Would a theme song by a notable band help put over some mid card superstars?


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
By 'notable' I mean a band that actually plays music for a living & not a theme done by Jim Johnston.​

for a few weeks now I've been I've been watching both RAW & Smackdown and I've noticed that only the Main Eventers use themes by a band everyone knows​
Tripe H: 2 current themes by Motorhead. The theme for Evolution was also done by Motorhead.​

Rey Mysterio: His theme is by P.O.D.​

Edge: Old theme was by Rob Zombie, Current one is by Alter bridge​

Orton: Old one was by Mercy Drive. Current one is by Rev Theory. Also used This Fire burns by Killswitch Engage for 1 week before it was given to CM Punk.​

CM Punk. Uses a theme done by Killswitch Engage.​

Batista: His theme was by Saliva​
What do all these names have in common? All of them are multi-time World Champions and currently very close to the Main Event Scene if not right smack in the middle of it (except Batista[not in the WWE] & Triple H [still injured]).

With all this information I can't help but think a few superstars would get over a lot easier if they had a theme by a band people recognize. The first one that Springs to mind is Daniel Bryan, his current theme is just bleh. Give him a theme by a currently popular band (Which one i have no idea) and I can see him getting much bigger pops than he's getting now.​

Another person that comes to mind is Ted Dibiase. i like his current theme somewhat but I think if it was done by a currently popular rap star (Again I have no idea which one) it would help him get some more heat.​

Do you think this would help at all and if you do what mid card stars would you give a new theme to and what band would you have do it?​

To end I would like to point out that I know there are a lot more factors to someone getting over than entrance music. i just think this would help with a few of them.​
I don't think it's so much as in a notabale band playing the song of said wrestler that helps him get over; but rather, I think the way that a theme song helps a wrestler to get over is if: 1) The song matches the current gimmick that he is playing (or at least fits his personality well) and 2) The song is in the very least decent. When you have both these factors in a song, that's generally what would help a mid-card get over.

Would a notable band playing the theme for a wrestler help in terms of getting him over? Probably, but I doubt it will have a significant increase. What would have a significant increase, however, is if the song meets the two requirements I stated.

As far as your theory goes, though. I think it works more backwards. If a band plays the song of a wrestler, and it's a good song - then more likely than not, the people that hear the song will look up on the song on the internet. Once hearing the full version of the song, chances are they'll look for more songs of the said band. Thus, you have a new fan of the band. Do you see the connection? People who weren't aware of the band's existance became aware through hearing one of the band's songs from a wrestler's entrance.

Sure, notable bands help simply because a notable band's songs are usually good - especially bands like Rev Theory, Saliva (etc) - but a wrestler having a theme song that consists of a song from said notable band does more wonders for the band then it does for the wrestler.
I think it could help Ted Dibiase if he had his current theme done by someone like Lil' Wayne or Drake. As much as I do love his pop theme, no one knows who the artist is. You make a great point, but I don't think an entrance theme has anything to do with the superstar getting a push but I could be wrong. It's alot about entertainment now days and Dibiase is not that entertaining. I mean, look at Daniel Bryan. I forgot the name of his current theme but it's not meant to be for a theme song. He could have any song but he has that and yet he is the United States Champion.
I don't think it's about the band so to speak, it's about the song itself. If the song is catchy and good to listen too, it doesn't matter if you've never heard of the artist. If anything, you'll go and research the name of that artist or band, find out what song it is, download it and listen to it thinking 'hmm, this is so and so's theme song, it's good'. The next time you watch Raw or Smackdown you'll hear that music for a certain wrestler, and instantly be interested by what kind of match they have. Or that might just be me, I dunno. I downloaded Kofi Kingston's theme song back when he was just starting out in the WWE and because I liked the song, it got me interested in his matches in general.
I would have to agree with Mister Awesome here. I don't think the band would make more people like the wrestler, or bring more people to WWE, for that matter. Rather the opposite. More people would search the song on Google, resulting on more notice for the band then anything.
I enjoyed entrances more when WWE/F had geniuses like Jimmy Hart composing the entrance music. It's something about a mainstream band (or any other artist at that) singing that detracts from the individuality of the wrestler's persona. I mean, in some cases like Edge/Zombie it works, but for the most part I think guys like DiBiase, Ziggler, and Orton would definitely benefit from a guy like Jimmy Hart on the soundboards. It just makes it more special when the track was made specifically for a superstar rather than a some song chosen as a good representation of them.
I think the key to shitty theme songs is not necessarily the band, but the song in general. Your example of Ted Dibiase is right as far as a change in music could probably help him. I personally do not like the song. Though his song's lyrics are about money, it sucks. But if it was done by Lil Wayne or Kanye West or someone THAT big, it would probably make him seem more legitimate when he is coming to the ring.

