World Heavyweight Championship match discussion


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Okay guys, I'm just really curious as to what everyone else thinks is going to happen with the WHC picture going into mania.

Who do you think will be the champ going in?
What Kind of match will it be?
-Triple Threat?
-Fatal 4 way?
Who will be the challenger(s)?
Who will win?
Will it the challenger be the rumble winner?
If so who will that be?

The title picture just seems pretty unclear at the moment, even though there is actually a feud going on for the title as we speak, but none of those guys involved (Henry, Show, and Bryan) seem to have the star power to carry a WrestleMania type feud.
Here is a list of 'realistic' guys that could be involved in the feud.

Daniel Bryan
Mark Henry
Big Show
(I know that kind of contradicts what I just said above, but they would still be realistic to have in the match at mania)
Randy Orton
Wade Barrett
Cody Rhodes

And even guys from RAW that could maybe win the rumble and, for some reason, decide to challenge for the WHC:

The Miz
Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio
R Truth
Dolph Ziggler
Even Kane/Triple H

I know there is still time to build feuds and all, but I just don’t think w/ where the title is at right now, just a singles match will be big enough for mania...

Process of elimination- hypothetically:
- Jericho vs. Punk for the WWE title
- Big Show vs. Shaq
- Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust for the IC title
- Undertaker vs. HHH/Kane? Or even Miz/Del Rio/Barrett/ or Mark Henry?
- having a MITB match? (Almost needs to happen w/ all this talent.)
-----which would consist Most likely of Truth, Christian, Mysterio, and others like Swagger, Kofi, drew, etc..
- Dolph vs. Foley

Basically leaving, Orton, DBryan, Sheamus, Barrett, Del Rio, Miz, Henry.

I would say it's about 50/50 on who Taker is facing at Mania right now between HHH and Kane, But I almost feel like it has to be Kane to free up a face for one of those heels to take on.
- So if it is:
- Taker vs. Kane
--- It could be HHH vs. Miz/Barrett/Del Rio/ Henry

Or if it is:
- Taker vs. HHH
----It could be Kane vs. Orton for WHC (wouldn't be too bad)
----or Kane vs. Orton vs. Miz vs. Sheamus vs. Barrett vs. DBryan for the WHC
----or Orton vs. Del Rio (But how does that take place?)
There is just way too much clutter right now in the title picture.

Like I said I know there is still time for all this stuff to work itself out, but I’m just curious what other people are thinking.
So give me your guys' thoughts.
(Sorry for rambling)
the only thing i can see going down is bryan vs orton. show is suppose to be going up against shaq so he's out of the title picture. mark henry staying in the title picture w/o big show being there doesn't work out, so he'll be out too.
w/ bryan being heel that really limits it to randy and sheamus (save for if a raw person wins the rumble and chooses WHC but that's not likely) and sheamus doesn't have the star power to carry that match

i'm completely fine with this outcome. randy and d bri are two of the best wrestlers in the company and certainly the best on smackdown. the match should be incredible. the feud though... creative better be thinkin hard on this one because unfortunately randy and daniel aren't the best in promos. i'm remaining optimistic though.
I believe after the Royal Rumble, Wade Barrett is gonig to play a much larger role on Smackdown, and I expect him to win the WHC at Elimination Chamber in a match including Barrett, Bryan, Sheamus, Big Show, Henry and Orton. Come Mania, Im thinking Barrett will defend the title against Bryan and Sheamus in a triple threat. I nsee Orton vs Miz in an interbrand match, Big Show facing Shaquille Oneill and Henry either in MITB or a big man match vs either Nash or Mason Ryan
I feel like the WHC picture in March will be NOTHING like it is now. I wouldn't be surprised to see all three of Bryan, Henry and Show disconnected from it by then (all for varying reasons).

The Elimination Chamber will be the the game changer. I think the WHC changes hands there. The challenger for it may even come from the Royal Rumble winner.

