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Worst storyline of the WWE Attitude Era


Getting Noticed By Management
Throughout the WWE's Attitude Era they constantly pushed the envelope with some of the most controversial or over the top storylines ever.

For me the worst storyline had to be when the Big Bossman was feuding with Al Snow and forced him to eat his dog Pepper by tricking him into eating his ground up dog in some dish I believe chinese food or a mexican dish. The icing on the cake though was their Steel cage match where the ring was surrounded by a cage which had another cage around it with the outside cage containing dobermans waiting to attack when they escaped the first cage. Unfortunately the dogs were less than vicious and were actually pissing and crapping everywhere as well as humping. It was certainly hard to not laugh seeing it but the build up for the match was horrible.

So what do you guys consider the worst storyline of the Attitude era?
The Whole Mark Henry Mae Young pregnancy angle. What where they thinking, it was awful and disgusting. Plus, how can an 80 year old woman get pregnant anyway?
2 words: Katie Vick. Kane supposedly having sex with a corpse when he was younger. HHH humping a manequin, which was supposed to be a dead girl. And when you hear HHH tell the story of how it was shot-in a real funeral home while a funeral was taking place in the next room-it just becomes worse. Easily one of the most disgusting things Vince has ever thought up. And I do consider Katie Vick to be part of the Attitude Era, whether or not it was technically in the correct years.
Agreed on Katie Vick. That story had little punch. The other one was the big show dead father angle. Very bad...especially when Big Show jumped on that casket while it was moving.
Ditto on the Mae Young angle... I can't remember the name but how about that stable of freaks that came in. Kagan was in it if that was his name, and some other giant in a brown or orange mask... Yeah, the combination of them and Insane Clown Posse was just corniness.
I don't really remember for sure when this feud happened, but I think it occurred during the Attitude Era. Eddie Guerrero versus Rey Mysterio for the custody of Dominic. What an absolutely terrible concept to build a storyline around! Making matters worse was having the kid at ringside or even in the ring during the progression of the feud. I realize that the boy was well informed that it was all just pretend, but even still, having father versus uncle feud, with the boy in between them was simultaneously stupid and tasteless. I always hated that storyline.
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Guerrero/Mysterio happened in 2005, FYI.

The worst angle from the Attitude Era is, by far, Mae Young giving birth to a hand. There aren't many things that make me vomit, but this segment did. I didn't enjoy the Mark Henry/Mae Young storyline to begin with, but when she went into labor and a hand popped out covered in a jelly-like substance, I threw up for a good 10 minutes.

Katie Vick was inappropriate, but nowhere near as sick as the hand segment.
Well for me the true Attitude Era lasted from WrestleMania XIV when Steve Austin won the title (but an argument could be made that it started at wrestlemania 13) until WrestleMania X-Seven and the end of the Monday Night Wars. So while Katie Vick was bad, it doesn't fall into my personal definition of the Attitude Era.

My choice would be Val Venis getting castrated by Ki-En-Tie and a samurai sword. Then the next week he came out with John Wayne Bobett in a wheel chair and ice pack and acting like every little movement caused him extreme pain, like he had suffered a serious injury, and then he revealed that the reason he was in so much pain was that right before the sword came down he had suffered... Shrinkage (and get it, for a guy like him that's a MAJOR injury... Funny right?)

It was just so fucking stupid.
First off, Katie Vick was in 2002, WAY after the end of the Attitude Era.

And I'd go with the hand birth also. There was not a single funny thing to be found in there. it went from stupid to awful to what the hell did I just watch in a matter of seconds. I never got the point of it and it's considered one of the biggest bombs in wrestling history. Probably the worst storyline they had here, period.
The Puke killed hawk story line vince used Hawk's drug and alcohol addiction showing him constantly drunk on screen classy they then added a 3rd member named puke this led to the conclusion of the storyline, in which a suicidal Hawk climbed to the top of the TitanTron Puke, supposedly attempting to rescue Hawk, climbed after him, only to apparently throw Hawk over the side Puke then revealed that he had been enabling Hawk's drug addiction in order to kill him and take his place in the Legion of Doom. To me one of the most disgusting story lines in the attitude era
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IMO, there were many of them, including the before mentioned.

But for me?

Two words: Corporate Ministry. No. Honestly, just pointless. And it lasted for how long? Seriously.

