World Wrestling Entertainment

It is the day after the 2009 edition of the ROYAL RUMBLE and WWE Owner Vince McMahon announces losses amounting to $14million dollars. He announces to Shareholders and Talent that ECW and SmackDown programming would be canceled as would the up-coming PPV No Way Out, instead the company would concentrate its efforts on the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.

Along with the loss of SmackDown and ECW is a number of contracted talent from both brands, any superstars of any importantance to creative or Vince himself would be moved to the RAW brand including 2009 Royal Rumble winner and ECW Superstar - Christian (now on RAW roster)

Vince McMahon also said he would like to concentrate on the financial aspect of the company for a while and therefore would hand power to his daughter Stephanie McMahon who in turn hired Theodore Long to be the RAW General Manager.

New WWE Roster:
Randy Orton
Kurt Angle
Triple H

Mr Kennedy
Shelton Benjamin
Elijah Burke
William Regal
Mike Knox
Santino Marella
Jeff Hardy
CM Punk
Hurricane Helms
D’Lo Brown
Matt Hardy
Kofi Kingston

Paul Burchill
Charlie Haas
Dolph Ziggler
Tyson Kidd
Ryan Braddock
Jimmy Wang Yang
Ricky Ortiz
Jamie Noble
Kung Fu Naki

Cryme Tyme
The Colons
Jesse + Festus

Miz + Morrison
Hawkins + Ryder

Mickie James
Gail Kim
Kelly Kelly

Beth Phoenix
Michelle McCool

The WWE will be running one broadcast per week - WWE RAW on the USA Network - also in HD.
Here are Results from the solf out WWE Royal Rumble Pay Per View held January 25th

CHRISTIAN CAGE won 2009 Royal Rumble Match
EDGE def. Triple H (to become WWE Champion)
BATISTA def. Kurt Angle (to remain World Champion)
NATALYA def. Mickie James (to remain WWE Womens Champion)
HAWKINS + RYDER def. The Colons (to remain WWE Tag Team Champions)

Due to SmackDown's closure RAW will be home to both the WWE Championship (currently held by Edge) and the World Heavyweight Championship (held by Batista)

WWE Officials have not released any statement regarding the future of both titles at this point.

New WWE Champion Edge will open the show and be handed the WWE Championship by General Manager Theodore Long.
I would like to say now that my promotion is based on the storylines which is why the matches may seem short.

New WWE Champion, The Rated R Superstar makes his way to the ring, he doesn’t have a championship belt with him.

Last night I became WWE Champion for the ninth time in my career, what have you people done that can amount to that? Nothing! I defeated the King of Kings, the so called Game! And now its time for me to be officially crowned WWE Champ so Teddy Long bring me my blet.

General Manager, Teddy Long, makes his way to the ring carrying a briefcase, he enters the ring and places the briefcase on a table positioned in the middle of the ring. He opens the briefcase and presents the WWE Championship belt to Edge.

Teddy Long:
Ladies and Gentlemen, your new WWE Champion... EDGE!

As Edge stands on the turnbuckle belt above his head Christian Cage’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage microphone in hand, he claps his hands before his music comes to a stop.

Christian Cage:
Congratulations Edge, nine time WWE Champ. You seem to be forgetting one thing however, tonight is not about you becoming WWE Champion, tonight is about Christian Cage winning the Royal Rumble and going on to headline Wrestlemania 25 in 6 weeks time. Now as the Rumble winner I have a decision to make, do I face you for the WWE title or do I face Batista for the World title?

Teddy Long:
Well playa I hate to rush you but I need an answer to that next week, as for tonight a triple threat will main event our show as Randy Orton, Triple H and Kurt Angle face off to determine the number one contender for the championship not chosen by you Christian, next week contracts for both Championships will be signed... Holla!


Shelton dominates the early going in this fast paced, high flying match-up, a lot of roll-up and school boy pins on Kingston’s part, Shelton continues to kick out after 1 and 2 counts. Kingston attempts to connect with his patented kick to the head but Shelton ducks and delivers a Pay Dirt, Shelton covers Kingston and gets the three count.

Winner and MITB Qualifier: Shelton Benjamin

Carlito and Primo Colon are stood backstage talking with Mickie James. Legacy, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase walk past and then track back until they are in the faces of The Colons.

Cody Rhodes:
Hey look Ted it’s The Colons, he guys don’t you have a famous father? Yeah... the famous Carlos Colon, well if he was here right now I would slap him in the face for producing two second string sons like you guys

Carlito, looking very annoyed jerks forward as if to hit Rhodes but is held back by Primo, Carlito tells the two he will deal with them in the ring later tonight, they are nothing more than punks who had wrestling careers handed to them on a silver platter.

