With All the Re-Branding, What Happens to TNA Xplosion?


Pre-Show Stalwart
For all the UK viewers out there, I was wondering what the company rebranding means for TNA Xplosion?

With Impact becoming the company name, rather than a show name, will this affect their other show?

Will it become Impact Wrestling Xplosion or will we get two indistinct blocks of Impact Wrestling?

Seriously, I'm curious...
Well, It gives TNA a great reason to rebrand Xplosion too which will probably get logo changes as well.

Xplosion has alot of potential. I think instead of using it as their version of Heat they need to use it as a B show. Adding some of the talent there that won't get alot of time on Impact is a good idea.
Thats why it makes me wonder if its more of a Spike TV thing than a TNA thing *shrugs*

I have seen a few episodes via TNA's Youtube account and I have seen some interesting storylines go down on there that didnt happen on iMPACT! and was never really addressed on impact either.

I believe, The Dudley break up originaly started on that show as well as Eric Young cracking thats where he fell off the top rope that lead to him being how he is now.

And of course Amazing Red's new character debut there. The suicide character stayed on there a long time before showing up on Impact again too didnt he?

It will be very interesting what they do with it if anything.
Xplosion wrestling?

I dunno. I see the logic in renaming "Impact" "Impact Wrestling." TNA's brand awareness is relatively low, and someone flipping through a on screen guide wouldn't necessarily realize "TNA Impact" was a wrestling show. Maybe the re-branding will help pull in more viewers.
I hear there's meant to be a new Xplosion Championship and a new Xplosion Commissioner in the form of the still-not-cleared-to-wrestle Desmond Wolfe.

Sounds like fun. Maybe they'll devote more of Xplosion to original programming, instead of endless segments recycled from Impact.

There was also talk of a stipulation for the Xplosion Title. Something about being able to face any champion on Impact. I don't quite know what to make of that.
I hear there's meant to be a new Xplosion Championship and a new Xplosion Commissioner in the form of the still-not-cleared-to-wrestle Desmond Wolfe.

Sounds like fun. Maybe they'll devote more of Xplosion to original programming, instead of endless segments recycled from Impact.

There was also talk of a stipulation for the Xplosion Title. Something about being able to face any champion on Impact. I don't quite know what to make of that.

I actually like what they are starting on Xplosin, too bad it will never be mention on IMPACT and that in the end they won't even go through with the stipulation because only a handful of people get Xplosion and none of them are from north america.

I really believe that TNA Xplosion could be a great B-show for the company if they had a place to air it in North America as you could have the x-division guys more involve in that show and the lower card guys could actually advance there stoylines without getting overshadows by the main eventers. But for that to happen they need to find a way to air it in North America and for now the brand lost so much momemtum then nobody would agree to air another TNA show on t.v. Even if that show is better then IMPACT.
I actually like what they are starting on Xplosin, too bad it will never be mention on IMPACT and that in the end they won't even go through with the stipulation because only a handful of people get Xplosion and none of them are from north america.

I really believe that TNA Xplosion could be a great B-show for the company if they had a place to air it in North America as you could have the x-division guys more involve in that show and the lower card guys could actually advance there stoylines without getting overshadows by the main eventers. But for that to happen they need to find a way to air it in North America and for now the brand lost so much momemtum then nobody would agree to air another TNA show on t.v. Even if that show is better then IMPACT.

I like this idea. if Xplosion could also get on Spike it could be a show to showcase more of the undercard wrestlers.

I also thought the name TNA was not changing, and only the TV show was changing. I posted a thread about it here..
seems to me the company is still Total Nonstop Action. I haven't read that they are changing that.
I find it hard to believe that Spike TV still hasnt picked up Xplosion for a spot on the weekend. Hell that could be on any day of the week .. not like Spike has a big ratings generator. In fact the other "orignal" shows Spike has, "Coal", "Auction Hunters" have ratings that barely get over the 0.6 mark. If they are really out of ideas just put it on right after Impact, I know at least a few people who would watch.

It doesn't need to have a name change. It's still under the TNA umbrella. Impact is the only thing with a significant change. Though Xplosion has tried many things since last year, they haven't stuck with a single one. I still have hopes to seeing another house show taping match with names like Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett going at it. What was so wrong about that idea that they only did it once?
I hear there's meant to be a new Xplosion Championship and a new Xplosion Commissioner in the form of the still-not-cleared-to-wrestle Desmond Wolfe.

Sounds like fun. Maybe they'll devote more of Xplosion to original programming, instead of endless segments recycled from Impact.

There was also talk of a stipulation for the Xplosion Title. Something about being able to face any champion on Impact. I don't quite know what to make of that.

Isnt this a spoiler?

Um, the way I understood the "Xplosion Championship" isnt an actual belt but more like The X Cup with the winner getting a shot at any title....sooo sort of like Money in The Bank but the winner is in a championship tournyment.

I could be wrong but it would be weird to give someone a belt and then tell them they could go for any title in the company. That would be pointless.

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