Women problems.


So the girl who I like, a lot. Her ex called her a ****e and everything else because she and I shared a kiss. I'm trying to comfort her, but its not working at all. Advice anyone??
"It was my first love, hes telling all my friend that I'm a ****e, and im too kind hearted and care too much about other people." Was her reply to you all.
Tell her she is going to have a very emotionally tough life if thats how she goes about things. and also, if they belive she is a ****e from something an ex said, they she doesnt have very good friends
I tell my friends little brother that all the time

"I love this girl"

me " no you don't. You don't even know what love is. Fuck, I'm 21, and i dont know what it is. Fuck dude"
CCS's only advice.

Dont be a prick. Not being a jerk always works for me.
If they're really her friends, they'll know her better than that, or at least wait to hear from her. It'll blow over, as it always does.
I'll say what everyone is probably thinking, and won't say...

If she's that upset about what an ex said, she isn't over him. If the kiss with you meant anything to her, the ex would be a distant memory.

She may "like" you, but as long as she stll "likes/loves" him, you need to move on...

There's plenty of :ass: in the sea...
I'll say what everyone is probably thinking, and won't say...

If she's that upset about what an ex said, she isn't over him. If the kiss with you meant anything to her, the ex would be a distant memory.

She may "like" you, but as long as she stll "likes/loves" him, you need to move on...

There's plenty of :ass: in the sea...
Actually, I wasn't thinking that at all.

And, if I had, I would certainly have said it.
I guarantee she'll be back with that dude by the end of January, at most, and you'll be left there feeling played.

Not an insult to you in the least bit, but the fact of the matter is you being nice and him being an asshole is going draw her back to him.

Fuckin' bitches man, I swear...
JMT is exactly right, its one of the irrefutable laws of the world

asshole ex ALWAYS wins over nice new guy. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS.

motherfucking ALWAYS. you could set time to that shit.
You should have gotten up and left. When she asked you why you were leaving, you should have told her you didn't want that drama and to call you when she can focus on you. If she kisses you and then cries about her boyfriend, she isn't that into you.

Sorry, but I had to learn that the hard way.
I do this sort of thing all the time.. While they sit there and cry, just listen to them, pat them gently on the back and make "mmhm" noises and occasionally say "It'll be okay, (name).." softly. I works, I promise you. Then, if she's still going on about it in a few days, explain to her just how laughable the whole thing is and tell her to just forget about it and move on.

In your situation, tell her that she shouldn't care what he thinks. Let her know that he's a jerk and that's she's better than him and shouldn't be bothered by what he says.
And if you let her cry and then fuck her tonight, then you are an asshole to her forever.

Learned that one the hard way too.

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