Worst returns ever


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ok so in the past couple of weeks we have seen the return of the rock hhh and the undertaker well i havnt seen taker and triple h yet but couldnt help looking at the raw results lol. but anyway the Rocks return was ace and last nights returns sounded good to but i must admit i was a little disapointed to hear sting didnt show up.

but neways as these were good it got me thinking what were the worst returns ever. and i dont mean if you dont like the wrestler i mean if it was badly done by the creative team,not hyped enough,hyped to much,completly botched,or just plain dissapointing.

my first choice would be the bret hart return just cause it could have been so much better i think they shudnt of advertised his return as the raw guest host. i think they should have kept it a secret and have him interupt vinnie mac in the ring or somthing i was really dissapointed how dead the crowd were when he made his entrance aswell probally due to the anouncer introducing him first and killing a bit of suspense. so that one was a bit of a fail in my opinion.

another one i remember is when melina was abowt to return and they showed her ring entrance video when a different diva was on her way to the ring thus completly ruining the surprise it was quite funny though as even the commentators didnt even try and cover that one up lol

so what do you think are the crappiest wwe returns ever

ps sorry if the threads already been done
I think Christian's return to the WWE after being in TNA tops the list. Not only did he return on ECW instead of any of the major shows, but the announcers made it sound like they couldn't care less about his return.
I think Christian's return to the WWE after being in TNA tops the list. Not only did he return on ECW instead of any of the major shows, but the announcers made it sound like they couldn't care less about his return.

Agreed. That was pretty bad.

The top one in my book is Goldberg's debut in WWE. He was the biggest thing coming out of WCW, and all they do is announce him coming to WWE on WrestleMania, only for him to come in the following Monday with absolutely no hype, say one thing to The Rock when he was STARTING to get over the crowd again, and spear him. Epic fail, and that led to him not being much of anything for the rest of his one-year tenure in WWE.

Too much hype for nothing? Two people come to mind - Ultimo Dragon (does anyone even remember him?) and, I hate to say it, but Tazz. Wow, what a letdown. The biggest name out of ECW, he beats Kurt Angle in his debut, and goes on to a suck streak until he becomes an announcer.

Great thread.
I would have to say last nights return of the game was a big let down for me. I was looking forward to seeing the renewal of his feud with Sheamus lead to a vicious match at WM27 that could put sheamus over in a big way. Have him actually end HHH's career. I've seen HHH v Taker before and I don't think either of them can make this a WM worthy match. I hope I'm proven wrong though.
Worst return ever would have to be D Lo Brown back in 07 i believe it was. I liked the guy and i marked out when his entrance hit, thought he was going to get a small push as a intercontinental champ at least but that did not happen

P.S: Im new to this site :)
Jericho's return after the "Save Us" campaign was pretty weak. Yes he ended up being pushed, but he came back looking like an idiot in the sparkly vest, sounded a bit camp and looked really unthreatening. It was so poor compared to his red-hot debut as "the millenium man" where he was on top of his game.

Also, Bret Hart returning from a long term injury in WCW and just being pictured in the background in the locker room must rank as one of the worst. Hart was really pissed off that that was all WCW planned for his triumphant return. Yet another example of WCW not knowing what to do with a perfomer of Bret Hart's calibre.
I think last night's ranks among the worst returns ever. I just didn't get the point of the segment, I mean it set up a match at WM but neither of them mentioned why they were gone from the WWE for so long - hell they didn't even speak.
I think last night's ranks among the worst returns ever. I just didn't get the point of the segment, I mean it set up a match at WM but neither of them mentioned why they were gone from the WWE for so long - hell they didn't even speak.

Icons like that don't need to speak they got the crowd into it and thats all that matters plus..... for the first time in a long time i noticed that the Undertaker smiled!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think last night's ranks among the worst returns ever. I just didn't get the point of the segment, I mean it set up a match at WM but neither of them mentioned why they were gone from the WWE for so long - hell they didn't even speak.

You don't get the point? Did you see them both stare at the sign? They're not new comers, they know what the deal is. It was said without being said. The reason why HHH wants him at Mania will be explained on Smackdown or Raw next week. It makes you tune in to see it, the segment was done very well.