Natalya’s strength is no match for Kelly Kelly in this encounter, Kelly doesn’t ever get a bit of offence on the Womens Champion and succumbs to the sharpshooter in what was essentially a squash match. Natalya celebrates by applying the sharp-shooter on Kelly after the bell, she lets go and pushes Kelly out of the ring.

Winner – WWE Womens Champion, Natalya
Cryme Tyme are sneaking about backstage, they notice the locker room of Tag Team Champions Hawkins and Ryder, they knock on the door, Ryder answers and see’s there is nobody there, he grabs Hawkins and the two set off down the corridor to try find who banged on their door. As Shad keeps watch JTG sneaks into the locker room and comes out with one of the Tag Team Championship Belts. The two walk away with the belt under JTG’s jacket.

A good back and forth match by two superstars capable of challenging for the WWE championship, IC champ MVP controls the early going, attempting on two occasions to connect with the drive by and pick up the win but Hardy moves on both attempts. On the second attempt Hardy reverses the drive by into a side effect thus turning the match on its head and gaining control of the Intercontinental champion.

As Hardy gets a number of near falls he signals for the twist of fate, as he does Elijah Burke appears on the stage and begins to make his way to ringside, Hardy ignoring his opponent stands on the turnbuckle and shouts at Burke for interrupting the match, as he turns around MVP connects with a big boot to the face, Hardy falls to the mat, MVP picks up his fallen opponent and delivers a Playmaker, he covers Hardy and retains his Intercontinental title

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion - MVP

After the match MVP and Elijah Burke start to beat down on Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy’s music hits and MVP and Burke clear the ring and escape through the crowd, Jeff helps Matt to his feet and the Hardy’s leave the ring.
WWE Champion Edge and World Heavyweight Champion Batista bump into each other backstage.

Hey Batista, how’s the second string champ doing? I mean it cant be easy living in my shadow as this is MY show!

Listen to me Edge, you won the title last night whereas I retained mine so I think you will find this is my show and as a matter of fact I’m off to ringside cos it looks like my opponent for Wrestlemania will be decided in that triple threat. Good look against Christian, your gonna need it.

Batista taps Edge on the shoulder and walks away.

A very noticeable emotional Carlito kicks of the match with Ted DiBiase, he points at Rhodes who raises his hands and steps of the ring, DiBiase takes advantage of Carlito’s lack of concentration by kicking him in the stomach and slamming his head on the turnbuckle in Legacy’s corner of the ring.

Rhodes tags into the match and knocks Primo of the ring apron, as Primo tries to get into the ring he is stopped by the referee, DiBiase and Rhodes perform a double DDT onto Carlito who is then knocked out, DiBiase takes care of Primo whilst Rhodes pins Carlito and picks up the win.

Winners - Legacy


Triple H who lost his WWE title to Edge, Randy Orton, last eliminated in the Royal Rumble and Kurt Angle who lost his title match with World Champ Batista lock eyes with each other, Randy Orton sneaks out of the ring leaving Trips and Angle to do battle, the two lock horns and Trips goes to punch Angle, angle reverses it into a German suplex and sends Trips crashing to the mat. Randy Orton gets back into the ring and as he does Batista’s music hits and the World Champ makes his way to ringside where a chair is waiting for him. Orton doesn’t lose eye contact with the animal, Angle takes advantage and delivers a German suplex to Orton as well. Angle points at the title resting on Batista’s shoulder.

Triple H and Orton exchange punches in the corner of the ring as Angle slides under the bottom rope and back into the ring, Angle charges towards the corner harbouring his opponents, Trips moves and Angle splashes into Orton who falls to the mat clutching his throat, Trips runs towards Angle and attempts a high knee, Angle ducks and delivers an Angle Slam, Angle goes for the cover put is pulled of by Orton who throws Angle out of the ring and covers Triple H himself, he picks up the win.

Winner and #1 Contender – Randy Orton

Orton rolls Triple H out of the ring as Batista makes his way into it, the two come face to face and Batista raises the title above his head, Orton looks into Batista’s eyes before looking up at the Championship belt.
I like this its pretty good. You give just enough onformation from the matches to let us know whats going on. Your storylines are good and I'm looking forward to the inevitable Orton/Batista and Edge/Christian storylines. Overall very good show.
RAW Preview
On this weeks RAW two Wrestlemania main events will be determined, Both WWE Champion Edge and World Champion Batista will find out thier oponents.

Will Royal Rumble winner Christian chose to face his old tag partner Edge or do battle with the Animal and which champ will be left for Randy Orton to face.

Also this week Tyson Kidd makes his debut, will the young superstar make an impact on RAW?

