Would a Triple Threat benefit Roman Reigns' push?


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
The main rumour with regards to the Shield at Wrestlemania is that a Triple threat between the 3 members will happen.

Now, I always was of the opinion that it would be a great way to culminate the break-up and most obvious though I am interesting to see how the story is done in the time leading to Wrestlemania.

However, after much thinking, I began to wonder:
Roman Reigns is obviously getting perhaps, the biggest push in the entire WWE at this time, even arguably bigger than Daniel Bryan himself.
We also know that Seth Rollins is the best overall in-ring worker from amongst the 3 Shield members.

Saying that, isn't a Triple threat match going to give more of a spotlight to Rollins than Reigns overall?

Yes,Roman Reigns might get the Main Spotlight at the finish and win it, but Rollins will probably do most of the work during the match and probably get many plaudits after it based on what I have seen of him in the ring.

Wouldn't that somewhat spoil the Roman Reigns push,especially at Wrestlemania, given that the crowd seems to be in the hijacking type of mood nowadays??

Personally, I would rather Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, as it might do much more for Reigns than winning a Triple threat would...
Rollins would be my pick to win the match should it take place. Most of the animosity seems to be developing from Reigns & Ambrose, so I'd fully expect Rollins to steal a victory.

The Shield deserve a proper break-up. I can see why WWE might want to give Reigns something more exclusive to do, but I don't see what the rush is. They should treat this WrestleMania as they did the 2004 show with Cena & Orton. Solid mid-card matches that are there to purely get them on the card and showcase what they can do in what time they have. If Reigns is everything WWE want him to be, then waiting a year won't hurt.

Also, what did facing HHH at Mania do for Sheamus? Nothing really. It seemed underwhelming for Triple H and Sheamus seemed to be a bit out of his league. Then look at Batista vs. HHH and see that maybe it's worth waiting for. Not a great match, but it drew huge numbers for that show and made Big Dave into a star.
Like it looks now DB will be in the WWE World title match at Mania.
A few days ago I thought about it and even HHH's ego can't change that.
So: if we are having Orton vs Bryan vs Batista for the title & reports are saying that they will not have 2 triple threat matches at WM.So I thought to myself what can they do?
Now what I have in mind is a good one {in my opinion} only if HHH's ego will not ruin.

Here it is {plan 1}:
1.Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Batista - WWHC triple threat match,
2.Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins - US championship.
3.Roman Reigns & John Cena & a Legend {Warrior/Hogan/Piper} vs Wyatt Family.

Plan 2:
1.Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan - WWHC triple threat match.
2.John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
3.Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns - Handicap match the man that will get the pin or make one of his rivals submit will win the US championship.
Like it looks now DB will be in the WWE World title match at Mania.
A few days ago I thought about it and even HHH's ego can't change that.
So: if we are having Orton vs Bryan vs Batista for the title & reports are saying that they will not have 2 triple threat matches at WM.So I thought to myself what can they do?
Now what I have in mind is a good one {in my opinion} only if HHH's ego will not ruin.

Plan 2:
1.Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan - WWHC triple threat match.
2.John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
3.Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns - Handicap match the man that will get the pin or make one of his rivals submit will win the US championship.

I actually like your plan 2. That would work...too bad WWE doesn't seem to give a crap about the US title. Wouldn't be surprised if that title never gets mentioned in the Shield break-up feud,tbh.
I wouldn't be all too surprised if Reigns takes on both Ambrose and Rollins in a handicap match for 2 reasons.

First, I don't think they want to put the US Title on the line, because they know it's a dead end championship. If they were to put the US Title on Reigns, it holds him back more than it pushes him. A handicap match would make it somewhat logical to not have the title on the line.

Secondly, I don't think they have a real plan for Rollins yet. So it might be easier to keep him with Ambrose for the time being and just replace Reigns in The Shield. Mason Ryan has been rumored to be that guy. They've already got to come up with new ring attire and entrance music for Reigns, they'd possibly have to do the same for all 3 members if they each went their separate way. Rollins has been completely neutral in this storyline so far, so I can see him sticking by Ambrose's side just as easily as branching out on his own.

I really hate the idea of Reigns wrestling Triple H or anyone else for that matter besides Ambrose, or both Ambrose and Rollins at WM. They've built this up for way too long for them to suddenly gloss over the breakup of The Shield and not give them their own match. I don't know who I'd put Triple H up against if Bryan is put into the title match and Punk doesn't come back, but it shouldn't be Reigns. The best answer I can come up with at this point would be Kane if they choose to have him be fed up with his corporate role. I'm sure the fans would rather see Kane go back to the mask and his usual gimmick. His current role got boring very fast.
I think Roman would benefit greatly from a triple threat match. He's obviously WWE's pick for a push between the three so the spotlight will automatically be on him. Its not mandatory that Seth have all the top spots during the match. I'm sure Roman isn't the greatest in the ring, but I don't see anything Seth and Dean can do that will overshadow Roman.
If the three of them have a triple threat at Mania and it's for the US title then Reigns definitely doesn't win. He is already above that level and it would only hold him back. I'll say the same for Ambrose- he doesn't need the belt. Rollins winning would be a good move. It would ensure he has something to hold onto until he gets a bigger push.

