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Without the Brand Split, Where Would HHH Be?


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
I'm watching Night of Champions 2008 and we hear about Cena and HHH's resumes. Before the split happened, HHH was certainly one of the top guys in the company. Since then he's amassed a ton of world titles and is considered one of the most successful guys ever. That being said, he benefited a lot from being able to dominate Raw and not have to deal with Taker, JBL, Cena, Lesnar, Benoit and any other Smackdown main stay that I'm forgetting during his time on top.

As the title says, where would he have been without the split? Would he be considered one of the WWE deities and be up there with Cena and Taker as one of the most established and accomplished guys in the company, or would he have slipped down a level and been someone like an Edge or Angle: having a great resume but being lost in the shuffle a bit more.
he'd probably be the same as he is now, he just would have squashed more people. all the brands being one would only hurt the lesser guys, it wouldnt do a negative thing to triple h
I'll put in bluntly; Triple H, at some point, would have become Brock Lesnar's bitch. Allegedly, Trips had a mandate to keep the two on separate brands with Brock Lesnar, and I actually do buy this. Brock was younger, stronger, and probably better than Triple H at that time. I hate to be so pessimistic.... Wait, no I don't. Triple H may not exactly have been lost in the shuffle, but when push comes to shove, he would have probably done the job to all the names like Lesnar and Cena. Vince may love Paul, but he also loves money, and say what you will, but Cena and Lesnar have proven to be a draw, while Trips really hasn't.

I don't find it complete circumstance that all the best workers were on Smackdown, really, because they would have made Trips look foolish. All of them would have probably outwrestled Triple H, and overall make his marketability as a "King of Kings" flounder just a smidge. As much as I think Triple H is ok, when push comes to shove, there were plenty of names who needed a win over Trips than he needed the win over them. Even the names like RVD, Kane, and Booker were able to be buried, because they weren't proven draws yet. When taking on someone like Lesnar and Cena, it would have made Triple H more into an Angle league; someone who when push comes to shove, isn't getting the win over the face of the company.
Are you people ******ed? HHH is the step son of vince! he practically runs the company! dosnt matter split or no split! pg, attitude, anything! he will put himself over! doesn't matter who! hhh will look better! and angle? are you kidding me? hhh isnt even in angles league! hhh might be better in wwe! but come on! hhh runs the wwe! no1 will be better!
Without politics,HHH would have had to hang it up right along with Austin and the Rock.The names you mention were hot draws and ready to pounce and takeover the main event scene,and they were all bred on Smackdown.Raw is for the older main eventers to hang on to their glory for a couple more years while the new main event primes themselves for the big time.The only reason he's still around is because he doesn't want to give up the top spot,and I think he's being quite selfish.He should move around and let some other guys shine instead of playing these silly frat boy games backstage with the new talent.But to answer your question,No,without the brand split,it would have been too much talent for Hunter to compete against and he probably would have been GM,or "Commissioner".Anything to keep himself on TV.
1st of all brock lesnar shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as trips and cena they are way bigger stars and trips would still be at the top him and taker are wwes backbone they need them cena is the face of the company by far but trips and taker are yur two key veterans

CENA VS TAKER WM27 PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think actually he'll still be dominant. Even though Austin and The rock are the best, you can still enjoy them even if they aren't champions. What I'm saying is that the champion won't make a big difference for Austin, Rock, Undertaker, etc.. But when it comes with Triple H (in my humble opinion) he is the perfect champion heel anyone would want. He can be dominant, he can be scared, he can cheat, and the champion on his waist widens that fact. Anyways he is too obsessed with the championship and he would've had same number of titles Or maybe one or two less, nothing more. I actually believe Triple H and Undertaker need a feud and please not Wrestlemania because I don't want to know the winner before the match
Triple H would have been viewed like Chris Jericho is now, with a little less on the wresting side... y'know, because he is apart of the elite group that know only five moves. :rolleyes: A man who is quite dominant and one of the company's best, but be willing to give the job over to some of the guys that needed it more. Triple H isn't stupid as people make out to be and will give himself the loss in the record books to make the business better. Why wouldn't you? Better business means better profits. He would have less championship reigns than he has currently too as there were other guys on the roster that would've been much better for the role.