Take Drew McIntyre as an example. His theme song is not sung by a well known main stream band. But, it is one of the coolest if not THE coolest theme song in wrestling period. It fits him perfectly and he fits it perfectly when he walks to the ring. I do get the point though. Maybe having a littler known guy come down to the ring using a kick ass song by a well known band would help make them more legit somehow, or help them get over.

Music helps represent the guy or gal, coming to the ring AND more than anything, represents their gimmick in some way.

So, all in all, I would say the artist wouldn't make too much of a difference in most cases. Though it COULD, obviously, depending on the artist and how it fits the wrestler.

I think an Entrance Theme, no matter who is performing it, should be a representation of the wrestler and his current gimmick, and be somewhat catchy!

Here some guys that I think could benefit from a change in their music.

Alex Riley - I think he could definitely use a separate identity than coming to the ring as Mr. I Heart The Miz. Not that it's a bad gimmick for him, or bad stepping stone. I think it will lead to his future overness and he will be pretty relevant in years to come. But coming to the ring using The Miz's music works against him. If he had a great theme song when he made his entrance and people looked forward to it, he would start to define his existence apart from The Miz. A song that would describe his cockiness seems like the way to go. As far as who should sing it, someone else gets paid to decide that... But something from Bullet For My Valentine talking about being a beast or something like that would fit.

The Corre - They would benefit in my opinion from a change in theme also. I do not really like their current one. I thought the Nexus theme was great and then he goes to this new one. A big fall off if you ask me. I think a catchy ass hard rock song from a band like 3 Days Grace would fit The Corre, Barrett and would be an upgrade.

CM Punk - He doesn't need a change to be elevated. But I think WWE should change it though. It still seems like a better fit for him when he is Face. Something more melodic than Killswitch. A slow paced song by Disturbed or maybe even Korn would fit CM Punk as he makes his way to the ring and is booed by the fans.

That is a few, I'm sure there are a lot more I could think of also, but Hell, how long do you wanna read my post LOL...
And actually in some cases when superstars use an average signed bands music it leads to a mutual thing actually. Take Edge for example. He uses Metalingus by Alter Bridge.
In the same year Edge changed his theme and Alter Bridge released their first album both took a great rise. Edge becoming a main eventer/high carder and Alter Bridge to this day just keeps getting bigger and bigger on the charts. I think the purpose to use lesser known bands is to give them exposure and well quite frankly some of the songs fit the gimmick or just sound cool.
The using of outside artists seems to be more of a recent thing that just started near the end of the Attitude Era. Jim Johnston used to make great themes to get over many main event wrestlers based on their gimmicks without the need for a big band: "If Ya Smell" for The Rock, "Medal" for Kurt Angle, "Our Time" for Triple H. Even mid-carders and tag teams had some good themes: "You Look Fly Today" for Rikishi/Too Cool, "You Think You Know Me" for Edge and Christian, "Pimpin Ain't Easy" for the Godfather, and my personal favorite: "Oh You Didn't Know" for the New Age Outlaws.

Many of the mid carder wrestlers got over with the fans more than today's mid carder in part because of the themes. They were made for the wrestler, they represented the wrestler, and were unique to the wrestler. So many current themes by big name bands can be tossed around (and are sometimes: Holla was originally made for Candice Michelle but given to Kelly Kelly, This Fire Burns was for Orton but given to Punk, etc.). Even The Miz has told a story about his new theme "I Came To Play" - Jim Johnston just played a few samples of multiple songs and The Miz liked "I Came To Play" best out of all of them. It's not really tailor made specifically for The Miz. I mean you could easily take "I Am Perfection" (Dolph Ziggler) and play it for "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, and it still fits. But you couldn't take "Pimpin Ain't Easy" and play if for Chris Jericho.

