With more time what Wrestlemania match could have been a classic?


Pre-Show Stalwart
First thread in forever so forgive me if this has been done

I've been watching Wrestlemania after Wrestlemania since the network release and I've seen some matches that I forgot about... Matches that left me thinking "man that was almost a classic! just needed a little bit more time" I know I'm not alone in thinking this thus the reason for this thread... What matches at mania could have been classics if given more time? (please dont turn this into a "that mania sucks" or "this match should have happened" kinda thread) using only past mania matches that have actually took place.

I have 2 that come to mind

World Heavyweight Championship Kurt Angle(C) vs Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton Wrestlemania 22

To start off i LOVED this match! nonstop action! For what? 13 minutes if you dont include entrances and Rey's victory celebration? Did we really need the dumbass divas match next? Did we really need the Booker T/Boogeyman match? Imagine if those wasted minutes were given to this match? Imagine it going 30 or more minutes? We would be talking about it as 1 of the best matches ever!

World heavyweight Championship Chris Jericho vs Edge Wrestlemania 26

Another match I loved! But still a match under 20 minutes, Did we need the squash tag match to open the show? Imagine if those 15 or so minutes were given to this match? 2 of the best ever going at it for 30 minutes or so?!
Would have been epic!

So you have the floor! What Mania matches (that actually happened!!!) could have been a classic and possibly talked about best ever IF they were given more time?
Too easy for me:The Rockers vs. The Oriental Express at WrestleMania VI. There's hardly a WWE fan alive who isn't aware of what these two teams did given nearly 20 minutes at the 1991 Royal Rumble. Had they been given that kind of time at the 'Mania, the bout could have been 1990's Steamboat/Savage in regards to stealing the show from a blockbuster main event. Considering all the throwaway matches on the WrestleMania VI card, I've no doubt that the live crowd in Toronto and the fans watching on PPV would have preferred that Sato, Tanaka, Jannetty, and Michaels had more than 7 1/2 minutes to work with. It was a different era, and I personally didn't care at the time because, duh, Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan. With maturity and hindsight, though, I wish they'd have cut the card down to 8-10 matches and given the time saved to Mr. Fuji's charges and the tag team specialists.
Wrestlemania 22
Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship.
These guys had a f'n awesome match, even tho it was just for like 9 minutes or something. This match deserved to end the show and if it went on for about 25-30 minutes it really would have been a classic!

Wrestlemania 26
Chris Jericho vs Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship.
The feud and match was far more superior to the Cena-Batista feud and match. This match should have been the second last match before Taker-Shawn Michaels and it needed more time. I don't even think Cena-Batista deserved the WWE Championship on the line. It should have just been a regular match with Hart and McMahon on Cena's and Batista's corner.

Wrestlemania 29
The Undertaker vs CM Punk.
This match was f'n awesome as it is, but it could have been a classic if the WWE Championship was on the line. It was the clear climax of that show and just imagine if the two closed the show with a 30 minute long match...streak vs streak.

Wrestlemania 27
Randy Orton vs CM Punk.
These guys had a great feud and awesome match. But it would have been much better if Orton was champ and Punk won the Royal Rumble and they headlined the show.
Wrestlemania 22
Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship.
These guys had a f'n awesome match, even tho it was just for like 9 minutes or something. This match deserved to end the show and if it went on for about 25-30 minutes it really would have been a classic!

I agree this match needed more time, maybe twice as much time as it got, but no way in the world should it have closed the show when John Cena vs. Triple H was on the card.

Wrestlemania 26
Chris Jericho vs Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship.
The feud and match was far more superior to the Cena-Batista feud and match. This match should have been the second last match before Taker-Shawn Michaels and it needed more time. I don't even think Cena-Batista deserved the WWE Championship on the line. It should have just been a regular match with Hart and McMahon on Cena's and Batista's corner.

Strongly disagree here. The Cena vs. Batista feud was fantastic and very much deserved to be for the title. I think that should have closed the show as the main event. Jericho vs. Edge got the right amount of time. Cena vs. Batista could have used and extra seven to ten minutes. Definitely a worthy main event.