With another Money In The Bank qualifier scheduled who will join Shelton Benjamin in the 6 man competition?

Find out all this and more when RAW rolls into Detroit, Michigan.
RAW General Manager Theodore Long is in the ring, a desk is set up and he is joined by WWE Champion Edge and World Heavyweight Champion Batista. Teddy asks Christian Cage to join him in the ring. Christian’s music hits and he enters the ring.

Teddy Long:
Alright playa this is the moment of truth, I need an answer as to which champion your going to face at the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania.

Ive been thinking this over and over in my head for the last week and I think that I have made my decision.

Edge grabs the microphone from Teddy Long.

Listen Christian, I know we’ve had our differences in the past but im telling you if you pick me theres no way you will ever fulfil your dream of becoming WWE Champion cos there is no way this baby is getting out my sight, you’ll have more luck facing Batista.

You know what Edge, I was just about to sign the contract to face Batista at the big event but you have just changed my mind therefore at Wrestlemania I will challenge and defeat... you Edge! I will become WWE Champion.

Christian takes the pen and signs the contract on Edge’s side of the desk, he hands the contract and microphone over to Theodore Long and leaves the ring. As he does Randy Orton’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring, He and Edge pass on the ramp.

Orton gets into the ring, walks up to Batista, taps the belt resting on his shoulder and signs the contract, he throws it at Teddy Long and delivers a thunderous RKO to Batista.


The cocky Tyson Kidd saunters around the ring like he had been there all his life, he walks up to Kung Fu Naki and slaps him across the face, Funaki goes mad and jumps on Kidd sending him flying to the outside, Kidd slides back in and DDT’s Funaki.

Kidd controls the duration of the match, a high flying arsenal of moves makes him look like a proper superstar. He delivers a hard dropkick to the face of his opponent who goes flying out of the ring, Kidd demands that the referee count him out, Funaki climbs back into the ring at 5.

Kidd goes to slap Funaki once again but he ducks and Funaki rolls Kidd up and gets the win.

Winner – Kung Fu Naki

As Kung Fu Naki leaves the ring victorious, Tyson Kidd goes berserk and begins to destroy ringside, kicking the steel steps and assaulting a camera man.
Hawkins and Ryder leave their bags unattended as they enter the arena, Cryme Tyme, carrying one of the teams title belts walk towards the bag and opens one of them, they find the other WWE Tag Team Title belt and take it, when Hawkins and Ryder come back they confront Cryme Tyme who tell the tag champs that the guy who parked their car took the belt.
Jesse and Festus are talking with Natalya backstage, Legacy walk by and stop in front of Natalya, they ask how her father, Jim Neidhart is and suggest that they would kick his ass if he were still wrestling today, they then ask about her Uncle Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart, Jesse tells them to stop right there and that they should do their talking in the ring.

The four men are stood in the ring, the referee calls for the bell and Festus snaps, he charges towards legacy who scramble from the ring. They grab Festus’ leg from under the bottom rope and drag him out of the ring and slam his head against the ring post.

Jesse and DiBiase are in the ring, Jesse struggles towards his partner to tag him in, Rhodes drops from the apron and rings the bells rendering Festus docile. He steps down from the apron leaving Jesse to face Legacy as the referee tries to tempt Festus back onto the apron Legacy double team Jesse, Rhodes exits the ring whilst DiBiase delivers his dream street manouever and covers Jesse for the win.

Winners - Legacy

Before the match gets underway Elijah Burke again makes his way to ringside, Mike Knox takes advantage of Hardy’s lack of concentration and tosses him out of the ring, as Knox distracts the referee Elijah Burke begins to punch Hardy in the face, he picks him and tosses him back into the ring. Knox kicks Hardy in the mid-section before picking him up and throwing him into the corner of the ring.

As Hardy tries to gain some advantage Knox connects with the swinging STO knocking Hardy out, Knox covers his fallen opponent gaining a victory.

Winner and Money In The Bank Qualifier – Mike Knox

After the match, Knox and Burke begin the beat down on Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy makes the save clearing the ring of Burke and Knox, the Hardy’s stand united in the ring.
Tyson Kidd barges into the office of General Manager, Teddy Long.

Tyson Kidd:
You wanted to see me Teddy?

Teddy Long:
Your damn right I wanted to see you playa, you wrecked my arena all because you lost your match, that’s not the type of superstar I want on this brand. And as for assaulting one of my camera men, that is unforgivable, you’re lucky he doesn’t want to press charges playa.

Tyson Kidd:
Okay, Okay I’m sorry, give me one more chance, please?

Teddy Long:
You got it playa, next week you will go one on one with Kung Fu Naki.