If they have a triple threat that isn't for the title then Reigns will probably win. That being said, they have already built him as a star so he doesn't need to beat the other two - just avoid being pinned.
The person who would benefit from a win here would be Roman Reigns. Easy. However, the person who would need this victory the most is Seth Rollins. Rollins is the man in the Shield who looks like he'll be getting the short end of the stick out of their break up. Roman was predominately featured in the Royal Rumble and Dean Ambrose has been the U.S. Champ for several months. Rollins has been the underachiever of the group so far. Him getting the win would equal out their accomplishments, especially if Ambrose's U.S. title was on the line in this triple threat match. Roman missing out on the U.S. title wouldn't hurt him because we all know he'll be a World Champ someday. Rollins needs this complementary prize because let's face it... he'll probably be in 3MB territory once the Shield splits.
A three way feud between The Shield members, if booked properly, could potentially elevate all three of them. I know that WWE is especially high on Roman Reigns right now but, in my opinion, they shouldn't rush into things. I don't think Reigns will have any problems getting over once he goes on his own, but I also think that he needs to be given time and to be tested. I'm sure some will be practically screaming to put the title on him within a few weeks of The Shield breaking up, but that shouldn't happen.

Also, I don't believe that WWE should make Ambrose & Rollins look back in order to elevate Roman Reigns. They've both brought way too much to the table since their debut and it'd be a huge friggin' shame if all that time & effort culminated in Reigns simply wiping his ass with them.
Well first off I don't get how anyone could possibly consider Roman Reigns to be getting the biggest push in the company right now when Orton is the reigning WWE World Champion after scoring multiple victories over Cena, Batista just returned & already won the rumble & will be headlinging Mania & Daniel Bryan is the most talked about Superstar in years & is basically the focus of everything right now.

Also I think "Worker" is possibly the most misused wrestling term next to "buried". While worker could also somewhat be used to descrive overall in-ring ability & athelticism, it's true meaning as I have always understood it is in relation to how good a performer could work the psycology of a match & work the crowd to get a desired reaction. AKA how a Superstar works every aspect of the overall match & carries out his overall object within the match, not just what wrestling moves they can perform. Therefore I think Dean Ambrose is far & above the best worker amongst The Shield. Seth Rollins is simply the most athletic & possibly has the coolest move set of The Shield so far with all his ariel moves & kicks.

As for the question at hand, I think a Triple Threat is definately the best choice for The Shield at Wrestlemania XXX but I think it would do more for Reigns in the long run if he actually lost the match via a quick roll-up or something to Ambrose or Rollins. Then Reigns could have his ultimate face turn at Mania, spear the crap out of Rollins & Ambrose multiple times to end The Shield once & for all & walk out of the arena in New Orleans to a massive ovation.
Do you know what will benefit Reigns? A proper feud that isn't thought up at the last minute. I get that Reigns will probably be a big star in the next two years, but pushing him to that point too fast could potentially screw him over. You might say that in a triple threat match between the members of The Shield Seth Rollins will stand out the most, but between a match between Triple H and Reigns Triple H will most likely expose a lot of Reigns' limitations and Reigns will stand out the most in a bad way.

Having a meaningful breakup feud between all members of The Shield will benefit everyone, rushing Reigns into a match he isn't ready for won't benefit anyone. Screw anyone that doesn't want this, I just want a slow burn feud for once that isn't completely rushed.
This whole breaking up of the Shield seems all too soon IMO. They've been built as the most dominant group to perhaps ever lace the boots in the WWE. So they give us one ppv of Shield vs. Wyatt's and that lights the match for the break-up?? I know the story has been building to this, but I also believe there is a FACE run for this group that WWE is missing out on. Since they appear to be going ahead with this I would book the Shield vs. Wyatt's where Roman reigns is taking on both Harper and Rowan. Seth Rollins is about to get the win, but Dean Ambrose turns on him allowing Bray Wyatt to get the pinfall. Whether that be refusing to tag and leaving or hitting Rollins w/his finisher is subject for debate. Reigns goes into the ring to see what happened and then Rollins and Reigns are taken out by the Wyatt Family.
No. Fact is most fans won't remember this match (if it happens) for the ring work of Rollins (or Ambrose or Reigns) because it just won't get the time for that. What they may well remember is the finish which in all likelihood would be a double Spear from Reigns. So Rollins carrying the match really wouldn't matter much.

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