dudleys, Edge & Christian, the Hardy Boyz, the APA, Test & Albert (with Trish Stratus), the New Age Outlaws, Hardcore and Crash Holly, Too Cool and Right to Censor running around, no one was saying "we need a second set of tag belts". With the Unified Tag Team Titles, there is at least a chance of using the belts to build up tag-teams into main event attractions, or at least build up midcarders into upper midcarders/fringe main eventers, which they've arguably done with the Miz' tag title reign.

The same logic applies to the two sets of womens' titles. The WWE doesn't take women wrestlers seriously, so they don't have enough women wrestlers to have a division on each show. Plus the Divas' title makes the Women's title less prestigious by association.

WWE junked the Cruiserweight title because they had given up long ago on their Cruiserweight division. (Same with the Hardcore title.)

As for the midcard men's heavyweight titles, I'd rather think about unifying the US and IC titles and rethinking their purpose than bringing back a low-midcard title like the European or TV title.

I could see putting a new title on Superstars. More on that idea when I have time.
One idea that I would look at would be to create a title exclusive to WGN Superstars. “TV championship” would have made sense, but TNA just created one. “The European Championship” makes no sense. So instead of a belt, I’d make it a Cup and give one of the sponsors naming rights. The Taco Bell Cup champion is exclusive to Superstars for as long as he holds the title, and gets $2000 from Taco Bell or from WGN for each successful defense. That would be a very good reason why MVP wants to fight for the title while John Cena and Rey Mysterio can’t be bothered—the monetary incentive is means something for a lower card guy, but it isn't worth it for a world title contender. It gives you an instant explanation for WHY Primo Colon is fighting Zach Ryder, and gives them a reason to care if they win or lose.
IMO, drop the US, revive the light heavyweight. That does two things. It lets people who hate muscleheads have something to root for, and it puts the small fries Vince sees as non main eventer in a league of their own where they aint gotta try to outdo the cenas. ortons, and (wow I'm adding him to the list) Sheamuses.

Next, make a TV title. But this would be risky. Only make a TV title if it's defended at EVERY televised appearance. This would replace the prestige of the IC title. Hell, you want to push a guy, you have him run through all 4 shows roughshot until he's drained or ready to move up to the big leagues. Could you imagine seeing the same guy have a hardish fight on raw, the hardest fight on sd, an easier fight on superstars, and gets to squash a rookie on NXT. Or you could have it be the bounce around title.

Which brings me to the tag titles. Those things should be defended ALL THE TIME.
The WWE has more then enough titles in the company at this point. The only complaints I have is that the Cruiserweight Championship should have never been given to Hornswoggle and then be retired. The Cruiserweight title should have replaced either the U.S. or Intercontinental when the WWE thought it was time to retire a championship (U.S. title preferably) The Cruiserweight title is a great asset to compete with TNA's X division which is(was) the only reason to watch TNA in recent memory. Also, the WWE should unify the Diva's and Women's titles to be defended on both shows much like the WWE Tag Team Championships since both divisions are weak.

Other then those two suggestions the WWE does not need to change the belts and championship situation at this point in time.
I would just bring back the Cruiserweight championship. It gives the small highflying guy a chance to shine. That's one thing that WWE is lacking right now. The fast paced, luche lira, balls to the walls action. Who wouldn't want to see people like Rey, Bourne, Noble and Chavo compete in competitive matches against each other. I don't even know why they abolished the division in the first place.

I would also like to see the hardcore championship return but only when they reduced the amount of titles circulating. I just think it brings another style to the table which I think benefits WWE.
A they don't draw
I'm pretty sure they do. See X-Division/TNA, Cruiser-weight/WCW for examples of how well they can draw. Heck, TNA built themselves on the X-Division. Any division can sell if booked correctly.

B WWE doesn't exactly have a healthy stock of criuserweights
Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Primo Colon, Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder (maybe, not sure about his weight), Bryan Danielson, Low Ki, Joey Mercury, CM Punk (see Zack Ryder) and the Dudebusters. And even if they didn't have a healthy stock, there's this thing called raiding up wrestlers from FCW or getting them from other promotions.

C WWE doesn't pride itself on spotfests


and D Cruiser-weight divisions died with WCW, move the fuck on.
Er, no. The Cruiser-weight division died in the WWE and in fact absorbed their Lightweight belt, Unsex.
Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Primo Colon, Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder (maybe, not sure about his weight), Bryan Danielson, Low Ki, Joey Mercury, CM Punk (see Zack Ryder) and the Dudebusters. And even if they didn't have a healthy stock, there's this thing called raiding up wrestlers from FCW or getting them from other promotions.

Nice to see someone defend the Cruisers and I'd like to add that who qualifies is dependent on the weight limit - when WWe had the Light Heavyweight Belt they set the limit at 215lbs but the WCW Cruiserweight Belt had a limit of 245lbs which meant that wrestlers like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were Cruiserweights but not Light Heavyweights.
I would actually get rid of some title's. I don't see the need for a champion on both shows. Here's what I would go with:

1. WWE Championship - Combine it with Smackdowns to make the WWE World Championship.

2. Intercontinental Championship - Get rid of the United States Championship.

3. Tag-Team - Good.

4. Women's - Good.

And that's it. The WWE needs to build feuds and have people chasing these belts instead of having 2/3 champions on one show. If someone moves up and deservs a shot, they get it. If not, they work mid-card and money in the banks until they move up.

Having to many titles has really taken out the "Oh wow, a champ" factor.

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