Matt and Jeff are still in the ring as MVP makes his way to the ring, as MVP and Burke pass each other on the ramp MVP tugs at Burke’s arm and whispers to him, MVP drops his IC belt and him and Burke charge the ring.

MVP and Burke attack The Hardy’s, Burke brings in a steel chair and swings it at Jeff Hardy, Jeff ducks and as Burke turns around Jeff drop kicks the chair into Burkes face sending him flying out of the ring.

Matt Hardy delivers a twist of fate to MVP and tells Jeff to climb the top rope, Jeff delivers a swanton bomb and MVP rolls out of the ring.

Triple H makes his way to the ring, sledgehammer in hand, he is handed a microphone.

Triple H
Kurt Angle! Last week you cost me a chance at main eventing Wrestlemania when you angle slammed me and then watched me getting pinned by Randy Orton. Get your ass out here so I can kick it.

Kurt Angle’s music hits and he makes his way onto the stage.

Kurt Angle
Did you just hear yourself Hunter, you were the one who got pinned therefore you’re the one who cost me a World Title match at Wrestlemania and for that you’re going to pay.

Angle drops the microphone and charges towards the ring, slides in under the bottom rope, Triple H swings the sledgehammer but Angle ducks and connects with right hands, one right hand sends Triple H flying to the outside, Angle exits the ring and charges towards Trips who ducks and lifts Angle over his head and into the crowd.

As the two fight it out in the crowd a bunch of referees run down the ramp and into the crowd, they do their best to drag the two superstars apart and eventually manage it, As they are being held back they exchange words.

Edge and Batista start the match, Batista, the stronger of the two gains the upper hand and sends Edge flying into the corner. He connects with hard shoulder thrusts into Edge’s mid section, Edge runs towards Randy Orton and tags him in without his consent.

Batista again has the upper hand over his opponent he throws him into his own corner and tags Christian in, Christian points at Edge and demands that he comes into the ring. Christian pushes Randy Orton over to Edge who jumps from the ring apron and heads to the back, Orton looks on in shock as he turns around and is met with a spear from Batista. Batista covers and picks up the win.

Winners – World Champion Batista + Christian
Kung Fu Naki def. Tyson Kidd
Legacy def. Jesse + Festus
Mike Knox def. Matt Hardy (Qualifies for MITB)
MVP + Jeff Hardy fought to No Contest
World Champion Batista + Christian def. WWE Champion Edge + Randy Orton

Batista(c) vs Randy Orton

Edge(c) vs Christian

Shelton Benjamin vs Mike Knox vs - vs - vs - vs -
BREAKING NEWS: has recieved word that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon will make a one night only return to RAW this coming week to make a HUGE announcemen regarding Wrestlemania's 25th anniversary... what will the chairman have to say and how will it affect the celebrations.

also this week...
-2 Money in the Bank participants will be confirmed in tag team action
-Tyson Kidd gets his rematch with Kung Fu Naki
-With Mania Main Events confirmed what will happen between Orton + Batista and between Edge + Christian.
WWE Chairman opens the show and makes his way to the ring, he is carrying a briefcase. He enters the ring and is handed a microphone.

Mr. McMahon
The anniversary of my creation, Wrestlemania, is fastly approaching and to mark the celebration of my creation I shall create something else, a brand new championship.

Mr. McMahon opens the briefcase and pulls out a brand new shiny Championship Belt.

Mr. McMahon
This is the United States Championship and at Wrestlemania 25 there will be a 25 man battle royal to determine the New WWE United States Champion. As far as tonight goes after last week’s performance between Kurt Angle and Triple H the two will square off tonight.

A back and forth tag team match, Miz kicks off with R-truth who performs some high flying moves to gain the upper hand, Punk is tagged in and Morrison is also tagged in. Morrison gains advantage and throws Punk into the corner, Punk reverses and delivers a knee to the face of John Morrison, Morrison falls to the floor.

Miz comes running in but is stopped by R-Truth, Punk picks up Morrison and delivers the Go To Sleep, Punk covers and picks up the win and two spaces in the MITB match for himself and R-Truth.

Winners and Money in the Bank Qualifiers – CM Punk + R-Truth
Hawkins and Ryder barge into the office of Teddy Long only to find Mr. McMahon sat there, they ask about Long’s whereabouts and McMahon reveals he has given the general manager the night of.

Hawkins and Ryder tell Mr. McMahon about their title belts going missing and they demand a match with Cryme Tyme. Mr. McMahon confirms the match and tells the Tag Team Champions to get out.