In saying this, I think history would have been slightly altered for the better. I don't think there would be any effect on the Evolution stable. If anything, it's longevity would've been, well longer. Triple H's championships reigns are safe and guaranteed whilst in the stable, and they could have made a much longer drawn-out program with Orton/HHH as there wouldn't have been much for HHH to move on to. Randy's face turn could had the chance to work and planning the turn instead of a shock moment is the easiest way for it to occur. Maybe their feud would be viewed much higher on the FECS scale I devised a while back, which reminds me...

In all honesty, the legacy of Triple H would be on the same level as it is today. He may not have had the amount of historic wins or championships, but his credibility would have been raised significantly higher for being a team player (according to what past wrestlers, and the IWC but they're not important, have said about HHH).
I don't think he would have been lost in the shuffle.He would not of had as many World Championships under his belt as if Raw and Smackdown were one then it would mean more talent to compete for the titles.Triple H would still be at the top of the company but he would not be as huge as he is today, he would of been beaten by Brock Lesnar on PPV and it would of happened time after time.Brock was the big thing in the company so there is no question he would of had to job.But with that said he still would be at the top, he is married to a McMachon.
I would still see him the same really..I think he would have still had those good championship reigns..but to be honest, because there were a hell of a lot of main eventers(whichw as the reason of the brand split), it would have been harder for anyone to have a decent reign as champion...I think he would still be past 10 world title reigns...and he would still be at the top...Because since Ausin and The Rock left...HHH and Taker and well Angle were the only original main eventers from austin/rock era from 1999-2001...He would have dominated until i would say 2005...which is what I believe he actually did do...

HHH would still be were he is today...A TRUE GREAT!!

And I'm not taking the fact that he is the boss's son-in-law..that wouldn't matter!!
He has deserved everything he has got!!
You guys also have to look at the factor leading to the brand split. That was WCW going under meaning two things (1) a lot of WCW guys ended up in the WWE leading to an influx of new stars which lead to the brand split (2) potential superstars that debuted in 2003 to 2006 would proabably have started in WCW as opposed to WWE.

Taking this into account what can we assume? First is that Scott Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Rey Mysterio, Goldberg, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bishoff, etc. would probably have not been part of the WWE. Also guys like RVD would have probably found a new home in WCW instead of WWE.

That said let's assume that The Rock would have went Hollywood regardless and Austin would have gotten injured.

That leaves the roster from 2001 onwards being Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Edge, Undertaker, JBL, and Kane.

It's also possible that guys like Cena, Orton, Batista, and Lesnar would have went to the WWE. Especially Orton due to his ties with his lineage.

Let's also assume Shawn Michaels would have returned in 2002 regardless.

Let's look at 2002 onwards. I would say Triple H would still be very big during that period. His WWE return would still have been huge on January, he would probably have been the returning face possibly having a match with Austin or Rock at WMX8, and would have had an epic encoutner with Michaels in 2002.

Then what could have happened in 2003? Let's look at Jericho he probably was buried during 2002 because of being over shadowed by nWo's return. Jericho could probably still be the top guy. 2003 and 2004 could have been a time when guys like Jericho, Benoit, Angle, and Guerrero worked programs with Triple H. So it looks like 2002 and 2003 would have been better off for Triple H having more meaningful feuds instead feeding on WCW guys.

Then I guess by 2005 Triple H would be in the same place he would have been. Feuding with Orton, Cena, and Batista.

So to answer your question. I would say that he probably would have statyed the same but w/o the WCW guys having feuds with the WWE guys or WCW guys who made the jump probably would have made Triple H look better. Since I'm guessing the reason why it was so easy for Triple H to bury a lot of WCW people is because ... well they were WCW guys.

