Worst WM Main Event!!!

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
O-Tay well as I mentioned in the Rebook a Wrestlemania thread which can be found in the Book This section so please go & reply in it, I was thinking about making a Worst WM Main Event thread and I've also just seen a Best WM Main Event thread down below in this section, I figured what the hey. So what's the worst WM main event?

I'm guessing the worst WM main event is Yokozuna vs. Bret Hart but I havent seen Wrestlemania 9 so I dont know, I have seen 10 though but I have to see their WM 9 encounter before I judge which Yokozuna WM main event was worse. From the ones I seen it has to be Undertaker vs. Sid. The match did nothing for me, no exciting action, it hardly drew a reaction from the crowd, it was just slow paced & boring especially when Sid was going aerial for most of the match. The highlights of the match for me were Shawn Michaels commentary and Bret Hart's rant on Sid, Taker & HBK before the match began but that's all. I would've said Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow but that actually drew a reaction & the match wasnt as bad as this.
I think I have to agree that Taker vs. Sid was the worst mania main event ever. Mania was kind of a mess that year. HBK won the title from Sid at the rumble. Austin won the rumble. Then the Final Four event is announced to determine the number one contender because of the way Austin won. Then HBK lost his smile and forfeited the title so the Final Four match became the title match. Bret won the match but lost the title to Sid the next night. Things were just a mess at this time and the mania main event suffered because of it. There was hardly any hype for Taker vs. Sid. Not only was the story all over the place and the hype was weak, but it was a bad match to top it off. Very slow and dull.

Sid vs. Hogan from WM8 was pretty bad too. There just wasn't much flow to that match and the botched finish certainly didn't help matters. At least the hype for that was pretty strong.

Sid has had two mania appearances. Both were in the main event against mania legends. Both were probably the worst main events in mania history. I hate to play the blame game, but Hogan and Taker have proven track records. Sorry Sid.
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor has to take it for me. Yeah, Taker/Sid was bad, but come on. Bigelow/Taylor was on the same show as the very hyped and well-worked Michaels/Diesel match, yet Bigelow vs. Taylor got the main event spot. Major crime if you ask me.
Sid vs. Hogan at WrestleMania VIII

As big a fan of Savage vs. Flair leading up to this as I am, I can't deny that the Main Event of this Mania should have been Hogan vs. Flair. It was the big match the fans were waiting for and it never happened in WWF. Instead, Savage was named #1 contender and Sid was turned heel at the Royal Rumble, despite being one of the more over faces in the company (He was actually getting cheered over Hogan at points).

Then there's the match itself. Dear God it's bad. The wrestling is truly abysmal and really it's nothing more than a (bad & sloppy) big man match. Sid had no right to be anywhere near the Main Event of Mania and it shows here, it shows badly. Hogan isn't much better either. The distinct lack of a finish also doesn't help. The fact that Papa Shango shows up to beat down Hogan with Sid is terrible as Shango was one of the worst characters WWF?E has ever had and it's very sloppy.

The Ultimate Warrior's return is pretty bad too, especially as he'd lost so much muscle mass following the steroid scandal that people actually believed he was a fake and the real Warrior was dead. Just all round awful.
Lawrence Taylor v Bam Bam Bigelow

A football player v a mid carder who did fuck all in WWE and they get the main event? No wonder WWE was in such a decline at this stage.
The only reason the Yoko vs Bret Hart match at WM 9 would even be considered bad is because they ruined it by having Hogan come in and win the title off of Yoko moments after the match was over. The match itself wasn't all that bad. The fact that Bret was able to put the sharpshooter on a guy with legs that size was amazing.

My vote would also go to the Sid vs Hogan at WM 8. This match wasn't for the title so therefore should have been second to last, but that's not how Hogan rolled. I liked the match between Randy and Ric Flair so I would have kept that match, but in hindsight, it should have been the ME.
Well my choice would be WrestleMania VII. Hogan vs. Slaughter. I know this match had major build up. They even changed the location of the event because of this match. Rewind 1 year and it was Hogan vs. Warrior. Warrior loses the belt at the Rumble if I remember correctly. Hogan gets the obvious win and becomes champ. Boring match overall. I always wonder what VII would have been like without that main event.
before last year i would have also said hogan and sid but then i saw orton and hhh

That match had a really good build up. And I knew that triple h and orton had good chemistry. But then the most un eventful wrestlemania match happend. If it had a bad buildup then i would have been happier with it, but i was expecting alot from it and got absolutely shit.


Triple H vs Randy Orton
I'm going to say Jericho vs. HHH from Wrestlemania 18. There could have been a all-time great buildup here but they didn't capitalize on it. In 2001, HHH tore his quad during a match that Jericho was in. Jericho could have boasted that he tore HHH's quad and would do it again at Wrestlemania. They had a great match at Fully Loaded 2000 and Jericho could have seeked revenge for that match.