Invasion in 2001 was also a "Just No" for me. Was so glad when it was finally over.
Have to admit Bossman was in quite a few from the Pepper steak, to the "hanging by Taker at Mania to the worst of them all i can recall the theft of Big Show's dads dead body at the funeral and dragging it behind him on a tow truck

And of course let us not forget the Hell in a Kennel match that sprang from "peppergate"
It's memories like this that really make me shake my head.. WWF should have never beat WCW in the Monday night wars it's only because of Time Warner putting a squash on Eric Bischoff's creative side.

The whole attitude era is really awful. DX was NWO rip-offs, Austin Vs The Rock happened 100 times too many, same can be said for Undertaker vs Kane at Wrestlemania's.. You had these idiotic storylines of Mark Henry and Mae Young, British Bulldog having to eat Dog food, Hawk pretending to commit suicide because of his drug/alcohol problem, Having Brian Pillman wear a dress, Having the Stone Cold/ Brian Pillman "Gun" Incident, Al Snow's dog Peppar being killed and dished to Al Snow, The Graveyard scene with Big Bossman and Big Show, The Mean Street Posse (enough said), Jim Ross bringing in Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon, Goldust dressing as a transvestite in that green outfit, Gang Wars as if it was the movie West Side Story 90's Version with DOA, Los Boricas, Nation of Domination oh yeah and how could I forget WWF trying to make fun of Sting's rafters entrance by having the Blue Blazer do the same and Owen Hart dying because of lack of safety..... I could go on and on.. It's no coincidence the WWF got interesting when Jericho and Show jumped ship along with AolTime Warner's lack of Wrestling IQ.
It's memories like this that really make me shake my head.. WWF should have never beat WCW in the Monday night wars it's only because of Time Warner putting a squash on Eric Bischoff's creative side.

The whole attitude era is really awful. DX was NWO rip-offs, Austin Vs The Rock happened 100 times too many, same can be said for Undertaker vs Kane at Wrestlemania's.. You had these idiotic storylines of Mark Henry and Mae Young, British Bulldog having to eat Dog food, Hawk pretending to commit suicide because of his drug/alcohol problem, Having Brian Pillman wear a dress, Having the Stone Cold/ Brian Pillman "Gun" Incident, Al Snow's dog Peppar being killed and dished to Al Snow, The Graveyard scene with Big Bossman and Big Show, The Mean Street Posse (enough said), Jim Ross bringing in Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon, Goldust dressing as a transvestite in that green outfit, Gang Wars as if it was the movie West Side Story 90's Version with DOA, Los Boricas, Nation of Domination oh yeah and how could I forget WWF trying to make fun of Sting's rafters entrance by having the Blue Blazer do the same and Owen Hart dying because of lack of safety..... I could go on and on.. It's no coincidence the WWF got interesting when Jericho and Show jumped ship along with AolTime Warner's lack of Wrestling IQ.

WWF started to beat WCW in 1998. So no excuse there. They later killed them in the ratings in 1999 and 2000.

DX was a bunch of juvenile delinquents with, at most, 5 members. nWo was a take over group with like 35 guys at one point. That is hardly a rip off.

WCW had the cruiserweight division. That's it. Hogan in the main event in matches vs the likes of Austin and HBK was a joke of a comparison.

and I can go on and on....

But I do think the attitude era is overrated, because their midcard wasn't that good until 2000.
The Attitude era had a lot of hidden jems of wrestle-crap.

The Beaver Cleavage was horrid. Mosh(Chaz Worthington) of the Headbangers as Beaver Cleavage, a juvenile spoof of "Leave it to Beaver" This only lasted a few weeks but what was really bad was the angle that followed it.

Chaz(now going by his real name) did a work-shoot on how the gimmick sucks(Goldust did this as Seven in WCW...Work-shoot interviews are always trash.) Chaz then developed a mean streak feuding with Meat(Another stink gimmick brought to you by Shawn Stasiak) his valet(who awkwardly played his "mom" as Beaver Cleavage) now going by his girlfriend(who is now dead by the way.)

The angle went on as Chaz with a meanstreak against shitty characters until he started losing matches, then the angle switched to Chaz beating his girlfriend, followed by the whole roster turning on him. This lead to Glen Ruth(His former partner Thrasher) returning, which lead to a blow off match on Raw, then a Headbangers reunion, then The Headbangers dressing in drag.

Chaz Worthington should get an award for worst gimmicks of the Attitude Era(even though I secretly love the Headbangers)
The Castration of Val Venis is definitely up there.