Wrestlemania 29
The Undertaker vs CM Punk.
This match was f'n awesome as it is, but it could have been a classic if the WWE Championship was on the line. It was the clear climax of that show and just imagine if the two closed the show with a 30 minute long match...streak vs streak.

Taker vs. Punk got 22 minutes which is just about average for most great matches. No need for this to be a title match or main event.

Wrestlemania 27
Randy Orton vs CM Punk.
These guys had a great feud and awesome match. But it would have been much better if Orton was champ and Punk won the Royal Rumble and they headlined the show.

Ok, I've got it figured out now. You don't like Cena getting big matches at mania. I admit Cena vs. Miz was a terrible main event but Orton vs. Punk wouldn't have been any better. They got their rightful spot on the card.

Besides Cena vs. Batista I think another match that needed more time was Chris Benoit vs. MVP at WM23. These two were putting on a great match when it suddenly ended out of nowhere. There was no real climax. If that match got about five more minutes and had a proper climax it would be remembered as a dark horse classic.
F it, I've got to put it out there: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus at WrestleMania XXVIII. Could "classic" be an overstatement? Well we'll never know now will we? I certainly think it could have been a great match. Even as a critic of Sheamus, he proved his chops on the grandest stage against Triple H. Bryan is Bryan, no need to elaborate. I understand why it was booked the way it was, and it turned out to be a career changing match for Daniel. Who's to say that a full match with the same outcome wouldn't have had the same effect though? It was a good feud with an entertaining build up, and the crowd was simmering in anticipation for it. The resultant squash made the early going of that 'Mania a bit awkward and less enjoyable than it should've been. Even with just 10 minutes I think both guys would have stepped up and put on a memorable bout.
HBK vs. Tito Santana at WrestleMania VIII was a quality match. It was given under 11 minutes, and it's unfortunate because both guys had more in the tank. If given 20 minutes, it would be remembered as stellar.

Incidentally, the same WrestleMania featured another two legends, Bret Hart and Roddy Piper. It was a borderline great match. But if given ten more minutes, I feel it would have rivaled Steamboat vs. Savage as one of the best IC Title matches ever.

Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus from WrestleMania 28 is still fresh in everyone's mind. What, oh what could have been? Maybe we'll find out before long. WrestleMania 31 would be an ideal venue.
I agree this match needed more time, maybe twice as much time as it got, but no way in the world should it have closed the show when John Cena vs. Triple H was on the card.

It doesn't matter man. Cena vs Triple H was awesome, but at the time Rey Mysterio's moment was special, kinda like Christian's moment at Extreme Rules 2011, which was another match I believe that should have ended the show.

Strongly disagree here. The Cena vs. Batista feud was fantastic and very much deserved to be for the title. I think that should have closed the show as the main event. Jericho vs. Edge got the right amount of time. Cena vs. Batista could have used and extra seven to ten minutes. Definitely a worthy main event.

No way. Yea that match needed more time but no way in hell did it deserve to end the show when HBK's last match was on the show. The feud was not good man. They booked Batista as a p*ssy after all the years booking him as an "animal". The match would have been good, but the feud was not good.

Taker vs. Punk got 22 minutes which is just about average for most great matches. No need for this to be a title match or main event.

I already mentioned the match was awesome. It would have been one that no one would easily forget had it been a streak vs streak match. It was the best match of the night along with Brock-Triple H. Cena vs Rock was not good and no one really cared about that match. Those guys didn't need the title on the line either you know.

Ok, I've got it figured out now. You don't like Cena getting big matches at mania. I admit Cena vs. Miz was a terrible main event but Orton vs. Punk wouldn't have been any better. They got their rightful spot on the card.