I don't think you necessarily need big bands to play wrestler themes. We just need themes to actually be tailor made and fit the wrestler perfectly.
You know, I've never really put thought into this, and I'm not sure the WWE looks at themes by notable bands that way either. They probably say, "Hey, this guy is popular, let's go get him a theme by a real band," more than, "Hey, this guy needs something to make him stand out, let's get him a theme by a real band."

That said, I think it would subtly make them stand out. One reason I liked CM Punk so much when he first started out was because of the whole punk rock person about him, and having a hardcore song like This Fire Burns definitely helped make that persona complete.

I think if they gave John Morrison a theme by a band like The Killers or someone who obviously is influenced by The Doors it would really help add to his character and make him stand out.

The thing that causes the audience to pop isn't seeing their favorite wrestler, it's hearing his theme, and when you have a very well done theme by a famous/semi-famous band it's going to make you stand out even more than you already do.
I'd have to say no, I think the wrestler has to be someone people want to see, and the wrestler has the effect on the music, Biggest cases are SCSA's theme, Ultimate Warrior's theme, and Brett Hart's theme were Generic rock, but once we cared for the wrestler, the music made us pop in a Pavlovian way. Hell, I still cant here the theme from 2001: a Space Odyssey with out wanting to scream wooo, or go to a graduation without doing a Macho Man OOOOOOHHHHHHH Yeah!!!!!!
I don't think it makes a difference. Jack Swagger has his song done by Rage Against the Machine, and while a former world champ, he's still in the mid-card. I also have to disagree with the post about CM Punk using a Disturbed of Korn song. No, that wouldn't work. I think that Killswitch Engage is good enough. If they REALLY wanna speak about Punk through his theme, they should get a straight edge band to do the song. But back to the topic, no I don't think it matters. I think that there's probably a marketing deal they work out with a band to give a top guy a theme. Much like the way they will use a theme for Smackdown or Raw or the PPVs.

By the way, what's with the crappy themes for Raw and Smackdown? Green Day? Nickleback? Really? Man....you stop watching wrestling for a few months and everything goes to crap.





Easily 5 of the greatest to grace WWE. Funny enough, none of their themes needed to be made by high profile artists for them to get there. Why? Easy. It' ain't important. A theme is just a perk that makes the crowd pop while you head to the ring. Are you really gonna make your theme song be the reason why you are watched? That's just wrong. As a matter, that's when you know you suck. When you need a high profile artist to make you a song that gets the crowd going.

Wrestler themes are cool and play to the character. But they aren't the reason why you should pay attention to them.
Not every wrestler should come out with a song that gets the crowd revs up and makes them strong. I don't think it's the song that makes the wrestler over, and I don't think your idea would work, Bryan's Entrance music fits his character, I don't see why you can't understand that. Hes character is a boring nerd, what better music to come out to then the one he already does?
It's not about their music its about their in ring talent, skills on the mic, the look factor or gimmick. Example Santino the ass clown, he can wrestle, funny on the mic, and yes his music sucks and gives a headache but he keeps getting good pops from the crowd. So the music doesn't matter.
I do not think that a theme by a popular band will help a superstar get over much. Anyhow I consider getting your theme done by a popular band these days is more of a result of your popularity than the cause. Also as Killjoy mentioned the top 5 superstars in the WWE made their name without haaving their theme made by a popular band. The theme merely suited their characters and that is why they took off. While getting a theme made by a mainstream band does make a promotion look good, it has little impact on career of the individual superstar. The theme song is just an extension of the character that a wrestler plays and if he is not playing his character properly it won't matter if his theme song gets done by Mettalica or Linkin Park or any other popular band for that matter.

Also as a lot of posters have already mentioned there are guys who have not made it big despite having their themes done by mainstream music bands. Christian got his music done first by Waterproof Blonde and then by Story of the Year. While the song is one of the best theme songs in the WWE currently, Christian's career is still stagnating. The same can be said about Drew McIntyre.

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