Worst Match Ever!!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Now lets be honest, there are always threads about such a bodies great matches or the best match ever or the best match with the best high spots etc...I could go on forever!!!

In this thread is simple, just in the same way as best match however its WORST MATCH!!

What would you say is the worst match ever in wrestling!!
Pick as many as you like, but give a reason behind it..
I know there are lots so choose carefully!

For me it would have to be Scott Steiner vs. Triple H at No Way Out 2003, this match was just awful, infact any match they had was just horrible, the feud I have to admit was quite good, with the promos and the bench pressing and pose downs etc. but their fights never delivered...

Now for the Honourable Mention!!
Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XX - So much hype, but not good match at all...

The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez at WrestleMania 9 - I mean WTF??

Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes at Backlash 2009 - This match wasn't booked very well..

Hulk Hogan vs. Warrior at Halloween Havoc 1998 - They tried to redo a WrestleMania match which came off crap!!

Gerald Brisco vs Pat Patterson at KotR 2000 in a hardcore evening gown match - Seriously WTF??

Chavo vs. Hornswoggle - Pick any match

Bret Hart vs. Vince at WrestleMania XXVI - This was purely as revenge match!

Just had to get them off my chest!!!

What do you consider the worst??
In my opinion it would have to be either:
Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Halloween Havoc 1998- As you said they tried to recreate a wrestlemania epic and failed well epically.

Another match that I have found bad is Orton vs HHH wrestlemania 25- The build up was awesome I was expecting a lot out of this match when suddenely they just smacked me in the face and gave me a really bad match which let the whole build up down.
25 Diva Battle Royal at Mania 25 which was over shadowed by a 15 minute Kid Rock Concert and Santino Marella. I mean the 25 women didn't even get proper introductions, the comedy guy won the match and a freaking Kid Rock concert was to blame for it (it also bumped the unification of the tag team titles off the card).

Worst match ever - A Kid Rock Concert that overshadows both the Diva's in the Diva's Battle Royal and pushing the tag titles off the card.
One particular match came to mind:

Brock Lesnar vs Bill Goldberg (Wrestlemania XX)

Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg was a dream match for some at the time. Lesnar had a similar "unstoppable monster" gimmick that Goldberg had in the late 90s. Here's the thing, Lesnar announced that he got out of his WWE contract to pursue the NFL. WWE had signed Goldberg to only a limited amount of appearances for the previous year, and this was his last match. He also was very jaded with the wrestling business. So, you had two people on their way out and both could had really given a **** at all when they were in the ring.

The match consisted of of stalling... more stalling... did I mention LOTS of stalling? The crowd was chanting "You sold out!" to Lesnar. Brock Lesnar lost his cool and flipped off the crowd. The guest referee was Stone Cold Steve Austin, and he got the biggest pop of the match when delivered a Stone Cold Stunner to Brock Lesnar. We also got a few seconds of another dream match we've always wanted as Steve Austin delivered a Stunner delivered to Goldberg.

There has been lots of bad "big time" matches at Wrestlemania. However, in those matches, the wrestlers at least tried to tell a story and put something out there in those matches, even if it was horrible. If they didn't try, we at least got an "autopilot." We didn't even get that here! These guys didn't give a **** about the match, making history, or the fans.

I'd love to know what the mindset of these two giant massive egomaniac brutes was on that fateful night. Did they really just not care because both of them were leaving the WWE right after the match was over? Did they both agree ahead of time to just stand there for six minutes and do nothing? This one gets the number one spot because it has the biggest gap in hype versus actual outcome. For heaven's sake it was freakin' Goldberg vs Lesnar! This should have been a really great match. WWE hyped like there was no tomorrow!! Two huge guys that don't give a damn about the business and who like to hurt people for real? It's a dream scenario.

