William Regal should be in the main event


Pre-Show Stalwart
The wwe needs in my opinion new heel main eventers. Randy orton,Edge,Chris jericho,Jbl are good main event heels.But i feel wwe needs a new main event heel. I no they just turned Matt hardy heel but is that really going to get him in the main event after the jeff hardy feud is done. I dont think so. Thats why i think William regal is the perfect heel to be in the main event .

If you recall early 2008 he was the raw genreal manger and won king of the ring and made himself the most powerful authority aside of the mcmahons in the wwe he was a really good heel at that time turning the lights off on the crowds when he booed him and disrespect him alot He was really good heel at the time great mic skills good in ring skills and besides who would not want to hate a evil king manager I thought his kotr run would of put in the main event get him in the world title shot but since he since he was suspend his push went out the window later in the year he won the ic title he had a decent little run with good a match with cm punk at best and his feud with jamie noble early on was pretty good he gain a valet in layla.

If you dont think he belong in the main event here are more points why he should be in it. The guy has been in the company for 11 years now longer then the hardys boys and they got world title regin (yes im countin the ecw title as well) the guy can get heel heat maybe not as good as y2j edge orton and jbl but he gets pretty good heal heat. He is also a draw when wwe gose to england so that when ever wwe trys to have a ppv in the uk regal might get a title shot by then. He has the look to be a world champion and vince always wants people with the look and he is great on the mic

now those are just a few reasons why i think william regal should be in the main event do you agree with me or disagree with me why or why not
many people may not think much of regal but you have to hand it to him he is one of the best old school wrestlers that's still around and on that note I'm shocked that he did get a good push to be world heavyweight champion during his king of the ring run,booker t got the title during his run as king so why not regal?he has proven that he has what it takes to be a great heel champion plus the guy is just plan hardcore,I could even see him as a good ecw heel champion and maybe even feudin with finaly.with layla on his side it gave him a great new look to his heel persona which in my opinion would have been the perfect time ti be the brands champion.this is a prime example of wwe showin imperfection when it comes to pushin talent
As a big fan of Regal, I have to ask just why should someone who isn't over and doesn't get much of a live reaction get a push to the main event?

EDIT: typos
Personally i dont like regal but he is a good brawler and a good heel, but i just dont think he will ever be in the main-event picture i just dont think he has enough talent and popularity with the fans.

Maybe he could be in the main-event in ECW as the champion if he ever goes there. but come on its ECW no one cares about it all its there for is to explore if some of the new guys are good enough.
Regal could have possibly had a World Title run if he hadn't had the substance abuse issue, or whatever it was. I for one believe that he should have had a longer Intercontinental Title run, but C.M. Punk as I.C. Champ is not bad at all.
Yer man if he can get fired for out-wrestling dubya cee dubya's top hyped wrestler in goldberg he would be a very good top heel if he was used right he could be good to transtion the title to some1 u never know..
Firstly get rid of layla london lol she does fuck all
Regal should get a push. He has paid his dues to WWE. He has been close a lot of times, but he is quite similar to Jeff Hardy, in the way that he ruins the oppotunities for himself. After winning King of the Ring, I was sure that we would see him have at least one title match against either the WWE or World Champion, he can put on BRILLIANT matches, would it be so bad, at Wrestlemania 26. William Regal vs. John Cena or who ever is the biggest face at the time. Perhaps he will be the winner of Money in the Bank this year? If not, even send him to ECW in the draft. Then you have Regal, Burchill, Gabriel and Finaly who could make a UK Stable or some kind, then they could get air time on Smackdown as well, Regal leading as a new heel main eventer. Just an idea..?
Nobody should get a push because of their tenure in a company. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't deserve to get fired, but quite frankly, he's not that exciting as a performer. He doesn't draw nearly enough heat (or much of a reaction at all) that it takes to move up from the mid-card. He doesn't have the charisma or energy to push himself up as a face either.

Honestly, there are performers under him that get more of a reaction than he does.
I definitely think William Regal is ready for a little more of a push. I'm not saying put him in the main event right away, but give him a chance to move up in the ranks. He's got good in ring skills and he's good on a mic. He's capable of being serious (turning out the lights on RAW) and also can be pretty funny (his dead-pan hosting job of "The Dating Game"). With all of that, I don't see why he couldn't play a bigger part on any show. The only complaint I have is his finisher. It's a knee to the face. That would definitely hurt, but I don't think it should be a finisher. It's too bland.
Regal was getting a push that was supposed to lead to a feud with Triple H last year. It was going to be Triple H vs. Regal at Night Of Champions I believe. Instead his push was cut short because, like the idiot he is, he got himself suspended. He also wasn't even remotely over during that time (in the ring). He stands no chance of getting a main event push ever again.
Why on earth would it be logical to put William Regal in the main event? Because he just lost the IC belt to Punk cleanly, as well as a title rematch with the same result? Yes, this makes perfect sense.

