William Regal: Wrestling's Most Underused Asset?


For those of you who might not know, William Regal is still part of the WWE roster. If you weren't aware of that or if you'd forgotten, it's quite understandable. Regal's presence on WWE television is as rare as the discovery of a 15 year old from Los Angeles still in possession of his or her virginity. What I'd like to know is...why?

William Regal is someone that embodies much of what was good about old school wrestling. Regal loves wrestling and admires dedication to the craft. Personally, I've always loved watching him inside the ring. He's not particularly flashy, but his technical & mat skills are always worth watching for any long time fan of wrestling. On top of that, he's also not too shabby on the microphone either. I've seen him wrestle at a few house shows this year against Daniel Bryan to deliver fantastic matches. Regal is older, but the man can still go.

I know that WWE, in general, is giving younger guys that spotlight but there's still so many ways in which Regal can be of use. Regal has a good mind for wrestling and could be a boon to the creative process. He's shown in the past that he can fill the on screen role of a heel manager quite well if only given an opportunity. He's done well as the heel authority figure at various points in his career and I've no doubt he could deliver well as a commentator. Hell, why not include him as a trainer on Tough Enough if and when the show makes its return?

I just think it's shortsighted of WWE not to recognize the potential good Regal can bring to any number of areas of the product.
I have absolutely no disagreements about Regal's wrestling ability or what types of matches he can bring to the show, but I feel like Regal has been given chance after chance to succeed and has never been ever to fully take advantage of it. I think he deserves a free pass for failing with the "man's man" gimmick he used in the late 90s. It was a fun gimmick, but overly cartoonish and didn't fit in with the attitude era at all. But since then, he has been given several gimmicks, some of which were high profile, and never fully connected with the fans. That's nothing against him; it's just the way it is.

Plus, have you seen Regal lately? He looks more hairy than ever and has some pretty big man boobs. And you know how Vince is about that kind of thing.
Regal would be best served in a managerial role right now if managers in wrestling were still used to their full potential. Having Regal manage of stable similar to the "United Kingdom" group from the WWE 12 RTWM storyline would fit him perfectly at this stage in his career.

Regal was an amazing in ring talent in his prime, just watch any of his matches from WCW. I think his best push in the WWE came when was feuding with CM Punk over the King of the Ring and IC title, but that push was derailed when Regal got popped on the wellness policy iirc. I know he and Punk had some amazing matches on a couple episodes of RAW right around that time and I thought Regal was really gonna go somewhere at the time but then he was suspended.
For those of you who might not know, William Regal is still part of the WWE roster. If you weren't aware of that or if you'd forgotten, it's quite understandable. Regal's presence on WWE television is as rare as the discovery of a 15 year old from Los Angeles still in possession of his or her virginity. What I'd like to know is...why?

He's a 43 yearold serial screwup who has little to no history of being a draw when there's limited time available to showcase tallent and Regal's right at the bottom of the list because of the first three things I mentioned.

William Regal is someone that embodies much of what was good about old school wrestling. Regal loves wrestling and admires dedication to the craft. Personally, I've always loved watching him inside the ring. He's not particularly flashy, but his technical & mat skills are always worth watching for any long time fan of wrestling. On top of that, he's also not too shabby on the microphone either. I've seen him wrestle at a few house shows this year against Daniel Bryan to deliver fantastic matches. Regal is older, but the man can still go.

The entire male roster outside of maybe two people can do one or both of those things. What justifies WWE spending time on someone who's only got a short amount of time left and has pissed away big chances in the past over a younger wrestler who's likely going to end up making more money for WWE when all's said and done.

I know that WWE, in general, is giving younger guys that spotlight but there's still so many ways in which Regal can be of use. Regal has a good mind for wrestling and could be a boon to the creative process.

I expect WWE have noticed this and will hire him as an agent when he's done... assuming he's not moonlighting as one already.

He's shown in the past that he can fill the on screen role of a heel manager quite well if only given an opportunity.

Managers are by and large done in the WWE. Good riddance to them.

He's done well as the heel authority figure at various points in his career and I've no doubt he could deliver well as a commentator.

Remind me, what happened last time WWE pushed Regal as an authority figure and he seemed to be on his way to a world title. Oh yeah, he failed a drug test and got suspended for 60 days. Also, until a cpuple of weeks ago he was an active commentator.

Hell, why not include him as a trainer on Tough Enough if and when the show makes its return?

How do we know they haven't considered him?

I just think it's shortsighted of WWE not to recognize the potential good Regal can bring to any number of areas of the product.

Winding down Regal's career wouldn't be short sighted. Giving him the limelight would be shortsighted because he's not going to be there for much longer. As you noted, he'd be better used off camera helping the newbies improve their craft.
I never liked Regal when I was a kid, but he's one of those guys I came to appreciate more as I got older, I definitely gotta agree with Jack-Hammer, here, the guys one of my all time favourite performers, and he can still go, having him on commentary really raised my enjoyment of NXT and I'd love to see him have one last hurrah, before eventually providing some much needed gravitas to the announcers' desk. Gotta wonder if Vince would go for having an English announcer on either of his main shows, though.

Then again there was always Lord Alfred Hayes.
Watch videos of Regal and dean ambrose on fcw. The man puts ambrose over big time on commentary and i agree have him lead a stable with drew mcntire
What Kotre said. He's been given his chances - I think he won KotR before getting de-pushed due to a Wellness Policy violation? - and blew them to chunks. He doesn't need to be pushed and put into significant feuds with up-and-comers because there's nothing in him that merits such an honor, not even one of loyalty.
Given Regal's age and past health issues, I think his best days as a wrestler are in his rearview mirror. However, he'd be a great asset to WWE as a road agent or a manager, or send him down to FCW to be a trainer.
I agree that they've given him lots chance to get over with the fans but at the end of the day it is the fans that will decide whether they like you or not, whether you're in or out. The Kind of the Ring gimmick is actually a great fit especially that he is the only active wrestler I know who can carry the blue blood gimmick better than Triple H did.