You could have someone like Orton win the Rumble and Wade Barrett pick the strap up at EC. Boom, you have an instantly believable WHC match for Wrestlemania. The other two guys I wouldn't count out completely are Sheamus and Christian.
I have a sneaky suspicion that the World Title will be in a triple threat with Jericho and Punk making somebody (Jericho) the undisputed Champion. Jericho/Punk/Bryan, 3 internet darlings would create interest over the www and casual fans alike. With Rock vs Cena main eventing, and then the WWE Title aswell, and also the streak to think about, the World Title would be pretty irrelevant.

Failing all that....Bryan loses at Elimination Chamber to one of Barrett, Sheamus, Orton and Henry and they face off in a 4 way at WM28.

Daniel Bryan wins the MITB that is rumoured and does exactly what he said he would - CASHES IN AT WRESTLEMANIA.
Personally i would like too see either Barrett or Sheamus put over at WM, against either Henry or Show(unlikely) and go on to start at dominant solid 4-6 month reign. I realistically don't see Bryan having the star power to carry the title into Mania, i mean look at the previous world title holders going into Mania since, say WM 22-23 era.

WM 22: Angle and Cena
WM 23: Batista and Cena
WM 24: Edge and Orton
WM 25: Triple H and Edge
WM 26: Jericho and Batista
WM 27: Edge and Miz

And i don't think too my knowledge that anyone outside them already listed and HBK, Taker, Rey, Del Rio and Big Show have been involved in a WM World title match in 7 years.

All those names (bar Del Rio and Miz) have been pretty much staples of the company and were well established, dare i say even legends. I just really cannot see Bryan like that, and would much rather see the title on Henry, Show or Orton going into Mania, and putting over 1 of the 2 guys who i think can go onto be the next guy in that list in either Wade Barrett or Sheamus.
The Rumble winner would go after WHC, since I still think Rock vs Cena will be for the belt. Randy Orton is the clear favorite for the Rumble, in his hometown, and since we are expecting Jericho to go after Punk. Also him winning the RR would give him a win at a Rumble event in his career, and also will add to the feud for the WHC belt. I think Barret would win the Elimination Chamber and go against Orton for the belt at Wrestlemania. Not a bad matchup with the belt on the line. Jericho/Taker, Punk/HHH, Big Show/Shaq, Cena/Rock, Rey Mysterio/?... So it makes 6 matches already and we have plenty of more guys to work with. I guess that was the reason for having TLC match at WM.
I think this will most likely end up as a multi man match which I'm not a huge fan of but I don't see an obvious singles match that would feel big enough or create a lot of interest in the build up.

I'm guessing on a Fatal 4 way of Bryan vs Orton vs Sheamus vs Barrett.
I think a triple threat between Ziggler, Bryan and Orton (WHC).

Ziggler wins the rumble then Orton wins the belt at the Elimination Chamber. Bryan gets his re-match but Ziggler has is rumble win still to use. This lead to a triple threat at Wrestlemania where Ziggler wins and becomes a credible main eventer.

Some would argue there is no need for Orton but he would help sell the match as a Wrestlemania caliber title match.
What do you guys think since Christian is returning, if they book him in a WHC match at WM against Daniel Bryan.

I think these two could work well with each other (including the build-up). It could easily steal the show. Physically they're both very evenly matched and they're both excellent ring workers.

What do you think?
There is no doubt in my mind that that match would be the best wrestling match of the night short only to Jericho vs. CM Punk if that were to happen. Daniel Bryan made it to WWE purely on his wrestling skills. Christian is severely underrated and when given the ball to perform in TNA and in his short rivalry with Randy Orton, his matches were excellent. I would love to see him win the royal rumble and/or fight for the smackdown title at Wrestlemania as Christian has always been one of my absolute favorite wrestlers to watch.

That said, that wouldn't happen even if hell froze over.
I would love to see this match, but do I think it has a chance of happening? not very much...