Onto the OP, I'll go with an odd one. When Jim Ross returned from his episode with Bells Palsy in 1999. He came back on Raw and turned heel stating that Michael Cole was taking his place, just kinda wierd.

Other then that, WWE handles returns very well and the one's already mentioned were well done so I can't agree with them.
I have to go with Christian after TNA. Clearly some anger was still felt towards the guy after suceeding with the company's biggest rival.
i might go with big show's return because he got his nose broken by mayweather lol

d'lo brown got NO push for his return...i think he was on raw once and then gone again

cena returning as #30 in the rumble to win it was gay as fuck too

gail kim got a shitty return
Idk, I really think that even if they are icons that Taker and Trips should've spoke atleast a little. That whole stare down and taunt fest was the biggest waste of 10-15 minutes ever. I too was disappointed this whole thing didn't have anything to do with Sting, but that was myself getting more hyped about it than I should've....

I actually think the worst return ever was when the nWo came back at No Way Out years ago... It was only a month of build up between then and Wrestlemania when the Rock and Hogan had their match. I think the nWo should've come in a lot sooner than that to really run all over the roster during that time as Vince was "poisoning" the WWF(E). And then with everything that ended up happening to the nWo, the DX thing at the time, and the lame creation of X-Factor. All of those events after the nWo return (debut if you will) was done poorly.
Last night was truely abysmal - I know Taker is not great on the stick, but Trips is ok (in small amounts) so even rant about Michaels or coming back for one last hurragh would have been useful - remember this is not something they have loads of time to set up and is meant to be one of the key showdowns of the decade.

As for other nominations, any of the Royal Rumble 'surprise' returns winners should be considered - as there's no lead up and it makes a total joke of people putting in the grind day in and out only to be supplanted. Bret's return was awful, but I think that was probably due to the strained relations between the Harts and McMahons. Final suggestion would be any of the random appearances Hogan made during the early 2000s when he'd appear to boost ratings, look awful and then sod off.

The Rock demonstrated that if you're going to come back, you'd better still be on your 'A game', which why the Hogan and Hart episodes were SO bad - lazy creative + over the hill legends = automatic let down.
ya know, for the life of me....i CANNOT understand why everywun thought sting was coming to WWE. Nowun ever said that he was, an then ppl get madd when they found out that it was the undertaker. Somebody PLEASE show me where anywun said that sting was coming back..to me its just a rumor that the IWC made up and now your madd cuz it didnt happen..blame yourselves for that disappointment, not WWE...

anyways, imma have to go with Christians return. Its like nowun cared he was back..and the fact that he was on ecw made it worse. And honestly, the Bret Hart return was a bit anti-climactic. i can put my finger on it, but something about it was just sooo lack-lustered...and the time he spent there along with the storyline was just soooo boring. I remember watcing Wrestlemania and changing the channel for a couple of minutes....that shouldnt ever happen lolz
I have to agree with a few of the other poster who say that last night was a let down. Having Taker and Trips both retun at the same time you would expect something huge but it was a bit of a non event.
Last night let me down a little too. It was obviously going to be Taker after the second batch of promos, but still, wow. I know he's getting along a bit now, but he just looks so damn old. He looked withered when he came out last night. I think he should have at least said a few words before HHH cut in. It all could have been handled a lot better IMO.
Last night was one of the worst returns in my opinion. Not because they didn't say anything, but because HHH did nothing to Sheamus. Seriously, Sheamus has been bragging about taking Hunter out for 10 months now, and when HHH came back he doesn't even act like it happened? Same for Undertaker. He got taken out by the Nexus, although, technically, the group that took him out is now the Corre, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow to know what he'll do.
ya know, for the life of me....i CANNOT understand why everywun thought sting was coming to WWE. Nowun ever said that he was, an then ppl get madd when they found out that it was the undertaker. Somebody PLEASE show me where anywun said that sting was coming back..to me its just a rumor that the IWC made up and now your madd cuz it didnt happen..blame yourselves for that disappointment, not WWE...

