WM26 Main Goodbyes


Dark Match Winner
Out of HBK, Taker, or Batista.
Who should headline mania? This could be each of their last manias. But if vince decided to give ONE the main event. Who should it be, who should be the opponet and what kind of match?

I would like HBK vs none other than John morrison. I just love both of their st yles and i would like to see a last man standing. Could you imagine how loud the 10 count would be for THE SHOW STOPPER.

it would give morrison a HUGE rub and could make the next showstopper.. Thats mine. Whats yours?
Truthfully I would have to go with Shawn Michaels, I dont think Batista will retire yet because it has been said that the guy spends his money like a fish out of water, he will be around for a while, my main guess it will either be HBK or taker getting the main event, HBK hopefully will let an up an comer take him out and Taker will allow someone to end his streak meaning that this may be one hell of a wrestlemania next year is gonna be awesome
Truthfully I would have to go with Shawn Michaels, I dont think Batista will retire yet because it has been said that the guy spends his money like a fish out of water, he will be around for a while, my main guess it will either be HBK or taker getting the main event, HBK hopefully will let an up an comer take him out and Taker will allow someone to end his streak meaning that this may be one hell of a wrestlemania next year is gonna be awesome

I've read in quite a few articles that Batista has said he only has about a year left and wants to make the most of 2009 because he may not be active next year, might be speculation or rumors though but i remember reading it somewhere.

I would have HBK v Morrison as well. Would be awesome to see HBK "passing" the torch to Morrison. JoMo would have to win and send HBK on his merry way but would be an epic match and Michaels would leave a happy man if he was putting over a great talent in his last match.
There is no evidence at all Taker is planning on retiring at WM26

i don't think anyone said he was retiring AT WM they said it may be his LAST WM. The evidence is the upcoming RETIREMENT tour(announced last week i believe). Atleast i always thought a retirement tour leads to a retirement but i could be wrong.
How about HBK vs Taker vs Batista in a triple threat match.

What? That's not even funny.

Anyway, it's easy to have Shawn as the HEADLINER...THE SHOW STOPPAH!!! Next year, it'll be HHH v/s Shawn in the Career Threatening Match with Trips going over. Mark it down.

And Taker will still be going strong. Against who is anyone's guess. Maybe Cena? Boy that would be a match of epic proportions.

As far as Batista, it's possible he may be gone before WM. He's had his WM moment, and his body isn't healing up anytime soon.
i don't think anyone said he was retiring AT WM they said it may be his LAST WM. The evidence is the upcoming RETIREMENT tour(announced last week i believe). Atleast i always thought a retirement tour leads to a retirement but i could be wrong.

It wasnt the Undertaker Retirement tour, it was the Undertakers Rest in Peace tour, someone mis-heard Tony Chemel and sent it in but it has been corrected since then. Jim Ross also commented on this in a blog recently. http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/london-boundbret-hartchuck-liddellretirement-rumors-galoreawesome-midnight-express-book
Ye, I was thinking of the triple threat mentioned earlier in this thread. But I was also thinking of UnderTaker vs Cena with Taker going over, Tripe H vs HBK in some kind of career threatening match and Batista vs Randy Orton for the World/WWE Title or Randy Orton vs Edge.
If they do another HBK vs. Triple H match I'd like it to be how they went with Undertaker vs. HBK. I wouldn't want either of them to be a clean face or heel. I don't want another face HBK vs. heel Triple H feud.