You could make an argument that this WMania card will have enough star-power to allow these 2 guys to be in the WHC main-event, but with Vince's "Rumored" opinion of Christian as a Main-eventer, and Daniel Bryan still in the early stages of his heel turn, I don't see this match as Smackdown's Wrestlemania main-event.

If by some chance it did happen though, it would likely mean Christian would return to his babyface character....I'm all for this, I personally think Christian as a face works very well.
Bryan being a heel, and Christian currently being a heel makes this match so unlikely... it's kind of a shame really because it would be an amazing bout. If they can somehow give Christian his face persona back, and then give him rather: the Rumble win (doubtful), or build a feud with Bryan (which could possibly make sense, since he wants 'one more match' again).

I'd absolutely love to see it though, they are both consistently good workers in the ring, and both have a decent amount of experience. Would be fresh to see a Bryan match where he isn't massively undersized, could open him up to using more of his offensive skills, instead of just kicks.
Christian will by default be a face at Mania, because of Edge's induction to the HOF... No way the fans are gonna boo him the night after he inducts Edge... Unless he buries him in a speech, which he ain't gonna do... So this match does actually make some sense.
It would indeed be great but the way wwe goes I doubt it, with orton, big show and the like are who they want in the main events. I was thinking about them actually and thought that after bryan drops the title which will likely be all too soon, they could be a tag team
Im fine with it...but not for WM. Bryan NEEDS someone on his level and his size to feud against. I understand with Orton feuding with Barrett and Christian being out there was no one else in the ME he could feud against.

Christian matches Bryan pound for pound and there is no doubt in my mind that the match would be nothing short os spectacular. Just not for Mania.

There isn't enough time to make a GOOD feud out of it. Christian MIGHT be returning, we don't know anything yet. However, if he does return tonight, he's not going to win the rumble and challenge Bryan.

Christian will by default be a face at Mania, because of Edge's induction to the HOF... No way the fans are gonna boo him the night after he inducts Edge... Unless he buries him in a speech, which he ain't gonna do... So this match does actually make some sense.

Agreed. If Christian returns shortly, whats going to happen? He'll just jump right in and challenge Byran out of nowhere? Christian left on injury as a heel, and by time he is ready to come back the HOF will be making a bigger push and the announcements of who's inducting whom will be made. Byran isn't a full heel yet. He has done some heelish things, but it doesn't make him a full blown heel. Face vs face don't usually work. They would need Byran to make that full turn.
by far this is the best way to re introduce christian. But not for wrestlemania this is a match for a different pay per view...for now christian needs to play more of a politician doing backstage promos asking for one more match while bryan continues his other feuds.
Agreed. If Christian returns shortly, whats going to happen? He'll just jump right in and challenge Byran out of nowhere? Christian left on injury as a heel, and by time he is ready to come back the HOF will be making a bigger push and the announcements of who's inducting whom will be made. Byran isn't a full heel yet. He has done some heelish things, but it doesn't make him a full blown heel. Face vs face don't usually work. They would need Byran to make that full turn.

Jump right in and challenge Bryan out of no where? Christian could, you know, also win the Rumble.

And Bryan not being a full heel at this point is laughable. Have you even been watching his work as of late? Everything from his entrance to his actions to his words are completely heel, and he's completely turned the crowd against him.