anyways, imma have to go with Christians return. Its like nowun cared he was back..and the fact that he was on ecw made it worse. And honestly, the Bret Hart return was a bit anti-climactic. i can put my finger on it, but something about it was just sooo lack-lustered...and the time he spent there along with the storyline was just soooo boring. I remember watcing Wrestlemania and changing the channel for a couple of minutes....that shouldnt ever happen lolz

Why do you insist on typing *one* as *wun* :scratchchin:

On topic I would probably go with Val Venis in 07 or something. He came back bald and I really fail to see the point of even bringing him back.
Yeah I was already let down before last night's Taker and Trips return as I could care less about the came and gone so many times before like Terry Funk's retiring's before he actually retired. And the other 1 was Christian same reason as earlier posts. I hope Sheamus teams up w/ Wade Barrett to challenge both Taker and Helmsley @ Mania as that would be epic.
Vader coming back, then tripping and ensuring it was a one time only return was bad. Jericho's "Save Us"...just about everyone knew it was going to be him, and he just isn't the generic babyface that he tried to be. What was with the wallet chain??

Ultimate Warrior debuting on WCW was awful. He came out slowly, and did this long, rambling promo...he was known for being a ball of energy, you take that away and there isn't much left. The whole run he had was bad. Goldberg on WWE wasn't quite as bad, but it was very disappointing.

I thought Taker & HHH last night was good...thinking logically, you had Rock with that big promo last week, Taker & HHH can't match that. Going silent was a good move, let their faces tell the story.
Last night was pretty good I reckon.

Didn't expect HHH to be coming back last night with the way the rest of the storylines have been going.

I think no talking worked, they could have maybe done a few short sentences and left though.

Worst return ever, john cena when he was supposed to be fired and he kept appearing in the crowd. Was a joke IMO
Last night was pretty awful. They build up the Undertakers return and you think he's gonna call out Wade Barrett or even Kane. Instead you have Triple H come out, steal Undertakers thunder and poses for 10 minutes. Absolute crap.

The worst return for me (that I can remember right now) was Joey Mercury. Being the masked man in the Straight Edge Society for a few weeks than being unmasked. Shortly after, getting his butt kicked every week and than disappearing again. It was disappointing.

p.s. With the good returns the past few weeks (Booker T, Diesel & The Rock), there's always gonna be a crappy one. Sadly it was Taker's
A not so good return. One really springs to mind. How about Mr. Kennedy? His return was VERY short lived. He returned after an injury and movie filming. It was after the Staples Center debacle with WWE Raw show. It was Cena and some other guys wearing Denver Nuggets jerseys versus Orton and some other guys in Lakers jerseys. Cena and his team were one man down, and lo and behold, the 6th person was MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY…………KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. :worship:

Then that night, they’re fighting. Kennedy goes to do a move on Orton, and everyone can see a ‘botch.’ And then Orton RKO’s him, but somehow he gets out, and Cena gets the win as usual. But then the next day or so on WWE.Com..”We wish Mr. Kennedy well in all his future endeavors.” So much for the return. :shrug:

Another one was when McCool, Layla and Maryse were facing off against Kelly, and some other Divas. I can't remember who was returning, it was either Candice, or Melina, and they showed the wrong titantron when another diva was coming in, and it kinda ruined the surprise. Then like about a month later, if it was Candice, she was 'future endeavored.' So much for the great comeback.
i might go with big show's return because he got his nose broken by mayweather lol

d'lo brown got NO push for his return...i think he was on raw once and then gone again

cena returning as #30 in the rumble to win it was gay as fuck too

gail kim got a shitty return

I'd have to agree with concerning cena's return, i was so pissed off when i heard his music played that i turned the tv off and went to bed, even though I had stayed up all night to watch it and paid £15 for the 'pleasure'.

Last nights was pretty piss poor also, I was actually quite pleased with HHH's music hit, but the HHH Undertaker interaction was very disappointing
last night was DOUBLE DISSAPOINTMENT, i mean we knew taker was coming back so there wasnt high expecations there, but for hhh's music to just hit randomly and come out and stare down taker it was just really bad. And to top it off shamous comes out right after that...like go kick his ass hunter!

anyways you have brain damage if you say you liked that silent waste of 2 returns segment. hhh vs taker is wack.

worst return ever....kely kelly !

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