Instead, we got a storyline that was more about a dog than the actual champion. Jericho was Stephanie's lackey and that hurt him and the match severely. Also, having it after Hogan/Rock didn't help much either even though there was a women's match in-between. The crowd simply wasn't going to get up for that match after watching two of the greatest go at it. The match itself was average and had to be about a McMahon when it didn't need to be.
before last year i would have also said hogan and sid but then i saw orton and hhh

That match had a really good build up. And I knew that triple h and orton had good chemistry. But then the most un eventful wrestlemania match happend. If it had a bad buildup then i would have been happier with it, but i was expecting alot from it and got absolutely shit.


Triple H vs Randy Orton

I admit this wasn't the best match these two guys have had, but it wasn't near the worst WM main event ever. If it hadn't been on the same card as Michaels/Taker, it probably wouldn't catch as much shit. But, onto the topic at hand...

I will start off by saying that without a doubt, Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow at Wrestlemania XI was the biggest mistake in the history of that event. To have a non-wrestler even compete in your main event is bad enough, but to have him beat Bigelow was a joke. But seeing as though I consider this more of sideshow than a match, I won't count this one. To me, this is so bad, it's in a league of it's own.

So I will go with Big Show vs. Mick Foley vs. HHH vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 2000. This was an all-time cluster-F***, IMO. Something about having a fatal fourway to close Mania doesn't sit well with me. First of all, you didn't need those four guys. Triple H vs. The Rock would have made the most sense, seeing those were the two biggest names actively wrestling (Austin was injured). I guess I can understand Foley, seeing as how he had never been as popular and was on his way out.

But having four men in the main event at Wrestlemania just didn't work for me. Having that many people involved, leading up to Mania, took away from having an actual feud. And the match itself was somewhat sloppy. Sure, after Show and Foley were eliminated, it was a good match. But then Vince interfered, and HHH won. Rock was the biggest face of the company, and I think feuds should end at Mania, not begin.

Honorable Mentions:
-Wrestlemania II-Hogan Vs. Bundy
-Wrestlemania IX- Bret Hart vs. Yoko
-Wrestlemania 13- Sid vs. Taker
Im sorry but I think the worst WM main event was Hogan/Mr. T vs Piper/Orndorf from WM1. You would think that with Snuka and Orton in the corners this match would have been great but come on Mr T over Piper boooo! Piper should have beat Mr T into a pulp and then finished off Hogans hair and cracked another coconut over Snukas head lol. One of my biggest pet peeves is when an outsider comes in and beats up established wrestlers ie Big Show/Mayweather, Taylor/Bam Bam, Jericho/Rourke, and Piper/Mr T. I remember Muhammad Ali vs Gorilla Monsoon going to a draw when Ali was champ.
Gotta agree with dman1373, HHH and Orton had so much buildup and hype and the majority (admit it) wanted to see Orton win the match! And i know it followed HBK/Taker, but still i think everyone can say it could/shuld have been much better. Another would be Jericho/HHH WM17, same circumstance. But nobody envisioned Hogan/Rock and the impact that match had, and WWE was crazy to think that match could be followed.
for me it was lt vs bam bam but then the trainwreck between hhh and orton occurred so i am agreeing w/dman 1373. any main event was going to be weak following the taker hbk classic, but those two stunk up the joint that night
I gotta say the sid vs undertaker match was it for me. Admittedly the bigelow and taylor match was aweful but i expected it to be like most of the wwe's lame cross-entertainment matches have been through history. But sid and undertake put on the most boring match I have ever watched in a wrestlemania.

Seriously, sid put on a chinlock and i could have gone to the fridge for a glass of milk and a sammich, walked the dog, and come back and he'd STILL have a chinlock on. I know most bigman matches suck anyway but 'taker usually can find a moment or two to make one good, his matches with kane and the wm 12 match with Diesal were good. But I've never cheered for an ending to a match as much as sid/taker in wrestlemania.
The WrestleMania 2000 ending really pissed me off! The Fatal Four Way. HHH vs Mick Foley vs Big Show vs The ROCK. The Rock shoud have won, but Vince and in his mind THINKING he is so smart, didnt let the Rock win! Also not a single match involved 1 on 1, the only thing i liked from that WM was the girls match with Val Venus as Ref. How bout Brock vs Goldberg, such a boring match!
i definately do not agree with the people who said HHH vs orton, that match had a different setup with both finshers happening at the begining which was a shock, I really enjoyed the setup and the story was one of the best it has been for the past few years besides taker and michaels. Not saying it was the best mania match, far from it , but it wasnt the worst.

i would have to go with sid and taker
Sid vs. Taker : Well sometimes 2 wrestlers don't have the chemistry.

Bigelow vs. that football guy : The most stupid way to finish Mania.Come on people have waited one year not to see a football player in ring.

