Worst Tarantino Film You've Ever Seen?


Sally Section
This question occupied the entirety of a 90 minute drive with a car full of people, so now I pose the question to you- what's Quentin Tarantino's worst film? For the purposes of discussion, you can include movies which he wrote the screenplay for, like True Romance or From Dusk Till Dawn, or if you're so inclined, you can include his section of Four Rooms. (It's not fair to judge that section along with the rest of the movie, which by and large sucked.)

Natural Born Killers is out of the discussion, as the only thing that survived script revision was Mickey's speech on television. Plus, if you were thinking of including that, what the fuck's wrong with you?

For my money, it's Death Proof. Most of this movie is just dreadful to watch; it was made in a phase where Tarantino seemed to be in love with his own dialogue, but he left out the part where there's actual tension in the dialogue. Instead, there's four women, sitting around a table, talking. And then, hey, look, it's creepy Kurt Russell! The car scenes in that movie are bad ass, no doubt- but that's all there is to the movie. You could watch nothing but the 14-minute car chase at the end, and you've taken away all this movie has to offer you. (It is a pretty fucking awesome car chase scene, to be fair.)
I'd agree with Death Proof but I thought the ending was pretty damn awesome in how he switched it from the audience wanting to see the girls die to wanting to see the girls get revenge. On that alone I don't think I can say it's his worst.

I could never really get into Jackie Brown and that would be my pick. I thought the cast was good, the soundtrack was great but I found myself looking at my watch damn near the whole movie. Because I'm such a Tarantino fan I've watched it plenty of times but I never got into it and I don't really remember much from it. Just a utterly boring and forgettable movie.
'From Dusk to Dawn' might have been the weirdest.....which is really saying something when speaking of Tarantino.....because it was actually two separate movies; the first an abduction/escape movie......the second a vampire killer flick.

Clooney was interesting but his character portrayal was wildly uneven; he starts as a vicious bandit with no conscience ('a tough motor scooter') and winds up as a caring ex-desperado who wants only to live a peaceful life.

Quentin Tarantino might be the Edgar Allan Poe of modern entertainment.
From best to worst...

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
True Romance
From Dusk till Dawn
Kill Bill
Inglourious Basterds
Jackie Brown
Django Unchained
Death Proof

I adore them all except Django and Death Proof. I still need to see The Hateful Eight.
I've never seen Death Proof, but I doubt I'd like it.

Of the ones I have watched, there are exactly 0 that I didn't like. But the ones I liked least are Inglorious Basterds and Hateful Eight. I'd probably say Hateful Eight is my least favorite, because I don't like it when directors get too high on themselves, and I picture Tarantino sitting in a pile of his own gym socks as he directed that one, taking a big whiff every time he said action.
On the contrary, I thoroughly enjoyed Hateful 8 although I could understand those who viewed it as over-the-top.

I've seen a good chunk of Tarantino's films but not all of them. It's a toss up between Kill Bill and Django Unchained for me. They both had enjoyable portions, but by and large, I didn't like them.
I'm a big Tarantino fan. Jackie Brown really deserves more love I think mostly because it was never Tarantino's story, but a film adaptation of a book.

That said, I didn't enjoy Reservoir Dogs that much. Even with it being his first one, it is a bit overrated.
I have yet to see The Hateful Eight, but I own and have watched every other Tarantino film and outside of the opening scene, I can't stand Inglorious Bastards.
Death Proof. Just didnt like it at all.

Though Bastards and Django are there too. First because of the ending(didnt like that history rewriting just because one girl can frie Hitler) and second just because I didnt feel anything special about it.

Others are pretty good to excellent. Watched "Hatefull 8" in cinema and am very pleased with it. Great characters and great story.
Death proof just all around sucked.

I didn't even remember the name until I read it in this thread just that it had Kurt Russell and a car in it.
Not seen Death Proof.

I enjoyed Hateful Eight except for the gratuitous vomit sequence - though Jennifer Jason Leigh portrays the psycho bitch extremely well.

From Dusk till Dawn gets my vote. An excellent film - until the vampires take over. Then, in my opinion, it gets abysmal
Death Proof.

That movie is a chore to sit through and the ending is absolutely awful. Stuntman Mike turns out to be a wuss, begging the girls to stop chasing him, after chasing them away and killing off so many girls.

From Dusk Till Dawn is an awesome film. It doesn''t take it seriously, so I don't think it deserves the criticism it gets.
I've only seen Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Django, Kill Bills 1&2 and he had a guest director spot on Sin City 1. I never had the opportunity to see Inglorious Basterds, but it's on my to-do list.

Out of that small pool, my pick would be Django. It was a fine film right up until the doctor's hand slipped and the film started crapping itself. The absolute nadir of the movie was when Django was doing some sort of show-jumping with his horse.

The only climax captured on film that was worse than that was possibly in Peter de Villiers's rumoured sex tape.

PS: Can we do a best and worst of Samuel L Jackson someday?
Every movie he has released since the 1st Kill Bill feels like a cartoon. Very gimmicky. Favorite is probably Jackie Brown or Pulp Fiction. The Kill Bill movies were awful.
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Jackie Brown
3. Inglorious Basterds
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Django Unchained
6. Kill Bill
7. The Hateful 8
8. Death Proof

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