But HBK vs. Triple H and Undertaker vs. John Cena... damn... what a WrestleMania that would be.
I would like to see one last HHH and HBK at the Biggest show of the year if it would truely be shawns last match

As for Batista I like to see him up against John Cena

The Undertaker should g up against Jack Swagger who by that time should be establishng more of name for himself but to put on a great match against the deadman at wrestlemania would be a huge push for him but i think vince will keep the streak going with taker afterwards leaving.... i would to see 20-0 so hopefully he will not retire after next years WM and if he decides not to maybe you can put him up against shawn for a rematch with shawn losing and then leaving
I think that it's most likely that we will see Shawn go out to Triple H. Remember Wrestlemania 20, when they were both going to finally settle their differences, it never happened because of Chris Benoit's Rumble win.
It seems logical, and in November, WWE has a DX RAW tour in the UK. As I found out at the RAW tapings last night. It's basically just RAW, but the DX part indicates that The Game and The Show Stopper will re-unite DX again. With Shawn Michaels career ending in sight, perhaps we will have a situation where Shawn announces he will be having his final match at Wrestlemania 26. Triple H some how helps HBK win the WWE Title again. Then Shawn is the Champ going into Wrestlemania 26. DX running wild. BAM! Trips turns on HBK. Either that or they mutually agree to wrestle each other at 'Mania, and they gradually become more and more competitive towards the event.
I don't particuarlly want to see Shawn go out as a heel but it's an option.
John Morrison would be a great pick against The Heartbreak Kid.
What about Matt Hardy? If he gets the limelight when/if Jeff departs. Or even Jeff against Shawn if he stays?

As for The Undertaker. I think John Cena would be alright. It would sure be a Main Event Match. But personally, I wouldn't want to see The Undertaker, the Phenom, go out to John Cena who is the kids favourite, lets face it, he is.
Again, perhaps one of the Hardy brothers? Not likely to be able to go legitamately over The Undertaker though.
Kane I don't think has enough time left in him to be put over for that kind of honor.
Chris Jericho? Now this is a match everyone's wanted to see. WWE could tout it throughout this year now with Jericho on Smackdown! It could be an epic match. Jericho argues; he ended the careers of three legends last year, he has beaten Shawn Michaels many times, all that remains is the Undertaker's streak.

Batista? Who?
I really have discovered that this guy is, without a doubt OVER RATED. As far as I'm concerned I don't even think that he needs an offical retirement match. He can just fade into the wallpaper for all I care. His retirement is no way near as big a deal as The Undertaker's and Shawn Michaels'.

As for which one would take the main event? It would have to be The Demon of Death Valley. The man's legacy is built on Wrestlemania, and being undefeated at the event. Shawn Michaels, ABSOLUTELY all due respect here; Is Mr. Wrestlemania, but not Mr. Undefeated at Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is more 'Taker's event than Shawn's.
well first of all i think i read somewhere that the undertaker said that if any one was going to end his wrestlemania streak it would be kane. and shawn should have one last match with HHH and i really dont care much for Batista.
Its already been said,

Taker vs Cena. its prolly not Takers last mania , but it should happen next year. Cena is WWE's Superman. ( like him or not thats how he has been pushed for the last few years, and he does it well) Going up against the streak. He is one guy I could see people buying that " This guy might end the streak". however, he wont.

also I do see HHH vs HBK aswell. as much as I loved HBK vs Taker , I have been so happy the " showstopper " hasnt been around since WM . Im sick of him, and his crossed eyes. Im sure HHH and HBK will be a good match, and a better more logical Idea than HBK vs Morrison as the main event. I think they should work together. But not the main event of a WM. not yet anyway.
well there is no way all 3 guys will retire in one year first off. Next year will be HBK more then likely and maybe Taker but not Batista too. matches are as follows.

Taker vs Cena for world tittle. Great match with Cena much better then he was back in 2003. Taker could make Cena look like a million bucks here.

Hunter vs Shawn respect. no heel or face needed here. just a straight wrestling match would be epic and remembered forever. with Shawn going out on top.