You had Val Venis who was a wrestling pornstar. Which, could have been a really bad gimmick, but Val made it work and he got over pretty big.

You had this Japanese Stable named Kaientai managed by Yamaguchi-San.

You also have Taka Michinoku who was feuding with Kaientai at the time.

Val sleeps with Yamaguchi's wife, who turns out to be Taka's sister and Taka turns on Val and joins Kaientai.

They then proceed to "choppy choppy his pee-pee"!

It's a toss up between The Big Show Vs Bossman feud (that funeral thing was shocking). At least the Big Show's dad had died a few years before they did that dreadful storyline....just wish I'd seen the takes where the coffin couldn't be dragged along with the Big Shows fat ass on top of it. The best thing about this was it was over in a few weeks and forgotten about.

For jaw-dropping stupidity though I'm going to go with Vince McMahon being revealed as the Higher Power, it just shit all over the previous few months worth of storyline development and, personally, made no sense.
It has to be the Mae Young giving birth to a hand. That shit had no place on a wrestling show, it was just intended to shock for the sake of shocking someone, the WWE just wanted to push the envelope as far as they could to see what they could get away with.

It was just really unfunny and made a complete mockery of the business. It was the sort of storyline that, if it came on and you were watching wrestling with a non fan, they would turn to you and say "you actually enjoy this shit? This is pathetic".

There was just no need for it, and I would be surprised if more than 5% of the audience enjoyed it.
I am unsure as to what the worst storyline of the Attitude Era was but I am pretty sure that it had to do something with Mark Henry.

I thought that Chyna wanting to have a threesome with Henry and a transvestite was shit, till we got to Mae Young giving birth to a hand. Like Natural said that had no business to be on wrestling or any kind of television for that matter. In all frankness, it makes Katie Vick look like some cult horror movie. It was that bad!

Val Venis getting his penis chopped was stupid too but I did think it was funny. Or maybe it has got something to do with the fact that I was 9 then but Mae Young giving birth to a hand was ******ed.

Seriously the Attitude Era might have destroyed Mark Henry's career. I know he cannot wrestle well but he had the look of a monster heel. But WWF booked him in two atrocious storylines and after those no one could ever take Mark seriously.
Honorable mention goes to:

Tim White trying to commit suicide for weeks with Josh Matthews trying to stop him. May have been after the AE but still it was stupid

Kane knocks up Lita and Snitsky causes her miscarriage...oh wait it wasn't his fault!

Billy and Chuck's build up to a gay wedding all to piss off the religious gay bashers

Mark Henry feels up a hot chick or vice versa I think the name was Rainy only to find a nut sack but his response was classic "OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!"

The Big Show is a bastard story with the bossman
Everyone keeps saying the same thing. "Choppy Choppy Pee-Pee," and "Katie Vick." However, I am going to take a different approach and talk about storylines that were awesome but could have been so much better but McMahon or whoever writing the storyline had to fuck everything all up.

1. The Ministry of Darkness
- Could have been an amazing storyline that could have led everyone to winning championships, and could have turned a few characters heel just be association with the Ministry of Darkness. Such as what the Right To Censor did, but instead of any of that, all the Ministry of Darkness became was a rebellious way to turn Taker heel and McMahon face, whilst making The Undertaker fresh again, and capitalize on the dark characters that debuted before and during this time. Such as Vis, Mideon, Edge, Christian, Gangrel, and the debut of the alliance between Farooq and Bradshaw. All of these characters were dark characters, which made the faction good, but imagine what they could have done with non-dark characters turning heel and being part of this massive group? It would have been amazing.

2. McMahon-Helmsey Era
- Way too much joking around came of this. First two weeks Triple H came out to talk about Stephanie and how they love each other. That was the first Raw. The first Smackdown Triple H came out to make fun of Vince and then Stephanie talked more about their love. Second Raw Triple H came out and started making matches. None of them were pro-heel like they should have been. It was surprisingly good booking, but bad for the angle because it didn't give the faces anything to rebel against. That same Raw, Triple H made a stupid "loser has to get topless" match with the Divas. We all knew we weren't gonna' see any titty, but it was a long match and it just looked way too obviously fake, and it was also cheap heat for Triple H to be the only one to see the girl topless. Second Smackdown it was pretty much the same thing, except Triple H was feuding with Mick Foley, whilst Big Show was doing his own thing. The Raw after that, Triple H beats Big Show for the WWF Title with no build-up and no angle. Then Rock for some reason has beef with Triple H, Big Show becomes friends with Triple H, DX rebels against Triple yet ... don't, and the Radicals debut and beat the Hell out of Triple H, only to be friends with him less than a week later. What were they thinking? That angle could have worked for half that year had they not shown such weaknesses in DX, HHH, and Stephanie during the time period. They didn't capitalize on Test and Stephanie's history, didn't capitalize on Vince, Shane and Linda having divided ownership, didn't capitalize the fact that there was more heels on the roster than faces, and didn't capitalize that the unstoppable Big Show was the WWF Champion.