Orton vs. HHH : Well the match was such a disaster.These two have had lots of matches before and the stupid creative couldn't come up with a better stipulation than if HHH get disqualified he'll lose the title.The crowd was dead-silence and it seemed no one gave a damn (who would?)
Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow: The only purpose this served was giving Vince that hard-on that he gets every time he sees a celebrity in a WWF ring. Seriously, having your WWF title match before this monstrosity is a clear indication that you have lost faith in your wrestlers. And the fact that Taylor won is just......NO.

Psycho Sid vs Undertaker: How many times did Bret interfere in this match? Perhaps WWF thought that this was the only way to sell the match. The match was shitty and it was also rumored that Sid shit in his pants because he was nervous main eventing Wrestlemania. Now that is just too much shit to deal with.

HHH vs Orton: An anticlimatic end to what had been a great feud thus far. Maybe they tried to show intensity by hitting those finishers early but it would be fair to say that this did not work. This was the biggest story heading into Mania 25 but they just failed to deliver.
As mentioned, I'd have to go with Yokozuna Vs. Bret Hart and Lawrence Taylor Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow. Both just didn't nothing for me.

Zuna Vs. Hart could have been decent enough, like it was at WrestleMania X, but at 9, Hart was shuffled underneath the ring by Hogan and made to look incredibly week. Awful. Just, awful.

I will say King Kong Bundy and Hogan in one of the worst cage matches of all time should be up there, as well.

I will say that
I'm going to pick Hogan Vs Andre as, although the atmosphere was great, the match itself was fucking terrible. I know most of this was down to Andre's condition but, my god, what a pile of shit it was.

Also going to mention the HBK Vs Hart match from Mania 12. With the potential this match had it was a major let down. It just seemed, to me, to be an hour consisting of headlocks and rest-holds. Not a dreadful match, per se, but dreadful compared to what it should have been.
I'm going to have to go with the 2 that stand out the most in my eyes.

Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania 22.

This match had 3 great superstars in it but it ended up being rushed, after a somewhat mediocre build-up and I think they weren't given enough time. Espacially for a triple threat World Heavyweight Championship bout. This match was a step above the Goldberg v Lesnar travesty at Wrestlemania 20. Could have been great, but really didn't make me look back and think - 'oh yeah, that was an awesome main event.' - because I don't believe it was.

The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Big Show vs. Mick Foley at Wrestlemania 16.

Somewhat strange having a fatal four way in the main event at a Wrestlemania. Not only was this Wrestlemania one of my least favourites just because of the fact that it felt rushed and didn't fill as many seats as Monday Night Raw did on a weekly basis, but this main event was literally just a cluster inflated with pure fuck. The gimmick of having a 'McMahon in every corner' (which was WM16's slogan) was a pretty stale idea. I can't remember whether this match had a great build up or not because it was 10 years ago and I was only 6 at the time, but from how the main event turned out and the kind of reception it got tells me that it didn't have a good build up. This match was kinda..all over the place alot of the time and bored me to the point of wanting to get through to the end just to say that I've watched Wrestlemania 16 all the way through.

For arguments sake, I'll give the WM22 World Heavyweight Championship match a 2/5 and the WM16 WWF Championship match a 2/5 aswell.
So I will go with Big Show vs. Mick Foley vs. HHH vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 2000. This was an all-time cluster-F***, IMO. Something about having a fatal fourway to close Mania doesn't sit well with me. First of all, you didn't need those four guys. Triple H vs. The Rock would have made the most sense, seeing those were the two biggest names actively wrestling (Austin was injured). I guess I can understand Foley, seeing as how he had never been as popular and was on his way out.

Lol, it's rare that i disagree with you dude, but i for one had seen enough of Rock v HHH in the latter half of 1999, that i didn't need it again for WM 2000.

And the match itself was somewhat sloppy. Sure, after Show and Foley were eliminated, it was a good match. But then Vince interfered, and HHH won.

It wasn't good i admit. Big Show had been hyped up as being dominant for 2 whole months, and he lasted only a little longer than Jericho did at NOC when he claimed he'd quit if he was defeated.

Then Foley seems to stumble through his part, totally botching an elbow through the announce table, and he retires.... again, having none of the impact that his HIAC match had. Rock and HHH recovered it and then a heel wins at WM, and to be honest, the feeling at the time was 'HHH won? This sucks!'

But having four men in the main event at Wrestlemania just didn't work for me. Having that many people involved, leading up to Mania, took away from having an actual feud.

Leading up to it, i was intrigued to see how it would all pan out, purely based on the Rock/Show fued now finally culminating in the title shot, and no Austin in sight (meaning we wouldn't have the same Mania ending 3 years running, you understand). Then Foley was added, and not being privvy to all the backstage happenings back then, i thought maybe he'd win and NOT retire, but i was a total mark back then so it added to the unpredictability.....