Batista vs Randy Orton these two started together and should end together. for the wwe tittle but that feud will be before mania likely.
what a hell of a card this would be compared to WM25 with just 3 matches.
As much as I love The Undertaker, I'm going to have to go with Shawn Michaels. He's my pick because he has not had one bad WrestleMania match. In fact, all his WrestleMania matches have been outstanding, and that's only an understatement. He is Mr. Wrestlemania, The Showstopper, even though Undertaker is 17-0. If it were up to me I'd put him against his longtime friend, Triple H. It should be a Face Vs Face match, similar to Ric Flair Vs Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 24. The HeartBreak Kid has always put on a good show and the fans respect that, cheering their hearts out whenever his entrance music plays. This is the only wrestler out of the three they can relate to, the only one they can put theirselves in the shoes of, the only one that has a spot in the heart of the casual fans. The Undertaker also deserves the main event spot, but HBK deserves it more.
I'd like to see HBK going in the main event next year. I also believe that he will face Triple H. Even though WWE is good with pushing new talent they are not that generous to give someone new a win against HBK. Who is arguably the best sports entertainer in wrestling history. And as Triple H always gets his way and WWE loves to push the hell out of him i could easily see HHH v HBK. Although here is where people might disagree with me. I think this should be a one time when a retiring superstar dosent go out on his back. I know there is like an 85% Shawn will loose but imagine the greatness and the immortal moment of HBK striking a Super kick out of no where then falls to the ground on top of HHH for the pin. The jam packed Arizona crowd would go ballistic! And having Shawn celebrate while his classic tune roars through the arena and some of his pyro in the ring goes off as he bows and slowly struts his way out of Wrestlemania. That is a moment I would remember for a life time.

As for Taker....this is a case where maybe he is the better one to fade out....after one last wrestlemania match. Because he is this phenom character that is supposedly immortal. I mean what happens when he gets inducted or whatever he would have to brake character for a touching speech. So maybe biker taker returns for his final run?
I doubt it though because the darkness taker is a true classic!

And onto Batista....the guy is 4o yrs old and dosen't bring all that much to the table....give him one last match with Orton the man he entered the WWE with.

Thats my rant!
Shawn should be the main event and i think he should lose to cmpunk for world heavyweight tittle. Undertaker should lose is streak too someone who would get a huge rub like Shelton, Batista should lose to john cena if he is going to retire .
If the rumors are true about HBK retiring after Mania next year. I would hope he would get one more run with the WWE Title. He will always be remembered as a legend. I think part of legacy he will leave will be that he didn't have to hold a title to be a superstar. He is a 3 Time WWE Champion and a 1 Time World Champion. He has been with the company for almost ever. Edge has more title runs in one year than HBK has in a career. No body will get hurt by him having another run.

I would like to see HBK in the Main Event at WM26 in an Iron Man Match against Triple H. These are two great talents who have been in just about every match possible. It would give HBK a grand send off. He could win and retire a champion or lose a close one. Either way it would be phenominal!
If all 3 decide to retire at WM, which I doubt will happen, have any even been confirmed? I know Shawn is planning on lessening his schedule, but he'll also still make appearances as far as I'm aware. At the moment, we don't know it'll be a 'retirement' match.

The Undertaker I'm almost certain isn't retiring then. And I know Batista has said one more year, has he specifically mentioned WM 26?

Anyway, none of them should headline Wrestlemania even if it is their last match. The only way this could be justified is if it was a title match. Ric Flair got it right last year. He was asked if he wanted his retirement match to be the main event, he replied "The main event of Mania is about the championships" which I agree with a lot, no matter who it is.
I would like to see HBK in the Main Event at WM26 in an Iron Man Match against Triple H. These are two great talents who have been in just about every match possible. It would give HBK a grand send off. He could win and retire a champion or lose a close one. Either way it would be phenominal!

yeah i think thats only right.

and as for Taker...if hes gonna actually lose the match then i'd like to see it happen against someone who its believable that he'd lose to...so if its tru he prefers Kane, then why not spark that rivalry back up one more time to give Kane the final one up on his "brother". personally tho i'd rather him keep the streak open and untouched and beat someone like Jericho, someone who could really antagonize him going into WM

how can Batista choose to retire? what has he done?

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