The title of this thread should be changed to "William regal should have been in the main event." And that time was this summer before he had the positive testing. He was totally getting tremendous heat for turning the lights out and was a great general manager. Now, he's just a guy who hates people, has an attractive valet, and sometimes where's a goofy vest when wrestles. He's hardly going to be in the main event any time soon, nor should he be.
regal is boring and his the only thing he had was consistent ring skills but his matches vs punk have showed hes even lost that, every time i hear his music i go the toilet
I like Regal but he isnt a main eventer. Even when he was a top midcarder in like '01 he wasn't ever going to reach the main event. I like his wrestling style, and hes a decent worker. But he's not a great storyteller and isnt even that great of a seller. Sure he's got great offense and has shown charisma in the past, but unless your the total package, or have some great look your never going to reach the main event. Regals job should be as a lower midcarder putting people over.
I don't think he should be. He doesn't have the "it" factor to headline a show, for me at least. Of course, they have done worse.

But I think there are other people that do not get any love that deserve it way more.
He definitely should be, as far as in ring work goes regal is top notch. He has good matches, he's had good matches for years now. His mic work is not bad what so ever, its actually very good, and he has this ability to draw so much heat that its crazy. Given the right programs regal could definitely be in the main event. He's probably mismanaged though, it would be tough for him at this point to main event Raw or Smackdown immediately because there are so many great heels on both shows, but ECW would benefit greatly from a guy like regal and vice versa. Even though i don't consider the current ECW title a world championship, he could still main event that show nonetheless and that show could be buildt up much better.
He lost his element. When I see the 2008 KotR graphic come up, I roll my eyes. He's just not entertaning enough to hold a big feud to go into a PPV with, and quite frankly he's not worth the WWE's time in re-developing his persona to fit him back in there, as mentioned last time he would have he screwed it up.

I think if he was elevated a bit, maybe beat Punk to never lose the IC title, given credibility, and what not, he could be that extra guy thrown into a 5/6 man main event, I can see him there.

Quite frankly, I enjoyed his GM role the best. Mid-card for a year or so then sent well wishes in his future endeavors from VKM.
I am pretty certain that Regal will be drafted to ECW. Perhaps Teddy Long will be drafted to Smackdown or RAW leaving a GM spot open that Regal can fill. He can draw immense heat when he is a heel GM, or perhaps he could be a face GM? ECW seems to be a good starting place of getting people in the main event picture, even if Regal stays on ECW.

I also agree that Regal's finisher is pants. He should use the Regal Stretch and perhaps one of his phenomenal looking overhead throws.
I've never been a fan of William Regal. There is just something about it that makes me simply not care for the guy. His wrestling ability is decent, not great, but good. William Regal's mic skills are overrated in my opinion and the guy after all these years, still doesn't get a great reaction from the fans. People on WrestleZone talk about Regal like he's the next big thing, remember though wrestling skills sometimes isn't enough to become a success. Charisma, appearance and mic skills sometimes solely determine whether a superstar gets a push or not.

Regal isn't getting any younger, and he simply shouldn't be hogging the spotlight. By this I mean that Regal should be putting over the younger talent in the mid-card, just like he did with CM Punk. I loved that feud, because they both worked well together and you could see that Regal wanted to put Punk over and he did so very well. That is what Regal is best at: Putting over the young guns. This leads me to my next option...

William Regal to ECW in the 2009 Draft Lottery. Think about it, Finlay and Henry are starting to get stale on ECW. Yes, I know they aren't meant to be in the spotlight but are meant to put the mid-carders over, guys like Jack Swagger. So, why not send Regal to ECW where he can also put over guys like Evan Bourne, Paul Birchill, Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd and a few more. The bottom line is this: the closest William Regal will get to a main event is in ECW.
I've always enjoyed Regal pesonally. His promos have always been entertaining to me, they've given him a large on-screen speaking role on several occassions so WWE obviously think he has some talent on the mic.

Unfortunately, he isn't presented to be the uptight, eloquent, snob anymore. Instead he's presented as being a high quality wrestler now that he's won KOTR, and he's supposed to be a ME calibur wrestler.

However, he's rarely made to look strong in his matches, and never gets on the mic anymore. He's been given a valet who literally does nothing. Has she even spoken on TV since the Noble thing finished? He's turned from the humorous English heel to the modern equivalent of Dan Severn or Steve Blackman, who were boring as hell.