Rock was the biggest face of the company, and I think feuds should end at Mania, not begin.

We had another 3 months of Rock/HHH, so really, the fued didn't even end, Vince turned heel. THAT was WM 2000's big crescendo!!!! No wonder that ME sucked.....

Anyway, i just don't agree with your statement about the build up being as bad as that is all.... match did suck though.....

My pick would HAVE to go HHH/Orton. While i 100% agree with just about every mention so far, even the Sid/Taker ones, because that is a SHIT match, i was in attendance for that match, and once the finishers were over and done with, my attention just phased out immediately. Tbh, i was just waiting for interference (that never came) to signify that the match was going to end, that i totally missed the punt (that looked terrible in the replays) and had no idea how HHH suddenly got the upper hand.

If a ME can't grip your attention when you're actually there, it must be shit.
HHH vs. Randy Orton WM 25.
I was there for that match and it was honostly the worst matches I've ever seen live. The crowed wasnt into it at all, the finish was lame, and decent wrestling on both parts at best. SMH wwe!
I believe there were many horrible main events a wrestlemania so i made a top 10 list of the worse main events for Wrestlemania

10. Wrestlemania 1 Hogan & Mr.T vs Piper and Orndorff definatley a bad match all together with boring commentating and the finish makes it a crappy main event

9. Wrestlemaina 11 Diesel vs HBK wwf title match one ofhe worse build ups to a main event i have ever seen plus a lousey match at that the best part was that Jenny McCarthy n Pamela Anderson came to the ring looking beautiful other than that the match n he main event really sucked.

8. Wrestlemania 19 HHH vs Jericho for the Undisputed title with a back story HHH's exwife being with Jericho what a bunch of crap for a Wrestlemaina that had Hogan vs The Rock for no belt was the biggest match on the card that really should of been the main event for the undisputed title

7. HHH vs Booker T for the world heavyweight title the build up was very weak and the match was a good match but the putcome was lousey everyone knows Booker T should have won that match whether or not he wasnt going to havete belt that long he should of won the remarksmade by HHH were steriotypical leading up into the match which makes this match a lousey headine for a main event

6. Hogan vs Sid Wrestlemania 8 Once again as fans we get deprived of what we really wanna see to just plain old crap Sid vs Hogan plain old crap crappy match with a half memorable ending and what we wanted Hogan vs Flair would never have a wrestlemania moment

5. John Cena vs HBK Wrestlemania 23 a crappy build up too a match with 2 of the most hated heel to fan favorite ever in wrestling had a match fo the WWE title that had no anything what did we see that was memorable HBK pile driving Cena on the steps the best part of one boring ride to end the biggest showof the year

4. HHHvs Randy Orton vsJohn Cena Wrestlemaina 24 a triple threat match that had no drama no anything it was so lame you couldnt even notice that Randy Orton kicked HHH in the head n pinned Cena too win what a crappy main event

3. HHH vs Randy ortonn Cena vs Edge vs Big Show wrestlemaina 25 was great until the 2 main events came on which were nothing that could even ring the bell for the match we saw before both of those main events. This was the most dissapointing part for 25 years Wrestlemania

2. JBL vs John Cena Wrestlemaina 21 what a waste of time a crappy build up a crappy match with an extremly crappy ending the start of the same old shit era

1. Hogan vs Slaughter Wrestlemaina 7 Sgt Slaughter an ex G.I. joe a real American patriot now a sympthezier for Iraq you got to be kidding me are they really serious how dumb do they think the fans are these are the same creative morons that gave us Hogan vs Sid instead of Hogan vs Flair come on. The build up was ridiculous and the match was shitty as hell the worse main event in Wrestlemaina history without a doubt
1. Hogan vs Slaughter Wrestlemaina 7 Sgt Slaughter an ex G.I. joe a real American patriot now a sympthezier for Iraq you got to be kidding me are they really serious how dumb do they think the fans are these are the same creative morons that gave us Hogan vs Sid instead of Hogan vs Flair come on. The build up was ridiculous and the match was shitty as hell the worse main event in Wrestlemaina history without a doubt

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm just guessing you weren't watching wrestling in 1991. How was the build ridiculous? Sgt. Slaughter used to be the biggest American patriot in wrestling. He was one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWF before Hulkamania. After a hiatus Slaughter returned but was suddenly pledging his allegiance to Iraq. This was not your typical USA hater. This was a former popular patriot who was siding with a country with whom we were at war. Sgt. Slaughter had more heat than anybody had ever had. I don't think anyone's had more heat since. We all wanted to see our American hero Hulk Hogan take the title from the turncoat.

I'm not surprised that someone mentioned Hogan vs. Slaughter. I thought the build was quite good. I'm sticking with Taker vs. Sid as my choice as that match had hardly any build at all.

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