As for Evolution ... I think it would still have happened. I mean w/o Flair it probably would have been diffrent. But I still say they would still have been effective being the Orton, Batista, HHH trio. Heck maybe Shawn Micahels could have been "The Legend".
Oh yes the much beloved era betwixt the Attitude Era and the PG Era. Unofficially known as the Era of Ruthless Aggression but officially known as the Era of Triple H.

As if WWE didn't prove their dominance enough during the Invasion angle, they decided to have HHH squash top WCW and ECW guys for years straight. I say thank God for the brand split because I believe not even the young guys would've gotten a break during The Games squashing spree.
I dont understand when people say HHH doesnt draw, because quite frankly that is bullshit. HHH has been a drawer every since he step foot into the WWF/E. I mean come on are you serious? Like him and shawn michaels started one of the greatest factions in WWF/E history. Not to mention when shawn got hurt HHH caried the faction. Like stated HHH knows what sells. He is a student of the game and to say hes not one of the best you must be on something. The only reason John Cena sells more than HHH is because HHH has had more injurys or serious injurys. John Cena isnt really all that great but when no one is there to shine i mean its natural that something was bound to happen. HHH was doing it when the show was full of stars. Even before the split he was drawing. I mean SCSA had a big part in it as well. But there are several spots where people watched to see what DX would do next. Then when SCSA left and the rock was gone who did the company look to not CENA. HHH took it by the reigns and took that company even farther. So to bash HHH means that you just dislike him say that but dont say he doesnt draw or cant sell because that is dumb. Everytime he comes back he gets a HUGE pop and the fact that he wants to go back to heel, you want to know why he couldnt go back to heel. Because the fans you know the ones he doesnt draw cheer for him to loud and wont allow him to go back
Oh and one more thing HHH would still be big. In fact this might have made him better. Without a brand split this allows bigger fueds with different people. He might have not had as many heavyweight championships but he would have had other titles. I mean you do have to share some spotlight. This would have allowed a lot more storylines.
I think the topic title should be ''without a brand split, where would guys like Edge, Orton, Hardy, Jericho, Punk, etc be''.

Triple H would be in the exact same position he's in now. Maybe he'd have a few less reigns and wouldn't consider going after Flair's record, but he wouldn't be any further down along the card really, he got himself to that position. If anything the Brand Split not only benefited his stats, but the careers of guys who wouldn't be main eventers of there weren't two championships, especially since the RAW title is obviously considered to be slightly more prestigious than the SD title.
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I'll put in bluntly; Triple H, at some point, would have become Brock Lesnar's bitch. Allegedly, Trips had a mandate to keep the two on separate brands with Brock Lesnar, and I actually do buy this. Brock was younger, stronger, and probably better than Triple H at that time. I hate to be so pessimistic.... Wait, no I don't. Triple H may not exactly have been lost in the shuffle, but when push comes to shove, he would have probably done the job to all the names like Lesnar and Cena. Vince may love Paul, but he also loves money, and say what you will, but Cena and Lesnar have proven to be a draw, while Trips really hasn't.