I think if he were given the chance to get over again as a slightly less serious character, he might be able to persuade the creative team to push him again, but at this rate, he'd probably never get into the ME scene.

Also, he needs to get a better finisher. The most charismatic wrestler in existence is never going to get over with a knee trembler as a finishing move. Why he doesn't go back to the Regal Stretch and TPOTP i don't know. Even his weird neckbreaker he did was a great move.
As a big fan of Regal, I have to ask just why should someone who isn't over and doesn't get much of a live reaction get a push to the main event?

EDIT: typos

Do you want to know why? Because hes good, and he could be believable if he is allowed to do so. He is strapped vying for the IC title, a belt hes ALREADY held before, and is making it seem important again. But regal himself, if better than that.

Many people didnt think Edge could do it on his own past christian as a heel, and he is now considered Wwe's best heel, and has been since the Matt thing, BUT it took that to get him the genuine heat, Which is a cheap way of using ''real life'' situations to show cheap heat

Regal, also can do what very little amounts of heels can do nowadays. WRESTLE, As well as tell a story.

Pound for pound, hes one of the best technical wrestlers left in Wwe, AND he can talk great on the mic. His accent, his brawling/Technical style, Even Layla as the sexy valet, is a GREAT combination for a great heel main eventer. If the people in the back pushed him enough.
I always liked Regal and honestly never understood why he was never a main eventer at one time. He is great in the ring, has good mic skills, and although he isn't huge he is so physical and intense when he wrestles I think it would make him seem legit and by the way he has the most badass entrance theme. I think the only thing that might stop him is his look, as I mentioned he isn't a monster, he's not 6'6 and he isn't ripped and he really isn't the best looking guy. So I think if you were going to have a fault against him it would be that because basically all of the world champions in recent memory have possessed atleast one of those qualities. JBL was probably the closest but he was atleast pretty tall so he stood out a little more than Regal.
Yeah, Regal to ECW makes sense because there are so many fantastic matches he could have with people on ECW. Imagine Tyson Kidd vs. William Regal, how technically sound would that match be? He could be a mentor for the new Hart Foundation? ECW stars always appear on Smackdown. DH Smith is on Smackdown. Natalya as the heel valet, who can also kick SERIOUS ass, Regal as the mentor for DH and Tyson like Ric Flair was in Evolution. This could either lead to a retirement angle as a face against the two he formerly mentored. Regal is a 11 year veteran in WWE now. Regal deserves the spot light. His work is immaculate and he has all the tools, WWE has never had a real British Main eventer, the only one who came close was The British Bulldog.
The thing is that Regal is not good looking, he is not big or tall. He is a WRESTLER, he is great as a heel, he cuts good promos with the accent that is different.
The problem is that WWE does this a lot of the time. They push people for one World title or WWE title reign then they are never seen in the main event picture again, sure they'll be in the tournies and contender matches but they will never actually be World/WWE champion again, people like; Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy Kane, Great Khali, JBL (kind of). So Regal will probably just end up being one of those people who don't get much recognition in the WWE/World title pictures so are always referred to as "Former World Champion."
William Regal, Potentionaly a great superstar but a big waste. He Won King Of The Ring and any superstar who win's it has gained Championship gold e.g Bret Hart
Triple H
Stone Cold
Booker T
Kurt Angle
I used to be a big anti-Regal guy, but when he won the IC title and the put him with Layla I started to like the gimmick more and it could be much better if they actual used Layla in the macthes rather than just showing her standing at ringside. I would also rather see Regal get a title shot before JBL anyday, but I still feel Regal is best used in the IC title hunt hes done a great job at pushing Punk to be better and hes a great antagonist for Punk and other guys like Kofi and Rey. The Ecw title might be the only other viable option for Regal and he might be a good fit but I see him just staying in The IC picture. As far as potential top heel guys concern WWE creative has been doing a horrible job at pushing guys when the time is right because so many guys get to the top and stay there and there is much more main event talent than you had during the Attitude era when it was just Austin, Rock, Hunter, Foley, and Taker. In 2006 WWE surprised me and put Chris Masters and Carlito in the chamber and even hinted at one of the two winning in the match and the two pretty much dominated the match. After that though there has been no such case, but in my opinion right now Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, and MVP (before losing streak) could have all been viable contenders as well as Carlito at one time. They all have great in ring work, they all can talk with the exception of Benjamin, the fact of the matter is until someone is creative sees the potential or wants to mix things up a little bit well be stuck with the same guys that are there now

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