Gail Kim debuts in the WWE to a massive ovation, as Gail Kim enters the ring Michelle slaps her across the face. Michelle delivers a DDT to Kim and flaunts about the ring as Kim lays on her back. As Michelle walks back towards Kim she grabs Kim’s hair and begins to pick her up but Kim rolls Michelle up and gets a three count. Michelle dives straight up and complains to the referee, Gail Kim grabs Michelle and throws her out of the ring.

Winner – Gail Kim

As Gail Kim celebrates in the ring the WWE Womens Champion, Natalya appears on the stage. Natalya has a microphone in her hand.

Your first match and your first win, well done Gail but let me tell you I was not impressed with that match, you showed not one ounce of my talent which is why I am WWE Womens Champion.
A car pulls up outside the arena, a driver exits the front seat and walks to the back of the car, he opens the door and out steps the World Heavyweight Champion Batista, he walks to the back of the car and to the trunk, he pulls out his briefcase and closes the trunk, as he picks up his case out of nowhere Randy Orton appears and RKO’s Batista onto the trunk of his car, Batista flops to the floor and Orton stands above Batista. He lifts up the World Title before lying back onto Batista.
Ricky Ortiz is stood talking with Kelly Kelly, he tells her that he has just been granted a place into the Wrestlemania 25 man battle royal for the new US Title. Kelly wishes him luck before the pair go off in separate ways.

After a defeat to Funaki in his debut match Tyson Kidd enters this match with a new found mentality, he takes full control of the early going of the match kicking Funaki in the mid-section and tossing him into the corner of the ring, he delivers a standing dropkick on his opponent who drops to the floor.

Tyson picks up Kung Fu Naki and delivers his finishing manoeuvre, a diving somersault leg drop. Tyson covers Funaki and gets the three count. As the referee lifts Kidd’s hand in defeat Kidd celebrates like he had just won the World Heavyweight Championship, slapping hands with the fans at ringside.

Winner – Tyson Kidd
Edge walking down the corridor of the arena barges into Christian’s locker room, Christian dives to his feet.

What the hell do you want?

I’m here to tell you that you better watch your back because he may suffer the same fate as Batista and by the way I would like to extend an invitation for you to come on the Cutting Edge next week on RAW.

If anyone is going to suffer the same fate as Batista its going to be you Edge and as far as appearing on the Cutting Edge goes, count me in because not only will I be discussing our match at Wrestlemania im going to make an announcement which will undoubtedly affect your show. Now if you don’t mind, get the hell out of my locker.
The Hardy’s confront MVP backstage who is talking with Elijah Burke. The Hardy’s demand a tag match tonight against the pair. MVP informs the Hardy’s that Mr. McMahon has given him the night off and reveals that McMahon informed him that next week on RAW The Hardy’s and Elijah Burke would face off in a Triple Threat match with an opportunity at Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania 25 on the line.

Hawkins and JTG start the match, JTG gets the better of Hawkins and tosses him into his teams corner, Shad tags himself in and delivers some hard shots into the face and mid section of Curt Hawkins. He tosses his opponent across the ring and tags in JTG.

Hawkins, slumped in the corner, kicks JTG in the stomach as he walks over, he stands up and knocks Shad of the ring apron as Hawkins beats down on JTG Zak Ryder walks around the ring and picks up the tag title belts, as the referee calls for Ryder to get back into the ring Cryme Tyme double team Hawkins, Shad slips out of the ring and JTG covers and picks up the win.

Winners – Cryme Tyme
Legacy are backstage talking in their locker room, Goldust walks in.

Cody, I need a word.

Cody Rhodes
What do you want?

As your brother i need to put my foot down and tell you that you need to start showing the legends around here some respect.

Cody Rhodes
Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?

Im your brother!

Cody Rhodes
You’re a freak!

As Rhodes insults him Goldust slaps him across the face, Rhodes stares him down before Ted DiBiase jumps Goldust from behind. Legacy beat down on Goldust before throwing him out of their locker room.

As Triple H makes his entrance to the ring Kurt Angle attacks him from behind on the ramp. Angle throws Trips into the barrier and hip-tosses him up onto the stage. Angle Irish-whips Trips into the titantron but Trips reverses it and Angle goes face first into the screen.

Angle reverses an attempted Pedigree on the stage, Angle drags Triple H to the end of the stage, picks up him and Angle slams him from the stage to the floor below, Angle looks down on a broken Triple H before walking away. The paramedics rush to Triple H’s side and lift him on a stretcher and take him away.

Match Ends No Contest
CM Punk + R-Truth def. Miz + Morrison (to qualify for MITB)
Gail Kim def. Michelle McCool
Tyson Kidd def. Kung Fu Naki
Cryme Tyme def. Tag Team Champions Hawkins + Ryder (Non-Title)
Kurt Angle vs Triple H - Match Didnt Start

MVP will find out his Wrestlemania 25 opponent when Jeff Hardy takes on Matt Hardy and Elijah Burke in a triple threat match.

