Worst Champion ever in WWE

Worst Champions (2000 - 2006)
(I only started watching WWE in 00)
WWE Championship : Big Show (2) -What was the point? He lasted a month and lost it to Angle. Benoit should of taken it off Lesnar not Show. and fued with Angle to Rumble.

World Championship : Goldberg (1) -A filler for Triple H? he lasted 3 months and then gave it back, I would of much rather Kane who was in the Triple Threat which cost Berg the World Title.

Intercontinental : Chyna -IMO-

Cruiserweight : -Blank- -Can't Remember Much.. They've all be relativly Good.

Womens Championship : Molly Holly (2) -I can't remember the details but it was when she dropped to Victoria at WM20.

United States Championship : Orlando Jordon -Although comical, it just downright sucked.

WWE Tag Championships : Animal & Hiedinrich (Spelling) -It ruined the Road Warriors Legacy, it should of never happened.

World Tag Championships : Rosey and Hurricane -Rosey should not of been fired and I'm glad Hurricane is back to being Helms.
Randy Orton/John Cena

They both didn't deserve it, and they still dont'.
i disagree that rey and benoit were bad champions. they were good champions, just the writers, who manage to screw up anything good, didn't know how to think of anything for them creatively. in that sense i think that world champions should have creative control over how they reign as champion. being the champion means that you are the main headliner for the company. so you should be able to say who you should feud with, not the writers. of course vince can have his say, but i think it should stay at that, no one's influence, vince and his champion together trying to make the most of the champions' reign.

my opinion as who was the worst champion ever............my pick is goldberg.
If the writers couldnt think of anything for them they should not ever have been given the belt, I will agree with you that Goldberg was shit but he always was and always will be anyway. SO im sticking with Rey sorry but he should not have gotten the belt out of pity ever.
OK In the opinion JBL was a very poor champion. The thing is that he never won the Intercontinental or US title before he became WWE champion. He pretty much just shot right to the top after dropping Ron Simmons.

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