Can you imagine if this match was halfway decent? 'Mania XX would have been the best 'Mania, hands down. Were these guys afraid of each other? Were they secretly in love with one another? Were they both refusing to wrestle due to the "smarky" MSG crowd? Did they both resent the fact that they were both getting a Stunner after the final bell? Did they actually think that mad dogging each other for five minutes would actually build palpable tension and add to the drama of the match?

Austin did his best to try and reign these two dopes in. At one point he even made a bent arm "checking his watch" gesture much to the delight of the crowd. After about nine minutes, these two stars engaging in something that looked like an actual match. Oh, what could have been. What could have been.

You had two of the best bigger men in wrestling going at it. What went wrong? Well, first of all, through the internet, the fans learned that both Goldberg and Lesnar would be leaving WWE following the match. This lead to a chorus of boos and "You Sold Out" chants throughout the match. In the end, Goldberg was able to finish Lesnar with a Jackhammer, but the highlight of this one was clearly special referee Stone Cold Steve Austin delivering Stunners to both men following the match.

What a send-off. I cannot believe I will ever say this despite the fact they got Lesnar, Goldberg, and Austin on the same ring, Goldberg vs Lesnar at Wrestlemania XX makes Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales at Wrestlemania IX looks like Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania XXI.

This is why I dislike it when people say Undertaker vs Goldberg at Wrestlemania 27 next year would be a legendary match. If Goldberg cannot do it with Lesnar on his prime 6 years ago what makes u think he can do it with the aging and injured Undertaker after 6 years without wrestling?
In my opinion it would have to be either:
Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Halloween Havoc 1998- As you said they tried to recreate a wrestlemania epic and failed well epically.

Another match that I have found bad is Orton vs HHH wrestlemania 25- The build up was awesome I was expecting a lot out of this match when suddenely they just smacked me in the face and gave me a really bad match which let the whole build up down.

I don't think that match is at bad as everyone has made it out to be. I thought it was a decent match and I enjoyed. The had the follow the HBK vs Undertaker match and that was one hell of a match to follow up on and I think any match that placed after would not have looked as good.

So I don't think that is worst match ever. I would have to vote for Goldberg vs Lesner. Neither guy really want to compete to their fullest that night and it showed threw out the whole match. It was a shame that stone cold was apart of it.
Well, when considering Goldberg vs Lesnar, I think WWE expected something like this to happen, hence the reason Stone Cold was out there.
This was obviously one of the worst matches in history simply because it did not deliver.
Others in my mind are:

Any match involving Hornswoggle
The 25-Diva Battle Royal WrestleMania XXV
John Cena vs Big Show Submission Match

Hornswoggle makes any match a piss break, that battle royal was complete garbage beginning to end and cena vs big show was just boring as hell. You can't have a good submission match unless the two guys are technical geniuses.
my vote would be for honky tonk man vs ultimate warrior at i believe summerslam 88----just dont care much for the squash match when its a champion fighting----especially when the man has been the longest reigning ic champ in history.
my vote would be for honky tonk man vs ultimate warrior at i believe summerslam 88----just dont care much for the squash match when its a champion fighting----especially when the man has been the longest reigning ic champ in history.

This was a good thing...Everyone was waiting for the day to come where he would lose the title, the reign was a joke IMO...but hey, this match is your opinion and I respect that!
It seems to that the whole Goldberg/Lesnar thing could have been avoided. Vince McMahon knew going into the night that Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar were leaving WWE after the match- if you even want to call that a match. Anywaya, the worst match of all time happened at No Mercy 2003. The Vince vs Stephanie I Quit match. How Can that even be called a match?:wtf:How the fuck can WWE book a father/daughter I Quit "match" as a PPV main event.:confused:It was disturbing to see, the whole story leading up to it was disturbing.:banghead::angry::icon_sad:I was so upset, I didnt watch WWE again til Wrestlemania 20. I only did that cause I heard THe Undertaker was coming back as the Deadman.