General Manager Teddy Long will this week introduce a New Talent initiative, how will a new superstar affect the balance on RAW and how will this new talent fair in his debut match.

With Batista and Triple H taken out by thier Wrestlemania opponents last week what will transpire with the perpatrators Kurt Angle and Randy Orton and what will happen when christian makes a guest appearance on the Cutting Edge promising to make an announcment.
Randy Orton opens RAW, as the show comes on air the #1 contender for Batista’s World Title is already in the ring. 4 Security guards surround the ring for his protection.

Randy Orton
I thought that I would come out tonight to inform you that your precious World Champion, Batista, is not here tonight. The RKO I gave him last week onto the trunk of his car, I’m hoping will have knocked some sense into him before I take his title from him at Wrestlemania

Orton is interrupted by General Manager Teddy Long.

Teddy Long
Orton, I’m not condoning what you did to Batista last week playa but there is nothing I can do about It now apart from put you in action tonight against the straightedge superstar CM Punk playa.
Todd Grisham is stood with Gail Kim backstage.
Todd Grisham
Please welcome my guest at this time, Gail Kim. Now Gail you debuted last week with a win over Michelle McCool but what I want to talk about is the comments made by WWE Womens Champion Natalya after the match.

A replay shows Natalya saying that she wasn’t impressed with Kim’s performance.

Todd Grisham
What’s your reaction to this?

Gail Kim
All I will say is that I don’t like to talk, I prefer to sort my business out in the ring so what I will so say to Natalya is put your money where your mouth is and put that title on the line.

A back and forth match with both superstars gaining advantages in the match. Kennedy gets the upper hand and backs Goldust into the corner of the ring, he stands on the second rope and hits Goldust whilst the crowd counts the punches, Goldust reverses this and turns it into a powerbomb, he covers Kennedy and gets a two count.

Goldust continues to dominate the match and in the corner of his eye he notices Legacy make their way towards the ring, Goldust takes his eye of his opponent to talk to Legacy but Kennedy jumps to his feet and rolls Goldust up for the win.

Winner and Money In The Bank Qualifier – Mr. Kennedy

Legacy get into the ring with Goldust slumped in the corner, Cody Rhodes takes a microphone.

Cody Rhodes
You had to get involved in our business didn’t you! Well this is what happens when you do. Now Wrestlemania is only two weeks ago and we are very keen to cement our legacy at the pinnacle of Sports Entertainment which is why we challenge you to find a partner to take on me and Ted DiBiase.
Teddy Long is on the stage.

Teddy Long
As a way of rejuvenating RAW I have instigated a new Talent Initiative and tonight is the first night so please welcome RAW’s newest superstar... Ryan Braddock!

Ryan Braddock makes his way to the ring, his opponent Jimmy Wang Yang is already in the ring.


Ryan Braddock looks very superior in his debut match against the Asian Red-Neck, Braddock dominates the match. Wang Yang tries to get back into the match but is met with a Lariat, yang collapses to the floor and Braddock covers for the win.

Winner – Ryan Braddock

As Braddock celebrates Tyson Kidd makes his way onto the stage, he is applauding as he walks.

Tyson Kidd
Well done... Ryan is it? Welcome to RAW but let me tell you something you maybe apart of this pointless Talent Initiative but I am the guy to beat on this show. I understand that you have been given a place in the Battle Royal at Wrestlemania, little word of warning, if you get in my way in that match I will dispose of you!

Tyson throws the microphone and walks to the back.
The Final Money in the Bank Qualifying match next will feature Gregory Helms vs. Santino Marella, the other Money In the Bank Qualifiers will be at ringside as the match is a lumberjack match.
Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring.

Kurt Angle
It felt real good to Angle slam Triple H from the stage last week and that was just a taste of what’s to come at Wrestlemania, now from what I understand Triple H is at home in Connecticut resting up and my message to you Triple H is...

Before he can finish his sentence Kurt Angle is interrupted as Triple H’s music hits, Angle doesn’t wait around as he darts out of the ring and runs through the crowd, The music stops as Angle continues running.

Matt and Jeff work together in the early going of the match, they deliver poetry in motion to Burke and he rolls out of the ring, the crowd goes wild as Matt and Jeff come face to face, as they prepare to lock up Elijah Burke rolls back into the ring and attacks Matt from behind.

Burke dominates the Hardy’s going back and forth between Matt and Jeff, as Burke concentrates on Matt, Jeff gets to his feet and attacks Burke, Matt gets to his feet and delivers a twist of fate, Jeff pushes Matt out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and connects with the swanton bomb, Jeff covers and gets the three count.