I don't know how likely Christian vs. Bryan is as I foresee like everyone else: Orton/Bryan. But the WWE could build a strong program around Christian/Bryan, even incorporating how Christian was mistreated as champion while Bryan fluked into the title. Edge going into the HOF could also play a major role in the build. I definitely think the WWE actually has some sort of plan for Christian at WM, instead of just throwing him into the MITB again. He hasn't had a 1 on 1 @ Mania since 20. Long overdue, especially with all the hard work he's put in since recovering and returning from his torn pectoral last year.
Christian would be the perfect oponent for Daniel Bryan, if Bryan was still a face and wasnt World Heavyweight Champion, a it would have been an oppurtunitiy to build Bryan up, and turn him into a legitimate Title Contender
Once he beat Christian on the Grandest Stage, he could have cashed in the briefcase on the same night, against someone like Mark Henry, if I was the head booker, that is how I would of done things
If Christian would face Bryan now, he would have to turn Face
I'm not sure if this would work as well, as Bryan isn't convincing enough as a Heel, and Christian is much better as a Heel than he is Face
Although this feud could still work
I would like to see it. I would love to see them book a heel vs. heel match between the two. They both now have very similar personalities as being the slimy weasels that always get out of bad situations. Wrestling wise these two could put on a clinic that could possibly top Punk vs. Jericho. Unfortunately, I have a feeling the WWE wants to put Orton back in the title picture.
Christian will by default be a face at Mania, because of Edge's induction to the HOF... No way the fans are gonna boo him the night after he inducts Edge... Unless he buries him in a speech, which he ain't gonna do... So this match does actually make some sense.

This is an interesting point. Christian's association to Edge landed him a world title last year, is it possible he could wind up a Rumble winner because of it as well in what would be potentially the least anticipated WHC match on a WrestleMania card ever? I guess they've got enough build around the other matches so this one could pass, but why would you want it to?

Christian isn't a champ; neither is Bryan. Barrett, Sheamus, and Orton are champs.

Daniel Bryan made it to WWE purely on his wrestling skills.

That's not what's kept him there, though. His reign is a testament to how out of control wrestling has gotten. Vince should've kept Bryan in the unemployment line rather than fold to the fans faster than the Flash on laundry day.

I'm not anti Daniel Bryan or anti Christian by any margin, but I am severely underwhelmed by the outside chance of these two representing the upper echelon of Smackdown at the one event of the year where star power still matters.

Luckily, we're in Orton's hometown, so I don't have to worry about Christian taking a real stars Mania spot.
Nope. As good a match as this possibly will be, it's not a Wrestlemania main event. Neither guy has the main event 'aura' about him that will mae this match work on the big stage.

Besides, I'm not 100% sold on Bryan holding the belt until Mania. My money is on Orton being involved; either he will be the man walking into Mania as champion, or he will walk in as Bryan's opponent.

For somewhere like Extreme Rules, however...yes, this match would be a fantastic showcase between two of the WWE's most talented in-ring performers. But being two great ring performers isn't enough, the World title needs a big name. Neither Bryan or Christian are that name.
I think that Christian VS Bryan would make an awesome World Heavyweight Championship match for Wrestlemania. The problem is that it's still too early to make the call on whether it could happen or not. We will know more around Elimination Chamber when the angles become more clear. They would need to start turning Christian face too, due to Bryan seeming to be shifting towards being a heel. Christian inducting Edge can guarantee him ending up a face in time for Wrestlemania.

Now, if the match DOES happen then I'm sure it would steal the show because both guys are extremely skilled in the ring. The build up for it would likely be good too. Christian keeps demanding his ONE MORE MATCH and gets one with Bryan, who I think will still be the World Heavyweight Champion at that time. In terms of what happens in the ring, I think they would provide the best match of the night easily. Christian stole the show so much with Orton this summer, imagine what he could pull off with someone as good as Bryan, and on a show like Wrestlemania! I doubt it will happen but I'd want to see it.
It would be interesting. I just think that they're going to go the triple threat route for the WHC match this year. Possibly even a fatal four way with Orton, Christian, Bryan, and Sheamus. Hell, that doesn't sound half bad actually. Like I said before it would give some main event guys a bigger stage on the biggest stage of them all. More so than grouping guys into a star studded MITB.
it would be a great match but it ain't gonna happen. first off, sheamus won the rumble. he'll likely go for the WHC. and you have to think that Randy Orton will be in that match as well because it needs his star power. i definitely would not mind a fatal four way with all of them.
sheamus and randy both have a rivalry with christian already, now they'd just need to establish ones with d bri

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