Dishonorable mention: John Cena vs. Big Show submission match, Extreme Rules`08. This match almost put me to sleep. I literally almost missed the rest of the show-Hardy/Edge ladder match CM Punk mitb cash in- all because of Show and Cenas sorry excuse of a submission match.:disappointed:
This was a good thing...Everyone was waiting for the day to come where he would lose the title, the reign was a joke IMO...but hey, this match is your opinion and I respect that!

i understand neither man was that great and i was never a fan of either of them but i just never understood a champion getting squashed in a match--but i understand there were guys more deserving than HTM to wear the strap--just a hard time understanding why make a guy a champ of any kind just to lose it in a squash--makes him look weak to me in the 1st place--i see your point clearly though
I have not seen this one mentioned yet: HOLLYWOOD HOGAN VS. STING (CROW VERSION) at Starcade with the Bret Hart ref ending. The match was built up for well over a year with Sting and his silence, his bat and repelling down from the rafters. Terrible match, Hogan literally won with a legit 3 count, then they bring in Bret in a WWE Montreal Screwjob style and reference thing to reverse it. Sting was in horrible shape, pale as a ghost and Hogan and the nWO started going down from that point, breaking off into factions, etc.
The Gimmick Battle Royal at WM 17. The tuxedo match between Harvey Whippleman and Howard Finkel. Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco (which I believe they were in evening gowns). Any of the matches between Chavo Guerrero and Hornswaggle. Chavo was probably thinking he would rather have gone back to his Kerwin White persona than have to continue the program with Hornswaggle.
How about The Undertaker vs The Undertaker at SummerSlam 94? So much hype for that match and it blew. The crowd was not in it at all. You could hear crickets. That would get my vote.....
As for me, some matches comes up to my mind.

Any Scott Steiner vs Triple H match - My gawd, why would you put Scott Steiner in the main event of an PPV like Royal Rumble??? Both matches were awful, Triple H was carrying the both matches, and even with his effort, it just wasn't decent.

Kevin Nash vs HHH - This is an different story. I respected Kevin Nash, and i know he was a great worker... in the 90's!! Come on, why would you put those two in a basically, a squash match in Judgment Day and then a crappy Hell in A cell at Badd Blood, and that was for me the worst Hell in a Cell ever.

Stephanie McMahon vs Vince McMahon - for obvious reasons.

Hardcore Holly vs Brock Lesnar -I get it, revenge and all, for breaking his neck, but couldn't you make it in a SmackDown? in Royal Rumble?? Come on...

John Cena vs Triple H -I think most of you will disagree with me in this one, but i think that this match wasn't that good. I think he should be better for a main Event at Wrestlemania. As for Night of Champions, i liked that one.

Triple H vs The Great Khali - WTF? That for a main event for SummerSlam? Much part of the match was The Great Khali squashing HHH for then, this win it a botched Pedigree? Man...

Triple H vs Orton Wrestlemania XXV - This one was a Flop. THe crowd was so pumped up after the HBK vs Undertaker, that felt like a Dissapointment. Well, it was , but it wasn't that bad.

John Cena vs Big Show Submission - OMFG, why would you put this two in a match like this?? It was so ******* boring, i almost fell asleep. It bring the whole PPV down, just like Batista vs Orton Steel Cage.

Undertaker vs CM Punk Hell in a Cell - This one was so bad, this one was just like a squash match. It could have been so good. But no, you just have to make CM Punk look bad with that...

Sheamus vs John Cena Tables - Come on, this one was boring, they could have make better with this one. Hope Spots with tables, Sheamus dominance, but no you have to make Cena tripped... well, the good thing, is that Sheamus won!

Well, there must be others, but i just can't remember...
As has been mentioned already, Hulk Hogan vs. Warrior at Halloween Havoc 98. Try to recapture something, that in all fairness wasn't a great match even at a Wrestlemania. Some others include, John cena vs Big Show's submission match back in 2008 (PPV escapes me) dear god I was bored to tears, and it pretty much killed that tiny bit of interest I had left in WWE - yet I continued watching for a while. The 3000000 Chavo vs Hornswoggle matches, seriously man every week for how long??? That was the end of my 20 years following the WWE. (this Nexus angle however has made me tune in again). The Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez, what in the blue hell were they smoking when they hired Gonzalez? Let alone putting him against The Undertaker as.. a threat? C'mon!