3. The Power Trip
- With The Rock gone, Triple H and Stone Cold were the biggest stars of this time. It was awesome to see a heel Austin and heel Triple H beat the Hell out of people, but the thing is; they didn't have to go there. Austin with McMahon is a good enough "Oh my God!" situation as it is. Triple H, when he came out with a sledgehammer, the fans popped as loud as they did when Austin returned from his neck surgery. Triple H's popularity went sky-rocketing when he came out to attack Austin, but then he attacked The Rock instead. Imagine if the feud consisted of Austin and Triple H. Austin being a chicken shit talking about "You almost killed me! That's not right! You're a madman!", and HHH being the anti-hero, saying he doesn't give a damn if the fans cheer him. He's a cerebral assassin and he will end Austin's career. They could fight in a regular match at Backlash, wrestle in a handicap match at Judgement Day, wrestle in a handicap steel cage match at King of the Ring, and by then the Invasion thing would have happened, and Triple H could be feuding with Rob Van Dam or Booker T or someone, while Austin seemingly takes a backseat to things, giving the feud a rest, the characters a rest, and giving the performers somewhat of a rest, which would then show Triple H being the biggest babyface of the company, having The Rock return, having Austin turning ultra heel by backstabbing Vince and the WWF, having Angle backstab Vince and the WWF, and there ya' go. Two biggest heels; Angle and Austin, two biggest faces, Triple H and The Rock, neither of them get along, makes for amazingly interesting television for September, October, November, and then after that they could have had Austin turn face, and Triple H turn heel. Then you have Austin vs. Triple H again, and Rock vs. Angle, and by then Jericho, RVD, Booker T, and if the previous angles I mentioned were fixed, Test and Big Show would be elevated too, not to mention Kane, Undertaker, DDP, etc. getting a miniature push. This would have made the brand extension actually work, and could have made the loss of WCW and ECW actually be a good thing. However, the angle of The Power Trip happened the way it did, and it was over in three months, and only centered around Austin hugging people, rather than Austin becoming corporate.
plus dx started before the nwo was formed

The nWo was formed at the Bash at the Beach in 96, DX was formed sometime in 97 so nWo came before DX...however I don't agree with saying DX was a copy of the nWo, DX was much different.

Now getting on topic, I have to agree with almost every single idea that has been thrown out there so far, but I'm thinking Owen Hart joining the Nation of Domination, not that this is a horrible moment in wrestling history it just sticks out as something that doesn't make too much sense. White guy joining a group of black wrestlers and then trying to fit in just because DX was making fun of him, then again it is wrestling and its not all supposed to make sense.
plus dx started before the nwo was formed

DX did not start before the nWo, sorry... Listen I watch wrestling every week since The 80's and the days of Primetime Wrestling.. I don't mean to bash the Attitude Era but majority of the storylines were as someone else pointed out in this topic, Wrestle-Crap.. Believe it or not I'm a huge wwe fan I just am highly critical of the Attitude Era.. I feel like 80's and early 90's wrestling was an awesome time in wrestling. The Monday Night Wars were interesting also I def had my remote flipping back and forth between commercial breaks.. However there were some pretty outlandish storylines actually both companies were guilty of that.. Just wcw didn't do that as much until Eric Bischoff lost creative control.
I'm going with the Big show and Boss Man feud involving Big Show deceased father for the fact that his father had in fact passed away in reality only a few years or so beforehand. How WWF ever convinced Show to involve himself in that is beyond me but it's just a really really insensitive thing to do to a guy like Show who is a really nice guy non-kayfabe, and could have brought back some memories for him.
The worst has got to be by faar!!!! Bossman and Big Show!!! Making fun of the dead is just taking it tooo far and it was just awful.. dragging a coffin, I watched this and I was only 7!!! I thought it was real back then, I thought his dad had jsut recently died and it was his dad in there!! How bad must that be!!!!

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