You see when Cena is involved in a match, even if it's a sh*t match, it's put as the main event. That's what bothers me. That's what makes other superstars less important. I love Cena, but man come on. Having the same guy headline every f'n show and having him win almost all the matches is not cool. When a guy steals the show but loses, he creates a bigger impact than a guy who puts up an average match and wins. Cena-HBK deserved to end the show, Cena-Rock deserved to end the show. Cena-Triple H was awesome and yes, it deserved to end the show as well, albeit Rey's moment was supposed to be special. Even Cena-Orton-Triple H was a match worthy of ending Wrestlemania 24. Every other Cena match that headlined Wrestlemania did not deserve to end the show.

Besides Cena vs. Batista I think another match that needed more time was Chris Benoit vs. MVP at WM23. These two were putting on a great match when it suddenly ended out of nowhere. There was no real climax. If that match got about five more minutes and had a proper climax it would be remembered as a dark horse classic.

Oh yea that was a good match and feud as well.
WM28 Bryan vs Sheamus.. 18 seconds you kidding me? That was a major slap to the fans,the wrestlers themselves,and to the history of the title.. Bryan was popular then the yes chants were just starting up.. Given 20 minutes that match would have stolen the show.

Their rematch a month later was great but on the grandest stage of them all,when the lights are shining their brightest,that match deserved more..
World Heavyweight Championship Kurt Angle(C) vs Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton Wrestlemania 22

To start off i LOVED this match! nonstop action! For what? 13 minutes if you dont include entrances and Rey's victory celebration? Did we really need the dumbass divas match next? Did we really need the Booker T/Boogeyman match? Imagine if those wasted minutes were given to this match? Imagine it going 30 or more minutes? We would be talking about it as 1 of the best matches ever!

Given a good ten more minutes and a few more quality spots I believe that match would have stolen the show. You have Mysterio, Orton and Angle in a triple threat match at WrestleMania and you only give them 13 minutes? Guess Vince was afraid it would overshadow Cena/HHH from that same night.

I don't agree with you, however, that Trish/Mickie should have been shelved as that was a quality match in itself. Booker T/Boogyeman, on the other hand, had no business being on the card.
It doesn't matter man. Cena vs Triple H was awesome, but at the time Rey Mysterio's moment was special, kinda like Christian's moment at Extreme Rules 2011, which was another match I believe that should have ended the show.
But the brass didn't believe in Mysterio, and had Eddie Guerrero not died, Mysterio doesn't get this moment. Same thing with Christian and Edge, except Edge didn't die. If you're only getting a spot or a title shot because someone else died/retired, you certainly don't deserve to main event.

I always found it strange that the match was so short, and I wish it had gotten more. But to suggest it should have closen the show is ridiculous. You have the man in the midst of becoming the biggest star on the planet facing the biggest heel in the company in one match(Cena vs. HHH) and an undeserving champion vs. a man who was gone from the company in 6 months vs. a man who was suspended twice that year.(Rey vs. Angle vs. Orton.)

Looking at it that way, who should have really ended the show? The match that did, Cena vs. HHH.

No way. Yea that match needed more time but no way in hell did it deserve to end the show when HBK's last match was on the show. The feud was not good man. They booked Batista as a p*ssy after all the years booking him as an "animal". The match would have been good, but the feud was not good.
I don't know what you were watching, but the build-up to Mania was all about Batista being an animal, dominating Cena, and being inside Cena's head. It was until after 'Mania that Batista turned into the Kanye West of wrestling, a sniveling mess when he didn't get his way. Having him tap to Cena was a mistake, as it took the dominance out of Batista completely. After that, there was no way-gimmick or not-that Batista was winning a match against Cena ever again.

As for it ending the show, it was a great feud featuring several great segments that lead up to the match, and there's an argument to be made for it ending the show. But if I were booking, I would have gone the way they did, which was in having HBK/Undertaker end the show. HBK wasn't overstaying his prime by 20 years like Flair did, he was in his prime, still having good-to-great matches. He and 'Taker had shown the year prior that they could have a 5 star match at 'Mania, so putting the Career vs. Streak match in the main-event slot was the right choice.