I could go on... but I won't!

Oh and anything in which they try to palm off a "diva" as a wrestler. Please, they are eye candy with basic skills. Get in a LuFisto type worker or Cheerleader Melissa and maybe I'd be interested in watching!
Hulk Hogan vs HBK at Summerslam 2005 was epically awful. For the first time ever it squared off arguably the most entertaining wrestler ever vs arguably the greatest in-ring performer ever.

Obviously backstage politics took place which is a shame especially given both had no "spot" to protect. Veteran Egos.

The match consisted of HBK putting on the greatest performance of over-selling in the history of WWE PPVs. Punches by Hogan sent Shawn tumbling like he was hit by a semi-truck. Red boots to the stomach sent the Heartbreak Kid towards the ceiling. Tumbling! Spinning! Flopping!

Shawn always had the ability to create realism in his matches, but in this match he purposely did the complete opposite. He could have gone out there and and been one of the few people to pull out a 4 star match with Hogan, but he didn't even try.

But i blame Hogan for it, and i don't fault Shawn at all for the slapstick antics. They agreed to have 2 matches and Hogan would win at Summerslam and Shawn would win the second. But Hogan did what Hogan has always done and played his Stroke Card and said he was only wrestling Shawn once. The match was already booked and promoted, so what else could vince do. Shawn was told and the match goes down in history as one of the worst.

One a side note: The Honkey Tonk Man vs Warrior was perfectly booked. Wresting is a machine. To quote Optimus Prime: I rise, you fall. The WWF used Honkey Tonk Man for everything he had, and it was time to move on.

The problems was, they never evoled the HTM character after that. They could have turned him face and battled jimmy hart. But in the end, there was really no reason to make him look strong.
As for me, some matches comes up to my mind.

Any Scott Steiner vs Triple H match - My gawd, why would you put Scott Steiner in the main event of an PPV like Royal Rumble??? Both matches were awful, Triple H was carrying the both matches, and even with his effort, it just wasn't decent.

Honestly, I don't think this was the worst match of the whole PPV. I thought the actual Royal Rumble was worse.

Kevin Nash vs HHH - This is an different story. I respected Kevin Nash, and i know he was a great worker... in the 90's!! Come on, why would you put those two in a basically, a squash match in Judgment Day and then a crappy Hell in A cell at Badd Blood, and that was for me the worst Hell in a Cell ever.

HHH had a bad 2003 in general. HHH/Nash wasn't the worst HIAC. HHH/HBK was.

Stephanie McMahon vs Vince McMahon - for obvious reasons

I loved this match. Good story about it and it sold McMahon as a evil bastard. What would you expect from two non-wrestlers?

Hardcore Holly vs Brock Lesnar -I get it, revenge and all, for breaking his neck, but couldn't you make it in a SmackDown? in Royal Rumble?? Come on...

Title matches on a Royal Rumble PPV are generally a testing ground. See Benoit, Mysterio, Mr. Kennedy, etc. Nothing wrong with this match.

John Cena vs Triple H -I think most of you will disagree with me in this one, but i think that this match wasn't that good. I think he should be better for a main Event at Wrestlemania. As for Night of Champions, i liked that one.


Triple H vs The Great Khali - WTF? That for a main event for SummerSlam? Much part of the match was The Great Khali squashing HHH for then, this win it a botched Pedigree? Man...

This match was all about HHH trying to hit his one big move and he did it. No different then most of the matches in WWE. One of Khali's best matches.

Triple H vs Orton Wrestlemania XXV - This one was a Flop. THe crowd was so pumped up after the HBK vs Undertaker, that felt like a Dissapointment. Well, it was , but it wasn't that bad.