Winner and #1 Contender – Jeff Hardy

MVP’s music hits and he stands on the stage, he holds up the Intercontinental Championship as he and Jeff have a stare down.
A limousine pulls up outside the arena but nobody gets out of the car. Todd Grisham hangs around the car. He knocks on the window and the window comes down, only Todd can see who is inside the limo.

As Randy Orton makes his entrance his entrance video doesn’t play instead the limousine parked in the car lot is shown on the video. Orton continues to look behind him as he walks towards the ring.

The match begins and Orton cant take his eyes from the titantron which still shows the limo. Punk takes control of the match and connects with some devastating kicks to Orton’s body, Orton flops to the mat. On the screen the door to the limo opens and a leg can be seen underneath the door. Punk is now looking at the titantron as is the referee, Orton takes advantage and low blows Punk, as Punk turns around Orton delivers the RKO and picks up the win.

Winner – Randy Orton

As Orton looks at the titantron Batista runs through the crowd and enters the ring, as Orton turns around Batista connects with a spear which sends Orton crashing out of the ring, Batista exits the ring and chases Orton up the ramp and into the back.

Edge makes his way to the ring and welcomes his guest Christian Cage onto the show, the two take a seat on the stools set up in the ring.

The reason I asked you on my show tonight is that I wanted you to get up close with the WWE title because this is as close as you’re ever going to get. This...

Christian Cage
... let me interrupt you there Edge, I am quietly confident in my ability to defeat you at Wrestlemania which is why I went to Teddy Long earlier and he granted my request to add a stipulation to our match, I didn’t think our match at the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania could just be a singles match therefore I am going to take your WWE title away from you in a match we made famous... tables, ladders and chairs oh my!

Cage places the microphone on the stool and leaves a shocked Edge stood in the middle of the ring.

Mr. Kennedy def. Goldust (to qualify for MITB)
Ryan Braddock def. Jimmy Wang Yang
Jeff Hardy def. Elijah Burke + Matt Hardy
Randy Orton def. CM Punk

Batista(c) vs Randy Orton

Edge(c) vs Christian Cage

Triple H vs Kurt Angle

Shelton Benjamin vs Mike Knox vs CM Punk vs R-Truth vs Mr. Kennedy vs -

MVP(c) vs Jeff Hardy


It is being reported that ahead of tonights edition of RAW, 6 days before Wrestlemania 25 Goldust has been attacked and left unconcious in his hotel room here in Seattle Washington.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase contacted to say that on tonights broadcast they would address the situation and the implications for thier challenge towards Goldust for Wrestlemania.

Teddy Long has announced that Kurt Angle and Triple H would sign the contract for thier Wrestlemania Grudge Match.

A good match between two great female competitors, Melina takes the early advantage dominating the women’s champion. Natalya takes back the match and dominates Melina. Natalya attempts the sharpshooter but is reversed by Melina into an ankle lock which Natalya escapes.

Natalya throws Melina into the referee but before the two clash Melina stops herself, Natalya runs up behind Melina and rolls her up for the win.

Winner – WWE Womens Champion Natalya

After disposing Melina out of the ring Natalya takes hold of a microphone.

Gail, you want me to put my money where my mouth is, you’re on, I will defend my WWE Womens Championship against you in 6 days at Wrestlemania.
Ryan Braddock is in Teddy Long’s office.

Teddy Long
Just wanted to call you in and say congratulations on your win last week playa, this new talent initiative looks set to be a success with guys like you. Speaking of the Talent initiative a new superstar is in action next.

Ryan Braddock
Thanks Teddy but I don’t need your congrats, if im going to be a success then its down to my hard work and not you.

Braddock storms out of Teddy’s office and barges past D’Lo Brown who is just entering

Teddy Long
Come on in playa.

D’Lo Brown[COLOR]
What’s his problem! Anyway, what can I do for you Teddy?

Teddy Long
Well you know the 25 man battle royal for the New US title is only 6 days away and I want to offer you a place in it, a veteran like you is bound to bring some class to the match.

D’Lo Brown
I’m flattered Teddy and would like to accept your offer thanks very much.

As part of the new talent initiative Dolph Ziggler makes his entrance, as Noble enters the ring Ziggler attacks Noble before the bell gaining and unfair advantage, Noble soon gets back into the match.

