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worst wrestler ever

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Who do you think is the worst wrestler you have ever seen ? Tell us also a bit about why you have chosen them as the worst. - pretty simple. I'll start, for me I would say the great khali, he's got no wrestling skills, no mic skills, poor storylines, worst champion ever.
Brooklin Brawler, seriously has that man ever had a title shot or a Mic segment or even a promo in his entire Career ?
Ok I've been trying to answer this but there is just one problem if WWE or TNA hire a guy there is a reason for it even Khali who sucks in the ring plays his part as the big monster heel (again now thankfully with Jinder Mahal). So I really can't answer but I'll give you one opinion: The Shockmaster, seriously that was just dumb.
el gigante.. Look at what he wore to the ring...Shag carpet for fake chest hair on a poorly painted body suit.

Dennis Rodman. enough said.

I know you only asked for one but I couldn't help myself.
Jay Leno, When he had Hulk Hogan in a Head lock was one of the saddest moments in my opinion. He didn't deserve that spot.

The worst Full Time Wrestler IMO is Giant Gonzales. His highlight of his career is that he wrestled Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Gonzales is the past version of Khali. He couldn't talk and moved worse than Khali. He was a freak show at 7-6.
With Khali and Giant Gonzales already mentioned, I'll give another name:

Steve "Mongo" McMichael

I mean, what the fuck? Not only was he shit, but he was a member of the Four Horsemen for fuck's sake! Sure, the Horsemen had already had some shit members, but Mongo was the shittiest BY FAR. Seriously, the dude straight up sucked.
One in particular comes to mind,David Flair

He had the uneviable task of being the eldest son of "THE MAN"

No matter what angle/storyline they tried..he never really got over.

Had all the potentail in the world,Where it did go??
Too many to choose from but, I would have to say David Arquette as far as WCW and probably Bastion Booger for WWE. One is a goof and the other was a goofy gimmick
Brooklin Brawler, seriously has that man ever had a title shot or a Mic segment or even a promo in his entire Career ?

Yes he has. He faced Shawn Michaels for the title in 1997. Who also pinned HHH when he was champion. And he has had plenty of mic time in the last 10 years, let alone his entire career.

And is that the same Jeff Farmer who played the nWo Sting?

As for the thread I'm going to keep it to someone who wrestled for a large promotion. There are so many awful indy wrestlers it'd be impossible to pick one. I'm thinking of someone who couldn't get over, had poor in ring skills, couldn't cut a promo, and didn't have a good look or gimmick but actually was on television for a while. I keep coming to names like Khali, Giant Gonzales, A1, Trytant, Johnny Stromboli, but the each have one thing in what I listed. I'll have to come back to this.
I would have to say Giant Gonzales. He was so bad in the ring, he made the Great Khali look like Shawn Michaels. Khali is definitely up there too, with Steve McMichaels not too far behind. All three were horrible in the ring as well on the mic. At least Khali and Gonzales had the excuse of not speaking English well.
some people are just sayin wrestlers are bad due to their gimmicks. brooklyn brawler was not a bad wrestler. jobber yes but bad wrestler no. anyine who says that clearly doesnt understand what his role was. as far as the worst id go with ICP. why on earth did these idiots ever get tv time in WWF or WCW. im from michigan and love faygo too and have all the joker cards but come on these guys suck. the shoulda stuck to evil carni rap.
Yes he has. He faced Shawn Michaels for the title in 1997. Who also pinned HHH when he was champion. And he has had plenty of mic time in the last 10 years, let alone his entire career.

And is that the same Jeff Farmer who played the nWo Sting?

As for the thread I'm going to keep it to someone who wrestled for a large promotion. There are so many awful indy wrestlers it'd be impossible to pick one. I'm thinking of someone who couldn't get over, had poor in ring skills, couldn't cut a promo, and didn't have a good look or gimmick but actually was on television for a while. I keep coming to names like Khali, Giant Gonzales, A1, Trytant, Johnny Stromboli, but the each have one thing in what I listed. I'll have to come back to this.

Stromboli are you serious? That guy military pressed umaga and rikishi over his head like they were lightweight. Thats something you don't see very often.
This is a tough one to decide on because what is the criteria? Does it mean the overall package? Does it mean in ring performance? Does this mean about not being worthy of the push? Because for me, the all time worst wrestler is a tie between the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. All their matches were the same and neither one could carry a match.
In my opinion, if a guy got over, he was a good wrestler. Above all, a wrestler's job is to connect with the fans. Ultimate Warrior, Hogan, Jim Duggan, etc... No one can say they weren't entertaining.

For worst wrestler, I would say The Great Khali. Aside from being really tall, he has nothing going for him. He can't talk and is incapable of doing anything remotely entertaining in the ring.

A big man like the Big Show seems like a threat because he's somewhat agile, and at least can work a match. The Great Khali looks like he can barely move.

Honorable mention:

Goldust: He seems to have some fans, but judging by his constant firings, not many. I hate the guy. Every match is just punching and kicking, never anything original or exciting. He has one of the worst gimmicks ever, and his push in 1996 actually caused me to stop watching wrestling for years.
I will throw in a different gender! As far as going with ring skills, Kelly Kelly... she is just a bimbo! Have you noticed how she "bounces" off the ropes? She just barely touches the ropes.

Jillian Hall and Maria were god-awful too! I am surprised they never seriously injured anyone.

LochNess from WCW was deplorable! He was 700lbs and could do literally 1 move!
i would have to say mark henry, he doesn't move much, he is just a big mountain of a man.

and right now i would have to throw in otunga, even though he is green but he still hasn't showed me he belongs.
Hulk Hogan and Goldberg. They had the same boring ending to their matches and couldnt wrestle for shit, it pisses me off when people say Hogan made wrestling. People like Vince mchahon sr and jr, Billy Graham. Gorgeous George, Bruno Sammartino Lou Thesz made wrestleing, Hogan copied everyrthing off Billy Graham to make him a success. People hate on Cena but the truth is Cena is one of the best, he proved he can wrestle damn good unlike the overrated Goldberg and Hulk Hogan.
I won't go with the obvious, "David Arquette and Vince Russo" replies that you often times get when posing a question like this. A bit cliche. Plus, I don't want to disrespect former World Heavyweight champions like that.

I'll go with a real wrestler. A real bad one. I'll go with Mantaur. Just a horrible look and horrible worker. I don't remember his promos being any better, either.

Just an all-around failure in my opinion. Awful. I mean, for a power guy, his finisher is a belly-to-belly? Really?
It's a very difficult question to answer because it presumes that everyone who steps in the ring has the same physical equipment to start with. For example, how do we compare The Great Khali to Sin Cara? Look at their body types and physical condition, for cryin' out loud! I'll probably get flak for this, but given Khali's ridiculous size and ruined knees compared to Sin Cara's small frame and natural agility, I'd be tempted to say that Khali is a better wrestler than Sin Cara because he makes better use of what he's got. Cara is exclusively a spot machine who needs his opponents complete cooperation to execute any of his moves. Can you imagine Sin Cara in a shoot fight with, say, Cody Rhodes? Cara can't wrestle any better than Khali, so would that make Sin Cara the worst wrestler ever?

Okay then, given the criteria, I'd agree with those who picked Giant Gonzalez as the worst, given the fact that he was healthy and actually pretty agile on a basketball court (I saw film of him playing for whatever South American country he represented). In a wrestling ring, he couldn't move, he couldn't sell, he couldn't think, he couldn't work. Given his physique, he could have been better, yet he wasn't.......so he's my pick for the worst wrestler ever.
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