It wasn't a disappointment. The reason everyone complains about this match is the fact that HHH won. HHH should have won after everything Randy did to him leading up to Wrestlemania.

John Cena vs Big Show Submission - OMFG, why would you put this two in a match like this?? It was so ******* boring, i almost fell asleep. It bring the whole PPV down, just like Batista vs Orton Steel Cage.

I saw nothing wrong with them having a submission match. I thought it would have been better if Cena used leg-based submissions but it was fine with me.

Undertaker vs CM Punk Hell in a Cell - This one was so bad, this one was just like a squash match. It could have been so good. But no, you just have to make CM Punk look bad with that...

Considering how Breaking Point went down, I'm not surprised.

Sheamus vs John Cena Tables - Come on, this one was boring, they could have make better with this one. Hope Spots with tables, Sheamus dominance, but no you have to make Cena tripped... well, the good thing, is that Sheamus won!

Well, there must be others, but i just can't remember...

It was actually a good match and the shock factor was off the charts when Sheamus won and you saw far he has come today.

The worst match to me is easily the Diva's Battle Royal at WM 25. Kid Rock didn't do it any favors. Very boring match and Santina winning was just dreadful.
I'd expect them not to be the focus of a wrestling PPV as non wrestlers...

That's what you get when you have single-brand PPV's. Sometimes having the focus on non-wrestlers on a wrestling PPV isn't all that bad. Wrestlemania 23 for example as the focus was on the Battle of the Billionaires. Plenty of emotion in the father-daughter I Quit match and I didn't expect anything great so it wasn't a bad match in my opinion.
I'm surprised nobody has posted the Fingerpoke of Doom match. From then on WCW was starting to go downhill.

The other one that was almost a carbon copy of that was that one match with Hogan and Jarrett and Jarrett laid down on the ground waiting to be pinned, followed by some bitching between Hogan and Russo. I can't fully remember the story but the thing that sticks out in my mind is when Hogan says, "That's why this company is in the damn shape it's in, it's because of bullshit like this."
I have not read everything here but mine it has to be the infamous hulk hogan poke of DOOOM honestly it was hogan vs nash for a title i think so at least anyway this was in Wcw in the NWO era inash was challenging hogan for the WCW title hogan got poked and acted like he got hit by a train thehn nash pinned him in like 7 seconds, not bad for a house show you say?
well it was for the main title in WCW on hallowen havoc 1993 a ppv tThey paid what 23.95? to see THAT as a main event i am sure the curtian jerker match was Far more entertaining then the main event
Hulk Hogan vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 18.You have two of the most charismatic,entertaining wrestlers of all time from the most popular eras wrestling each other.And the match sucked ass.At this time of coarse Hogan was slowed down.And The Rock was playing a cowardly heel character so he spent the entire match running around the ring.It was a serious let down.
My vote for worst match ever has got to be TNA's 'Reverse Battle Royal.' I remember watching this back when I still watched TNA and asked myself what the hell the booking crew was thinking putting on that abomination. In my opinion? One of the worst concepts that has ever been thought up.
My vote for worst match ever has got to be TNA's 'Reverse Battle Royal.' I remember watching this back when I still watched TNA and asked myself what the hell the booking crew was thinking putting on that abomination. In my opinion? One of the worst concepts that has ever been thought up.

Ye TNA did this at Bound for Glory 2007. I won't be surprised if they do the fingerpoke soon

Anyone remember Nash vs Backlund? That was a real treat :confused:
Hulk Hogan vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 18.You have two of the most charismatic,entertaining wrestlers of all time from the most popular eras wrestling each other.And the match sucked ass.At this time of coarse Hogan was slowed down.And The Rock was playing a cowardly heel character so he spent the entire match running around the ring.It was a serious let down.

You might just be talking about No Way Out 2003...The Rock didn't play a cowardly heel role at WM...Hogan was the heel...
I respect your opinion Little Jerry Lawler, but i disagree with you.

But hey, that's why this exist, to share opinions and ideas.


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