I agree. There is no concievable way that in a one brand company, HHH wouldn't have done the J-O-B to Lesnar. Rock did it. Taker did it. I just refuse to believe HHH had the stroke to get out of a program (a losing program) with Lesnar. I wouldn't say the floodgates would open and he would job left, right and centre, because Vince had a thing against the WCW guys. So, bar Goldberg, i would imagine HHH would still be beating the Booker Ts, Scott Steiners and RVDs of the world. I don't think he'ld have as many reigns has he has now because, ideally, there wouldn't be two world titles and Lesnar would have eaten into his title reigns by 2 or 3.
I also think Evolution would have struggled to form in a one-brand WWE. I don't think people would buy a young Batista and Orton being classed as equals to Angle, Taker and HBK. Evolution worked because it was a slow burn; first the Dudleys then moved up to the midcard and Edge and RVD and then moved up again to Goldberg, Benoit and the like. I suppose you could argue that Angle and Taker could have been heels so they wouldn't really be opposition, but again, with HHH the leader of the stable and having the world title, even the heels would be after him for the title. I don't think you could keep Taker and Angle away from the world title scene for a significant period of time so eventually, you'ld have to either throw Orton and Batista to the lions to soon or just not form the stable.
OMG !!!!!!!!! Stop the insanity!!!!!! Anyone in business reading this thread has to be LOL!!! (I know I am.) I wasn't going to comment anymore but cant help it......In what reality would a "One Branded" show benefit Brock Lesnar and hurt Triple H????!!!!! Does anyone older than 16 years of age with an I.Q. above 80 really think Lesnar would have received the same push, so hard, so fast, and been so dominant on a one branded show????....(Food for thought: What would of happened to Lesnar's push/career is Paul Heyman was NOT in the WWE at the same time as he.)...... To answer the question of Triple H's legacy if there was no "Brand Split".....Simple, HE WOULD BE IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT HE IS NOW!!...The only difference is himself, Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, Taker, and Jericho wouldn't have AS many title reigns. Simple as that.
1st of all brock lesnar shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as trips and cena they are way bigger stars and trips would still be at the top him and taker are wwes backbone they need them cena is the face of the company by far but trips and taker are yur two key veterans

If Brock would've stuck around, he would've been
The most complete top level wrestler of all time

In terms of size, speed, promos, wrestling skills, hell!! even high spots; Brock was very accomplished.

Triple H, as good as he is, would've been blown out of the water by him and that's why he stayed away on Raw.
Eventually he would've jobbed to Brock on a WrestleMania.

Brock, in my book, is the biggest missed opportunity in the world of pro-wrestling. PERIOD .
I certainly do believe that Triple H might have been at a disadvantage if he had to share the top spot-light with these guys. He probably wouldn't have as many championships. But I would be incredibly surprised if he wasn't regarded as one of the top dogs. A corner stone etc. if anything at the top of the company.

Triple H has contributed to this line of business for a long time. And the only thing I truly think would've hurt Triple H without a brand split would've been the amount of world titles. Or maybe not. I mean sure it would've probably changed after Evolution. But I firmly believe that WWE might have stuck him with the World Heavyweight Championship either way.

That is of course if we're thinking the World Heavyweight Championship was ever introduced. But I truly don't think it wouldn't have. Sure it made sense for them to do it with the brand split. But there's certainly also sense to be made in terms of a unified roster.

The unified roster would be way too many people to deal with one world championship. I've said it before. This is why you don't merge them! - There were a lot of them back then. There are a lot of them now.

So I would say that Triple H would still be incredibly accomplished and decorated. But he probably wouldn't be as much.
Honestly, I believe he would not have as many title reigns but would still be one of the top guys in the company. He would not be in Angle/Edge Territory. He was always set to be one of the main eventers in the WWF and WWE. According to many sources he was supposed to win KOTR 1996 but because the "Curtain Call" he was punished and won it the year after. Think about that for a sec.....if he would have won the King of the Ring in 1996 then Stone Cold would have never said the infamous "Austin 3:16 said I just whooped your a**." Which catapulted Austin to Upper Midcard and eventual Main Event and the rest is history. So the point I'm trying to make is.......Austin took HHH's spot at that time. So, if Vince was so high on Austin then, why would he have considered putting HHH over Stone Cold if he didnt think he was going to be a star? He got over when he had to play a Blue Blood which was a character alot of people loved to hate. Triple H is one of the greats no question. However, I believe he would have to take a back seat to Brock and Cena but he wouldn't lose the spot he is currently in....older guy putting over younger guys (Cena and Sheamus). Not to mention he is Vince's son in law, which holds a lot of weight one would imagine.
Are you people ******ed?

No, but I think you are.

HHH is the step son of vince!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You just backed up what I thought. Holy shit. Triple H is the son in law of Vince McMahon. There is a difference. If he was the step son, then he isn't married to Linda anymore, and Trips marriage to Steph could possibly be looked at in a weirder fashion.