Ryan Braddock, also part of TI, makes his way onto the stage, Ziggler spots him and asks the referee what he is doing, the referee shrugs, as he is distracted Noble rolls Ziggler up but Ziggler reverses it into a pin of his own and picks up the win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler slides out of the ring and up to the stage where Ryan Braddock is stood, the two shake hands and walk backstage.
Teddy Long makes his way to the ring carrying a contract on a clipboard. A table is set up in the ring with a chair at either side. Teddy Introduces Kurt Angle and then Triple H into the ring, he invites the two to take a seat.

Teddy Long
Now this rivalry between you two has reached boiling point over the last few weeks and at Wrestlemania you can take it out on each other inside the ring instead of fighting backstage and in the crowd. Kurt, I will invite you to sign the contract first, just to make it clear after this contract is signed violence between you two is prohibited until Wrestlemania, do I make myself clear playas!

Kurt Angle signs the contract and throws it at Triple H.

Teddy Long
Triple H if you would like to sign.

Triple H leans over the contract and scribbles on the paper. As he pushes the contract into the centre of the table he takes a sledgehammer from under the table and slams it into Angle’s chest sending him crashing out of the ring

Teddy Long
Triple H, I said no violence between the two of you, I have no choice but to suspend you indefinitely!

Triple H picks up the contract and reveals he didn’t sign his full name, he takes the pen and signs it properly

Triple H
I never sign before reading the small print.,
Christian is seen warming up for the tag team main event match later on in the night, Edge and Randy Orton jump Christian from behind and deliver a double conchairto to the superstar, paramedics turn up on the scene and take Christian of in an ambulance.

Shelton Benjamin, Mike Knox, Mr. Kennedy, CM Punk and R-Truth make their way to the ring to be lumberjacks in the final qualifying match for the Money In The Bank Match at Wrestlemania. Santino Marella makes his way to the ring, his opponent Gregory Helms also makes his entrance and the referee starts the match.

During the match Tyson Kidd makes his way to the ring, he stands at ringside with the lumberjacks. Santino Marella asks Benjamin and Knox what Kidd was doing to which they reply by shrugging their shoulders. As Marella turns around Helms kicks him in the stomach and delivers the Nightmare on Helms Street and picks up the win.

Winner and Money In The Bank Qualifier – Gregory Helms

Santino exits the ring and punches Mike Knox in the face and blames him for his loss, Knox throws Marella in the ring and delivers his Knox Out finishing move, Marella collapses to the mat, Knox points to the briefcase hanging above the ring and then leaves.
Matt and Jeff Hardy are backstage. Jeff apologises to Matt for pushing him out of the ring before picking up the victory to face MVP at Wrestlemania for the IC title, Matt says not to worry and that he would have done the same thing.

As the two continue chatting MVP sneaks up behind the two and smacks Matt Hardy in the back of the head with the IC title belt, MVP runs off whilst Jeff attends to his brother.
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase are in the ring.

Ted DiBiase
Like I’m sure all of you were, we were shocked to discover that Goldust had been attacked in his hotel last night, Legacy would like to wish Dust a speedy recovery and hope that he makes it to Wrestlemania this Sunday.

Cody Rhodes
Yeah, after all he is my older brother, I did warn him about interfering in our business and for him to be taken out before Wrestlemania is a shame... I would however...

Legacy are interrupted by the titantron, on which a video appears. CCTV footage from a Hotel appears on screen, it shows Rhodes and DiBiase attacking Goldust and running off.

Cody Rhodes
What the hell is going on...

Rhodes is again interrupted by the entrance music of Dusty Rhodes, his father who makes his way to the stage.

Dusty Rhodes
Cody, I am extremely disappointed in you, to attack your own brother! Well you told Goldust to find himself a partner for Wrestlemania and he has... ME!

Cody and DiBiase look on shocked as Dusty Rhodes walks backstage.

After Edge and Orton have made their entrances Batista comes out and explains that due to the cowardly actions of the two in the ring Christian is unable to compete tonight and instead Batista will go it alone in a handicap match.

Batista is dominated throughout the match by Edge and Orton, during the match however, Christian appears, staggering down the ramp holding his ribs, Edge exits the ring and takes him out once again, in the ring Batista sets Orton up for a Batista Bomb but Orton reverses it into an RKO, Orton covers Batista and picks up the win for his tea

Winners – Edge and Randy Orton

Natalya def. Melina
Dolph Ziggler def. Jamie Noble
Gregory Helms def. Santino Marella (to qualify for MITB)
Randy Orton + Edge def Batista

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP – Edge(c) vs. Christian
Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
MONEY IN THE BANK – Shelton Benjamin vs. Mike Knox vs. CM Punk vs. R-Truth vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Gregory Helms
Legacy vs. Dusty Rhodes + Goldust
WWE WOMENS CHAMPIONSHIP – Natalya(c) vs. Gail Kim

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