I already mentioned the match was awesome. It would have been one that no one would easily forget had it been a streak vs streak match. It was the best match of the night along with Brock-Triple H. Cena vs Rock was not good and no one really cared about that match. Those guys didn't need the title on the line either you know.
I know plenty of people who cared, myself being one of them. I don't know what Brock-HHH match you were watching, but the one I saw was two men who didn't match up well having the same match they had at Summerslam. The only difference was the outcome. However, the match was slow-paced and boring, along with predictable.

Cena and Rock at least wrestled a pace that held the crowd throughout, unlike Brock vs. HHH. You can argue that it didn't need the title, but how else do they get to the rematch? As for Punk vs. 'Taker, even with the title, Punk and 'Taker simply wasn't big enough to top a match that had the top wrestler now(Cena) vs. the top wrestler from 10 years prior(Rock). Even as a rematch, it was a far bigger match, deserving of the main event slot above both HHH/Lesnar and Punk/Taker.

You see when Cena is involved in a match, even if it's a sh*t match, it's put as the main event.
The only show this year Cena has main-evented has been the Elimination Chamber, and that's with 5 other guys. Going back to last year's Summerslam, he's main-evented 3 shows: (1) Summerlslam 2013, where he put over Bryan for his first WWE Championship. (2)TLC 2013 where he put over Orton clean in a TLC match, allowing Orton to unify the titles. (3)Elimination Chamber 2014, where he was eliminated fourth, leaving Orton and Bryan to fight after he was taken on.

The Rumble match with Orton wasn't very good, I was there. It didn't main event the show. Neither of his matches with Wyatt have been very good, IMO, and they've far from main-evented. If you're going to spout off random things, at least be sure you know what you're talking about.

That's what bothers me. That's what makes other superstars less important. I love Cena, but man come on. Having the same guy headline every f'n show and having him win almost all the matches is not cool.
Cena hasn't main-evented every show, as I showed you, and he's lost quite a bit during the past year. Regarding having a guy win most of the time, it does two things:
1. It situates them as the top star in the company. If everyone trades losses and wins back and forth, nobody is the top star. How's that working out for TNA?
2. When that guy is beaten, it makes for a bigger deal. When Bryan beat Cena at Summerslam, it was a huge moment. Bryan went over a man who rarely lost clean in the main event of the second biggest show of the year. It was a big freakin deal at the time, and it's what brought Bryan into the main event.

When a guy steals the show but loses, he creates a bigger impact than a guy who puts up an average match and wins.
Then why does it matter where the matches are placed on the card, and who wins and loses?

I'm going to say Punk/Rey from Wrestlemania 26. While its spot on the card was fine, the build for the feud was awesome. Yet, the match itself got only 6 & 1/2 minutes, hardly enough for two guys who got far more time at the next two PPV's and tore the house down. This was a disappointment because of how short it was.
As soon I read this the first one that came to mind was the WHC Triple Threat from 22. Three guys who can work there asses off for the world title wasn't given any more time then they would have on TV, Agree that match would have stole the show had they let them go 10+ minutes longer the match would have been amazing. Also agree on Sheamus vs Bryan from 28 and pretty much everything else in here.

Just to be different a match that idk if would have reached classic level because no one cared but Del Rio and Swagger could have put on a helluva match at 29. I dont remember how much time they got exactly but I remember it being a decent amount just would have liked to see them work a better match because I know they can even though they're not all that great elsewhere,
Wrestlemania 26
Chris Jericho vs Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship.
The feud and match was far more superior to the Cena-Batista feud and match. This match should have been the second last match before Taker-Shawn Michaels and it needed more time. I don't even think Cena-Batista deserved the WWE Championship on the line. It should have just been a regular match with Hart and McMahon on Cena's and Batista's corner.