Now onto the meat of your post.

he practically runs the company! dosnt matter split or no split! pg, attitude, anything! he will put himself over! doesn't matter who! hhh will look better! and angle? are you kidding me? hhh isnt even in angles league! hhh might be better in wwe! but come on! hhh runs the wwe! no1 will be better!

Look, Triple H is an egotistical ass, or was at his peak from 2002-2005, but Vince was the one calling the shots. He had Triple H in his ear back then, but was also trying to think from a good business standpoint. Did it work on Raw? Not so much. Smackdown was the show that was entertaining. If there was no brand split, there is no Triple H running down everyone on Raw for 3 years. He would have done the job to Lesnar, and if not, then he had his feud with HBK to turn back on as another high profile feud. Trips wouldn't have had as man reigns as he did.

All in all, you are an idiot. Thank you for playing.

1st of all brock lesnar shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as trips and cena they are way bigger stars and trips would still be at the top him and taker are wwes backbone they need them cena is the face of the company by far but trips and taker are yur two key veterans

First, periods are your friend. For the love of God please start using them.

Second, if Brock didn't leave, he would still be huge right now. He was a great physical specimen that could actually go in the ring. Plus, he was the reason for Cena's FU debuting. Just sayin'.

Other than that, your post sucks.

Now, Triple H would have probably stayed in the Top 10 wrestlers post Austin/Rock leaving. But guys like Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, were rising in popularity in 2003 and 2004, Lesnar being 2002 and 2003. There was no question he would have had to do the job to Brock Lesnar, and he would have done it because Vince would have said so. It was the best business decision, and even Triple H in his cockiest of days would have had to understand that.

He would have probably lost his 5 title reigns from being World Heavyweight Champion, and we may be looking at a 7 or 8 time champion instead of 13. He would job to Lesnar, and either continue jobbing to rising stars, possibly acting like Jericho, or he would feud with HBK for two years like he did. He'd still be a big key to the success, as he is one of the main stars that Vince can rely on when healthy, and would probably gain a few title reigns for his trouble. However, I'm going to say that we wouldn't be bitching about how selfish he is and how he uses Steph to get all of his reigns. We probably wouldn't have that animal to deal with if there was no brand split.
I'm not going to alter time completely. Lets just say in 2001, WCW died. Not bought, just died. I do believe WWE would have picked up a bit of talent from there. I believe it would have been main eventers and some key role players. Not the 25 contracts they picked up.I think it's safe to assume Booker T would have still been picked up. Rob Van Dam would have been picked up as well. Considering alot of top guys waited until contracts expired with WCW I think alot of those names still would have showed up. Ric Flair, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Rey Mysterio and Scott Stiener would have all went to WWE. I think HBK would have returned as well. WWE's own guys would have still been around in 01. The Rock, Angle, Jericho, Austin, Taker, Kane, Big Show and Triple H. Assuming some things were unavoidable The Rock would have still moved on to movies and Austin would still have gotten injured. The guys who got phased out for what ever reason would still have. Guys like HHH, Taker, Angle would have still have been a major part of the WWE's future at the time. I think Jericho would have still gotten hot enough to have gotten a title reign. Ultimately, I think Evolution would still have been formed, but after Orton and Batista where over HHH would have had his last reign. Brock Lesnar and John Cena would have still became established stars one way or another. It's just who now would have gotten reigns. The brand split would have stoped guys like JBL, Benoit and Guerrero. I say that because of there age and status. I think they would have gotten over looked. I think JBL would have eventually quietly retired with out fan fare. Benoit and Guererro would have been questioned as draws. I think the guys who got hot closer to the current age would be closer to the positions they are in now. Edge, Cena, Orton, Batista, and Lesnar were all serious champions. I think they would have gotten there one way or another. CM Punk, Hardy, Mysterio, Swagger, Sheamus..ect. not so much.
What I'm saying is the established guys would have gotten there reigns in, and the newer champs would have as well, but that time inbetween would have been shakier to decide who would have been given the ball.

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