Right now, the only gimmick that fits his look is a managerial role. I want to see him manage a monster and be a master tactician who will be known as a guiding light to young wrestlers. I want to see him in a mentor role who will be known as a manager of champions.
Regal is well past his prime. He is underused because he is well past it. Sure he would make an excellent trainer or coach, but his inring days are long gone. He was ordinary in WCW and only got over in WWE as a snobby heel comedy act. Nobody respected how good he was when he was in ring pefomring in the early 2000s. there would be no reason to have him back now
regal is amazing and he is helping guys out backstage. Pretty sure he's an agent who has occasional matches. In other words, he's doing everything he should be doing. He's never going to be any more over than a guy like Ziggler, and at this point in his career it's not all that wise to spend that much time on him. Not only that, but I doubt Regal is as much of a mark for himself that he'd want some sort of courtesy title run.

Why does he need to manage someone? He isn't that good on the mic, he wouldn't add anything to anyone. regal is being used best right now as a behind the scenes guy helping guys get better.

So many of you guys have this false logic that if you don't see it on TV, it's not happening. Mark Henry can do a drop toe hold, but he doesn't. Regal is mentoring young guys, you just don't see it on TV. How hard is it to believe? Sticking Regal a role that would hide his strength (manager, not wrestling) is a bad idea. Just let him help guys out with their matches as an agent.
He's underused, but I can definitely understand why (for all of the reasons mentioned already).

I will say this: he was one of the best brand general managers the WWE has ever seen. I thought his character when he was GM of RAW and cut the show off completely in the middle of a match was one of the best things any authority figure has ever done. That run probably would have only gotten stronger, had he not been busted for drugs.
I agree with Jack-Hammer. Regal is old school wrestling. He is way better than most of roster they have in WWE. He's a brawler and a technical wrestler just not popular with the fans that love no wrestling skill wrestlers like John Cena or Zack Ryder. That's right I said Zack Ryder what a waste and joke. I'm a wrestling fan, been one for over 35 years and seen alot of wrestlers become World champion and haven't really did nothing for the sport. Vince should at least let this man hold the World Belt (even if its for a day) he put his dues in many times over.
Regal is well past his prime. He is underused because he is well past it. Sure he would make an excellent trainer or coach, but his inring days are long gone. He was ordinary in WCW and only got over in WWE as a snobby heel comedy act. Nobody respected how good he was when he was in ring pefomring in the early 2000s. there would be no reason to have him back now

This is completely assanine as I am a firm believe that William Regal is one of the most underutilized talents in recent memory & will probably go down in recent history as one of the best WWE Superstars to never win the big one.

As for ordinary? Well Regal is far from ordinary when it comes to being a savvy mat wrestling in-ring technician/general. The reason many never really got to truly respect him is because he has been lumbered with some ridiculous gimmicks in his career. Not to mention the factor that most of his career he has played a heel. A good old fashioned heel is not supposed to seem that of the greatest in the ring. Some may argue that point with the likes of Angle & Benoit.

If Regal had the push that his fellow countryman Wade Barrett has recieved early in his career then who knows what heights William Regal could have reached.

The man has had stellar matches, Chris Benoit v himself at the Brian Pillman memorial show is one of them that was an exceptional bout.

I do believe he is and was more the capable of carrying the World Heavyweight Championship even if it was just for a short carry over reign.
What the fuck are you supposed to do with a boring fat titty loser like William Regal? I cringe everytime I see his stupid ugly flabby body. I would have fired him 7 years ago and then blackballed him so badly that he will never get another job in wrestling. I would have that prick deported. I HATE HIM!!! He is not over, well...maybe overweight and over the hill. HE SUCKS!!!
What the fuck are you supposed to do with a boring fat titty loser like William Regal? I cringe everytime I see his stupid ugly flabby body. I would have fired him 7 years ago and then blackballed him so badly that he will never get another job in wrestling. I would have that prick deported. I HATE HIM!!! He is not over, well...maybe overweight and over the hill. HE SUCKS!!!

Thats such an awesome post right there. I guess John Cena rox 4 lyfe 2 rite?
Regal was and is one of the deadliest wrestlers on the entire WWE roster..I've watched him since 1996 on WCW tv..Regal is extremely underrated..His matches against Benoit, Malenko, Finlay, etc are very hard to top...He's one of the last truly old-school wrestlers that WWE has..It just doesn't make sense that he's not given a chance anymore..It doesn't matter that he's been suspended due to drug use, had near death experiences, etc..the point is, the man can clearly still put on classic matches, yet the closest he gets to a TV screen is wrestling on WWE Superstars and tapping out to Bryan Danielson( a great wrestler in his own right).
A few nites before Wrestlemania 26, a couple of friends and I saw Regal slinking through downtown Phoenix and we told him that he should put someone in a Regal Stretch at Wrestlemania 26..He laughed and said "I know I definitely should Stretch someone at Wrestlemania 26". Regal has a 0-2 Wrestlemania record! Vince should give the man one more match at Wrestlemania 28..
I thought he was already being used as a road agent and a backstage coach and trainer. He's a very experienced man and a very technical wrestler, it's easy to see him how he could be very helpful to younger talents. The list of wrestlers that he trained is amazing already.

But I believe he should mostly stay away from television, in his current form, though.

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