This. Jericho/Edge had a far superior storyline and was a much bigger match than Batista/Cena. This could have been one of the best matches in WrestleMania history if it had been given more time and gone on next to last. Although it's considered one of the four main events of the show, taking place so early in the card gave it a "midcard" feel that it didn't deserve. This should have been right before Taker/HBK II and been 25 minutes.
Given that Wrestlemania 11 was such a bad event, I think Bret Hart vs Bob Backlund could of been a classic, match had 9 minutes give or take. Bret had a 28 minute classic with Diesel at Royal Rumble 2 months before, and at Survivor Series 94 Bret and Backlund had a 35 minute submission classic.

With this being a I Quit match instead of a "Submission match" I think they could of really pushed it like Bret was doing with Diesel, maybe do some fighting inside and outside of the ring, bring out a weapon here or there. I remember looking forward to the match back then when ordering WM11 on PPV, but when I seen it, I knew it was crap, was kind of shocked when it ended so quickly, given the PPV track record Bret had going into that match, such as:

WM11 - 9 minutes
Royal Rumble 95 - 28 minutes
Survivor Series 94 - 35 minutes
Summerslam 94 - 32 minutes
KOTR 94 - 22 minutes
WM10 - 31 total minutes
Royal Rumble 94 - 16 minutes + 10 more in the Rumble
The Ultimate Warrior vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley should'nt have been a glorified squash and could have been a solid 10 minute match. With all the hype with The Warrior returning to WWE and Triple H being an up and comer with potential they should of gave it moretime. At the 7 minute mark they could've had Hunter hit the Pedigree and Warrior kicks out at two. Then have Warrior do his signature comeback spots like shaking the ropes then the clothes lines, military press slam and the splash. This was the only match Triple H vs The Warrior match that ever happened and it could've been a lot better than it was.
Recent matches, the one that comes to mind was the Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk match from 26. I thought the story was very underrated and that even though the result seemed very predictable, they could have had a very great match. Their match at Capitol Punishment the following year was very underrated I believe, if the crowd was reaaaaaally invested into that match, with more time, false finishes, etc, I think it would've been a lot better than it came off.
Going old school again: Mr. Perfect vs. The Blue Blazer at WrestleMania V. I mean, do I have to explain this? You've got Curt Hennig, one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots in my opinion, and a young, agile, born natural wrestler in the form of Owen Hart. If this match had taken place at WrestleMania this day and age and only lasted five and half minutes, people would ask for refunds. Like I said about The Rockers and Oriental Express, this match happened during a different era. It also, at least to my recollection, wasn't built to or seemingly meant to be anything more than filler. Still, though, if a pair like Perfect and Owen are given time in the double digits on the minute hand, a potential classic is all but guaranteed.
i'm having a tough time coming up with an original idea here. Sheamus/Bryan is an obvious choice. their 2/3 Falls Match at Extreme Rules a month later was awesome and would have been a nice choice here. Triple Threat at Mania 22 is another good choice. 20 minutes over the less-than-10 it got would have been better.

i can think of a few matches that needed less time. Hart/McMahon and Lawler/Cole to name two.

how about HBK/Cena at Mania 23? that match was pretty amazing. but their 1-hour match in London on Raw was freaking amazing. could their match at Mania been an Iron Man Match? i'm not sure there was time for that since it was a pretty stacked card, but it's certainly worth exploring. that's my vote for classic if given more time. their Raw match certainly was. enough to bring Jericho back to the ring. just sayin'...
Got two in mind that involve Matt Hardy.

First is the Extreme Rules match with Jeff Hardy at XXV. I thought it was a good match, one of the only two things that saved Mania 25 from being a complete abomination, but if they had given the minutes that they gave to Kid Rock to this match and allowed them to work in more spots using their specialties - Tables, Ladders & Chairs - I think it could've been a more classic brother vs brother match. Maybe not Bret-Owen level but it would get people talking about it to this day. The only Ladder spot I remember from that match is just the missed Legdrop at the end.

Second is the Cruiserweight Title match with Rey at XIX. It was fast paced and they did good with the 5 mins they were given but add some more time onto it, it could've turned out a lot better.

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